Gun violence in the world

Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.

You are more likely to be robbed, beaten or shot by a criminal thug that has no regard for you or your life
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1

Liberals want only the criminal thugs to be the ones that are armed, according to their anti-gun logic.
You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons

That was meant for me, right? Or do you just post the EXACT SAME THING ALL THE TIME?

No CF, I don't think you're a dirt bag, though you are the archetype for the idiot-gram (I suspect you think you're clever, you're not). You're simply a run of the mill partisan hack with very little of interest to write about, and yet do so ubiquitously.

Pot, meet Kettle

You're entitled to your opinion, as insipid as it may be. Are you proud of this post, does it give you a sense of accomplishment?

Only Sheep like you take pride in posting on an anonymous message board

Pride? Today's sheep are those single issue voters of the hoi polloi who feel compelled to join the herd of the conservative echo chamber; a set whose mind is closed, an infertile one threatened by ideas which do not fit into the box of dogma they have been instructed to adopt.

That's my opinion and before you respond with Booooooosh or some other idiot-gram you should do some homework - my opinion is easy to verify simply read their echo's.
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.

would could suppose
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.
Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.
That is simply reality. Murder is much more related to social factors than to the availability of a means mostly because there is always a means available.

Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.

it certainly does in Iraq since isil took over

isil imposes strict gun control on anyone who opposes them

followed by mass murder
Homicides and governmental sanctioned killings are two different animals and two different conversations.
We need not get into the fact that gun control makes it easier for a governing body to get out of control and murder its own citizens – the reasoning behind controlling guns in the first place is moot as it does not reduce homicides or crimes. Therefore the fact that unarmed populations can be easily killed by the government is moot – there is no reason for that population to be unarmed in the first place so there is no need to justify ‘allowing’ the ownership of arms.

are you nuts

murder is murder

where a criminal down the street does it

or a criminal government does it

That would be a meaningless comparison considering that the homicide rate in many of those nations does NOT change when gun laws are passed in those very same nations.

No, it's not the"End of story". Even if the statement above is true, why are Americans more prone to murder each other? Clearly a broad question, but one that needs to be explored.

your question is absurd
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1

Liberals want only the criminal thugs to be the ones that are armed, according to their anti-gun logic.

Many Americans want a sane gun policy, today's gun policy is not sane.

Don't presume to know what all liberals think on any single issue, there is no liberal mentor, like Coulter or Limbaugh, giving daily talking points which the echo chamber parrots.

"Nine in 10 Americans support expanding background checks on gun purchases in a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, an extraordinary level of agreement on a political issue and a finding that's been duplicated in nearly every major public poll."

90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn t this a political slam dunk - The Washington Post

That would be a meaningless comparison considering that the homicide rate in many of those nations does NOT change when gun laws are passed in those very same nations.

No, it's not the"End of story". Even if the statement above is true, why are Americans more prone to murder each other? Clearly a broad question, but one that needs to be explored.

your question is absurd

Really, I guess we can disagree - I find your comment ridiculous, the product of a closed mind.
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1

Liberals want only the criminal thugs to be the ones that are armed, according to their anti-gun logic.

Many Americans want a sane gun policy, today's gun policy is not sane.

Don't presume to know what all liberals think on any single issue, there is no liberal mentor, like Coulter or Limbaugh, giving daily talking points which the echo chamber parrots.

1. no average citizen needs an assault rifle
2. Chicago has the most strict gun laws in the nation, and the highest rate of gun deaths
3. the 2nd amendment will never be repealed, and never should be
4. the Japanese were scared to invade the USA because "every american has a gun"
5. If guns were banned only criminals and the government would have guns
6. mentally ill people should not be allowed to buy, own, or posses guns
7. OJ murdered two people with a knife
8 McVeay murdered hundreds with a bomb
9. the 9/11 terrorists murdered thousands with airplanes
10. Cars kill more people than guns.
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.

would could suppose
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.
Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.
That is simply reality. Murder is much more related to social factors than to the availability of a means mostly because there is always a means available.

Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.

it certainly does in Iraq since isil took over

isil imposes strict gun control on anyone who opposes them

followed by mass murder
Homicides and governmental sanctioned killings are two different animals and two different conversations.
We need not get into the fact that gun control makes it easier for a governing body to get out of control and murder its own citizens – the reasoning behind controlling guns in the first place is moot as it does not reduce homicides or crimes. Therefore the fact that unarmed populations can be easily killed by the government is moot – there is no reason for that population to be unarmed in the first place so there is no need to justify ‘allowing’ the ownership of arms.

are you nuts

murder is murder

where a criminal down the street does it

or a criminal government does it

or when a paranoid home owner shoots and kills the paper boy.
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.

would could suppose
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.
Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.
That is simply reality. Murder is much more related to social factors than to the availability of a means mostly because there is always a means available.

Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.

it certainly does in Iraq since isil took over

isil imposes strict gun control on anyone who opposes them

followed by mass murder
Homicides and governmental sanctioned killings are two different animals and two different conversations.
We need not get into the fact that gun control makes it easier for a governing body to get out of control and murder its own citizens – the reasoning behind controlling guns in the first place is moot as it does not reduce homicides or crimes. Therefore the fact that unarmed populations can be easily killed by the government is moot – there is no reason for that population to be unarmed in the first place so there is no need to justify ‘allowing’ the ownership of arms.

are you nuts

murder is murder

where a criminal down the street does it

or a criminal government does it

or when a paranoid home owner shoots and kills the paper boy.

i made a mistake

i should have realized you are not worth commenting to
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1

Liberals want only the criminal thugs to be the ones that are armed, according to their anti-gun logic.

Many Americans want a sane gun policy, today's gun policy is not sane.

Don't presume to know what all liberals think on any single issue, there is no liberal mentor, like Coulter or Limbaugh, giving daily talking points which the echo chamber parrots.

1. no average citizen needs an assault rifle
2. Chicago has the most strict gun laws in the nation, and the highest rate of gun deaths
3. the 2nd amendment will never be repealed, and never should be
4. the Japanese were scared to invade the USA because "every american has a gun"
5. If guns were banned only criminals and the government would have guns
6. mentally ill people should not be allowed to buy, own, or posses guns
7. OJ murdered two people with a knife
8 McVeay murdered hundreds with a bomb
9. the 9/11 terrorists murdered thousands with airplanes
10. Cars kill more people than guns.

1. Correct
2. Correlation does not prove causation
3. The Second Amendment is not sacrosanct
4. One persons' apocryphal opinion does not reflect a nations'
5. Talking point and ridiculous - there is no effort to ban guns
6. Mentally ill? A normal guy who drank too many shots of whiskey?
7. Talking point, two dozen killed at Sandy Hook with a gun
8. bombs are made to kill, and bombs are strictly regulated
9. Talking point, planes are not made to kill
10. Guns are made to kill, cars are not
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.

would could suppose
Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.
That is simply reality. Murder is much more related to social factors than to the availability of a means mostly because there is always a means available.

Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.

it certainly does in Iraq since isil took over

isil imposes strict gun control on anyone who opposes them

followed by mass murder
Homicides and governmental sanctioned killings are two different animals and two different conversations.
We need not get into the fact that gun control makes it easier for a governing body to get out of control and murder its own citizens – the reasoning behind controlling guns in the first place is moot as it does not reduce homicides or crimes. Therefore the fact that unarmed populations can be easily killed by the government is moot – there is no reason for that population to be unarmed in the first place so there is no need to justify ‘allowing’ the ownership of arms.

are you nuts

murder is murder

where a criminal down the street does it

or a criminal government does it

or when a paranoid home owner shoots and kills the paper boy.

i made a mistake

i should have realized you are not worth commenting to

Of course not, being a proud member of the echo chamber and willfully ignorant why would you?

