CRT is not I repeat not in elementary schools

Lol. The dems watching fox News are there for laughs or the shorts skirts the women wear. Repugs believe that shit.I personally love knowing repugs are sitting in a corner hiding from giant Jewish space lasers. Love watching a couple of idiot repug candidates about getting into a fist fight during a debate trying to out stupid each other right here in my home state of Ohio. Quality entertainment there. Di I tell ya about the flat earther I had on my boat the other day? Loads of laughs all day.
You take him close to the edge?

All you say describes the other end of the political spectrum also.
You take him close to the edge?

All you say describes the other end of the political spectrum also.
Lol, OK shortbus. Shouldn't you be chasing giant Jewish space lasers or something? Maybe trying to close down schools so everyone one can be like you? Lol, ya we went the edge. You idiots are hilarious
If their family members are saying the N-word and teaching the children hatred and bigotry, yes it is acceptable.

Society is moving on past such things. We are no longer a White country, we are a minority-rule country.
So, what punishment to you want to inflict on someone using the n-word at home, Adolf?
WTF is that supposed to mean.

Every 40 years or so, Americans have to go through some form of racial reckoning, because they refuse to acknowledge or deal with systemic racism. Things get better for a while and then there's a white backlash which, having never learned about the past, they try to "their place".

You had the Jim Crow Laws 40 years after the Civil War, then in the 1920's, you had the race riots and massacres in Oklahoma City and elsewhere, which I hadn't even heard about until the last couple of years. Good job at burying that stuff. In the 1960's you had the race riots which lead to the Civil Rights Act. In the 1980's you had Reagan cancelling the War on Poverty, Zero Tolerance on drugs - but only for blacks and Hispanics, and a complete backlash against black rights.

Now, another 40 years on you have the George Floyd riots, and you're trying to stop white children from learning about racism. You don't want white children feeling bad about themselves on account of being white, but you don't have any problem at all calling black people stupid, lazy or criminal, and zero tolerance is still in vogue, but only for black kids.

Think about it like this. You buy a hotel with no disabled ramps, and no facilities for disabled people in the washrooms, or the guest suites. The law requires public spaces to have access for the disabled. You claim it's not your fault the hotel doesn't have access for disabled people. You didn't build the hotel and it was like this when you bought it. But it is your fault because you're now the owner, and you've done nothing about the situation since you bought it. You could have installed a ramp for access, and set aside some rooms with wider bathroom doors, and handicapped railings, but you didn't.

When you're aware of a problem and you do nothing to change it, YOU are responsible for the problem.
In the 1980's you had Reagan cancelling the War on Poverty, Zero Tolerance on drugs - but only for blacks and Hispanics, and a complete backlash against black rights.

Please cite the statute Reagan signed saying the US has a zero tolerance on drugs "but only for blacks and hispanics" Dragonlady

Surely you aren't being a lying sack of dogshit yet again, or maybe you were thinking of this authored by your Vegetable Messiah and signed by Bill Clinton.

If their family members are saying the N-word and teaching the children hatred and bigotry, yes it is acceptable.

Society is moving on past such things. We are no longer a White country, we are a minority-rule country.
We are a stupidone country.
Lol, because they attract every idiot that wants to chase giant Jewish space lasers, pedophilia vampire space lizards, thinks Micky and Minnie are out to get them and want to close down schools. Evidently a good percentage of America is on zoloft, Zanex and other mind altering paranoid drugs. Which one are you on? Better look over your shoulder Micky mouse is closing in on ya.

When you awaken in a pool of vomit in the gutter each morning, do you search for empty bottle from the previous night in hopes a drop or two is left, or immediately start pan handling?

It is not illegal to say the N-word, and it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS if anyone says it.

If you keep sticking your nose in other peoples' business you're liable to get it sliced off.

