Gun nuts intimidate mothers in parking lot

It does really.
OK that it's legal but if the intent was to intimidate then that's bound to be a polarising action.
It doesn't present a good image for their cause and their (presumed) argument that they represent law-abiding, reasonable, non-threatening families when their response is to turn up to a meeting of mothers with loaded weapons.

I suggest that there would be plenty of law-abiding, reasonable gun owners that would face-palm when they saw that.

Not "a meeting of mothers" having tea.

A meeting of mothers seeking to disarm a peacful populace. Whole different thing.

A peaceful populace represented by a gun-toting crowd confronting a meeting of concerned mothers?
Fine...that really plays well for the gun-rights advocates.

There was no confrontation the mothers were inside discussing how to disarm the populace and the gun owners were outside posing for a photo.
Nothing happened.
Saturday night, I actually went inside a restaurant armed. I confronted no one. No one was intimidated. I shot no one. I did not rob the place.
I have no idea what the group of women nearby was talking about, but we did exchange pleasantries.
More Exposure to guns is what they needed.
When people are never around guns and know nothing about them they have unreasonable fears of guns.

Hardly an unreasonable fear.
There are plenty of tragedies to cite showing their danger in the wrong hands.

Presumably the reason that people carry guns in public is because they have a fear of other peoples' that an unreasonable fear of guns as well?

Because again, the answer to guns is ... MORE guns. The only way to stop your guy with a gun is my guy with a gun.

Not hard to see where that leads. And where it already has.

So when someone is being robbed at gun point they shouldn't call a cop (another guy with a gun) to stop them?

A concession! It's about time!

Qualified with a compliment to himself, of course.

"Concession" to what?

Sunshine's here so that's nine posters I'm answering. Just saying there's only one of me so I can only do so much.

But I am observing that I'm getting nothing but the same old rehashed arguments with their questions unanswered and a lot of empty ad hominem about penises and face lifts, so that tells me something about who's armed with what. :lol:

I can't say I'm not flattered that it takes nine of you though... :eusa_whistle:

What you fail to realize is that you are NOT winning. You are not defending yourself effectively other than in your own mind.
You are deflecting, tap dancing and acting all quite superior, but the truth is, you know you've fallen on your face but are either to proud or too stupid to admit it.
I happen to know that you are not stupid.

Man up. Time to get honest here, sir.

I never said I was "winning" --- again that's your plug-in. I said I was trying to answer nine posters. Why do you have to make shit up, man?.

Same with "superior". That's yours too.

Danth's Law noted. Again.
Not "a meeting of mothers" having tea.

A meeting of mothers seeking to disarm a peacful populace. Whole different thing.

A peaceful populace represented by a gun-toting crowd confronting a meeting of concerned mothers?
Fine...that really plays well for the gun-rights advocates.

There was no confrontation the mothers were inside discussing how to disarm the populace and the gun owners were outside posing for a photo.
Nothing happened.
Saturday night, I actually went inside a restaurant armed. I confronted no one. No one was intimidated. I shot no one. I did not rob the place.
I have no idea what the group of women nearby was talking about, but we did exchange pleasantries.

And did you go in brandishing, because you knew there was a gun violence group meeting?
No, they're not being threatened.

And they were gathering in order to gain support to remove the rights of an unrepresented group.

Why with loaded weapons?

They're SUPPOSED to be loaded.

Cripes you people are stupid.

Guns are NO use if they are not loaded, what do you not understand about that?

So, they turned up in response to this meeting of mums, carrying their guns to make a point, or intending to use them if necessary?
Were they there as props in their counter-protest or as fire-power?
Why not carry placards instead?

I don't understand why you can't see how counter-productive this sort of action might be.
Nobody went into the facility brandishing.

They gathered outside, peaceably. As they have every right to do.

People who are frightened by law abiding American citizens practicing their constitutional rights to gather peaceably should probably stay home.
That is really stupid. The gun owners had as much right to gather as those opposed had. You seriously need a life.

Read what I said before you get all steamy.
I'm not arguing with you that they had a legal right.

An old lady was pulled over for speeding she handed the officer her DL, insurance and CHL.

The officer asked if she was carrying and she said yes she was. She said she had a .45 in her purse, a .40 in the glove box and a .38 in the console.

The officer ask her what she was afraid of and her reply was "not a damn thing".

We don't carry out of fear, we carry to protect ourselves and others.

Why with loaded weapons?

They're SUPPOSED to be loaded.

Cripes you people are stupid.

Guns are NO use if they are not loaded, what do you not understand about that?

So, they turned up in response to this meeting of mums, carrying their guns to make a point, or intending to use them if necessary?
Were they there as props in their counter-protest or as fire-power?
Why not carry placards instead?

I don't understand why you can't see how counter-productive this sort of action might be.

They can. They're just obsessed with argument for its own sake.
Why with loaded weapons?

They're SUPPOSED to be loaded.

Cripes you people are stupid.

Guns are NO use if they are not loaded, what do you not understand about that?

So, they turned up in response to this meeting of mums, carrying their guns to make a point, or intending to use them if necessary?
Were they there as props in their counter-protest or as fire-power?
Why not carry placards instead?

I don't understand why you can't see how counter-productive this sort of action might be.

They did not go to the meeting. They were a distance away. They spent ten minutes taking pictures then they left.

You protest how you want to and they will protest how they want to. No laws were violated.

Just a few liberal women let their emotions get the better of them.
Why with loaded weapons?

They're SUPPOSED to be loaded.

Cripes you people are stupid.

Guns are NO use if they are not loaded, what do you not understand about that?

