CRT is not I repeat not in elementary schools

The democratic party is not falling apart. The republican party no longer exists. And PinkFloyd is right.
Do you really not see the political winds shifting? The left went WAY the fuck too far the past few years. The left let progressives guide them and now its time to pay the piper for the long list of stupid shit that Biden did for them. It will take years for you guys to recover, but you will only recover if you reject all the bullshit you supported.

This idea about defunding the police, nope, thats out the window. Support for BLM will have to cease. No more defending lawlessness and soft on crime nonsense. You will also have to stop defending the indoctrination of children. All the horseshit you guys have been fighting for the past several years, you now have to reject if you ever want to get elected again.

Thats the difference between our parties. The right doesnt change their beliefs. We have integrity and real morals, as opposed to the fake morals that your party peddles to your moronic base.
The democratic party is not falling apart. The republican party no longer exists. And PinkFloyd is right.
The Republican Party no longer exists?

Quite possibly the dumbest post of your career here posting nothing but moronic posts IQ2.
Do you really not see the political winds shifting? The left went WAY the fuck too far the past few years. The left let progressives guide them and now its time to pay the piper for the long list of stupid shit that Biden did for them. It will take years for you guys to recover, but you will only recover if you reject all the bullshit you supported.

This idea about defunding the police, nope, thats out the window. Support for BLM will have to cease. No more defending lawlessness and soft on crime nonsense. You will also have to stop defending the indoctrination of children. All the horseshit you guys have been fighting for the past several years, you now have to reject if you ever want to get elected again.

Thats the difference between our parties. The right doesnt change their beliefs. We have integrity and real morals, as opposed to the fake morals that your party peddles to your moronic base.
Nothing is shifting. You guys have made up a bunch of shit that's not going on. Look at your post. It's an example.

Made you look! Chinese Cultural Revolution is here.​

DC elementary school gave 4-year-olds ‘anti-racism’ ‘fistbook’ asking them to identify racist family members​

'It’s not your fault for having white privilege, but it is your fault if you choose to ignore it,' a presentation told kids in Pre-K through 3rd grade​

A public elementary school in Washington, D.C., gave children as young as 4 a lesson on "anti-racism" that asked them to identify racist members of their family.
According to a Nov. 30 letter from Janney Elementary School Principal Danielle Singh, students in Pre-K through 3rd grade participated in an "Anti-Racism Fight Club" presentation by speaker Doyin Richards.
"As part of this work, each student has a fist book to help continue the dialogue at school and home," Singh’s letter stated, linking to Richards’ presentation. "We recognize that any time we engage topics such as race and equity, we may experience a variety of emotions. This is a normal part of the learning and growing process. As a school community we want to continue the dialogue with our students and understand this is just the beginning."
Students listen to their teacher during their first day of  transitional kindergarten class at Tustin Ranch Elementary School in Tustin, CA on Wednesday, August 11, 2021.

Richards’ "Anti-Racism Fight Club Fistbook for Kids" explains that "white people are a part of a society that benefits them in almost every instance," and that "it’s as if white people walk around with an invisible force field because they hold all of the power in America."
"If you are a white person, white privilege is something you were born with and it simply means that your life is not more difficult due to the color of your skin," the "Fistbook for Kids" explains. "Put differently, it’s not your fault for having white privilege, but it is your fault if you choose to ignore it."