YOU do not speak for society

MORE THAN HALF of this country has no use for your bullshit liberal values

YOU are the minority, and YOU will continue to be

Lefties right now are RACIST, that much is painfully obvious. Progtards are the biggest hypocrites on the planet, calling the political opposition racist while pushing racism to children in schools
Social Darwinism: Survival of the Fatherest

Preppie Progressives believe that inheriting their Daddy's money and political connections means that they have evolved into a separate and superior race. That goes for Preppy Conservatives, too. For what other reason would Dumbo Dubya believe he had the superior intelligence to make him a Decider?
Teaching 4 year olds not to be racist, and to be able to identify racism, is not CRT. It's just good education and good civics.
You seem very dense. Let me try to explain things.

CRT is a tool of globalist elites. It is a way to divide and conquer the people.

Don’t be so dumb.

Why not strip liberal elites of their many privileges instead of attacking working class whites?
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WTF is that supposed to mean.

Every 40 years or so, Americans have to go through some form of racial reckoning, because they refuse to acknowledge or deal with systemic racism. Things get better for a while and then there's a white backlash which, having never learned about the past, they try to "their place".

You had the Jim Crow Laws 40 years after the Civil War, then in the 1920's, you had the race riots and massacres in Oklahoma City and elsewhere, which I hadn't even heard about until the last couple of years. Good job at burying that stuff. In the 1960's you had the race riots which lead to the Civil Rights Act. In the 1980's you had Reagan cancelling the War on Poverty, Zero Tolerance on drugs - but only for blacks and Hispanics, and a complete backlash against black rights.

Now, another 40 years on you have the George Floyd riots, and you're trying to stop white children from learning about racism. You don't want white children feeling bad about themselves on account of being white, but you don't have any problem at all calling black people stupid, lazy or criminal, and zero tolerance is still in vogue, but only for black kids.

Think about it like this. You buy a hotel with no disabled ramps, and no facilities for disabled people in the washrooms, or the guest suites. The law requires public spaces to have access for the disabled. You claim it's not your fault the hotel doesn't have access for disabled people. You didn't build the hotel and it was like this when you bought it. But it is your fault because you're now the owner, and you've done nothing about the situation since you bought it. You could have installed a ramp for access, and set aside some rooms with wider bathroom doors, and handicapped railings, but you didn't.

When you're aware of a problem and you do nothing to change it, YOU are responsible for the problem.

Oh wait how many Indigenous kids did you all force into schools again?? Or I should say "schools"

I'm sick to death of snotty Canadians.
Teaching 4 year olds not to be racist, and to be able to identify racism, is not CRT. It's just good education and good civics.


CRT is PROMOTING racial identity as a determinant of your character. They teach kids that skin color determines whether you are an "OPPRESSOR" or the OPPRESSED". It's the rejuvenation of SEGREGATION.

Skin color DETERMINES your character and motives? That's the exact opposite of MLK's statement about skin color vs character. AND -- it's the basis of ole good Southern Democrat Successionists and slavers come back to life as the NEW segregation.

I replied to you at post #60 what IS BEING TAUGHT -- not what you IMAGINE is being taught and you never READ IT or commented or REFUTED any of it. You just keep on making shit up about what you THINK the kids are being taught under CRT..


You should investigate a bit deeper than JUST "a personal hunch". Makes you look REALLY uniformed. When you mess with kids under 10 about race - MAYBE the line should be drawn at IMPROVING race relations. NOT opening a whole can of whoop ass about whether a 3rd or 5th grader is "an OPPRESSOR or the OPPRESSED. And asking them all about "their privileges" before they know much about how others live and think.

SURELY all the awful CRT/1619 Project/BLM stuff is now a REQUIREMENT for teacher training in many states and school system. Which is bad enough. Because teachers are not "experts" on much and can really screw up a session on race by TRYING to answer difficult questions from kids that are BEYOND their reach to handle.

While we all debate what critical race theory is and whether lawmakers should ban it from public schools, every honest person should agree on one thing: This theory is behind the curricula in school districts all over the country, shaping the minds of unsuspecting, malleable children.

Just this week, the Manhattan Institute’s Christopher Rufo reported that 30 public school districts in 15 states are teaching a book, Not My Idea, that tells readers that “whiteness” leads white people to make deals with the devil for “stolen land, stolen riches, and special favors.” White people get to “mess endlessly with the lives of your friends, neighbors, loved ones, and all fellow humans of color for the purpose of profit,” the book adds.