My comment was based on a true story. A paper boy in my region was shot and killed early one evening while out collecting - the shooter claimed he was scared an intruder was trying to break into his home.
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1

Liberals want only the criminal thugs to be the ones that are armed, according to their anti-gun logic.

Many Americans want a sane gun policy, today's gun policy is not sane.
Indeed. It's not sane. It's irrational. It's intentionally designed put law-abiding folks at the mercy of those with an over-developed sense of entitlement to violence against their fellows.

Don't presume to know what all liberals think on any single issue, there is no liberal mentor, like Coulter or Limbaugh, giving daily talking points which the echo chamber parrots.
This is just an expression of lack of self-awareness.

"Nine in 10 Americans support expanding background checks on gun purchases in a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, an extraordinary level of agreement on a political issue and a finding that's been duplicated in nearly every major public poll."

90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn t this a political slam dunk - The Washington Post
Nine of ten American may want a pony. So what? We just grant wishes now, because the mob has made demands? Whatever happened to protecting the minority form the abuses of the majority?

The reason that background checks are not a "slam dunk," is that THEY CANNOT WORK. Literally. If you could put into effect the requirement for a background check EVERY time ANY gun changes hands, and have in place the infrastructure that would remove ALL BURDENS on lawful folks form instantly performing such checks, it still would NOT WORK. It would not prevent in any way some violent sociopath from obtaining a firearm for his criminal purposes. For OBVIOUS reasons. OBVIOUS REASONS!

There must be some other reason for this wish. There must be. I can think of but one, and it has NOTHING to do with the safety of children, and everything to do with the safety of those with an over-developed sense of entitlement to violence against their fellows.
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1

Liberals want only the criminal thugs to be the ones that are armed, according to their anti-gun logic.

Many Americans want a sane gun policy, today's gun policy is not sane.

Don't presume to know what all liberals think on any single issue, there is no liberal mentor, like Coulter or Limbaugh, giving daily talking points which the echo chamber parrots.

1. no average citizen needs an assault rifle
2. Chicago has the most strict gun laws in the nation, and the highest rate of gun deaths
3. the 2nd amendment will never be repealed, and never should be
4. the Japanese were scared to invade the USA because "every american has a gun"
5. If guns were banned only criminals and the government would have guns
6. mentally ill people should not be allowed to buy, own, or posses guns
7. OJ murdered two people with a knife
8 McVeay murdered hundreds with a bomb
9. the 9/11 terrorists murdered thousands with airplanes
10. Cars kill more people than guns.

Yes...average citizens need to be able to choose to own the rifle their tax dollars provide for their employees the police and military....we are their employers, not their subjects....and if the boss wants to own the rifle the police and military use, they get to own that rifle.

You do realize that knives kill more people than all categories of rifle...meaning that AR-15s kill way fewer people than knives.....or for that matter hands and feet.....AR-15s are not the problem...

Fully automatic rifles are a problem in Europe...their criminals routinely use them to commit crime and acts of terrorism despite their extreme gun control laws....
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1

Liberals want only the criminal thugs to be the ones that are armed, according to their anti-gun logic.

Many Americans want a sane gun policy, today's gun policy is not sane.

Don't presume to know what all liberals think on any single issue, there is no liberal mentor, like Coulter or Limbaugh, giving daily talking points which the echo chamber parrots.

1. no average citizen needs an assault rifle
2. Chicago has the most strict gun laws in the nation, and the highest rate of gun deaths
3. the 2nd amendment will never be repealed, and never should be
4. the Japanese were scared to invade the USA because "every american has a gun"
5. If guns were banned only criminals and the government would have guns
6. mentally ill people should not be allowed to buy, own, or posses guns
7. OJ murdered two people with a knife
8 McVeay murdered hundreds with a bomb
9. the 9/11 terrorists murdered thousands with airplanes
10. Cars kill more people than guns.

1. Correct
It is impossible to demonstrate this assertion is categorically true. And it's not your decision to make.

2. Correlation does not prove causation
Sure it does. It does all the time. ONE correlation does not prove causation.

3. The Second Amendment is not sacrosanct
The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental political right, and it preserves a fundamental natural right. Sacrosanct enough for me.