The "Fistbook for Kids" says anti-racism "isn’t a spectator sport" but requires "being loud, uncomfortable, confrontational and visible to ensure change is made."
A series of questions in the book asks children, "Where do you see racism in yourself? This requires true soul-searching. Be real with yourself, don’t feel guilt/shame and own it. It’s the first step in becoming an anti-racist."
Under a section titled, "How to deal with racism from loved ones," the book teaches children that "just because someone is older than you doesn’t mean that they’re right all of the time."
"If someone doesn’t believe that people should be treated equally based on the color of their skin, then they are the problem. Parents need to stop making excuses for that behavior if they truly believe in anti-racism," the book says. "Who in your family has racist beliefs? Do you think you can change their ways? What is your strategy for dealing with them?"
After the presentation, the school sent parents a resource link directing them to Richards’ original "Anti-Racism Fight Club Fistbook" for adults, which declares that "racism is as American as apple pie and baseball."
"As we sit here today, it is still woven into the fabric of our homes, communities, schools, government, economic system, healthcare, and so much more. As a matter of fact, it would be difficult to find one facet of our society where racism does not exist," the book states. "White supremacy isn’t the shark, it’s the ocean."
The original "Fistbook" also claims that "if the police don’t murder citizens without penalty, then the riots/looting don’t happen," and that "your feelings about Colin Kaepernick serve as a great barometer of how you would feel about Dr. King" during the Civil Rights Movement.
"If you hate Kaepernick now, you’d hate Dr. King if he was alive today," it argues. "And do you know what’s funny? In 50 years from now, white people will probably talk glowingly of Kaepernick as they are with Dr. King now. Stop using his quotes to benefit your racism."
DC Public Schools told Fox News Digital in a statement that the original "Fistbook" was not shared with students.
"DC Public Schools provides joyful and rigorous academic experiences for our students and is committed to advancing educational equity," the district said. "In December, a resource link with this content was shared in a parent newsletter at one of our schools. It is not part of our DCPS curriculum and was not shared with students," the district said, referring to Richards’ guide for adults.
Commenters claiming to be parents at Janney Elementary complained about the Nov. 30 presentation and the "Fistbook for Kids" on the "DC Urban Moms and Dads" online forum.
"Anyone else’s Kindergarten kid freaked out by an anti-racism assembly today? My kid needed to sleep with a light on and the door open tonight," one person posted anonymously. "Anyone know what specifically was talked about? My kid couldn’t relay much except that she was scared."
The district declined to answer Fox News Digital’s inquiry about the "Fistbook for Kids" and whether the Nov. 30 presentation for students ages 4-9 was mandatory.
Jessica Chasmar is a reporter for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to [email protected] and on Twitter: @JessicaChasmar.
Your a fucking moron.
Made you look!!!
Where are you from scruffy?
From the street.

Raised as a hippie in Haight Ashbury.

Smoked a lot of weed, had hair down to my butt.


There's a lot about me that would surprise you.

I started with less than nothing, and now I own three successful businesses. I practice what I preach. Economic self sufficiency.

And, I'm going to defend what's mine. I worked very damn hard for it, and I'm not giving it up.
If their family members are saying the N-word and teaching the children hatred and bigotry, yes it is acceptable.

Society is moving on past such things. We are no longer a White country, we are a minority-rule country.
I can say what I want in my home. Try and stop me.
Teaching 4 year olds not to be racist, and to be able to identify racism, is not CRT.
nor is it academics

It's just good education and good civics.
but "not good" academics...this is how left wing politics around the world pry children away from their parents, it is a wedge issue...the state must control more than just the means of production if it is to control us all.
Teaching 4 year olds not to be racist, and to be able to identify racism, is not CRT.
To "not be racist" means learning the hate whites, white culture, anything related to Der Juden, the hated whites. White children must be taught to hate themselves and their parents, to atone for their evil skin.

It is CRT

It's just good education and good civics.

You should attribute quotes when you use them:

" It's just good education and good civics." - Adolf Hitler
If their family members are saying the N-word and teaching the children hatred and bigotry, yes it is acceptable.

Society is moving on past such things. We are no longer a White country, we are a minority-rule country.
The only kids that are taught that are blacks. They teach their kids to whites and police and authority.
Teaching 4 year olds not to be racist, and to be able to identify racism, is not CRT. It's just good education and good civics.
Oh! Godfrey Daniels. Has it ever occured in yer hollowed out
shell of a brain that there is a thing known as the right time and place.
You don't teach kids about Sex until maybe puberty.Also later.
You don't teach kids about violence or Mass Murderers until they
are in their late teens.Why create anxiety and pique ANY curiosity in
such Negatives.That is why Parents are the ones most responsible for
their Kids health and upbringing.What they eat at the dinner table and
learn as far as growing up like good manners and respect of others.
Not this disjointed absurdist Revisionist History being peddled
by the same folk who Pushed the Lie into a major Narrative :
BlackLivesMatter, Pure Crap.
Blacks Kill,Murder,Assualt,Rob and peddle drugs to other Blacks
in record numbers.Blacks also commit over 50 % of Homicides in the
U.S. the last decade.Plus Black females have around 5 times more
Abortions than White females.

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