There are plenty of other examples that prove racial essentialism and collective guilt are being taught to young students. In Cupertino, California, an elementary school required third graders to rank themselves according to the “power and privilege” associated with their ethnicities. Schools in Buffalo, New York, taught students that “all white people” perpetuate “systemic racism” and had kindergarteners watch a video of dead black children, warning them about “racist police and state-sanctioned violence.” And in Arizona, the state’s education department sent out an “equity toolkit” to schools that claimed infants as young as 3 months old can start to show signs of racism and “remain strongly biased in favor of whiteness” by age 5.

1. Children for communism

Earlier this year, a whistleblower uncovered a fifth-grade social studies lesson in Philadelphia that asked students to celebrate the "black communist" Angela Davis. Students were asked to act out "free Angela Davis" rallies, demanding that the government release the Black Panther imprisoned on charges of murder, conspiracy, and kidnapping.

The Philadelphia public school system released an "Antiracism Declaration" last summer that said educators must "no longer be passive or disjointed in [their] approach."

"Race is the social construction that set the foundation and built the infrastructure for the United States we know today," the memo read. "Racism is the root of all other forms of injustice and provides the nourishment needed for other systems of oppression to thrive. As such, in order to destroy the tree, we cannot simply pick at the leaves or chop away at the trunk, we must destroy the root."

The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Initiatives in Buffalo, New York, announced a new curriculum for fifth-grade students last July centered on Black Lives Matter. The lessons include learning the Black Lives Matter "declaration on Black Villages."

"We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another, and especially 'our' children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable," the lesson read.

One of the core tenants of Black Lives Matter had long been rebuking the "Western-prescribed nuclear family structure." After much criticism, the organization took that goal off its website.

It was at this exact time our school district decided to introduce controversial policies and mandatory teacher training based on critical race theory. The goal was laudable — to “become an anti-racist school system” — but the curriculum, in fact, produced the opposite result.

As assistant principal at Charlottesville’s Agnor-Hurt Elementary School, I witnessed firsthand how this training directed teachers to be racist by viewing each other and their students based solely on race and then treating each other differently according to the color of their skin. Indeed, this curriculum, based on Glenn Singleton’s book “Courageous Conversations About Race,” promotes harmful racial stereotypes. It also teaches that students of color are inherently disadvantaged.

I believe every person is made in the image of God and entitled to equal treatment and respect, so this content immediately set off warning signals. And I wasn’t alone. Fellow teachers and staff members repeatedly shared their concerns with me about how the curriculum created a racially divisive and hostile environment and about the hurtful comments other staff members made throughout the training, which denigrated them for being white.
You do realize that Christopher Rufo doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about? Nothing you illustrated is critical race theory. Here is the link to Amazon for the book. But it and read it. Until you do, I cannot take your opinion seriously.

Amazon product ASIN 1565842715
You do realize that Christopher Rufo doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about? Nothing you illustrated is critical race theory. Here is the link to Amazon for the book. But it and read it. Until you do, I cannot take your opinion seriously.
No one's going to read your communist propaganda, dimtard.

ALL claims of structural whiteness originate from CRT.

ALL of them.

No one's going to waste their time going after the so-called academics.

We're going after the shit for brains leftist activists that sit on the school boards and curriculum committees.

Apparently, none of THEM understand CRT either.
Teaching 4 year olds not to be racist, and to be able to identify racism, is not CRT. It's just good education and good civics.
...and you guys wonder why your party is falling apart. Do you honestly expect that normal parents will find your response acceptable?
No one's going to read your communist propaganda, dimtard.

ALL claims of structural whiteness originate from CRT.

ALL of them.

No one's going to waste their time going after the so-called academics.

We're going after the shit for brains leftist activists that sit on the school boards and curriculum committees.

Apparently, none of THEM understand CRT either.
Structural whiteness comes from the belief of whites. You don't know what CRT is.
...and you guys wonder why your party is falling apart. Do you honestly expect that normal parents will find your response acceptable?
The democratic party is not falling apart. The republican party no longer exists. And PinkFloyd is right.

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