Gun threats at home

Jeddahite....there are approximately "250 MILLION" firearms owned by approximately "75 MILLION" private citizens. Millions upon millions of these individuals (myself included) take their ownership seriously and are not a threat to anyone.
I own firearms and keep them locked in a safe when not taking them to a firing range. My one exception is, as a citizen with a concealed weapons permit, one is carried on my person. In the many years I have carried it, it only comes out of the holster at the range. Except for its use at the range, it will not be used except to save a life....ever.
We who own our weapons responsibly take that ownership seriously. We and our firearms are no threat to you and never will be. Those who kill with firearms fall into the following categories:
1. Criminal element (gangs, murderers, robbers, drug dealers, thieves).
2. Mentally disturbed.
3. Irate and disgruntled individuals who in a heat of anger lash out.
Individuals have often killed with sharp instruments (knives, axes, et cetera), blunt instruments (hammers, bats, wrenches, tire-irons, et cetera), and incendiary devices (gasoline, et cetera).
If you want something done about the killings, push for disclosure to authorities by physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other health care professionals of any patients that may be considered dangerous.
I would also recommend strong anti-gang laws. Chicago is seeing a spike in killings, but the majority of these are gang related. Gang members and other criminals get guns illegally via theft and also via being smuggled in to the country.
Somehow those criminals, mentally ill and irate and disgruntled people are doing a lot of killing. What's wrong with background checks?

Background checks only work for those people who volunteer to under go them….criminals and terrorists don't do background checks…..France doesn't need background checks because all the guns the terrorists used were illegal to begin with and the terrorists could not pass background checks anyway….

Background checks are bypassed by stealing guns or by getting people with a clean record to by the gun for you if you can't pass it yourself….so they are useless at stopping or preventing crime or mass shootings.
Let's not have any checks at all, or helmets because motorcyclists still get killed, or vaccinations because people still get sick and die. Right.
It's none of your fucking business if someone doesn't want to wear a helmet or gets vaccinated
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Let me ask you something

How do you go about vetting someone who shows up with no paperwork, no ID, and you have no access to the records of his country of origin?
It's a two-year process. Why don't you ask the Homeland Security people and the FBI how they do it?
are you naive enough to think those 10000 people have been waiting 2 years to get in here and that the FBI has spent those 2 years investigating every one of them?
How many Syrians have arrived here recently? It is a two year process. Check it out instead of exercising your right knee.

If you know it all then you post how it's done then prove that all those people have actually been waiting 2 years to get in here

if you can
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Let me ask you something

How do you go about vetting someone who shows up with no paperwork, no ID, and you have no access to the records of his country of origin?
It's a two-year process. Why don't you ask the Homeland Security people and the FBI how they do it?
are you naive enough to think those 10000 people have been waiting 2 years to get in here and that the FBI has spent those 2 years investigating every one of them?
How many Syrians have arrived here recently? It is a two year process. Check it out instead of exercising your right knee.

If you know it all then you post how it's done then prove that all those people have actually been waiting 2 years to get in here

if you can
Breaking News! Dozens of Americans Killed Every Month by Home-Grown Terrorists! Toddlers Turn Guns on Selves! In the latest incident, a terrorist shot and killed 6 people at a Texas campsite. Witnesses said he appeared to be neither a 'swarthy bastard" nor a raghead. Texas senator reports that he's worried that invading Syrians will be armed soon "because it's so easy to get a gun in Texas." Okay, I've ranted and raved, crying in the wilderness, a little blue dot in a big red area. Enough snark for the time being.
Jeddahite....there are approximately "250 MILLION" firearms owned by approximately "75 MILLION" private citizens. Millions upon millions of these individuals (myself included) take their ownership seriously and are not a threat to anyone.
I own firearms and keep them locked in a safe when not taking them to a firing range. My one exception is, as a citizen with a concealed weapons permit, one is carried on my person. In the many years I have carried it, it only comes out of the holster at the range. Except for its use at the range, it will not be used except to save a life....ever.
We who own our weapons responsibly take that ownership seriously. We and our firearms are no threat to you and never will be. Those who kill with firearms fall into the following categories:
1. Criminal element (gangs, murderers, robbers, drug dealers, thieves).
2. Mentally disturbed.
3. Irate and disgruntled individuals who in a heat of anger lash out.
Individuals have often killed with sharp instruments (knives, axes, et cetera), blunt instruments (hammers, bats, wrenches, tire-irons, et cetera), and incendiary devices (gasoline, et cetera).
If you want something done about the killings, push for disclosure to authorities by physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other health care professionals of any patients that may be considered dangerous.
I would also recommend strong anti-gang laws. Chicago is seeing a spike in killings, but the majority of these are gang related. Gang members and other criminals get guns illegally via theft and also via being smuggled in to the country.
Somehow those criminals, mentally ill and irate and disgruntled people are doing a lot of killing. What's wrong with background checks?

