Gun owner shoots guy who tried to do "the knock-out game" on him

The knock out game is a right wing past time. It's not new, those fucking rednecks have been doing it for hundreds of years. Want to stop it? Make chicken shit heinous crimes punishable by public hangings. Bet it stops. We euthanize other rabid animals.

You're trying to blame this on the right-wing? That's rich. You are a true numskull.
You're right, its not a gang thing. It's a black thing.

Glad you corrected the record.

Here’s an example of how an incident can be magnified beyond it's real dimensions to stir panic, hate, and terror that is both longlasting and widespread.

The “Knockout King” or “Knockout Game” has been playing out for more than a decade on streets in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Chicago, St. Louis, and now Washington D.C. in small numbers. But videos of the incidents have gone viral on the Internet, creating the illusion these things happen more often than they do.

Don't be so easily manipulated. Its a sign of a weak mind

The fact that's been going on for 10 years only makes it worse.

Will nothing stop you from being scared?

Its hyped and has happened not as often as you think. But don't let facts stop you from being scared and over the top. Have at it! :lol:
The knock out game is a right wing past time. It's not new, those fucking rednecks have been doing it for hundreds of years. Want to stop it? Make chicken shit heinous crimes punishable by public hangings. Bet it stops. We euthanize other rabid animals.

You're trying to blame this on the right-wing? That's rich. You are a true numskull.

Looks like I touched a nerve. Get a clue, liberals aren't into that stupid shit.
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Let me guess. You think your point of view on this is a "conservative" one, right?


Guy comes up to are armed with your glock....and attempts to taze you. His tazer malfunctions and he quickly turns to run away.

You gonna shoot him in the back?

Yes. He won't be knocking anyone else out in the future.

This was not the first time this punk had done this. Sooner or later, they are going to seriously injure someone. If they punch someone with a brain shunt, they could kill them.

So yes, I would shoot him in defense of myself and others. Damn skippy I would.

You might be just a little off. Intelligent......but a little off. Let me explain.

I have not mentioned punching anyone. I asked if you would shoot a person in the back.....who was fleeing after they tried to taze you, but failed. No physical injury came to you. The dude is running away.

If your answer is might have some unattended issues. You ain't the fucking ain't the jury....and you ain't the executioner.

I would not shoot the guy. I would call 911 and get back to living my life. I would have a story to tell.

Your life would likely never be the same. You have just shot someone. If you killed killed a man. If you did not kill you think you have rehabilitated him?

Want to answer again?
Sure. Ill take a whack. From the story in the OP, this guy was shot but not killed. AND, he is in the process of rehab. SEEMS effective to me. AND hes now a poster boy for what Might happen to the other 100s who think this is a fun ggame.

The "game" needs to stop b4 any more innocents get hurt. Even if it takes a couple gang bangers out of circulation. If they run, a bystander should hold them with a gun if possible.
Let me guess. You think your point of view on this is a "conservative" one, right?


Guy comes up to are armed with your glock....and attempts to taze you. His tazer malfunctions and he quickly turns to run away.

You gonna shoot him in the back?

Yes. He won't be knocking anyone else out in the future.

This was not the first time this punk had done this. Sooner or later, they are going to seriously injure someone. If they punch someone with a brain shunt, they could kill them.

So yes, I would shoot him in defense of myself and others. Damn skippy I would.

You might be just a little off. Intelligent......but a little off. Let me explain.

I have not mentioned punching anyone. I asked if you would shoot a person in the back.....who was fleeing after they tried to taze you, but failed. No physical injury came to you. The dude is running away.

If your answer is might have some unattended issues. You ain't the fucking ain't the jury....and you ain't the executioner.

I would not shoot the guy. I would call 911 and get back to living my life. I would have a story to tell.

Your life would likely never be the same. You have just shot someone. If you killed killed a man. If you did not kill you think you have rehabilitated him?

Want to answer again?

You forgot to add that the thug is running back to a life of crime and poverty where the Man takes advantage of him

Fucking retard
Let me guess. You think your point of view on this is a "conservative" one, right?


Guy comes up to are armed with your glock....and attempts to taze you. His tazer malfunctions and he quickly turns to run away.

You gonna shoot him in the back?

Did he say that?

WTF is wrong with you?
Expectations are different than feeling embarrassed. You can take on the emotional load for every white out there have fun.

I on the other hand, represent myself. You should try it sometime
Apparently this happened in August. This video just came out now.

Some slimeball tried the street-gang stunt where you sneak up on someone and hit him as hard as you can (or in this case tase him) to try to knock him out. A complete stranger who never did anything to you.

This time the slimeball's taser malfunctioned. And then he quickly found out the victim was armed.

Now the slimeball has been in jail for the last few months, recovering from gunshot wounds. Gee, that's too bad.

Turns out the slimeball had done this 6 or 7 times.

Now he calls it a "lesson learned".

I would call that Justice... except that his other half dozen victims haven't had their shot at him yet.

See video: @WZ - YouTube


Let me guess. You think your point of view on this is a "conservative" one, right?


Guy comes up to are armed with your glock....and attempts to taze you. His tazer malfunctions and he quickly turns to run away.

You gonna shoot him in the back?

I hope Senator Reid (D-USSR) passes a law requiring background checks before anyone can use their fists or elbows.

Better yet , let's ban fists and elbows. Yeah that's the ticket.

I on the other hand, represent myself. You should try it sometime

Just refusing to admit embarrassment does not make it so.

You are here denying that this is an issue that reflects badly on blacks when clearly the criminal acts are being committed by blacks.

