Gun Grabbers tell followers to call cops on gun owners....

People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

And you're an idiot... what's your point?
Personal attack and nothing on topic. Noted. "I have just as much right to feel safe as they have to carry a gun" is quite sensible. Act stupidly in public, Soggy, while openly carrying, and I will call the cops. You can explain to them.

I have a CC.... call all you like Jake Stoopid. You'll just look like a fool, again.
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

And you're an idiot... what's your point?
Personal attack and nothing on topic. Noted. "I have just as much right to feel safe as they have to carry a gun" is quite sensible. Act stupidly in public, Soggy, while openly carrying, and I will call the cops. You can explain to them.

I have a CC.... call all you like Jake Stoopid. You'll just look like a fool, again.
You will be explaining to the cops, not me. :lol:
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.
From the link

SWATting is the practice of making a 911 call in order to draw police attention to someone you don’t suspect of committing a crime.

It seems to me these fucktards are wasting the cops time by reporting people even though they have done absolutely nothing illegal
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

And you're an idiot... what's your point?
Personal attack and nothing on topic. Noted. "I have just as much right to feel safe as they have to carry a gun" is quite sensible. Act stupidly in public, Soggy, while openly carrying, and I will call the cops. You can explain to them.

I have a CC.... call all you like Jake Stoopid. You'll just look like a fool, again.
You will be explaining to the cops, not me. :lol:

What part of having a CC do you have trouble with Jake? Are you really this stupid?
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

They aren't calling them on people who do stupid things…they are calling them on normal gun owners who simply have a holstered weapon….so the cops will come out and potentially kill the innocent person….the anti gun extremists, who focus solely on law abiding gun owners to the point they want them killed by police are evil.
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

If open or concealed carry are legal, and the person in question has a legal right or permit for it, then calling the cops any time you see a gun is a frivolous waste of police resources.

So three guys carrying guns in an open carry state walk into a bank,

and the teller who hits the silent alarm is the villain?

lolol. What you hear on USMB...

No, she isn't a villain, they are just stupid………the people who you have to worry about don't keep their intentions hidden……...
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

And you're an idiot... what's your point?
Personal attack and nothing on topic. Noted. "I have just as much right to feel safe as they have to carry a gun" is quite sensible. Act stupidly in public, Soggy, while openly carrying, and I will call the cops. You can explain to them.

I have a CC.... call all you like Jake Stoopid. You'll just look like a fool, again.
You will be explaining to the cops, not me. :lol:

What part of having a CC do you have trouble with Jake? Are you really this stupid?
Your are not a mutt, so don't act it. I ccw license. I am saying if you are walking around with open carry acting stupidly I will call the cops. All you have to do is act like a normal, responsible gun owner. Not hard, huh.
Then we are in agreement that people should call LEO when gun owners are acting stupidly in public and leave then alone when they behave. What a concept.
And you're an idiot... what's your point?
Personal attack and nothing on topic. Noted. "I have just as much right to feel safe as they have to carry a gun" is quite sensible. Act stupidly in public, Soggy, while openly carrying, and I will call the cops. You can explain to them.

I have a CC.... call all you like Jake Stoopid. You'll just look like a fool, again.
You will be explaining to the cops, not me. :lol:

What part of having a CC do you have trouble with Jake? Are you really this stupid?
Your are not a mutt, so don't act it. I ccw license. I am saying if you are walking around with open carry acting stupidly I will call the cops. All you have to do is act like a normal, responsible gun owner. Not hard, huh.

That is not what they are advocating.
If open or concealed carry are legal, and the person in question has a legal right or permit for it, then calling the cops any time you see a gun is a frivolous waste of police resources.

So three guys carrying guns in an open carry state walk into a bank,

and the teller who hits the silent alarm is the villain?

lolol. What you hear on USMB...
If the bank didn't post a no guns sign then the teller was in the wrong and could be charged. Moron!

And that's how you people want the world to work. Unbelievable.
yep, voted in by guess who? the people. you're just a jealous hypocrite.

The People have decided that banks should be prohibited from being gun-free zones?

lol, when did that happen?
no conceal and carry. I don't think the people have input into gun free zoning. Just more of your stupid.
Personal attack and nothing on topic. Noted. "I have just as much right to feel safe as they have to carry a gun" is quite sensible. Act stupidly in public, Soggy, while openly carrying, and I will call the cops. You can explain to them.

