Gun Grabbers tell followers to call cops on gun owners....

want to see some full on grabber kookery check out the Coolition to Stop Gun Violence facebook page. you'll have to scroll to the date when these articles originally came out a few months ago, but I had looked at it then.

they justify up and down calling the cops for no other reason than someone lawfully carrying a gun makes them uncomfortable. and, by gawd, they've got a right to feel comfortable. as if wasting cops' time is their right.

talk about pants-shitting nut-bags. I'm surprised these people can watch any movie with a gun in it without wearing their Depends.
If 911 is abused there can be hefty fines. It will get expensive for the assholes if they keep it up.
If 911 is abused there can be hefty fines. It will get expensive for the assholes if they keep it up.
and I say go for it. I have no issue with it. I know the tickets will be to the caller not the carrier.
Personal attack and nothing on topic. Noted. "I have just as much right to feel safe as they have to carry a gun" is quite sensible. Act stupidly in public, Soggy, while openly carrying, and I will call the cops. You can explain to them.

I have a CC.... call all you like Jake Stoopid. You'll just look like a fool, again.
You will be explaining to the cops, not me. :lol:

What part of having a CC do you have trouble with Jake? Are you really this stupid?
Your are not a mutt, so don't act it. I ccw license. I am saying if you are walking around with open carry acting stupidly I will call the cops. All you have to do is act like a normal, responsible gun owner. Not hard, huh.

Who died and appointed you God?
So you don't like being addressed as an adult by another adult? You call me stupid, you get called out, and you cry? :lol:

Here's a picture of you.

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Flash, the opinion tis not enough. Please, prove "Why hypocritical you may ask? It is because his long legislative record shows that the actions that he took to protect his family, his own response to a dangerous life threatening situation, are actions that he feels ordinary citizens should not have if they were faced with an identical situation."

Are you really that dense?

The sonofabitch was against other people having firearms but he sure as hell used one when he was threaten. That is the definition of Libtard hypocrisy.

Kind of like Obama having armed guards around his family 24/7 but doesn't think I should have access to firearms to protect my family.

I know Libards are often confused about things like but is that really too too hard for you to understand?
Flash, the opinion tis not enough. Please, prove "Why hypocritical you may ask? It is because his long legislative record shows that the actions that he took to protect his family, his own response to a dangerous life threatening situation, are actions that he feels ordinary citizens should not have if they were faced with an identical situation."

Are you really that dense?

The sonofabitch was against other people having firearms but he sure as hell used one when he was threaten. That is the definition of Libtard hypocrisy.

Kind of like Obama having armed guards around his family 24/7 but doesn't think I should have access to firearms to protect my family.

I know Libards are often confused about things like but is that really too too hard for you to understand?
If 911 is abused there can be hefty fines. It will get expensive for the assholes if they keep it up.

So when would you call the cops when you saw a person with a gun?
well recently there was a gent walking and running down the street with a gun in his hand waving it around with about twenty sheriffs demanding he drop it, didn't and continued to walk toward a crowd of people to which they emptied about 37 rounds at the guy. That's a pretty good reason.
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

And you're an idiot... what's your point?
Personal attack and nothing on topic. Noted. "I have just as much right to feel safe as they have to carry a gun" is quite sensible. Act stupidly in public, Soggy, while openly carrying, and I will call the cops. You can explain to them.

The problem is this group considers the act of open carrying itself to be "acting stupidly".
Jake doesn't care. he is ignoring the fact that the group wants anyone to call the cops ANYTIME they see a firearm no matter the circumstances.
I have a CC.... call all you like Jake Stoopid. You'll just look like a fool, again.
You will be explaining to the cops, not me. :lol:

What part of having a CC do you have trouble with Jake? Are you really this stupid?
Your are not a mutt, so don't act it. I ccw license. I am saying if you are walking around with open carry acting stupidly I will call the cops. All you have to do is act like a normal, responsible gun owner. Not hard, huh.

Who died and appointed you God?
So you don't like being addressed as an adult by another adult? You call me stupid, you get called out, and you cry? :lol:

Here's a picture of you.


Yeah, that's how an adult responds.. with a meme.

You go on and on about calling the police on people who are legally carrying weapons.. what utter dumbfuckery... and you claim to be an adult?

Laughable... go back to your safe-zone ya pansy.
Flash, the opinion tis not enough. Please, prove "Why hypocritical you may ask? It is because his long legislative record shows that the actions that he took to protect his family, his own response to a dangerous life threatening situation, are actions that he feels ordinary citizens should not have if they were faced with an identical situation."

Are you really that dense?

The sonofabitch was against other people having firearms but he sure as hell used one when he was threaten. That is the definition of Libtard hypocrisy.

Kind of like Obama having armed guards around his family 24/7 but doesn't think I should have access to firearms to protect my family.

I know Libards are often confused about things like but is that really too too hard for you to understand?
Yup you are confused, Flash.
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

If open or concealed carry are legal, and the person in question has a legal right or permit for it, then calling the cops any time you see a gun is a frivolous waste of police resources.

So three guys carrying guns in an open carry state walk into a bank,

and the teller who hits the silent alarm is the villain?

lolol. What you hear on USMB...

Banks are usually gun free zones, you can't carry in them open or concealed.

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