Gun threats at home

When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
When that time comes, and they've been given fair warning, as many as necessary.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
So, you are willing to commit mass murder to further your goals. Is that what i am seeing here?
Mass murder will not be required. We might a lose a few here or there but we wouldn't have wanted them anyway since they are outlaws. It's pretty easy to get this message:
You don't consider the burning to death of 26 completely innocent children in that fire, mass murder?
They did murder their children by one, not coming out and forgetting about the guns, and two, setting the fire.

If your children have to die because you won't turn in your guns, so be it. You were warned and humans will not shield you. Come out, come out, or die? Those will be your only options.
As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.
REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.
Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did. When Islam is as watered down as Christianity, the issues will be few. That and the corruption of capitalism did a number on the so-called Christians, who can no longer be found, hardly a one.
Incorrect, but what you don't know of history would fill multiple encyclopedias. Like most progressives your historical knowledge is greatly lacking. Liberalism was a throwing off of government. It was a celebration of individual rights and responsibilities. You progressives wish to do away with individual liberties.

You are the new dictators and as evidenced by your willingness to commit mass murder to further your goals the Founders wisdom in memorializing the RIGHT to maintain guns is shown to be absolutely correct to keep murderous scum like you in check.
I'm a liberal, not a progressive (but I believe in progress, lots of it like most liberals) and your right to a gun is an amendment, which can be repealed. It's not written in stone, nor was it written by God and it was written at a time when guns made sense, and they no longer do.

The Founders created a government that worked for them and their times, and they expected us to do the same and we have not.
You are NOT a liberal. You are a lefty.
Nope. And how would know, you never ask a question that would show what a liberal would say.
I agree. Change has to come from Islam.
As with all faiths, it must come from external not internal sources. Religion gave us the Dark Ages, and it would have stayed that way if not for better ideas dragging its Leave It To God ass into the future.

Want to fix Islam, embrace and promote liberalism.
REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.
Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did. When Islam is as watered down as Christianity, the issues will be few. That and the corruption of capitalism did a number on the so-called Christians, who can no longer be found, hardly a one.
Incorrect, but what you don't know of history would fill multiple encyclopedias. Like most progressives your historical knowledge is greatly lacking. Liberalism was a throwing off of government. It was a celebration of individual rights and responsibilities. You progressives wish to do away with individual liberties.

You are the new dictators and as evidenced by your willingness to commit mass murder to further your goals the Founders wisdom in memorializing the RIGHT to maintain guns is shown to be absolutely correct to keep murderous scum like you in check.
I'm a liberal, not a progressive (but I believe in progress, lots of it like most liberals) and your right to a gun is an amendment, which can be repealed. It's not written in stone, nor was it written by God and it was written at a time when guns made sense, and they no longer do.

The Founders created a government that worked for them and their times, and they expected us to do the same and we have not.

By that rationale, neither the right to free speech nor the right to a jury trial nor the right to not be tortured until you give up evidence against yourself are sacrosanct. After all, they are neither written in stone nor are they granted by God.

The Bill of Rights does not grant me my fundamental human rights, it merely recognizes the most important of them, which no government can legitimately abridge.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
So, you are willing to commit mass murder to further your goals. Is that what i am seeing here?
Mass murder will not be required. We might a lose a few here or there but we wouldn't have wanted them anyway since they are outlaws. It's pretty easy to get this message:
You don't consider the burning to death of 26 completely innocent children in that fire, mass murder?
They did murder their children by one, not coming out and forgetting about the guns, and two, setting the fire.

If your children have to die because you won't turn in your guns, so be it. You were warned and humans will not shield you. Come out, come out, or die? Those will be your only options.

Well, if it was good enough for the Branch Davidians, it's good enough for ISIS.
REAL liberalism or that Marxist bullshit?
As usual, a lefty think people are fuckin weak and pathetic. It has to come from Islam. Needs to start with their fuckin leaders.
Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did. When Islam is as watered down as Christianity, the issues will be few. That and the corruption of capitalism did a number on the so-called Christians, who can no longer be found, hardly a one.
Incorrect, but what you don't know of history would fill multiple encyclopedias. Like most progressives your historical knowledge is greatly lacking. Liberalism was a throwing off of government. It was a celebration of individual rights and responsibilities. You progressives wish to do away with individual liberties.

