Gun safety instruction OK in public elementary schools, new Louisiana law says


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Like an episode of "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?"

Gun safety instruction OK in public elementary schools, new Louisiana law says

"When school starts this fall, public schools in Louisiana will have the option to instruct elementary students on gun safety.

Gov. Bobby Jindal on Wednesday (July 1) signed a bill into law that permits cities, parishes and local public school boards to provide students with "age and grade appropriate" firearm accident prevention and safety instruction.

A suggested curriculum includes the Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program, developed by the National Rifle Association."
Hot damn. Jindal has done one thing right, finally.

One thing people need to understand about Louisiana, we're not ghetto Chicago. Our state's motto is "sportsmans paradise." One of the sportsman occupations is hunting. Everyone down here owns a gun. They're bred into our society. I had a BB gun at 6 and used to go with my dad squirrel hunting all the time at that age. I shot my first shotgun at 9, a .410. When I was 13, for Christmas, I was given a brand new Winchester 20 gauge. OMG I loved that gun. Many squirrel, nutria, beaver and armadillo met their demise on the south end of that fine firearm. I was always taught responsible gun ownership and how to treat one. Amazingly, I managed to not shoot anyone or myself.

Before the liberal left got ahold of common sense and threw it out of the window, guns were allowed at school. Not for self defense, but many times my dad said you'd see a rifle on the back window of a students truck in the parking lot at his high school, usually on Friday. Why? Because when he got off school he had his change of clothes in the truck and he was going straight into the woods to hunt. Amazingly, nobody was ever shot.

Of course that was back in the day where if you had a brawl with someone you went fist to cuffs with them and it was squashed. Like real men. You didn't grab a gun.
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Seems to me like that should be the job of the patents not the school.
I say we combine gun classes and sex ed into one class and that way we can teach the kids the true benefits of a large caliber weapon and the importance of deep penetration when you shoot.
I have no problem with gun safety being taught in school, I feel the more children know about handling firearms safely, the better off the country is.

I do feel that any ammo be banned from an indoor classroom, and only used one bullet at a time, outside, perhaps on a football field.
I say we combine gun classes and sex ed into one class and that way we can teach the kids the true benefits of a large caliber weapon and the importance of deep penetration when you shoot.

At least gun knowledge will allow the guy being confronted by the father of the girl he knocked up to say " Sorry Mr. soandso, but I noticed the pump action on that shotgun you have pointed at me could sure use a lubing. "
Seems to me like that should be the job of the patents not the school.

Like sex education?
My personal opinion you don't really need to be teaching sex ed in elementary school.

Yeah, things like that can wait till at least the 6th or 7th grade.
Let's teach kids how to read, write, and do basic math first then worry about teaching them how to handle a firearm or use condom.
Seems to me like that should be the job of the patents not the school.

Like sex education?
My personal opinion you don't really need to be teaching sex ed in elementary school.

Yeah, things like that can wait till at least the 6th or 7th grade.
Let's teach kids how to read, write, and do basic math first then worry about teaching them how to handle a firearm or use condom.

Firearms can be an elective, like shop.

And I think sex ed has a place, but for some reason progressive feel the need to expand it beyond the basics, and make it earlier and earlier.

Kind of creepy if you ask me.
Like an episode of "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?"
A suggested curriculum includes the Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program, developed by the National Rifle Association."
Failure to teach kids age-appropriate gun safety is criminal negligence.
I have no problem with gun safety being taught in school, I feel the more children know about handling firearms safely, the better off the country is.
I do feel that any ammo be banned from an indoor classroom, and only used one bullet at a time, outside, perhaps on a football field.
Firearm safety classes do not require the presence of a gun, much less ammo.
I have no problem with gun safety being taught in school, I feel the more children know about handling firearms safely, the better off the country is.
I do feel that any ammo be banned from an indoor classroom, and only used one bullet at a time, outside, perhaps on a football field.
Firearm safety classes do not require the presence of a gun, much less ammo.

I agree.


I also have no idea of their curriculum.

hands on knowledge of the safety would be a plus.
Seems to me like that should be the job of the patents not the school.
sure , that'd be great but with lots of old men 'dads' missing the kids would never learn practical gun safety . Probably ok if some parents want to opt out but I as an old man wouldn't be one of them that opts out .
Like an episode of "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?"

Gun safety instruction OK in public elementary schools, new Louisiana law says

"When school starts this fall, public schools in Louisiana will have the option to instruct elementary students on gun safety.

Gov. Bobby Jindal on Wednesday (July 1) signed a bill into law that permits cities, parishes and local public school boards to provide students with "age and grade appropriate" firearm accident prevention and safety instruction.

A suggested curriculum includes the Eddie Eagle Gunsafe Program, developed by the National Rifle Association."

Do you know what the NRA program is......and why would it be a problem....? knowing how not to play with guns will lower the death rate lower than it was in 2013.....69, and that is a problem for the anti gunners.....nothing helps them push their anti gun agenda like dead no dead kids...makes it harder to push stupid, useless gun control laws.....

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