So, they turned up in response to this meeting of mums, carrying their guns to make a point, or intending to use them if necessary?
Were they there as props in their counter-protest or as fire-power?
Why not carry placards instead?

I don't understand why you can't see how counter-productive this sort of action might be.

I don't see it as counter productive. I think everybody should go around armed. I think our country would be a much, much safer place.

What am I saying, I'm from rural Oregon, where people DO go around armed...and where one can live in safety amongst the poorest of the poor, with little to know police oversight. Go figure.

We don't even lock our doors. You city people cowering in fear over the thought that someone might defend your children from the wackos who target them make me sick.
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Read what I said before you get all steamy.
I'm not arguing with you that they had a legal right.

An old lady was pulled over for speeding she handed the officer her DL, insurance and CHL.

The officer asked if she was carrying and she said yes she was. She said she had a .45 in her purse, a .40 in the glove box and a .38 in the console.

The officer ask her what she was afraid of and her reply was "not a damn thing".

We don't carry out of fear, we carry to protect ourselves and others.


Yes it is.

We live in a great country.

And we need to preserve it by kicking the liberals out of office.
No, they're not being threatened.

And they were gathering in order to gain support to remove the rights of an unrepresented group.

So let's see if we have this straight...

The mothers are NOT threatened when a group of strangers shows up outside the window and opens up a bunch of guns...

But the gun nuts ARE threatened by four women talking in a kaffeklatch.

Thanks for clearing THAT one up. :cuckoo:
Not "a meeting of mothers" having tea.

A meeting of mothers seeking to disarm a peacful populace. Whole different thing.

A peaceful populace represented by a gun-toting crowd confronting a meeting of concerned mothers?
Fine...that really plays well for the gun-rights advocates.

There was no confrontation the mothers were inside discussing how to disarm the populace and the gun owners were outside posing for a photo.
Nothing happened.
Saturday night, I actually went inside a restaurant armed. I confronted no one. No one was intimidated. I shot no one. I did not rob the place.
I have no idea what the group of women nearby was talking about, but we did exchange pleasantries.

And your gun never went off and killed anyone...I know.

You weren't there presenting your gun in a visually obvious manner as a direct response to another group of people with a pont of view that you disagree with.
It's not an equivalent situation.
You're wrong. People who are horrified of guns because they have never been exposed to them except in the context of criminal attack, need to see that the people who carry guns for protection are not their enemy. They are not the slobbering idiotic fools that the leftist douchebags pretend they are. They are family men and women, and they are responsible and intelligent.

Right. And you can tell that in the moment out the restaurant window... how again?
No, they're not being threatened.

And they were gathering in order to gain support to remove the rights of an unrepresented group.

So let's see if we have this straight...

The mothers are NOT threatened when a group of strangers shows up outside the window and opens up a bunch of guns...

But the gun nuts ARE threatened by four women talking in a kaffeklatch.

Thanks for clearing THAT one up. :cuckoo:

No they weren't threatened. And there is no evidence that there were even the police didn't see any threatening situation.

But they felt threatened. And that's all it takes for you wussy liberals to get all lathered up.
That is really stupid. The gun owners had as much right to gather as those opposed had. You seriously need a life.

Read what I said before you get all steamy.
I'm not arguing with you that they had a legal right.

An old lady was pulled over for speeding she handed the officer her DL, insurance and CHL.

The officer asked if she was carrying and she said yes she was. She said she had a .45 in her purse, a .40 in the glove box and a .38 in the console.

The officer ask her what she was afraid of and her reply was "not a damn thing".

We don't carry out of fear, we carry to protect ourselves and others.

Carrying... brandishing.

Know the difference.
They're SUPPOSED to be loaded.

Cripes you people are stupid.

Guns are NO use if they are not loaded, what do you not understand about that?

So, they turned up in response to this meeting of mums, carrying their guns to make a point, or intending to use them if necessary?
Were they there as props in their counter-protest or as fire-power?
Why not carry placards instead?

I don't understand why you can't see how counter-productive this sort of action might be.

They did not go to the meeting. They were a distance away. They spent ten minutes taking pictures then they left.

You protest how you want to and they will protest how they want to. No laws were violated.

Just a few liberal women let their emotions get the better of them.

Absolutely fine.
If that's how responsible, law-abiding, non-threatening family men and women that own guns want to present their case then...fine.
Read what I said before you get all steamy.
I'm not arguing with you that they had a legal right.

An old lady was pulled over for speeding she handed the officer her DL, insurance and CHL.

The officer asked if she was carrying and she said yes she was. She said she had a .45 in her purse, a .40 in the glove box and a .38 in the console.

The officer ask her what she was afraid of and her reply was "not a damn thing".

We don't carry out of fear, we carry to protect ourselves and others.

Carrying... brandishing.

Know the difference.

I do know the difference and brandishing has nothing to do with my post dumbass!!
They're SUPPOSED to be loaded.

Cripes you people are stupid.

Guns are NO use if they are not loaded, what do you not understand about that?

So, they turned up in response to this meeting of mums, carrying their guns to make a point, or intending to use them if necessary?
Were they there as props in their counter-protest or as fire-power?
Why not carry placards instead?

I don't understand why you can't see how counter-productive this sort of action might be.

I don't see it as counter productive. I think everybody should go around armed. I think our country would be a much, much safer place.

As the NRA would put it, "An armed society is a polite society", right? :rofl:


What am I saying, I'm from rural Oregon, where people DO go around armed...and where one can live in safety amongst the poorest of the poor, with little to know police oversight. Go figure.

We don't even lock our doors. You city people cowering in fear over the thought that someone might defend your children from the wackos who target them make me sick.

We don't lock our doors here either. But that's got squat to do with guns.

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