You are the new dictators and as evidenced by your willingness to commit mass murder to further your goals the Founders wisdom in memorializing the RIGHT to maintain guns is shown to be absolutely correct to keep murderous scum like you in check.
I'm a liberal, not a progressive (but I believe in progress, lots of it like most liberals) and your right to a gun is an amendment, which can be repealed. It's not written in stone, nor was it written by God and it was written at a time when guns made sense, and they no longer do.

The Founders created a government that worked for them and their times, and they expected us to do the same and we have not.
You are NOT a liberal. You are a lefty.
Nope. And how would know, you never ask a question that would show what a liberal would say.
smh ok
By that rationale, neither the right to free speech nor the right to a jury trial nor the right to not be tortured until you give up evidence against yourself are sacrosanct. After all, they are neither written in stone nor are they granted by God.
That's correct. Liberals giveth and Liberals taketh away.
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
So, you are willing to commit mass murder to further your goals. Is that what i am seeing here?
Mass murder will not be required. We might a lose a few here or there but we wouldn't have wanted them anyway since they are outlaws. It's pretty easy to get this message:
You don't consider the burning to death of 26 completely innocent children in that fire, mass murder?
They did murder their children by one, not coming out and forgetting about the guns, and two, setting the fire.

If your children have to die because you won't turn in your guns, so be it. You were warned and humans will not shield you. Come out, come out, or die? Those will be your only options.

Well, if it was good enough for the Branch Davidians, it's good enough for ISIS.
Parts of ISIS gets waco'ed daily I believe.
So, you are willing to commit mass murder to further your goals. Is that what i am seeing here?
Mass murder will not be required. We might a lose a few here or there but we wouldn't have wanted them anyway since they are outlaws. It's pretty easy to get this message:
You don't consider the burning to death of 26 completely innocent children in that fire, mass murder?
They did murder their children by one, not coming out and forgetting about the guns, and two, setting the fire.

If your children have to die because you won't turn in your guns, so be it. You were warned and humans will not shield you. Come out, come out, or die? Those will be your only options.

Well, if it was good enough for the Branch Davidians, it's good enough for ISIS.
Parts of ISIS gets waco'ed daily I believe.

Not by the US or NATO. We go out of our way to minimize civilian casualties
Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did.

Well, maybe the horrors and bloodshed of the Thirty Years War had something to do with it. The one where 8 million Europeans died because of which doctrine they believed. The one where the survivors looked around and said "man, maybe we could try NOT killing people just because they believe something different than me."

I've been saying it for a while, but I think there needs to be a good Sunni v. Shia religious war with a quarter of all Muslims ending up dead just so the survivors can figure out that sectarian violence is just fucking stupid and they can all live together.
As I said, change from the outside, not the inside. That's how change happens.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
I thought no life was worth taking over money?
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
So, you are willing to commit mass murder to further your goals. Is that what i am seeing here?
Mass murder will not be required. We might a lose a few here or there but we wouldn't have wanted them anyway since they are outlaws. It's pretty easy to get this message:
You don't consider the burning to death of 26 completely innocent children in that fire, mass murder?
They did murder their children by one, not coming out and forgetting about the guns, and two, setting the fire.

If your children have to die because you won't turn in your guns, so be it. You were warned and humans will not shield you. Come out, come out, or die? Those will be your only options.

No, the Federal Government murdered those children. Have you seen the search warrant? I have. Everything listed in the search warrant was LEGAL. The ATF agents relied on the ignorance of the judge to get approval for the raid.

Further there was no reason for the raid in the first place. Koresh had turned himself in before when he was wanted in connection with a murder charge IIRC. So the 4 agents who died, and the kids who died, were killed so that a supervisor could make a show of force to justify his budget.

What you advocate for is an illegitimate government and what happens to illegitimate governments in the long run?

Yup.......... the scumbags get lined up along a wall and shot.
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Precisely because we have regular gun violence already, we don't need suicide bombers as well.
Christianity didn't reform itself, Liberals did.

Well, maybe the horrors and bloodshed of the Thirty Years War had something to do with it. The one where 8 million Europeans died because of which doctrine they believed. The one where the survivors looked around and said "man, maybe we could try NOT killing people just because they believe something different than me."

