Gun Grabbers: What does stop a bad guy with a gun?


Always works
Give him a fierce stare with your hands placed firmly on your hips.
So there's a bad guy with a gun doing evil things...what must be done to stop him?

Um, the previous answer from the left was that the police should be called. Of course, if the police are like the assholes in Broward County, FL, and "accidentally" forgot their body cams, then they will do nothing to help.

Even if police hurry to the scene, they may not get there in time.

The answer, in reality, is that you do nothing because the left believes that it's okay for a lot of people to die in order to disarm the country. The plan is that the honest people will eventually turn all their guns over. It will take decades to see criminals disarmed, if ever.

Once the new world order is in place and the population of the planet is significantly reduced, first by criminals preying on an unarmed populace and then by a government who kills millions, then people will be safe. They will be miserable, lack freedom and liberty, but they will likely be safe. And as long as they say the right things and behave the way tyrants want them to, they will be physically fine. Well, except maybe for the starvation that always comes with communism.

Till then, just trust politicians and hope for the best. You just might be one of the lucky ones.

The above is the leftist's plan.

If the right had their way, it would be much different. Keep guns legal. Don't give criminals breaks.

Work to undo the extensive damage caused by the liberal welfare state. That is the root cause of dysfunctional, fatherless families. It's a fact that boys are more likely to grow up and join gangs or engage in violence without a positive father figure in their lives. The excuse for crime is always poverty. The excuse for poverty is always racism. The real reason is liberal nanny government that encouraged people to make stupid choices and blame everyone but themselves.

Functional families, where parents and grandparents weren't gang members or uneducated government dependents, means that children are far more likely to grow up to be productive citizens. Of course, we need to discourage some radicals from calling minorities "Uncle Toms" or worse just because people want to make something out of their lives instead of playing the victim.

We also need to ensure that kids get help when they show signs of serious mental illness. Much of it seems to be caused by the many drugs given to children for ADHD and other mental illnesses. I think much of the time, the meds were given just because undisciplined kids were constantly causing trouble and the drugs turned them into zombies, which made it easier for the teachers to deal with all the unruly kids. Parents didn't do their job and the teachers can't correct years of bad parenting. Every other boy was being diagnosed and drugged. I think we are seeing the long term effects that it has had on some. Meds affect people differently and a fairly small percent will experience the opposite effect of what the drug is for. Some drugs make a small percent of people violent or suicidal instead of stopping depression. Never mind the billions spent on the FDA. It exists to protect us but they bent over the Big Pharms and work for them now.

Society needs to change if we want violence to be a fairly rare thing. In order for that to happen, we need to encourage independent, functioning families that discipline their children and teach them to respect others. We are sorely lacking that now.

And we need to allow people to have the means to defend themselves against the criminals since we'll never rid the earth of them.

Guns have always been around, in large numbers. Schools used to teach both gun safety and held shooting classes.

What changed isn't guns. People's minds changed for the worse. People stopped respecting others and life itself. Fixing problems has to start at the core. Liberals helped create the underclass of people who have turned to violence and crime. They created the violent groups that have destroyed cities these past years, mostly during Obama's reign. The left has fueled the anger of the ignorant and encouraged them to strike out at whites. The college professors echoed the white privilege/white terror bullshit. Colleges encouraged students to lash out at all things white, Christian and conservative. It became popular to attack whites, anyone with a Confederate flag or MAGA hat. These violent groups are not on a righteous mission. They are puppets in an evil game played by those who dream of world domination. Soros.
1. Dig a pit, very deep.
2. Put a collapsible cover on top of it.
3. Camouflage said cover to look like the surrounding terrain.
4. Tell the bad guy there is a bunch of free guns on the other side of the hidden pit.

Easy, peasy!
So there's a bad guy with a gun doing evil things...what must be done to stop him?

Only thing is a gun in the hand of someone wanting to stop him.

The 2nd amendment isn't just about protecting our home and family, though that is crucial. It's also about protecting this country from any enemy, even if that enemy turns out to a corrupt government.

Face it, sometimes the bad people with guns are government officials.

The left thinks history will never repeat itself. That belief is exactly why history has repeated itself time and time again. It's repeating right now in some countries. And it will happen here if allowed.

What happens when government confiscates guns from people? People get killed by government.

It. Happens. Every. Fucking. Time.

Remember what happened on Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1890. 297 people were murdered in cold blood by our federal government after willingly and peacefully turning over their weapons. They were told it was for their own safety, just like we are being told now. 200 of the 297 victims were women and children.

The 2nd amendment guarantees our right to defend ourselves against any and all threats, whether from a criminal or government. Our forefathers escaped tyrannical regimes in Europe and wanted future generations to live free. This was the only way to do that. It was, and still is, worth fighting for. As the tyrannical leftists push to disarming us, it's never been more important to have this right.

Hillary came out and said that she doesn't believe the 2nd amendment gives us the right to bear arms. She and her fellow leftists have plans for America, and they aren't any different than any other dictator in the past. Millions have been slaughtered after surrendering their weapons to government.

Trump will stop him, unarmed, or he’ll just take his gun without due process


I thought Republicans were awful for opposing the confiscation of firearms from mentally ill without due process. Wasn’t it the NRA who were supposed to be terrorists because they opposed that?

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