Background checks only work for those people who volunteer to under go them….criminals and terrorists don't do background checks…..France doesn't need background checks because all the guns the terrorists used were illegal to begin with and the terrorists could not pass background checks anyway….

Background checks are bypassed by stealing guns or by getting people with a clean record to by the gun for you if you can't pass it yourself….so they are useless at stopping or preventing crime or mass shootings.
Let's not have any checks at all, or helmets because motorcyclists still get killed, or vaccinations because people still get sick and die. Right.

We already have a check….laws were passed that says felons cannot own or carry guns. When we catch felons with guns we can arrest them on the spot.
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

No, not anyone can buy a gun. You have to

Be 18 for a long gun (rifle or shotgun)
Be 21 for a handgun and in your home state
Not have a felony or domestic violence record
Never have been adjudicated to be mentally incompetent
Not be addicted to drugs
Never have received a Bad Conduct Discharge
Never have renounced your citizenship
And those are just the federal laws. Your state may have more, such as Illinois or California.

Some states allow a face-to-face transfer without a background check (the so-called Gun Show Loophole that was specifically written into the law), but some don't. But buy from a dealer anywhere, even gun shows, and you WILL get a NICS background check.

And then there're the whole transporting guns, carrying guns, licensing, permits, and the like that go on at the state level.

While we're on the subject, more people die from doctors' mistake than die by guns every year. (30,000 gun deaths, mostly criminals killing criminals vs. 100,000 doctor deaths) Before we tackle the scourge of gun violence, shouldn't we tackle the problem of incompetent physicians?

If it saves just one life.
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

That's the point. We have more than enough killers of our own, we do not need to import more.
You can ban all future firearm purchases, but good luck collecting the over 300 million firearms already in the hands of private citizens in the U.S.
Few things worth doing are easy...
How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...
When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.

I thought no life was worth taking over money? And, more to the point are you going to be in the forefront or are you going to demand that others do your dirty work for you? Just wondering...
You can ban all future firearm purchases, but good luck collecting the over 300 million firearms already in the hands of private citizens in the U.S.
Few things worth doing are easy...

How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...

None. He'll send other people to kick in doors and kill people who just want left alone though.

Funny how that works.
You can ban all future firearm purchases, but good luck collecting the over 300 million firearms already in the hands of private citizens in the U.S.
Few things worth doing are easy...
How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...
When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

No, not anyone can buy a gun. You have to

Be 18 for a long gun (rifle or shotgun)
Be 21 for a handgun and in your home state
Not have a felony or domestic violence record
Never have been adjudicated to be mentally incompetent
Not be addicted to drugs
Never have received a Bad Conduct Discharge
Never have renounced your citizenship
And those are just the federal laws. Your state may have more, such as Illinois or California.

Some states allow a face-to-face transfer without a background check (the so-called Gun Show Loophole that was specifically written into the law), but some don't. But buy from a dealer anywhere, even gun shows, and you WILL get a NICS background check.

And then there're the whole transporting guns, carrying guns, licensing, permits, and the like that go on at the state level.

