Gun violence in the world

No one takes The Daily Show as a hard news program. Stewart takes current events and provides humorous, sarcastic witty and honest commentary. His editorial on the Charleston mass murder was straightforward, honest and heartfelt. He used no other rhetorical tool than his own humanity.

I generally don't care what comics have to say.

"Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

Satire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is the genre of Shakespeare, Wil Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Lenny Bruce, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert; it is something worth considering; comedians serve Ha Ha, and leave one usually thoughtless, satarists leave us thoughtful, as do those noted above and many others.

So what?

I don't like musicals either.

That Aussie was a comic not a satirist at least that what you posted

Please try to keep up. You inferred Stewart was a comic, I posted nothing about the Kiwi, putting context onto the false allegation that I get my news from a comic.
Satire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is the genre of Shakespeare, Wil Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Lenny Bruce, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert; it is something worth considering; comedians serve Ha Ha, and leave one usually thoughtless, satarists leave us thoughtful, as do those noted above and many others.

You dare to compare Shakespeare to scumbag dicksuckers like Jon (correct spelling, moron) Stewart, the scumbag Lenny Bruce and the piece of fucking shit Stephen Colbert?

You really are a piece of fucking shit.

Get back to your Summer School project

Rather captious of you Edgetho, petty but not unexpected.
Tell me what makes an Australian comic qualified to speak for the entire world?

Let me guess you think the daily show is actually a news broadcast don't you?

No one takes The Daily Show as a hard news program. Stewart takes current events and provides humorous, sarcastic witty and honest commentary. His editorial on the Charleston mass murder was straightforward, honest and heartfelt. He used no other rhetorical tool than his own humanity.

I generally don't care what comics have to say.

"Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

Satire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is the genre of Shakespeare, Wil Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Lenny Bruce, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert; it is something worth considering; comedians serve Ha Ha, and leave one usually thoughtless, satarists leave us thoughtful, as do those noted above and many others.

So what?

I don't like musicals either.

That Aussie was a comic not a satirist at least that what you posted

Please try to keep up. You inferred Stewart was a comic, I posted nothing about the Kiwi, putting context onto the false allegation that I get my news from a comic.

My response was of 2 parts not just about Stewart

Try to keep up
Given that 2,000,000 fantasy, it translates into 230 preventions due to guns per hour....every single hour of every single day.

Pick a day in the future...lets say July 7...if you can show me 50 news stories on 7/7/15 detailing such preventions that occurred on 7/6/15...I'll buy the statistic.

Surely if there are 230 every hour of every day, 25% of them +/- get reported by the local newspapers/radio/tv...don't they?

Accept the challenge?

News stories? Is that what you take as meaningful evidence and investigation?
Yes, if 230 people per hour are whipping out their peace keepers and defending their homes/cars/loved ones against bad guys and shooting at them, it will make the news.

That you think this happens over 1,000 times a day is comical to say the least. I'm just asking for you to compile a measly 50 stories from across the nation citing such "heroics".
Most defensive gun use does not involve a shot fired. Also pointed out in the CDC study you are ignoring. The VAST majority will never be reported to the news. most will not even be reported to the police.

It is not comical - it is factual and supported by actual studies in the area whereas your contention actually is laughable considering that you have brought nothing to support it with at all.
That is idiotic. You don’t even want an honest discussion on the topic if you are looking for news stories as some sort of evidence.

No, it's simply asking for proof.

That you balk at providing it tells us all we need to know. Besides that, if there were such an astounding number of shoot-outs happening every day, every one of us would know dozens of folks who were in those shoot outs.

I know a lot of people in 4-5 different states having lived all across the nation. I have never met one that was in one of these scenarios. I imagine that many (if not most) people reading this know of nobody who got into a shoot out to defend what is theirs.
Proof was already provided. Several studies have been cited to include the CDC's compilation yet you ignore that and ask for news articles.

And then you don't understand why that is asinine.

Sure, lets pass up all these studies and track down asinine news stories because that makes sense.

Try again, the studies support the claim and you have shown nothing to refute them. Nothing at all.
Europe has inner city ghettos with minorities in them. The only difference is that you can't run down to the store and buy a gun.