I have a CC.... call all you like Jake Stoopid. You'll just look like a fool, again.
You will be explaining to the cops, not me. :lol:

What part of having a CC do you have trouble with Jake? Are you really this stupid?
Your are not a mutt, so don't act it. I ccw license. I am saying if you are walking around with open carry acting stupidly I will call the cops. All you have to do is act like a normal, responsible gun owner. Not hard, huh.
That is not what they are advocating.
Thank you for a sober statement.

Yes, there are a few goofies on the anti-gun left. And there are a few goofies on the gun right that want to own crew served weapons as if they were .22s. Demonize the fringers, not the sane ones one right and left.
Liberal anitgun asshole who doesn't want anybody else to have a gun but he sure as hell he used one when he needed it. Why didn't the turdbrain just call 911 like he suggested other people do? Typical Libtard hypocrisy.

Anti-Gun Senator Shoots Intruder

Anti-Gun Senator Shoots Intruder

Long time Anti-Gun Advocate State Senator R.C. Soles, 74, shot one of two intruders at his home just outside Tabor City , N.C. about 5 p.m. Sunday, the prosecutor for the politician's home county said.

The intruder, Kyle Blackburn, was taken to a South Carolina hospital, but the injuries were not reported to be life-threatening, according to Rex Gore, district attorney for Columbus, Bladen andBrunswick counties..

The State Bureau of Investigation and Columbus County Sheriff's Department are investigating the shooting, Gore said. Soles, who was not arrested,declined to discuss the incident Sunday evening.

"I am not in a position to talk to you," Soles said by telephone. "I'm right in the middle of an investigation."

The Senator, who has made a career of being against gun ownership for the general public, didn't hesitate to defend himself with his own gun when he believed he was in immediate danger and he was the victim.

In typical hypocritical liberal fashion, the "Do as i say and not as i do" Anti-Gun Activist Lawmaker picked up his gun and took action in what apparently was a self-defense shooting. Why hypocritical you may ask? It is because his long legislative record shows that the actions that he took to protect his family, his own response to a dangerous life threatening situation, are actions that he feels ordinary citizens should not have if they were faced with an identical situation.

It has prompted some to ask if the Senator believes his life and personal safety is more valuable than yours or mine.

But, this is to be expected from those who believe they can run our lives, raise our kids, and protect our families better than we can.
Flash, the opinion tis not enough. Please, prove "Why hypocritical you may ask? It is because his long legislative record shows that the actions that he took to protect his family, his own response to a dangerous life threatening situation, are actions that he feels ordinary citizens should not have if they were faced with an identical situation."
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.
From the link

SWATting is the practice of making a 911 call in order to draw police attention to someone you don’t suspect of committing a crime.

It seems to me these fucktards are wasting the cops time by reporting people even though they have done absolutely nothing illegal
Dude, if they contact a 911 operator, there will be questions asked to which the individual will have to reply. If the response doesn't fit, the operator will acquit. And that number called from will be archived. The caller could end up in trouble for calling in false emergencies.
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Yeah, the Gun-Grabbers are becoming desperate. They're beginning to realize they're losing the argument. Most of the Anti-2nd Amendment wingnuts been hoodwinked by spoiled pampered Communists/Progressives who don't have to live in the real world. Idiot Communist Pols and wealthy Hollywood celebs live the fantasy life. They live very well and very safe. They have the luxury of preaching nonsensical Anti-2nd Amendment gibberish. They have their very well-armed security forces protecting them and their families around the clock. They're always gonna be wealthy and safe.

However, that's not the case for the rest of us. The rest of us have to do what we have to do to protect our loved ones. So next time you see a spoiled pampered Pol or Celeb screeching their Anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric, just remember they don't live in the real world. They live the life of royalty. Them and their families are very well-protected and safe. So don't listen to their delusional B.S. Just do what you have to do to keep you and your family safe. God Bless.
And you're an idiot... what's your point?
Personal attack and nothing on topic. Noted. "I have just as much right to feel safe as they have to carry a gun" is quite sensible. Act stupidly in public, Soggy, while openly carrying, and I will call the cops. You can explain to them.

I have a CC.... call all you like Jake Stoopid. You'll just look like a fool, again.
You will be explaining to the cops, not me. :lol:

What part of having a CC do you have trouble with Jake? Are you really this stupid?
Your are not a mutt, so don't act it. I ccw license. I am saying if you are walking around with open carry acting stupidly I will call the cops. All you have to do is act like a normal, responsible gun owner. Not hard, huh.

Who died and appointed you God?

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