Gun Manufacturers Livid After Newsome Signs Bounty Bill Curbing Illegal Firearms Sales

Where does the Second Amendment protect against illegal weapons and parts?
It doesn’t.

In fact, state AWBs are perfectly Constitutional, having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court.

Indeed, the measure is in anticipation of the Court invalidating AWBs.

Once invalidated, the state will no longer be able to enforce the ban – but private citizens will be able to do so via civil suits; Supreme Court rulings don’t apply to private citizens.

Again, conservatives have only themselves to blame.
let me know when you figure it out.

just keep a 10 turd distance.
Kinda hard to do, with you firmly attached to my ankles, my little attack poodle.

But I have seen you complaining about the economy a lot, so I assume you are poor as shit (your education level would seem to align with that).

Have you considered moving to California to cash in on this law?
Kinda hard to do, with you firmly attached to my ankles, my little attack poodle.

But I have seen you complaining about the economy a lot, so I assume you are poor as shit (your education level would seem to align with that).

Have you considered moving to California to cash in on this law?

just so you know, i don't bother reading your bullshit.
Conservatives have only themselves to blame with their bad-faith efforts to circumvent the right to privacy.
What “right to privacy”? Show me where it’s mentioned in the constitution. It’s a “right” invented by the Berger court out of thin air. Even RBG admitted Roe was a bad decision.
There is no right to privacy. The Burger court invented it out of whole cloth as cover for a political decision.
Ok then. I suppose that it’s just fine to dox cops, judges, and politicians. It’s ok for men to use the ladies restroom. It’s ok for cops to search your belongings. No right to privacy.
The right to keep and bear arms is protected by the constitution
The right to an abortion is not. No federal issue.
There wasn’t a federal issue about abortion until suddenly there was. A future Supreme Court might review 2nd amendment issues and decide that it only applies to a well regulated militia, decide that the Army and National Guard is said well regulated militia and personal ownership of arms isn’t protected. Then precedent protecting your sacred cows might suddenly be gone too.
A future Supreme Court might review 2nd amendment issues and decide that it only applies to a well regulated militia, decide that the Army and National Guard is said well regulated militia and personal ownership of arms isn’t protected.
You don't understand why the argument in Dobbs does not apply to the jurisprudence surrounding the 2nd -- and it shows.
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Ok then. I suppose that it’s just fine to dox cops, judges, and politicians. It’s ok for men to use the ladies restroom. It’s ok for cops to search your belongings. No right to privacy.

It's ok for cops to search your belongings because of no right to privacy!?! Maybe you should be read the 4th Amendment and get back with us.
There wasn’t a federal issue about abortion until suddenly there was. A future Supreme Court might review 2nd amendment issues and decide that it only applies to a well regulated militia, decide that the Army and National Guard is said well regulated militia and personal ownership of arms isn’t protected. Then precedent protecting your sacred cows might suddenly be gone too.

That court would have to totally overlook where it says, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

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