That is the only fact that matters.

You really are a stupid cooze

You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons

That was meant for me, right? Or do you just post the EXACT SAME THING ALL THE TIME?

No CF, I don't think you're a dirt bag, though you are the archetype for the idiot-gram (I suspect you think you're clever, you're not). You're simply a run of the mill partisan hack with very little of interest to write about, and yet do so ubiquitously.

Pot, meet Kettle

You're entitled to your opinion, as insipid as it may be. Are you proud of this post, does it give you a sense of accomplishment?
Tell me what makes an Australian comic qualified to speak for the entire world?

Let me guess you think the daily show is actually a news broadcast don't you?

No one takes The Daily Show as a hard news program. Stewart takes current events and provides humorous, sarcastic witty and honest commentary. His editorial on the Charleston mass murder was straightforward, honest and heartfelt. He used no other rhetorical tool than his own humanity.

I generally don't care what comics have to say.

"Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

Satire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is the genre of Shakespeare, Wil Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Lenny Bruce, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert; it is something worth considering; comedians serve Ha Ha, and leave one usually thoughtless, satarists leave us thoughtful, as do those noted above and many others.

So what?

I don't like musicals either.

That Aussie was a comic not a satirist at least that what you posted

Please try to keep up. You inferred Stewart was a comic, I posted nothing about the Kiwi, putting context onto the false allegation that I get my news from a comic.

You said you get your information from a comedian. Besides Jon Stewart, who do you listen to, Carrot top?
Europe has inner city ghettos with minorities in them. The only difference is that you can't run down to the store and buy a gun.

That is the only fact that matters.

You really are a stupid cooze

You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons

Eat a dick, scumbag

I'm not interested, though you seem to be. Are you gay and promiscuous? Or just gay curious? Rabbi(t) is also prone to add comments about male genital, off topic for everyone but the gay and gay curious. You might want to hook up with him, it's rumored he satisfied his curiosity (a number of times) with Warrior. Since Warrior has been absent for a while, he might be available. Have fun, maybe if you can make a 'connection' with someone else you'll be less of a pathological curmudgeon (since your interests suggest you have little interest in women).

Oh, and have a nice day.
No one takes The Daily Show as a hard news program. Stewart takes current events and provides humorous, sarcastic witty and honest commentary. His editorial on the Charleston mass murder was straightforward, honest and heartfelt. He used no other rhetorical tool than his own humanity.

I generally don't care what comics have to say.

"Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

Satire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is the genre of Shakespeare, Wil Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Lenny Bruce, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert; it is something worth considering; comedians serve Ha Ha, and leave one usually thoughtless, satarists leave us thoughtful, as do those noted above and many others.

So what?

I don't like musicals either.

That Aussie was a comic not a satirist at least that what you posted

Please try to keep up. You inferred Stewart was a comic, I posted nothing about the Kiwi, putting context onto the false allegation that I get my news from a comic.

You said you get your information from a comedian. Besides Jon Stewart, who do you listen to, Carrot top?

No I didn't Frank. I know lying is one of your habits, but keep in mind others have read the posts and understand my message. The message being, Stewart's schtick is satirical, wry and topical all of which gives perspective to hard news.

It's time to stop lying Frank.
I generally don't care what comics have to say.

"Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

Satire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is the genre of Shakespeare, Wil Rogers, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Lenny Bruce, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert; it is something worth considering; comedians serve Ha Ha, and leave one usually thoughtless, satarists leave us thoughtful, as do those noted above and many others.

So what?

I don't like musicals either.

That Aussie was a comic not a satirist at least that what you posted

Please try to keep up. You inferred Stewart was a comic, I posted nothing about the Kiwi, putting context onto the false allegation that I get my news from a comic.

You said you get your information from a comedian. Besides Jon Stewart, who do you listen to, Carrot top?

No I didn't Frank. I know lying is one of your habits, but keep in mind others have read the posts and understand my message. The message being, Stewart's schtick is satirical, wry and topical all of which gives perspective to hard news.

It's time to stop lying Frank.

