Gun owner shoots guy who tried to do "the knock-out game" on him

Idiot. I posed a hypothetical. The willingness of some Internet warriors to proclaim that they would shoot a fleeing man in the way more interesting than your dopey comment about bubbles.

How about you, dummy. Would you shoot a man in the back as he ran away from you? That is....if you were permitted by law to possess a firearm?

No I would not. Nor would I judge someone who did. Changes nothing about the bubble you've encased yourself in.

You would not judge someone? Are you serious? ALL YOU DO IS JUDGE PEOPLE.

In this thread, you are judging black Americans. Do you realize that?

You are wringing your hands unnecessarily. The sky is not falling. If you watch the vid you'll notice a couple of the victims are out cold before hitting the ground. Uncontrolled falls can have really bad consequences. I bet far more damage has happened and will happen to the victims of this "game" than to the perps.
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No spine, center mass.
Kid would be other reason to pull my weapon
Let me guess. You think your point of view on this is a "conservative" one, right?


Guy comes up to are armed with your glock....and attempts to taze you. His tazer malfunctions and he quickly turns to run away.

You gonna shoot him in the back?
Didn't you see the videos? The knockout game killers/maimers/ favorite stunt is to hit from the victim's back. The craven bullies should be stopped any which way they can be, and with lethal force. A few more bully deaths in each town where they're doing the stunt that maims and kills, this game will clear up. People who get hit in the head at any time are subject to early dementia from the brain being loosened from the skull when hit hard.

Concealed carry exercised will at least give someone who wasn't knocked out an opportunity to help end the procedure, one at a time.
You would not judge someone? Are you serious? ALL YOU DO IS JUDGE PEOPLE.

In this thread, you are judging black Americans. Do you realize that?

You are wringing your hands unnecessarily. The sky is not falling. If you watch the vid you'll notice a couple of the victims are out cold before hitting the ground. Uncontrolled falls can have really bad consequences. I betting far more damage has happened and will happen to the victims of this "game" than to the perps.

Holy shit. Will at least one person grasp the fact that the victim is UNINJURED and the perpetrator is fleeing the scene in my hypothetical?

And....I am not wringing shit.

Nobody cares.
You are deflecting from what happened.

Kid(s) try and knock me out, someone dies.
They deserve it...
Let me guess. You think your point of view on this is a "conservative" one, right?


Guy comes up to are armed with your glock....and attempts to taze you. His tazer malfunctions and he quickly turns to run away.

You gonna shoot him in the back?

This might sound bad, but HELL YES I would shoot his ass. Backside, frontside, any side. The sumbitch planned on tazing ME behind MY back, so quid pro quo.
Kids need to be taught to not go around attacking innocent people. Someone with a CWP will pop a cap in your ass!
Let me guess. You think your point of view on this is a "conservative" one, right?


Guy comes up to are armed with your glock....and attempts to taze you. His tazer malfunctions and he quickly turns to run away.

You gonna shoot him in the back?

You dont give the cock sucker a chance to run.....or you just refer to his mother as a whore. He will turn and stop. Then plug the piece of shit.
of course your post indicates we should just sit back and take it because these thugs are "frustrated"...
Yeah, well you know in which orifice you can cram that...
Street crimes deserve street justice.
clearly the guy shooting his attacker should go to jail. Can't let another Zimmerman get away with defending himself.
Let me guess. You think your point of view on this is a "conservative" one, right?


Guy comes up to are armed with your glock....and attempts to taze you. His tazer malfunctions and he quickly turns to run away.

You gonna shoot him in the back?

No, I'll shoot him in the front before he gets a chance to run away.
Cool story bro..wait, that's not a street gang stunt. Its already sinister enough without adding in bullshit just for effect

You're right, its not a gang thing. It's a black thing.

Glad you corrected the record.

Here’s an example of how an incident can be magnified beyond it's real dimensions to stir panic, hate, and terror that is both longlasting and widespread.

The “Knockout King” or “Knockout Game” has been playing out for more than a decade on streets in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Chicago, St. Louis, and now Washington D.C. in small numbers. But videos of the incidents have gone viral on the Internet, creating the illusion these things happen more often than they do.

Don't be so easily manipulated. Its a sign of a weak mind
If the gun control slugs had their way, this guy would've possibly ended up in the hospital instead of putting the ignorant s.o.b. in the hospital.

Good for him. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Cool story bro..wait, that's not a street gang stunt. Its already sinister enough without adding in bullshit just for effect

You're right, its not a gang thing. It's a black thing.

Glad you corrected the record.

Here’s an example of how an incident can be magnified beyond it's real dimensions to stir panic, hate, and terror that is both longlasting and widespread.

The “Knockout King” or “Knockout Game” has been playing out for more than a decade on streets in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Chicago, St. Louis, and now Washington D.C. in small numbers. But videos of the incidents have gone viral on the Internet, creating the illusion these things happen more often than they do.

Don't be so easily manipulated. Its a sign of a weak mind

The fact that's been going on for 10 years only makes it worse.
The knock out game is a right wing past time. It's not new, those fucking rednecks have been doing it for hundreds of years. Want to stop it? Make chicken shit heinous crimes punishable by public hangings. Bet it stops. We euthanize other rabid animals.
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Whether you like the fact that the guy shot him or not, the thug will never do it to anyone else. That right there was worth the man shooting and wounding him. A criminal was stopped before he killed someone which 2 victims have already died from this horrible game. I don’t care if the criminal is white or black, shoot their ass.

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