I've been saying it for a while, but I think there needs to be a good Sunni v. Shia religious war with a quarter of all Muslims ending up dead just so the survivors can figure out that sectarian violence is just fucking stupid and they can all live together.
As I said, change from the outside, not the inside. That's how change happens.
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
That's correct, but this is over banned deadly weapons. And I have no problem pushing the button, which is all it will take to turn a cute little house,for all inside, into a human barbecue. Very few would ever be that dumb after seeing a few examples. Brutal, but effective.
So, you are willing to commit mass murder to further your goals. Is that what i am seeing here?
Mass murder will not be required. We might a lose a few here or there but we wouldn't have wanted them anyway since they are outlaws. It's pretty easy to get this message:
You don't consider the burning to death of 26 completely innocent children in that fire, mass murder?
They did murder their children by one, not coming out and forgetting about the guns, and two, setting the fire.

If your children have to die because you won't turn in your guns, so be it. You were warned and humans will not shield you. Come out, come out, or die? Those will be your only options.
No, the Federal Government murdered those children. Have you seen the search warrant? I have. Everything listed in the search warrant was LEGAL. The ATF agents relied on the ignorance of the judge to get approval for the raid.

Further there was no reason for the raid in the first place. Koresh had turned himself in before when he was wanted in connection with a murder charge IIRC. So the 4 agents who died, and the kids who died, were killed so that a supervisor could make a show of force to justify his budget.

What you advocate for is an illegitimate government and what happens to illegitimate governments in the long run?

Yup.......... the scumbags get lined up along a wall and shot.
Had a "church" not been dealing in arms, illegal arms no less, and had they come out instead of killing Federal agents, all that you say would have been worked out in time by the courts. When the Feds come knocking, right or wrong, do not start shooting at them, period.
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Good point for perspective. Welcome to USMB. :welcome:

I lived in Paris for a while and have many thoughts on our gun violence problem; hope to see you around.
Thank you.
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Let me ask you something

How do you go about vetting someone who shows up with no paperwork, no ID, and you have no access to the records of his country of origin?
It's a two-year process. Why don't you ask the Homeland Security people and the FBI how they do it?
are you naive enough to think those 10000 people have been waiting 2 years to get in here and that the FBI has spent those 2 years investigating every one of them?
How many Syrians have arrived here recently? It is a two year process. Check it out instead of exercising your right knee.

If you know it all then you post how it's done then prove that all those people have actually been waiting 2 years to get in here

if you can
Thanks, Skull, glad you asked. Hope you have time to read more than a headline.
This information can be found on our website,

