Gun violence in the world

I dont have to present anything. All I have to do is point out that your idea is an obvious failure for a very simple reason: Criminals by definition do not obey laws. Ergo any law you pass will not affect criminals, but it will affect law abiding people.
My solution is to make guns the equivalent of big screen TVs.

Here's what most people don't understand.

A reading of the Federalist Papers will tell you that the 2nd Amendment exists for one reason....... Not for self defense, not so settlers could hunt wabbits and not for the purpose of forming of a Militia....

The 2nd Amendment exists to intimidate government.

Had Germany had a 2nd Amendment........

Had Russia had a 2nd Amendment,

In fact, if you read about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, after the war the US was debriefing General Matsushita and asked him why the Japanese didn't go on and invade the West Coast of the US after the successful attack on Pearl Harbor.

The General looked at him in amazement and said they had never really given it much thought.

They were scared to death of having to face an armed Citizenry. Millions of Citizens with Millions of guns.

He said he had no illusions of attacking and watching as his men were picked off from over a mile away by Hunting Rifles by the thousand.

Too bad China didn't have a 2nd Amendment, huh?

"Uneasy rests the head that wears the Crown"

That is the whole idea behind the 2nd Amendment and dimocrap FILTH know it.

They know they can never achieve total domination over an armed populace.

Think I'm kidding? Then you're mistaken.

Every single dedicated communist dimocrap scum is aware of it. It is why they HATE the 2nd amendment.

Their goal is to disarm The People and impose a totalitarian government on us.

How would you propose to get the criminals to turn THEIR guns?
Your idea would only leave the unarmed law-abiding citizens at the mercy of the armed criminals.
Criminals would only smuggle guns into America, insuring a constant supply of illegal gun to prey on the unarmed citizens.
???So how is your idea gonna make American citizens any safer???

It seems you don't feel safe now, would you feel less safe if your state required every person who wanted to own, possess or have in their custody and control a license?

And if an unlicensed person did own, possess, or have in his/her custody and control a gun, s/he would suffer criminal sanctions, such as:
  • first offense, a fine and a period of supervised release with condition that s/he not own, possess, etc. gun, submit to warrant less search of person, home, auto and business;
  • Second offense, one year county jail; 3 yrs supervised release under terms and conditions noted above;
  • third offense State Prison; lifetime parole under same conditions.
Hint: It is already illegal for a convicted felon to own or possess a gun. How many convicted felons have turned their guns in? How many convicted felons are actively carrying guns?
Yeah your idea sucks.

I have ideas, you are free to present your own but to be taken seriously you have to have one. Being a parrot and echoing the same meme over and over is quite comical.
I dont have to present anything. All I have to do is point out that your idea is an obvious failure for a very simple reason: Criminals by definition do not obey laws. Ergo any law you pass will not affect criminals, but it will affect law abiding people.
My solution is to make guns the equivalent of big screen TVs.

You solution lacks critical examination, of course every post of yours, at best, been myoptic.
My solution is the result of over a decade in the firearms business where I strictly adhered to the law and saw and heard from customers about their experiences. My conclusion from that is that all firearms laws are ineffective at preventing crime, much less criminals from obtaining guns.
Federalist 46 ~ James Madison

Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. And it is not certain that with this aid alone they would not be able to shake off their yokes.
2nd Amendment was to keep our Federal government limited and docile

See how that worked out?
Europe has inner city ghettos with minorities in them. The only difference is that you can't run down to the store and buy a gun.

That is the only fact that matters.

You really are a stupid cooze

You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons
Conservatives for the most part are too dumb to understand that (Mark Twain, Wil Rogers for example - have you heard of them CF?) Letterman, Colbert and Stewart use humor, wit and even sarcasm to entertain and educate the people.

Conservative commentary, for the most part, eschews such rhetorical tools for severe criticisms and abject character assassinations (have you listened to Limbaugh, Hannity, Falwell and Robertson?) using lies, half-truths, innuendos, appeals to emotion (BENGHAZI!, SOLYNDRA!, FAST & FURIOUS, VOTER FRAUD, etc.) and the ever popular - in the set of the far right - a rewrite of history.
I see you still aren't interested in an open and honest discussion on gun control.
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Europe has inner city ghettos with minorities in them. The only difference is that you can't run down to the store and buy a gun.

That is the only fact that matters.

You really are a stupid cooze

You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons

That was meant for me, right? Or do you just post the EXACT SAME THING ALL THE TIME?

No one takes The Daily Show as a hard news program. Stewart takes current events and provides humorous, sarcastic witty and honest commentary. His editorial on the Charleston mass murder was straightforward, honest and heartfelt. He used no other rhetorical tool than his own humanity.

