Gun nuts WANT to arm al Qaeda

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Al Qaeda video resurfaces urging radicals to buy guns in U.S. -

Washington (CNN) -- A video from 2011 has resurfaced showing American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn discussing how easy it is to buy guns in the United States and urging fellow radicals to do so.

In the video, the California-raised Gadahn said militants should arm themselves for attacks on Western governments.

"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms," said Gadahn, "You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

The gun nuts know abut this connection. So does NRA. Its not just that they don't care about murdered children. They actually WANT al Qaeda armed against their fellow Americans.

Gun nuts/NRA also know that illegals selling drugs are buying guns to be used against Americans.

Follow the money.
Al Qaeda video resurfaces urging radicals to buy guns in U.S. -

Washington (CNN) -- A video from 2011 has resurfaced showing American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn discussing how easy it is to buy guns in the United States and urging fellow radicals to do so.

In the video, the California-raised Gadahn said militants should arm themselves for attacks on Western governments.

"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms," said Gadahn, "You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

The gun nuts know abut this connection. So does NRA. Its not just that they don't care about murdered children. They actually WANT al Qaeda armed against their fellow Americans.

Gun nuts/NRA also know that illegals selling drugs are buying guns to be used against Americans.

Follow the money.

He's full of shit and so are you.

Fully automatic weapons are illegal to buy unless you have a class II FFL.

Every dealer at gun shows perform background checks.

Try going to a gun show and educate yourself.
The US President supported Al Qaida in Libya and now Syria.

Please make a "Call Out" thread in the Bull Ring about that if you have the guts.

"Low Info Luddy". :lol:
Al Qaeda video resurfaces urging radicals to buy guns in U.S. -

Washington (CNN) -- A video from 2011 has resurfaced showing American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn discussing how easy it is to buy guns in the United States and urging fellow radicals to do so.

In the video, the California-raised Gadahn said militants should arm themselves for attacks on Western governments.

"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms," said Gadahn, "You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

The gun nuts know abut this connection. So does NRA. Its not just that they don't care about murdered children. They actually WANT al Qaeda armed against their fellow Americans.

Gun nuts/NRA also know that illegals selling drugs are buying guns to be used against Americans.

Follow the money.

No, you can't.
You got it bass-ackwards again lefties. It seems the story should be that Al-Queda nuts want to arm Americans. I thought the jihad was over since Hussein's "mission accomplished" with the death of Bin Ladin.
I used to wonder just how ignorant fully grown liberals had to be to keep thinking the way they do.

Now that I get to see just how fully demented they are, it's clear they gave away their freewill, willingly, early in life and never learned to think for themselves.

I'd pity them, except they make decisions that fuck over everyone's life
Instead of getting hysterical over the part that is posted here, read the entire article. IOW, think for yourselves instead of demanding that libs spoon feed you every little bite.

Federal law requires background checks on gun sales from licensed dealers and proposed legislation in the Senate would expand the mandate to gun shows and Internet transactions.

Still, Gadahn was wrong about the ease of buying a fully automatic weapon. It is illegal under federal law to do so from anyone but a specially-licensed dealer, and additional permission is required as is a background check.

Are they legal? Yes. Are they as easily obtainable as Gadahn suggests? No.
Instead of getting hysterical over the part that is posted here, read the entire article. IOW, think for yourselves instead of demanding that libs spoon feed you every little bite.

Federal law requires background checks on gun sales from licensed dealers and proposed legislation in the Senate would expand the mandate to gun shows and Internet transactions.

Still, Gadahn was wrong about the ease of buying a fully automatic weapon. It is illegal under federal law to do so from anyone but a specially-licensed dealer, and additional permission is required as is a background check.

Are they legal? Yes. Are they as easily obtainable as Gadahn suggests? No.

Your point was refuted. Go slink back to huffpo or DU with your tail between your legs.

One of the drawbacks of the right to free speech is that, like we see here, the anti-gun loons can disseminate lies faster than they can be proven wrong.

The good news is that thinking people recognize their lies for what they are and so the anti-gun loons usually serve only to defeat themselves.

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