Gun registration in California? They just signed a law giving gun owner information to outside parties..

Apparently you don't understand that semi-automatic "AR-type" weapons (whatever that means), are semi-automtic just as the Garand and semi-automatic shotguns are. Lots of rational people accept Armalite rifles as perfectly "rational" to own.
No, Armalite type rifles aren't a Garand, Wild Bill's Garland, or semi-automatic shotguns.
BTW, many states (my own included), don't allow hunting with the .223 caliber cartridge.
Of course that's a sensible law.
Again, go up to a Sandy Hook or Stoneman Parent and make the argument that Lanza or Cruz had a right to own a gun because the constitution said so... It would be amusing.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact. You have to apply a little common sense. Some people just plain old shouldn't have guns just because a Slave Rapist 200 years ago couldn't define a militia clearly.

No, I just point out that the assertation that every crazy person should be able to get a Gun because it's his God Given Right is kind of absurd. the one thing we find out after every mass shooting is EVERYONE KNEW this person was nuts, but he had no problem getting a gun anyway.

I just point out the obvious. There is really no good reason for an average citizen to have a gun, much less an assault rifle. The Army made sure I had weeks of training before the issued me a gun, and even then, it was under very controlled circumstance - hence- WELL REGULATED.

The idea you can give James Holmes that same gun and he can shoot up a theater because he thinks he's The Joker from the comic books is just... nuts.

Um, guy, I've been over this, but I'll go over this again.

The United States locks up 2 million of it's citizens. We have another 7 million on probation or parole. By comparison, China (A communist dictatorship with a billion people) only locks up 1.3 Million people and Russia locks up about a million. Most of the other G-7 countries (our economic/social peers) lock up less than 100K people.

They have no where near our crime rates. Why? Because they treat addiction as a medical issue, they have programs for poverty and mental illness and, oh, yeah, they don't let every crazy person who wants to get a gun have one.

If we are a crime-ridden society, it's because conservatives have gotten their way with gun proliferation, the War on Drugs and slashing poverty programs to give tax cuts to rich people. Not to mention a Prison-Industrial Complex that breeds career criminals.

I support gun control because I really don't think most people should own guns... Gun proliferation causes 43,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries, 400,000 crimes, and 213 BILLION in economic losses. We have to build our whole society around a very small slice of the population who have a gun fetish and a bizarre interpretation of the Militia Amendment.

Actually, you guys embarrass yourselves by going out there and saying, "Why of course, Adam Lanza should have been able to have a gun!!!"
Russia and China also don't coddle their prisoners. Their jails and prisons are hellholes and due process in China is often a bullet to the back of the head which the executed's family is them billed for. If we treated criminals that way our crime rates would be far lower.
I can always tell when I've won when the nutters start repeating slogans.

Gun ownership is not a right.. most of the world doesn't let average citizens own guns, because that would be stupid. Actually, there are no "rights" at all, there are only privileges society agrees you should have. Any fool who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

Really... but then you say this...

Well, which is it, buddy? Should crazy people be allowed to have guns or not? Because, frankly, when you start of with the premise that gun ownership is a right, it's kind of hard to deny a crazy person a gun.

Uh, yes, guy, I see small children being wheeled out of their pre-school in body bags, I have an emotional response to that... but also a logical one.

Adam Lanza never should have had access to a military grade-assault rifle designed for use on a battlefield.

(And don't go saying, "Well, an AR-15 can't fire full automatic" or whatever mental self-pleasuring your fetishists go through. It was designed for the army to fight in Vietnam.)

It never really had to until recently. Up until the 1970's, no one held the crazy opinion that gun ownership was a right. The issue in Miller was the constitutionality of the National Firearms Act limiting what kinds of guns could be sold. This was passed because as a result of prohibition, people were machine gunning each other in the streets.

As stated (I noticed you avoided the discussion) was that common sense gun laws were supported by the NRA up until the 1970's.

This only became an issue after nuts took over the NRA like Charlton Heston and Wayne LaPierre.

It's fucked up all the things you loons think are rights and are not even in the Constitution. The 2nd Amendment specifically mentions the right of the people.
Uh, guy, gun nuts aren't normal. The best argument for gun control is listening to you gun nuts rant about all the people you want to shoot.

The reality- Rest of the world limits gun ownership, and they don't have nearly the levels of murder, crime or other problems we have.

Actually, you have it half ass backwards, joe.

Mexico has Draconian gun laws, and also tremendously higher levels of murder and other crimes.

Ditto with El Salvador, Honduras, Congo and other nations.

And remember, these are the countries where America gets its immigrants from
Slavery was the policy of the US government, and the ONLY reason why it ended was because the South had a bowl of dumbass and tried to secede. Left to his own devices, Lincoln never would have ended slavery, merely limited it's expansion.

It was a genocidal policy carried out for centuries... from1619 onwards.

Our genocidal policies sere a lot more thorough than that. We sent in the Army to slaughter the Buffalo to deprive them of their main food source.

We forced them on to Reservations, which were so efficient that they were the model for Hitler's concentration camps.

Guns do not keep government from acting shitty.

Okay, so you skipped over the Philippine War, you know, that genocidal war we fought against probably the nicest people in Asia because they merely wanted their own country. Probably a good call on your part. Fortunately for you, most Americans don't even know we ever fought a war in the Philippines, much less how bad it was.

Uh, no, guy, what brought us the Vietnam War was our attempt to impose a form of government on them THEY DIDN'T WANT.