I generally don't care what comics have to say.
Europe has inner city ghettos with minorities in them. The only difference is that you can't run down to the store and buy a gun.

That is the only fact that matters.

You really are a stupid cooze

You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons

That was meant for me, right? Or do you just post the EXACT SAME THING ALL THE TIME?

No CF, I don't think you're a dirt bag, though you are the archetype for the idiot-gram (I suspect you think you're clever, you're not). You're simply a run of the mill partisan hack with very little of interest to write about, and yet do so ubiquitously.
Europe has inner city ghettos with minorities in them. The only difference is that you can't run down to the store and buy a gun.

That is the only fact that matters.

You really are a stupid cooze

You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons

That was meant for me, right? Or do you just post the EXACT SAME THING ALL THE TIME?

No CF, I don't think you're a dirt bag, though you are the archetype for the idiot-gram (I suspect you think you're clever, you're not). You're simply a run of the mill partisan hack with very little of interest to write about, and yet do so ubiquitously.

Pot, meet Kettle
No CF, I don't think you're a dirt bag, though you are the archetype for the idiot-gram (I suspect you think you're clever, you're not). You're simply a run of the mill partisan hack with very little of interest to write about, and yet do so ubiquitously.
I see you still aren't interested in an open and honest discussion on gun control.
Europe has inner city ghettos with minorities in them. The only difference is that you can't run down to the store and buy a gun.

That is the only fact that matters.

You really are a stupid cooze

You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons

Eat a dick, scumbag
Europe has inner city ghettos with minorities in them. The only difference is that you can't run down to the store and buy a gun.

That is the only fact that matters.

You really are a stupid cooze

You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons

Eat a dick, scumbag
He's a worthless cocksucker. He cannot engage any opinion that differs from his own. His response is to insult and denigrate without ever explaining why he disagrees.
He's a worthless cocksucker. He cannot engage any opinion that differs from his own. His response is to insult and denigrate without ever explaining why he disagrees.

That;s only because he's better than you.

Don't believe me? Just ask him, he'll be happy to tell you how superior he is to -- Everybody. Even his fellow dimocraps.

You don't reason with Nazis, you exterminate them

No one takes The Daily Show as a hard news program. Stewart takes current events and provides humorous, sarcastic witty and honest commentary. His editorial on the Charleston mass murder was straightforward, honest and heartfelt. He used no other rhetorical tool than his own humanity.

I generally don't care what comics have to say.

"Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

Satire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is the genre of Shakespeare, Wil Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Lenny Bruce, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert; it is something worth considering; comedians serve Ha Ha, and leave one usually thoughtless, satarists leave us thoughtful, as do those noted above and many others.

No one takes The Daily Show as a hard news program. Stewart takes current events and provides humorous, sarcastic witty and honest commentary. His editorial on the Charleston mass murder was straightforward, honest and heartfelt. He used no other rhetorical tool than his own humanity.

I generally don't care what comics have to say.

"Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

Satire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is the genre of Shakespeare, Wil Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Lenny Bruce, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert; it is something worth considering; comedians serve Ha Ha, and leave one usually thoughtless, satarists leave us thoughtful, as do those noted above and many others.

So what?

I don't like musicals either.

That Aussie was a comic not a satirist at least that what you posted
He's a worthless cocksucker. He cannot engage any opinion that differs from his own. His response is to insult and denigrate without ever explaining why he disagrees.

That;s only because he's better than you.

Don't believe me? Just ask him, he'll be happy to tell you how superior he is to -- Everybody. Even his fellow dimocraps.

You don't reason with Nazis, you exterminate them

Lucky for you, your threats are hollow.
Satire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is the genre of Shakespeare, Wil Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Lenny Bruce, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert; it is something worth considering; comedians serve Ha Ha, and leave one usually thoughtless, satarists leave us thoughtful, as do those noted above and many others.

You dare to compare Shakespeare to scumbag dicksuckers like Jon (correct spelling, moron) Stewart, the scumbag Lenny Bruce and the piece of fucking shit Stephen Colbert?

You really are a piece of fucking shit.

Get back to your Summer School project
He's a worthless cocksucker. He cannot engage any opinion that differs from his own. His response is to insult and denigrate without ever explaining why he disagrees.

That;s only because he's better than you.

Don't believe me? Just ask him, he'll be happy to tell you how superior he is to -- Everybody. Even his fellow dimocraps.

You don't reason with Nazis, you exterminate them

Lucky for you, your threats are hollow.

The time is approaching, scumbag.

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