"Gun show" "loophole"? Please explain.

There is an easy way to keep felons out of gun stores, gun shows and to prevent private direct sales to felons……when they are convicted of their crimes and can no longer own guns…put a tattoo on their shoulder that states this.

This way, if someone is in a gun store, or gun show, it can easily be determined if they should be there by any sales clerk or owner simply asking to see their shoulder. That way if they walk in with a straw buyer, and the owner sees the tattoo on their shoulder, he can ask both people to leave his store….

No paperwork needed, it is immediate, it identifies felons easily where before it would be impossible to identify them….and it doesn't target normal gun owners.

What if they get multiple tattoos to cover it?? Also...some religions forbid tattoos. Wouldn't wanna violate religious rights.

And....ghettos account for most private gun deals. Not gun shows. And in the ghetto...they don't give a fuck.

If you have a guy with his shoulder covered in tattoos...then he would have to go through a traditional background check......and whoever was doing business with him would already have a red flag to look at him closely...if he was just a guy with tattoos he would pass the regular background check.
What these LIB asshole gun-grabbers fail to comprehend is at EVERY fucking 'gun show' in the country EVERY licensed dealer KNOWS EVERY other licensed dealer. They also can spot when old grandpa shows up to sell off his four hunting rifles.
They KNOW who the private collectors are b/c the private collectors show up at every gun show! Just like car collectors show up at every local car show.
The licensed gun dealers KNOW who the private sellers are too.
It's a very competitive business and there are only so many buyers on a given weekend.
!00% of the time if someone starts showing up at gun shows who claims to be a private seller and they are selling new guns and or a LOT of guns the licensed dealers are going to call the authorities.
Licensed gun dealers have to jump through a TON of hoops to get a license and the last thing they put up with is anyone making illegal sales and cutting into their legal business anymore then a licensed car dealer would put up with a 'car curber' set up in the next parking lot.
All you LIB pussies here. Read the last sentence again!
Ever been to a swap meet? You will notice the 'regular' sellers who rent a table every weekend all make a beeline to the person just setting up who is just selling off their old cookbook collection.
Same with licensed gun dealers. They are the first ones to see what the old grandpa is unwrapping. They buy anything from grandpa that's any good before the doors even open to the public.
An hour later the old 308 Norma Magnum grandpa sold to the licensed dealer set up across the room is on the licensed dealer's table. He's tacked on 20% more than he paid grandpa.
This happens everywhere all the time with anything people sell at gun shows/car shows/antique swap meets/collectors swap meets etec etc.
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What these LIB asshole gun-grabbers fail to comprehend is at EVERY fucking 'gun show' in the country EVERY licensed dealer KNOWS EVERY other licensed dealer. They also can spot when old grandpa shows up to sell off his four hunting rifles.
They KNOW who the private collectors are b/c the private collectors show up at every gun show! Just like car collectors show up at every local car show.
The licensed gun dealers KNOW who the private sellers are too.
It's a very competitive business and there are only so many buyers on a given weekend.
!00% of the time if someone starts showing up at gun shows who claims to be a private seller and they are selling new guns and or a LOT of guns the licensed dealers are going to call the authorities.
Licensed gun dealers have to jump through a TON of hoops to get a license and the last thing they put up with is anyone making illegal sales and cutting into their legal business anymore then a licensed car dealer would put up with a 'car curber' set up in the next parking lot.
All you LIB pussies here. Read the last sentence again!
Ever been to a swap meet? You will notice the 'regular' sellers who rent a table every weekend all make a beeline to the person just setting up who is just selling off their old cookbook collection.
Same with licensed gun dealers. They are the first ones to see what the old grandpa is unwrapping. They buy anything from grandpa that's any good before the doors even open to the public.
An hour later the old 308 Norma Magnum grandpa sold to the licensed dealer set up across the room is on the licensed dealer's table. He's tacked on 20% more than he paid grandpa.
This happens everywhere all the time with anything people sell at gun shows/car shows/antique swap meets/collectors swap meets etec etc.