So your self interest in the subject is pretty clear.
So, how long until the first "That black guy looked at me funny! He was about to knock me out! I had to shoot!" shooting?

You know that's why the conservatives are obsessed with this. They so very badly want reasons to open fire on any random black person and get away with it. The funny thing is how they even think they're not making it obvious.
So, how long until the first "That black guy looked at me funny! He was about to knock me out! I had to shoot!" shooting?

You know that's why the conservatives are obsessed with this. They so very badly want reasons to open fire on any random black person and get away with it. The funny thing is how they even think they're not making it obvious.

Are you serious?

You don't think whites are entitled to object about being stalked by black kids that want to do them harm?
I on the other hand, represent myself. You should try it sometime

Just refusing to admit embarrassment does not make it so.

You are here denying that this is an issue that reflects badly on blacks when clearly the criminal acts are being committed by blacks.

So your self interest in the subject is pretty clear.

Wait so, you're telling me that I AM embarrassed I just refuse to admit it :lol::lol:

You should be embarrassed putting that logic in a public place for all to see.

It reflects badly on THOSE BLACKS involved. Not all blacks. Just like Moonshiners reflects bad on THOSE WHITES and not every white that lives. Honey Boo Boo reflects badly on Honey Boo Boo. Are you also embarrassed by Charles Mansons new white girlfriend.

Now if you want to broad brush everyone that's fine. You're just full of shit.
You might be just a little off. Intelligent......but a little off. Let me explain.

I have not mentioned punching anyone. I asked if you would shoot a person in the back.....who was fleeing after they tried to taze you, but failed. No physical injury came to you. The dude is running away.

If your answer is might have some unattended issues. You ain't the fucking ain't the jury....and you ain't the executioner.

I would not shoot the guy. I would call 911 and get back to living my life. I would have a story to tell.

Your life would likely never be the same. You have just shot someone. If you killed killed a man. If you did not kill you think you have rehabilitated him?

Want to answer again?

What you are missing is that the assault already happened. The taser working or not is irrelevant. The threshold already was meant by the action itself. So to answer your question, yes & with extreme prejudice.
you can't shoot a fleeing individual and claim self defense. so go ahead, shoot with extreme prejudice, and then go rot in jail

You're one naive person.
Wait so, you're telling me that I AM embarrassed I just refuse to admit it :lol::lol:

You should be embarrassed putting that logic in a public place for all to see.

It reflects badly on THOSE BLACKS involved. Not all blacks. Just like Moonshiners reflects bad on THOSE WHITES and not every white that lives. Honey Boo Boo reflects badly on Honey Boo Boo. Are you also embarrassed by Charles Mansons new white girlfriend.

Now if you want to broad brush everyone that's fine. You're just full of shit.

"Embarrassment" was your chosen term originally.

Clearly you are sensitive to the issue of blacks randomly attacking whites.

Otherwise you would not be on this thread trying to deflect attention from the race of these thugs.
So, how long until the first "That black guy looked at me funny! He was about to knock me out! I had to shoot!" shooting?

You know that's why the conservatives are obsessed with this. They so very badly want reasons to open fire on any random black person and get away with it. The funny thing is how they even think they're not making it obvious.

That is so sad. Those guys claim they just want to test their strength. I see that white guys are not allowed to defend themselves.

Luckily for me , I am mulatto. So I can shoot the motherfuckers and get away with it. They want to test their strength and I want to test my aim.

Wait so, you're telling me that I AM embarrassed I just refuse to admit it :lol::lol:

You should be embarrassed putting that logic in a public place for all to see.

It reflects badly on THOSE BLACKS involved. Not all blacks. Just like Moonshiners reflects bad on THOSE WHITES and not every white that lives. Honey Boo Boo reflects badly on Honey Boo Boo. Are you also embarrassed by Charles Mansons new white girlfriend.

Now if you want to broad brush everyone that's fine. You're just full of shit.

"Embarrassment" was your chosen term originally.

Clearly you are sensitive to the issue of blacks randomly attacking whites.

Otherwise you would not be on this thread trying to deflect attention from the race of these thugs.

Ok, so lets go back:

Liberals are embarrassed by the uncivilized behavior of black teenagers.

So they attempt to ignore it instead of confronting and condemning it.

I said I am not embarrassed because I am not them. This was your first response to me. "Embarrassed"

Clearly I am not. Clearly you are trying to change the subject from "all blacks should be embarrassed" *Buzzer WRONG* To now I am "sensitive" *buzzer WRONG*

I never deflected from their race *Buzzer WRONG AGAIN* I said to you I am not embarrassed because I didn't do anything wrong. Neither did Obama but for some reason you mentioned him too
I said I am not embarrassed because I am not them. This was your first response to me. "Embarrassed"

Clearly I am not. Clearly you are trying to change the subject from "all blacks should be embarrassed" *Buzzer WRONG* To now I am "sensitive" *buzzer WRONG*

I never deflected from their race *Buzzer WRONG AGAIN* I said to you I am not embarrassed because I didn't do anything wrong. Neither did Obama but for some reason you mentioned him too

I think blacks should be embarrassed by what these black kids are doing.

Though I don't know you personally the vast number of blacks are quick to play the race card when the victim is white and the attacker is white.

But I've never met a lib yet - black or white- who does not claim to be the exception.

so you will probably disavow ant responsibility for the Trayvon Martin hullabaloo and all the race smearing against whites that wanton then.

Lets just repeat what I said before.

You would not be commenting on this thread if it did not interest you.

And the reason it interests you is because the criminals are black and the victims are white.

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