While we're on the subject, more people die from doctors' mistake than die by guns every year. (30,000 gun deaths, mostly criminals killing criminals vs. 100,000 doctor deaths) Before we tackle the scourge of gun violence, shouldn't we tackle the problem of incompetent physicians?

If it saves just one life.

(30,000 gun deaths, mostly criminals killing criminals vs

in 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders, in 2013….505 accidental deaths and the rest were suicides

And yes, the majority of gun murders are criminals murdering other criminals, neither of whom are allowed by law to own or carry guns…
So that's a popular rationale?
A little more wont hurt?
You can ban all future firearm purchases, but good luck collecting the over 300 million firearms already in the hands of private citizens in the U.S.
Few things worth doing are easy...

How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...

None. He'll send other people to kick in doors and kill people who just want left alone though.

Funny how that works.
No doors will be kicked in. Blown off their damn hinges maybe, but not kicked in. We don't want anyone getting shot eh, ironic as that might sound.
So that's a popular rationale?
A little more wont hurt?
You need to start seeing the forest for the trees. The idea of a Caliphate, forest, men agreeing and acting on it, trees. Lots of trees in a forest, far too many to kill, and they have big, entirely wrong, dreams.


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Jeddahite....there are approximately "250 MILLION" firearms owned by approximately "75 MILLION" private citizens. Millions upon millions of these individuals (myself included) take their ownership seriously and are not a threat to anyone.
I own firearms and keep them locked in a safe when not taking them to a firing range. My one exception is, as a citizen with a concealed weapons permit, one is carried on my person. In the many years I have carried it, it only comes out of the holster at the range. Except for its use at the range, it will not be used except to save a life....ever.
We who own our weapons responsibly take that ownership seriously. We and our firearms are no threat to you and never will be. Those who kill with firearms fall into the following categories:
1. Criminal element (gangs, murderers, robbers, drug dealers, thieves).
2. Mentally disturbed.
3. Irate and disgruntled individuals who in a heat of anger lash out.
Individuals have often killed with sharp instruments (knives, axes, et cetera), blunt instruments (hammers, bats, wrenches, tire-irons, et cetera), and incendiary devices (gasoline, et cetera).
If you want something done about the killings, push for disclosure to authorities by physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other health care professionals of any patients that may be considered dangerous.
I would also recommend strong anti-gang laws. Chicago is seeing a spike in killings, but the majority of these are gang related. Gang members and other criminals get guns illegally via theft and also via being smuggled in to the country.
Somehow those criminals, mentally ill and irate and disgruntled people are doing a lot of killing. What's wrong with background checks?

Background checks only work for those people who volunteer to under go them….criminals and terrorists don't do background checks…..France doesn't need background checks because all the guns the terrorists used were illegal to begin with and the terrorists could not pass background checks anyway….

Background checks are bypassed by stealing guns or by getting people with a clean record to by the gun for you if you can't pass it yourself….so they are useless at stopping or preventing crime or mass shootings.
Let's not have any checks at all, or helmets because motorcyclists still get killed, or vaccinations because people still get sick and die. Right.
It's none of your fucking business if someone doesn't want to wear a helmet or gets vaccinated

This always reminds me of a Pennsylvania state legislator who said during a helmet bill debate:

"If you don't think it's worth fifty bucks to protect your head -- you're probably right". :lol:
So that's a popular rationale?
A little more wont hurt?
You need to start seeing the forest for the trees. The idea of a Caliphate, forest, men agreeing and acting on it, trees. Lots of trees in a forest, far too many to kill, and they have big, entirely wrong, dreams.

"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
So that's a popular rationale?
A little more wont hurt?
You need to start seeing the forest for the trees. The idea of a Caliphate, forest, men agreeing and acting on it, trees. Lots of trees in a forest, far too many to kill, and they have big, entirely wrong, dreams.

"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...
We haven't heard too much about Japanese fanaticism lately. I wonder why?
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Liberals shitting their pants.

OMG , my neighbor might have a gun !!!

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