You don't know what you are talking about.
The loophole is that a table, two or more at a gun show is like having a gun store or shop without the need for a license. As long as the guns are used and you represent yourself as a "private collector" you can buy and sell unlimited numbers of firearms without the inconvenience of paperwork or background checks. New guns can be sold also, but that will draw the ire of licensed dealers and draw attention. That could cause authorities to start checking serial numbers on your firearms and the chances of finding one that is on the stolen list could cause big problems. As long as you are willing and able to travel, you can deal firearms every weekend somewhere.

Using your logic, having a garage sale or two or more tables at a flea market makes you a storefront retail operation without a license. Licensed dealers have no problem with me setting up at shows...in fact we are often trading with each other. Anything I get from them needs to have paperwork done by me and a background check...anything they receive from me requires paperwork done by them.

The odds of finding a firearm on a "stolen list" is the same no matter who is selling it.

Federal law already prevents private citizens from buying & selling firearms outside of their own state, so I am hardly travelling around the country selling from my small collection. It's not like I even make any money...9 times out of 10 I end up buying more than I sell. If I want new toys, I gotta sell the old toys to pay for it.

This notion that something sinister is going on reflects more on your own possible character weaknesses than it does on the honor and integrity of private citizens buying, selling and trading at gun shows.
What these LIB asshole gun-grabbers fail to comprehend is at EVERY fucking 'gun show' in the country EVERY licensed dealer KNOWS EVERY other licensed dealer. They also can spot when old grandpa shows up to sell off his four hunting rifles.
They KNOW who the private collectors are b/c the private collectors show up at every gun show! Just like car collectors show up at every local car show.
The licensed gun dealers KNOW who the private sellers are too.
It's a very competitive business and there are only so many buyers on a given weekend.
!00% of the time if someone starts showing up at gun shows who claims to be a private seller and they are selling new guns and or a LOT of guns the licensed dealers are going to call the authorities.
Licensed gun dealers have to jump through a TON of hoops to get a license and the last thing they put up with is anyone making illegal sales and cutting into their legal business anymore then a licensed car dealer would put up with a 'car curber' set up in the next parking lot.
All you LIB pussies here. Read the last sentence again!
Ever been to a swap meet? You will notice the 'regular' sellers who rent a table every weekend all make a beeline to the person just setting up who is just selling off their old cookbook collection.
Same with licensed gun dealers. They are the first ones to see what the old grandpa is unwrapping. They buy anything from grandpa that's any good before the doors even open to the public.
An hour later the old 308 Norma Magnum grandpa sold to the licensed dealer set up across the room is on the licensed dealer's table. He's tacked on 20% more than he paid grandpa.
This happens everywhere all the time with anything people sell at gun shows/car shows/antique swap meets/collectors swap meets etec etc.

You don't know what you are talking about.


Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.
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Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.

It's not a loophole. Something that has ALWAYS been legal is hardly a loophole. If they would have tried banning private sales, the GCA of 68 would have never passed and if it had managed to pass later, would have been struck down by SCOTUS at some point. The Feds were only able to call for licensing and regulation of people "in the business" due to the typical over-broad interpretation of the Commerce clause of the Constitution. If they would have tried to close your "loophole" when they added the background check requirements...again, no passee. Disagree? You couldn't even get the votes to pass it on the heels of Sandy Hook, for chris' sake.
The loophole is allowing non licensed sellers to sell with no background check.
So... there's nothing in the law that allows you to legally circumvent the requirements of the law.
Where's the "loophole"?
It is not specific to gun shows...
As this "loophole" exists for every private sale everywhere in the country, would you say that the "gun show" descriptor is best described as misleading, or dishonest?

Yes. I pointed that out to him.

These private sales happen all day every day in the ghetto. Guns get traded and sold there 100x more often than gun shows.

Libs just hate gun shows. They hate everything about them.

They start calling it the "ghetto loophole" and I'll start taking it serious.