Our own government admitted if Ho Chi Mihn was on the ballot, he'd have won an election in South Vietnam.

The point that goes over your head is...

Guns do not make governments act better. Ever. That we should tolerate 43,000 deaths every year because hey, it make government scared, that's just a stupid reason.
Genocidal policies like abortion ?
Good guys with guns never stop mass shootings because mass shootings are usually over in minutes if not seconds.

For instance, in the Tuscon mass shooting where Gabby Gifford was maimed, a "good guy with a gun" rushed out... and almost shot one of the people who had subdued the shooter.

"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to a free state..." um, yeah, it's about militias.

It wasn't about gun ownership, because very few colonial Americans owned guns or could afford them or even had much use for them. (The weren't accurate for anything other than using in volleys, didn't have a high rate of fire.)

At 1789 Mass shooting would have been over after the first shot because they'd have mobbed the guy while he was reloading his powder.

Oh brother to easy--GABBY was a inept Dem, her shooter was another inept crazy dem, and the guy with a gun was another inept DEM.

Maybe dems shouldn't own guns since they make up both most of the criminals and most of the crazies along with most of the ineptness of life.

And why I am at it.....maybe they shouldn't vote for the same reasons.
This is just one reason not to give in to the insane demand to register guns...

California Governor Gavin Newsom, having survived his recall election, has taken the next step in his agenda on gun control. He signed California Assembly Bill 173 into law, amending the California Penal Code Section 11106 to include this new authorization to release personally identifiable information about every California gun owner to researchers.

Now.....these law abiding Americans can be targeted by blm/antifa thugs and the various other thug groups deployed by the democrat party...
Guns are used to commit criminal homicide and suicide much more often then justifiable homicide.

Homicide perpetrators will suffer decades in prison. They will live in misery and regret and truly repent, but they will suffer prison mostly for life.

Suicides will suffer much longer (millennia but not eternity) and worse then being in prison.
Russia and China also don't coddle their prisoners. Their jails and prisons are hellholes and due process in China is often a bullet to the back of the head which the executed's family is them billed for. If we treated criminals that way our crime rates would be far lower.
Conditions in Russian prisons are better then in American prisons. Contraband is freely available, but bribes must be paid.
In fact the biggest difference and the most harmful difference is that most of the AR type weapons are black.
At casual first glance the distinction wouldn't seem to make much difference, but it does.

It's in the questionable mindset of the person who chooses a black AR type weapon instead of some other much better choice for his preferred shooting sport.

One only needs observe a person with an AR type weapon blazing away at a human silouetter target to set off alarm bells.

On whom does he intend on turning his weapon?
Wow. The 'its because I'm black' meme you see on the internet is just that, a meme. You are not actually supposed to take it seriously. I have never actually heard anyone try and justify banning a weapon because it is black....
Conditions in Russian prisons are better then in American prisons. Contraband is freely available, but bribes must be paid.
That is an interesting assertion you have there.

And it is not worth anything until it is more than just an assertion.
This is just one reason not to give in to the insane demand to register guns...

California Governor Gavin Newsom, having survived his recall election, has taken the next step in his agenda on gun control. He signed California Assembly Bill 173 into law, amending the California Penal Code Section 11106 to include this new authorization to release personally identifiable information about every California gun owner to researchers.

Now.....these law abiding Americans can be targeted by blm/antifa thugs and the various other thug groups deployed by the democrat party...

Well get out your guns to protect yourselves. Isn't that what they are for?
Get some courage of your convictions instead of blaming the government.
Home of the brave? I don't think so.
That is an interesting assertion you have there.

And it is not worth anything until it is more than just an assertion.
This is based on many movies I have seen. The main differences are wide availability of contraband and prisoner rule.
Russia and China also don't coddle their prisoners. Their jails and prisons are hellholes and due process in China is often a bullet to the back of the head which the executed's family is them billed for. If we treated criminals that way our crime rates would be far lower.

You think our prisons are nice places to go?

Yes, China is one of the few countries that still practices Capital Punishment, but not really as often as you make out. They maybe execute 1000 people a year.

If Capital Punishment were a deterrent, why does the US have a higher crime rate than all the countries that have abolished it? Why do the DP states have a higher murder rate than the non-DP states?

t's fucked up all the things you loons think are rights and are not even in the Constitution. The 2nd Amendment specifically mentions the right of the people.

It also mentions well-regulated militias...

Actually, you have it half ass backwards, joe.

Mexico has Draconian gun laws, and also tremendously higher levels of murder and other crimes.

Mexico copied our Second Amendment verbatim... they just don't have the bizarre interpretations of it we do.

Genocidal policies like abortion ?

Fetuses aren't people. Women have been getting abortions since Jesus time.

When you guys advocate imprisoning women for murder for having abortions, then you can get back to me about how serious you are.
Guns are used to commit criminal homicide and suicide much more often then justifiable homicide.

Homicide perpetrators will suffer decades in prison. They will live in misery and regret and truly repent, but they will suffer prison mostly for life.

Suicides will suffer much longer (millennia but not eternity) and worse then being in prison.

What is it with you idiots......... killing criminals isn't the way to measure defensive gun use....crimes stopped by victims with guns is the way you count that.

Normal people do not want to shoot anyone, even when the criminal runs away or surrenders because the victim draws a gun on them means the gun saved them from that criminal...

What is so hard for you to understand?

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