"Conservatives for the most part are too dumb to understand that (Mark Twain, Wil Rogers for example - have you heard of them CF?) Letterman, Colbert and Stewart use humor, wit and even sarcasm to entertain and educate the people." -- Wry

Did someone hack your account?
He's a worthless cocksucker. He cannot engage any opinion that differs from his own. His response is to insult and denigrate without ever explaining why he disagrees.

That;s only because he's better than you.

Don't believe me? Just ask him, he'll be happy to tell you how superior he is to -- Everybody. Even his fellow dimocraps.

You don't reason with Nazis, you exterminate them

Lucky for you, your threats are hollow.

The time is approaching, scumbag.

Oh shit, I'm so sorry, did I really cause you an emotional crisis for outing you? Oh kind sir, please forgive me, I meant no harm. I simply spoke the truth, is that so bad? (hey, Rabbi(t) will console you - rumor has it he takes money for being pleasured)
He's a worthless cocksucker. He cannot engage any opinion that differs from his own. His response is to insult and denigrate without ever explaining why he disagrees.

That;s only because he's better than you.

Don't believe me? Just ask him, he'll be happy to tell you how superior he is to -- Everybody. Even his fellow dimocraps.

You don't reason with Nazis, you exterminate them

Lucky for you, your threats are hollow.

The time is approaching, scumbag.

Oh shit, I'm so sorry, did I really cause you an emotional crisis for outing you? Oh kind sir, please forgive me, I meant no harm. I simply spoke the truth, is that so bad? (hey, Rabbi(t) will console you - rumor has it he takes money for being pleasured)
Why is it when challenged you default to accusing others of being gay and/or gay prostitutes? Are you fantasizing?
He's a worthless cocksucker. He cannot engage any opinion that differs from his own. His response is to insult and denigrate without ever explaining why he disagrees.

That;s only because he's better than you.

Don't believe me? Just ask him, he'll be happy to tell you how superior he is to -- Everybody. Even his fellow dimocraps.

You don't reason with Nazis, you exterminate them

Lucky for you, your threats are hollow.

The time is approaching, scumbag.

Oh shit, I'm so sorry, did I really cause you an emotional crisis for outing you? Oh kind sir, please forgive me, I meant no harm. I simply spoke the truth, is that so bad? (hey, Rabbi(t) will console you - rumor has it he takes money for being pleasured)
Why is it when challenged you default to accusing others of being gay and/or gay prostitutes? Are you fantasizing?

One more example of a right wing hack accusing others of what he does.

Are you a gay prostitute? I never mentioned that, I simply said rumor has it that you take money for being pleasured.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.
They can't.
The evidence against gun control is so overwhelming that the leftist pricks can only repeat the same tired talking points and then call people names.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.
They can't.
The evidence against gun control is so overwhelming that the leftist pricks can only repeat the same tired talking points and then call people names.

Yep, they swallow propaganda like it's candy.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.
They can't.
The evidence against gun control is so overwhelming that the leftist pricks can only repeat the same tired talking points and then call people names.

" leftist pricks can only repeat the same tired talking points and then call people names."??!

A better example of hypocrisy can not be provided, and what better proof that right wingers accuse others of what they in fact do.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

Except hemenway is a hack......his main study that he uses is the National Crime Victimization Study....he uses that one because it has the lowest number for defensive gun use...why is it's number so low compared to all the other studies....1) it is not a self defense gun study 2) they never actually ask respondees if they have used a gun to stop a crime.....not once....anywhere in the survey........

And voluntary responses from the respondee where they bring up if they used a gun are noted......and then used by anti gun extremists to say it is the definitive study on gun self defense.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

Except hemenway is a hack......his main study that he uses is the National Crime Victimization Study....he uses that one because it has the lowest number for defensive gun use...why is it's number so low compared to all the other studies....1) it is not a self defense gun study 2) they never actually ask respondees if they have used a gun to stop a crime.....not once....anywhere in the survey........

And voluntary responses from the respondee where they bring up if they used a gun are noted......and then used by anti gun extremists to say it is the definitive study on gun self defense.

They admitted in the link that the NCVS only asked a minority of people about DGU's, so yes the number is low, but even as I pointed out, the numbers are significant and in themselves justify private gun ownership.

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