4. One persons' apocryphal opinion does not reflect a nations'
I think this was bullshit from the beginning anyway.

5. Talking point and ridiculous - there is no effort to ban guns
A lie.

6. Mentally ill? A normal guy who drank too many shots of whiskey?
Seriously. "Mentally ill"--a person who questions authority? "Mentally ill"--a person who does not toe the party line? "Mentally ill"--a person who denies the divinity of our glorious leader?

7. Talking point, two dozen killed at Sandy Hook with a gun
Talking point--nobody shot back in defense of anybody in either case.

8. bombs are made to kill, and bombs are strictly regulated
And such regulation failed, for OBVIOUS reasons. And you know what? You can still buy fuel oil and fertilizer without even showing ID.

9. Talking point, planes are not made to kill
Contentious premise. False dichotomy.

10. Guns are made to kill, cars are not
Contentious premise. False dichotomy.
would could suppose
Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.

it certainly does in Iraq since isil took over

isil imposes strict gun control on anyone who opposes them

followed by mass murder
Homicides and governmental sanctioned killings are two different animals and two different conversations.
We need not get into the fact that gun control makes it easier for a governing body to get out of control and murder its own citizens – the reasoning behind controlling guns in the first place is moot as it does not reduce homicides or crimes. Therefore the fact that unarmed populations can be easily killed by the government is moot – there is no reason for that population to be unarmed in the first place so there is no need to justify ‘allowing’ the ownership of arms.

are you nuts

murder is murder

where a criminal down the street does it

or a criminal government does it

or when a paranoid home owner shoots and kills the paper boy.

i made a mistake

i should have realized you are not worth commenting to

Of course not, being a proud member of the echo chamber and willfully ignorant why would you?

My comment was based on a true story. A paper boy in my region was shot and killed early one evening while out collecting - the shooter claimed he was scared an intruder was trying to break into his home.

And all the stories I post about people using guns to stop violent criminal attack are true stories as well.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013....505 out of a country of over 320 million people.....

Self defense with a gun each year on average..... 2,000,000

Which number is greater?....even you should be able to tell......
Homicides and governmental sanctioned killings are two different animals and two different conversations.
We need not get into the fact that gun control makes it easier for a governing body to get out of control and murder its own citizens – the reasoning behind controlling guns in the first place is moot as it does not reduce homicides or crimes. Therefore the fact that unarmed populations can be easily killed by the government is moot – there is no reason for that population to be unarmed in the first place so there is no need to justify ‘allowing’ the ownership of arms.

are you nuts

murder is murder

where a criminal down the street does it

or a criminal government does it

or when a paranoid home owner shoots and kills the paper boy.

i made a mistake

i should have realized you are not worth commenting to

Of course not, being a proud member of the echo chamber and willfully ignorant why would you?

My comment was based on a true story. A paper boy in my region was shot and killed early one evening while out collecting - the shooter claimed he was scared an intruder was trying to break into his home.

And all the stories I post about people using guns to stop violent criminal attack are true stories as well.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013....505 out of a country of over 320 million people.....

Self defense with a gun each year on average..... 2,000,000

Which number is greater?....even you should be able to tell......

Which number is greater?....even you should be able to tell.

dont bank on it

are you nuts

murder is murder

where a criminal down the street does it

or a criminal government does it

or when a paranoid home owner shoots and kills the paper boy.

i made a mistake

i should have realized you are not worth commenting to

Of course not, being a proud member of the echo chamber and willfully ignorant why would you?

My comment was based on a true story. A paper boy in my region was shot and killed early one evening while out collecting - the shooter claimed he was scared an intruder was trying to break into his home.

And all the stories I post about people using guns to stop violent criminal attack are true stories as well.

Accidental gun deaths in 2013....505 out of a country of over 320 million people.....

Self defense with a gun each year on average..... 2,000,000

Which number is greater?....even you should be able to tell......