Resettlement is considered a durable solution for refugees who cannot return to their countries of origin or integrate into the current country that is hosting them. Resettlement to a country like the U.S. presents a life-saving alternative for a very small number of refugees around the world (less than one half of one percent). Refugees seeking resettlement in the United States must pass through a number of steps aimed at ensuring that they will not pose a security risk to the United States.
Refugee Status: In most cases the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines that the individual qualifies as a refugee under international law. A refugee is someone who has fled from his or her home country and cannot return because he or she has a well-founded fear of persecution based on religion, race, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.
Referral to the United States: A refugee that meets one of the criteria for resettlement in the United States is referred to the U.S. government by UNHCR, a U.S. Embassy, or a trained Non-Governmental Organization.
Resettlement Support Center: A Resettlement Support Center (RSC), contracted by the U.S. Department of State, compiles the refugee’s personal data and background information for the security clearance process and to present to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for an in-person interview.
Security Clearance Process: With information collected by the RSC, a number of security checks are conducted. The State Department runs the names of all refugees referred to the United States for resettlement through a standard CLASS (Consular Lookout and Support System) name check. In addition, enhanced interagency security checks were phased in beginning in 2008 and applied to all refugee applicants by 2010.
Security Clearance Process: Certain refugees undergo an additional security review called a Security Advisory Opinion (SAO). These cases require a positive SAO clearance from a number of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies in order to continue the resettlement process. When required, this step runs concurrently with Step 4.
*Note that under limited circumstances, refugee applicants may be interviewed in their home
country rather than in a country of asylum.
Security Clearance Process: Refugees who meet the minimum age requirement have their fingerprints and photograph taken by a trained U.S. government employee, usually on the same day as their DHS interview. The fingerprints are then checked against various U.S. government databases and information on any matches is reviewed by DHS.
In-person Interview: All refugee applicants are interviewed by an officer from DHS’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). A trained officer will travel to the country of asylum* to conduct a detailed, face-to- face interview with each refugee applicant being considered for resettlement. Based on the information in the refugee’s case file and on the interview, the DHS officer will determine if the individual qualifies as a refugee and is admissible under U.S. law.
DHS Approval: If the USCIS officer finds that the individual qualifies as a refugee and meets other U.S. admission criteria, the officer will conditionally approve the refugee’s application for resettlement and submit it to the U.S. Department of State for final processing. Conditional approvals become final once the results of all security checks (Steps 4, 5, and 6) have been received and cleared.
Medical Screening: All refugee applicants approved for resettlement in the U.S. are required to undergo medical screening conducted by the International Organization for Migration or a physician designated by the U.S. Embassy.
—STEP 10
Matching Refugees with a Sponsor Agency: Every refugee is assigned to a Voluntary Agency in the U.S., such as the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). USCRI will place refugees with a local partner agency or office that will assist refugees upon their arrival in the U.S.
—STEP 11
Cultural Orientation: In addition, refugees approved for resettlement are offered cultural orientation while waiting for final processing, to prepare them for their journey to and initial resettlement in the United States.
—STEP 12
Security Clearance Process: Prior to departure to the U.S., a second interagency check is conducted for most refugees to check for any new information. Refugees must clear this check in order to depart to the U.S.
—STEP 13
Admission to the United States: Upon arrival at one of five U.S. airports designated as ports of entry for refugee admissions, a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer will review the refugee documentation and conduct additional security checks to ensure that the arriving refugee is the same person who was screened and approved for admission to the United States.
Gun worked so well in France.

For every legal firearm in France, for example, there are nearly two illegal ones, experts say. While the exact number is not known, estimates run to 10 to 20 million illegal weapons in circulation in France’s population of 65 million.

Paris Hebdo attack: France awash with black-market weaponry (+video)

And that was almost a year, even more Illegal automatic weapons used in a French terrorist attack.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

Let me ask you something

How do you go about vetting someone who shows up with no paperwork, no ID, and you have no access to the records of his country of origin?
It's a two-year process. Why don't you ask the Homeland Security people and the FBI how they do it?
are you naive enough to think those 10000 people have been waiting 2 years to get in here and that the FBI has spent those 2 years investigating every one of them?
How many Syrians have arrived here recently? It is a two year process. Check it out instead of exercising your right knee.

If you know it all then you post how it's done then prove that all those people have actually been waiting 2 years to get in here

if you can
Thanks, Skull, glad you asked. Hope you have time to read more than a headline.
This information can be found on our website,