Ignorant and dumb. I have lots of guns and go to gun shows all the time. I see you are willing to recognize that many people who shouldn't get guns are able to because of that flaw in the law only if you can blame it on black people. OK if that's what it takes.
the flaw in what law? you haven't described what the flaw and in what law.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.
You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.
You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.
There is no hole in the law that allows you legally to get around the background checks required by said law.
Thus: there is no loophole.
Soundly explain how you can legally to get around the background checks required by federal law.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.

It's a waste of time discussing this with you. The silver lining is that all candidates that have a chance of winning have agreed that the loophole will be closed, and I suspect that will be one of the first things done after the election. You can add that to the list of things that the majority said you were wrong about.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.

It's a waste of time discussing this with you. The silver lining is that all candidates that have a chance of winning have agreed that the loophole will be closed, and I suspect that will be one of the first things done after the election. You can add that to the list of things that the majority said you were wrong about.

In other words, you have finally realized how stupid you are sounding in this thread and are attempting a face-saving retreat. Smartest thing you've done all day.

FYI, the President can't pass laws....only Congress can...and they have failed on this before, and will continue to do so because they, unlike you, may at least be smarter than a box of rocks (albeit barely).
It's a waste of time discussing this with you. The silver lining is that all candidates that have a chance of winning have agreed that the loophole will be closed...
They plan to make it MORE impossible to legally avoid background checks that are already impossible to legally avoid?
and I suspect that will be one of the first things done after the election
Oh wait.... Congress... damn.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.
Are you saying there are not states with cash and carry laws? Not even Nevada? Do these laws apply to both hand guns and long guns? What does "specified by relevant federal laws" mean? Sounds like some wiggle room, i.e., loophole space.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.
Are you saying...
I said:
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.
It cannot be done.
Under any circumstance.
There is no loophole.
Everyone knows everyone at gun shows. NO licensed dealer is going to fly all over the country setting up in old Moose Halls trying to make a living selling old or new guns. It doesn't make economic sense!
!00% of licensed dealers sell within their own state.
These dealers KNOW EVERY OTHER DEALER BY NAME!!!!!!!!!!
They trade. They socialise.
Some stranger walks in with a hundred shit cheap hand guns to sell made in Romania and the licensed dealers are on the phone to their FRIENDS at the police station.
You dimwit LIB pussy gun grabbers literally have no clue about what really goes on at gun shows.
You can count 'Cankles' in also. The bitch is 100% about getting her feet up on the Oval office desk while Bill sexually assaults little interns.
Fucking disgusting.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.

It's a waste of time discussing this with you. The silver lining is that all candidates that have a chance of winning have agreed that the loophole will be closed, and I suspect that will be one of the first things done after the election. You can add that to the list of things that the majority said you were wrong about.

In other words, you have finally realized how stupid you are sounding in this thread and are attempting a face-saving retreat. Smartest thing you've done all day.

FYI, the President can't pass laws....only Congress can...and they have failed on this before, and will continue to do so because they, unlike you, may at least be smarter than a box of rocks (albeit barely).

You may call it retreat. I call it quietly walking away from a crazy guy. Believe what you want, but don't be surprised when it happens.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.

It's a waste of time discussing this with you. The silver lining is that all candidates that have a chance of winning have agreed that the loophole will be closed, and I suspect that will be one of the first things done after the election. You can add that to the list of things that the majority said you were wrong about.
what loophole to what law?
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.

It's a waste of time discussing this with you. The silver lining is that all candidates that have a chance of winning have agreed that the loophole will be closed, and I suspect that will be one of the first things done after the election. You can add that to the list of things that the majority said you were wrong about.

In other words, you have finally realized how stupid you are sounding in this thread and are attempting a face-saving retreat. Smartest thing you've done all day.

FYI, the President can't pass laws....only Congress can...and they have failed on this before, and will continue to do so because they, unlike you, may at least be smarter than a box of rocks (albeit barely).

You may call it retreat. I call it quietly walking away from a crazy guy. Believe what you want, but don't be surprised when it happens.
sounds like that's what you're calling it. Again, you haven't answered the question what loophole to what law?

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