Gun threats at home

So that's a popular rationale?
A little more wont hurt?
You need to start seeing the forest for the trees. The idea of a Caliphate, forest, men agreeing and acting on it, trees. Lots of trees in a forest, far too many to kill, and they have big, entirely wrong, dreams.

"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.
So that's a popular rationale?
A little more wont hurt?
You need to start seeing the forest for the trees. The idea of a Caliphate, forest, men agreeing and acting on it, trees. Lots of trees in a forest, far too many to kill, and they have big, entirely wrong, dreams.

"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.

As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.
So that's a popular rationale?
A little more wont hurt?
You need to start seeing the forest for the trees. The idea of a Caliphate, forest, men agreeing and acting on it, trees. Lots of trees in a forest, far too many to kill, and they have big, entirely wrong, dreams.

"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.

Change does have to come from within, but we can help the process by dropping copious amounts of fire on the heads of those Muslims that think strapping bombs to children or shooting up concerts or killing apostates is a good plan.
So that's a popular rationale?
A little more wont hurt?
You need to start seeing the forest for the trees. The idea of a Caliphate, forest, men agreeing and acting on it, trees. Lots of trees in a forest, far too many to kill, and they have big, entirely wrong, dreams.

"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.

As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.

REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.
So that's a popular rationale?
A little more wont hurt?
You need to start seeing the forest for the trees. The idea of a Caliphate, forest, men agreeing and acting on it, trees. Lots of trees in a forest, far too many to kill, and they have big, entirely wrong, dreams.

"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.

Change does have to come from within, but we can help the process by dropping copious amounts of fire on the heads of those Muslims that think strapping bombs to children or shooting up concerts or killing apostates is a good plan.

I agree
Americans who are afraid of Syrian refugees have options, hide under your bed, move to Alaska or the mountains of western America. Take Ted Cruz with you, a Canadian who sponges off America and all he does is talk talk and more talk. Does nothing substantive. Weird how republicans repeat history, Joe McCarthy is smiling. 'We're all gonna die.....'

Top 10 Reasons Governors are Wrong to Exclude Syrian Refugees
Mindless terrorists? The truth about Isis is much worse | Scott Atran

I Feel Sorry For Democrats | Page 22 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Alaska is taking in refugees so if they're trying to escape them this isn't the right state.
You need to start seeing the forest for the trees. The idea of a Caliphate, forest, men agreeing and acting on it, trees. Lots of trees in a forest, far too many to kill, and they have big, entirely wrong, dreams.

"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.

As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.

REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.

Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did. When Islam is as watered down as Christianity, the issues will be few. That and the corruption of capitalism did a number on the so-called Christians, who can no longer be found, hardly a one.
"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.

As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.

REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.

Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did. When Islam is as watered down as Christianity, the issues will be few. That and the corruption of capitalism did a number on the so-called Christians, who can no longer be found, hardly a one.

Chrsitianity is more than just the West, dumbfuck.
Jeddahite....there are approximately "250 MILLION" firearms owned by approximately "75 MILLION" private citizens. Millions upon millions of these individuals (myself included) take their ownership seriously and are not a threat to anyone.
I own firearms and keep them locked in a safe when not taking them to a firing range. My one exception is, as a citizen with a concealed weapons permit, one is carried on my person. In the many years I have carried it, it only comes out of the holster at the range. Except for its use at the range, it will not be used except to save a life....ever.
We who own our weapons responsibly take that ownership seriously. We and our firearms are no threat to you and never will be. Those who kill with firearms fall into the following categories:
1. Criminal element (gangs, murderers, robbers, drug dealers, thieves).
2. Mentally disturbed.
3. Irate and disgruntled individuals who in a heat of anger lash out.
Individuals have often killed with sharp instruments (knives, axes, et cetera), blunt instruments (hammers, bats, wrenches, tire-irons, et cetera), and incendiary devices (gasoline, et cetera).
If you want something done about the killings, push for disclosure to authorities by physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other health care professionals of any patients that may be considered dangerous.
I would also recommend strong anti-gang laws. Chicago is seeing a spike in killings, but the majority of these are gang related. Gang members and other criminals get guns illegally via theft and also via being smuggled in to the country.
Somehow those criminals, mentally ill and irate and disgruntled people are doing a lot of killing. What's wrong with background checks?

Background checks only work for those people who volunteer to under go them….criminals and terrorists don't do background checks…..France doesn't need background checks because all the guns the terrorists used were illegal to begin with and the terrorists could not pass background checks anyway….

Background checks are bypassed by stealing guns or by getting people with a clean record to by the gun for you if you can't pass it yourself….so they are useless at stopping or preventing crime or mass shootings.
Let's not have any checks at all, or helmets because motorcyclists still get killed, or vaccinations because people still get sick and die. Right.
It's none of your fucking business if someone doesn't want to wear a helmet or gets vaccinated

This always reminds me of a Pennsylvania state legislator who said during a helmet bill debate:

"If you don't think it's worth fifty bucks to protect your head -- you're probably right". :lol:

Exactly and I don't know how much protection a 50 dollar helmet will give you but it's none of my business
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.

As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.

REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.

Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did. When Islam is as watered down as Christianity, the issues will be few. That and the corruption of capitalism did a number on the so-called Christians, who can no longer be found, hardly a one.

Chrsitianity is more than just the West, dumbfuck.

Most who claim to be Christians are not. That is the point. We made it (mostly) safe for the rest of us. The same can be done with Islam, given time and much outside pressure.
Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did.

Well, maybe the horrors and bloodshed of the Thirty Years War had something to do with it. The one where 8 million Europeans died because of which doctrine they believed. The one where the survivors looked around and said "man, maybe we could try NOT killing people just because they believe something different than me."

I've been saying it for a while, but I think there needs to be a good Sunni v. Shia religious war with a quarter of all Muslims ending up dead just so the survivors can figure out that sectarian violence is just fucking stupid and they can all live together.
You can ban all future firearm purchases, but good luck collecting the over 300 million firearms already in the hands of private citizens in the U.S.
Few things worth doing are easy...
How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...
When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
You can ban all future firearm purchases, but good luck collecting the over 300 million firearms already in the hands of private citizens in the U.S.
Few things worth doing are easy...
How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...
When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.

So, you are willing to commit mass murder to further your goals. Is that what i am seeing here?
"Kill enough of them, and they stop fighting."
-Curtis Lemay

"We have the tools, we have the talent."
-Winston Zeddemore
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.

As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.

REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.

Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did. When Islam is as watered down as Christianity, the issues will be few. That and the corruption of capitalism did a number on the so-called Christians, who can no longer be found, hardly a one.

Incorrect, but what you don't know of history would fill multiple encyclopedias. Like most progressives your historical knowledge is greatly lacking. Liberalism was a throwing off of government. It was a celebration of individual rights and responsibilities. You progressives wish to do away with individual liberties.

You are the new dictators and as evidenced by your willingness to commit mass murder to further your goals the Founders wisdom in memorializing the RIGHT to maintain guns is shown to be absolutely correct to keep murderous scum like you in check.
Few things worth doing are easy...
How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...
When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
Few things worth doing are easy...
How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...
When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
So, you are willing to commit mass murder to further your goals. Is that what i am seeing here?
Mass murder will not be required. We might a lose a few here or there but we wouldn't have wanted them anyway since they are outlaws. It's pretty easy to get this message:
Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did.

Well, maybe the horrors and bloodshed of the Thirty Years War had something to do with it. The one where 8 million Europeans died because of which doctrine they believed. The one where the survivors looked around and said "man, maybe we could try NOT killing people just because they believe something different than me."

I've been saying it for a while, but I think there needs to be a good Sunni v. Shia religious war with a quarter of all Muslims ending up dead just so the survivors can figure out that sectarian violence is just fucking stupid and they can all live together.
As I said, change from the outside, not the inside. That's how change happens.
How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...
When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
How many people are you willing to murder to take away their property? Just wondering...
When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
So, you are willing to commit mass murder to further your goals. Is that what i am seeing here?
Mass murder will not be required. We might a lose a few here or there but we wouldn't have wanted them anyway since they are outlaws. It's pretty easy to get this message:

You don't consider the burning to death of 26 completely innocent children in that fire, mass murder?
This is an eternal battle, a war of ideas, and ideas are, what's the line, bulletproof...

I agree. Change has to come from Islam.

As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.

REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.

Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did. When Islam is as watered down as Christianity, the issues will be few. That and the corruption of capitalism did a number on the so-called Christians, who can no longer be found, hardly a one.

Incorrect, but what you don't know of history would fill multiple encyclopedias. Like most progressives your historical knowledge is greatly lacking. Liberalism was a throwing off of government. It was a celebration of individual rights and responsibilities. You progressives wish to do away with individual liberties.

You are the new dictators and as evidenced by your willingness to commit mass murder to further your goals the Founders wisdom in memorializing the RIGHT to maintain guns is shown to be absolutely correct to keep murderous scum like you in check.

I'm a liberal, not a progressive (but I believe in progress, lots of it like most liberals) and your right to a gun is an amendment, which can be repealed. It's not written in stone, nor was it written by God and it was written at a time when guns made sense, and they no longer do.

The Founders created a government that worked for them and their times, and they expected us to do the same and we have not.
I agree. Change has to come from Islam.
As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.
REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.
Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did. When Islam is as watered down as Christianity, the issues will be few. That and the corruption of capitalism did a number on the so-called Christians, who can no longer be found, hardly a one.
Incorrect, but what you don't know of history would fill multiple encyclopedias. Like most progressives your historical knowledge is greatly lacking. Liberalism was a throwing off of government. It was a celebration of individual rights and responsibilities. You progressives wish to do away with individual liberties.

You are the new dictators and as evidenced by your willingness to commit mass murder to further your goals the Founders wisdom in memorializing the RIGHT to maintain guns is shown to be absolutely correct to keep murderous scum like you in check.
I'm a liberal, not a progressive (but I believe in progress, lots of it like most liberals) and your right to a gun is an amendment, which can be repealed. It's not written in stone, nor was it written by God and it was written at a time when guns made sense, and they no longer do.

The Founders created a government that worked for them and their times, and they expected us to do the same and we have not.
You are NOT a liberal. You are a lefty.

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