Resettlement is considered a durable solution for refugees who cannot return to their countries of origin or integrate into the current country that is hosting them. Resettlement to a country like the U.S. presents a life-saving alternative for a very small number of refugees around the world (less than one half of one percent). Refugees seeking resettlement in the United States must pass through a number of steps aimed at ensuring that they will not pose a security risk to the United States.
Refugee Status: In most cases the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines that the individual qualifies as a refugee under international law. A refugee is someone who has fled from his or her home country and cannot return because he or she has a well-founded fear of persecution based on religion, race, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.
Referral to the United States: A refugee that meets one of the criteria for resettlement in the United States is referred to the U.S. government by UNHCR, a U.S. Embassy, or a trained Non-Governmental Organization.
Resettlement Support Center: A Resettlement Support Center (RSC), contracted by the U.S. Department of State, compiles the refugee’s personal data and background information for the security clearance process and to present to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for an in-person interview.
Security Clearance Process: With information collected by the RSC, a number of security checks are conducted. The State Department runs the names of all refugees referred to the United States for resettlement through a standard CLASS (Consular Lookout and Support System) name check. In addition, enhanced interagency security checks were phased in beginning in 2008 and applied to all refugee applicants by 2010.
Security Clearance Process: Certain refugees undergo an additional security review called a Security Advisory Opinion (SAO). These cases require a positive SAO clearance from a number of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies in order to continue the resettlement process. When required, this step runs concurrently with Step 4.
*Note that under limited circumstances, refugee applicants may be interviewed in their home
country rather than in a country of asylum.
Security Clearance Process: Refugees who meet the minimum age requirement have their fingerprints and photograph taken by a trained U.S. government employee, usually on the same day as their DHS interview. The fingerprints are then checked against various U.S. government databases and information on any matches is reviewed by DHS.
In-person Interview: All refugee applicants are interviewed by an officer from DHS’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). A trained officer will travel to the country of asylum* to conduct a detailed, face-to- face interview with each refugee applicant being considered for resettlement. Based on the information in the refugee’s case file and on the interview, the DHS officer will determine if the individual qualifies as a refugee and is admissible under U.S. law.
DHS Approval: If the USCIS officer finds that the individual qualifies as a refugee and meets other U.S. admission criteria, the officer will conditionally approve the refugee’s application for resettlement and submit it to the U.S. Department of State for final processing. Conditional approvals become final once the results of all security checks (Steps 4, 5, and 6) have been received and cleared.
Medical Screening: All refugee applicants approved for resettlement in the U.S. are required to undergo medical screening conducted by the International Organization for Migration or a physician designated by the U.S. Embassy.
—STEP 10
Matching Refugees with a Sponsor Agency: Every refugee is assigned to a Voluntary Agency in the U.S., such as the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI). USCRI will place refugees with a local partner agency or office that will assist refugees upon their arrival in the U.S.
—STEP 11
Cultural Orientation: In addition, refugees approved for resettlement are offered cultural orientation while waiting for final processing, to prepare them for their journey to and initial resettlement in the United States.
—STEP 12
Security Clearance Process: Prior to departure to the U.S., a second interagency check is conducted for most refugees to check for any new information. Refugees must clear this check in order to depart to the U.S.
—STEP 13
Admission to the United States: Upon arrival at one of five U.S. airports designated as ports of entry for refugee admissions, a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer will review the refugee documentation and conduct additional security checks to ensure that the arriving refugee is the same person who was screened and approved for admission to the United States.

That's hilarious

How is checking fingerprints against US government data bases going to tell us Jack shit about the criminality of any refugee? We have no access to any records in Syria or any other shit hole in the Middle East so we have no fucking clue who any of these people are

These people are showing up with no passports, no birth certificates or proof of ID they can say they are anyone they want
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Let me ask you something

How do you go about vetting someone who shows up with no paperwork, no ID, and you have no access to the records of his country of origin?

Q&A: How Does the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Work?
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Let me ask you something

How do you go about vetting someone who shows up with no paperwork, no ID, and you have no access to the records of his country of origin?

Q&A: How Does the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Work?

Yeah that tells me nothing and does not answer the question as to how the fuck can we know who these people are when we have no access to the records of their country of origin?
Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Let me ask you something

How do you go about vetting someone who shows up with no paperwork, no ID, and you have no access to the records of his country of origin?

Q&A: How Does the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Work?

Yeah that tells me nothing and does not answer the question as to how the fuck can we know who these people are when we have no access to the records of their country of origin?

The vetting process is extensive.

Stop using fake concern for the safety of fellow Americans in your transparent desire to deal democrats a political loss.

Why are we so worried that terrorists will manage to reach the US and pass through the vetting system when we have gun massacres committed by US citizens every day. How many foreign terrorists have killed on US soil since 9/11? And yet we have massacres in school and churches and theaters all the time. We react and huff and puff but we do nothing about the hundreds of thousands of guns available. Anyone can buy one. Go to a gun show and there's no checking or waiting. We snarl and gnash our teeth about what's happening in Paris, a city I love and have visited many times, but we lose the same number of people here in a month or less.

Let me ask you something

How do you go about vetting someone who shows up with no paperwork, no ID, and you have no access to the records of his country of origin?

Q&A: How Does the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Work?

Yeah that tells me nothing and does not answer the question as to how the fuck can we know who these people are when we have no access to the records of their country of origin?

The vetting process is extensive.

Stop using fake concern for the safety of fellow Americans in your transparent desire to deal democrats a political loss.


Unlike you I don't work from political groupthink.

There is no fucking way these people can be vetted to the extent you say because they are showing up with no passports or IDs for that matter and we have no way to confirm anything they say

That's not a political agenda that's just common fucking sense

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