Which number is greater?....even you should be able to tell.

dont bank on it


I don't.....simple things like the truth and reality as well as the difference between right and wrong are well beyond anti gun extremists......basic addition and subtraction are as well it seems....
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1

Liberals want only the criminal thugs to be the ones that are armed, according to their anti-gun logic.

Many Americans want a sane gun policy, today's gun policy is not sane.

Don't presume to know what all liberals think on any single issue, there is no liberal mentor, like Coulter or Limbaugh, giving daily talking points which the echo chamber parrots.

1. no average citizen needs an assault rifle
2. Chicago has the most strict gun laws in the nation, and the highest rate of gun deaths
3. the 2nd amendment will never be repealed, and never should be
4. the Japanese were scared to invade the USA because "every american has a gun"
5. If guns were banned only criminals and the government would have guns
6. mentally ill people should not be allowed to buy, own, or posses guns
7. OJ murdered two people with a knife
8 McVeay murdered hundreds with a bomb
9. the 9/11 terrorists murdered thousands with airplanes
10. Cars kill more people than guns.

1. Correct
It is impossible to demonstrate this assertion is categorically true. And it's not your decision to make.

2. Correlation does not prove causation
Sure it does. It does all the time. ONE correlation does not prove causation.

3. The Second Amendment is not sacrosanct
The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental political right, and it preserves a fundamental natural right. Sacrosanct enough for me.

4. One persons' apocryphal opinion does not reflect a nations'
I think this was bullshit from the beginning anyway.

5. Talking point and ridiculous - there is no effort to ban guns
A lie.

6. Mentally ill? A normal guy who drank too many shots of whiskey?
Seriously. "Mentally ill"--a person who questions authority? "Mentally ill"--a person who does not toe the party line? "Mentally ill"--a person who denies the divinity of our glorious leader?

7. Talking point, two dozen killed at Sandy Hook with a gun
Talking point--nobody shot back in defense of anybody in either case.

8. bombs are made to kill, and bombs are strictly regulated
And such regulation failed, for OBVIOUS reasons. And you know what? You can still buy fuel oil and fertilizer without even showing ID.

9. Talking point, planes are not made to kill
Contentious premise. False dichotomy.

10. Guns are made to kill, cars are not
Contentious premise. False dichotomy.

In re PTs 9 and 10:

Premise/Evidence Acceptability
"When it comes to value-based arguments (e.g., political, moral, and religious) we will often not be able to achieve 100% certainty of truth of the premises. Even something as intuitively obvious like "it's wrong to kill innocent people" will have counter-examples. However, simply because a premise cannot be 100% true in all cases, it doesn't necessarily mean that we should reject it or that the argument of which it is a part is poor. Instead, it means we need to be subtle in our evaluations and consider carefully what the logical consequences are of accepting certain premises."

Wrestling with Philosophy formerly Mission to Transition Critical Thinking Premise and Evidence Acceptability Unacceptability and Uncertainty Revisited

8, The exception proves the rule.

7. Six and seven year old children don't commonly shoot back, K and first grade teachers are not trained in college to use deadly force.

6. Mentally ill refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Alcohol fits this defintion.

5. There are those who want to ban all guns, I'm not one of them. There is no concerted effort to repeal the Second Amendment as there is to repeal Roe v. Wade, and Sec. 1 of the 14th, the 16th & the 17th.

4. Okay

3. The right of the people is infringed, and thus it has been ruled as not too valuable or important as you and others may wish

2. Correlation does not imply causation is a phrase used in science and statistics to emphasize that a correlation between two variables does not necessarily imply that one causes the other.

1. okay
Well aren't you the cat's ass!!!
Some of us manage to go our whole lives without putting ourselves in a position where we might need to pull a gun...
... which, of course, in no way means you won't be in that position tomorrow morning.
Why do you choose to be unprepared?
Why do you deride those that are?
If gun violence does not rise to the level that there is no legitimate need to carry gun, how then can you soundly argue for more gun control?

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