Gun violence in the world

Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

Except hemenway is a hack......his main study that he uses is the National Crime Victimization Study....he uses that one because it has the lowest number for defensive gun use...why is it's number so low compared to all the other studies....1) it is not a self defense gun study 2) they never actually ask respondees if they have used a gun to stop a crime.....not once....anywhere in the survey........

And voluntary responses from the respondee where they bring up if they used a gun are noted......and then used by anti gun extremists to say it is the definitive study on gun self defense.

They admitted in the link that the NCVS only asked a minority of people about DGU's, so yes the number is low, but even as I pointed out, the numbers are significant and in themselves justify private gun ownership.

Actually, the NCVS only ask..."Did you do anything to stop the crime" they never use the word least in the past unless they tightened it up....which I doubt....and it was also shown that the NCVS...which is supposed to chronicle sexual assault can't even do that right......or domestic abuse.....
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

Except hemenway is a hack......his main study that he uses is the National Crime Victimization Study....he uses that one because it has the lowest number for defensive gun use...why is it's number so low compared to all the other studies....1) it is not a self defense gun study 2) they never actually ask respondees if they have used a gun to stop a crime.....not once....anywhere in the survey........

And voluntary responses from the respondee where they bring up if they used a gun are noted......and then used by anti gun extremists to say it is the definitive study on gun self defense.

They admitted in the link that the NCVS only asked a minority of people about DGU's, so yes the number is low, but even as I pointed out, the numbers are significant and in themselves justify private gun ownership.

Actually, the NCVS only ask..."Did you do anything to stop the crime" they never use the word least in the past unless they tightened it up....which I doubt....and it was also shown that the NCVS...which is supposed to chronicle sexual assault can't even do that right......or domestic abuse.....

I can't really say exactly what they ask, I told them to go away when they showed up at my door. The problem is they kept coming back until I got my congressman involved, even threats of trespassing charges didn't deter them. They tell you the survey is voluntary, until you refuse to participate, then they insist you do. I didn't.
If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

Except hemenway is a hack......his main study that he uses is the National Crime Victimization Study....he uses that one because it has the lowest number for defensive gun use...why is it's number so low compared to all the other studies....1) it is not a self defense gun study 2) they never actually ask respondees if they have used a gun to stop a crime.....not once....anywhere in the survey........

And voluntary responses from the respondee where they bring up if they used a gun are noted......and then used by anti gun extremists to say it is the definitive study on gun self defense.

They admitted in the link that the NCVS only asked a minority of people about DGU's, so yes the number is low, but even as I pointed out, the numbers are significant and in themselves justify private gun ownership.

Actually, the NCVS only ask..."Did you do anything to stop the crime" they never use the word least in the past unless they tightened it up....which I doubt....and it was also shown that the NCVS...which is supposed to chronicle sexual assault can't even do that right......or domestic abuse.....

I can't really say exactly what they ask, I told them to go away when they showed up at my door. The problem is they kept coming back until I got my congressman involved, even threats of trespassing charges didn't deter them. They tell you the survey is voluntary, until you refuse to participate, then they insist you do. I didn't.

And as Dr. Gary Kleck points out...that is one of the reasons they get negative responses on gun questions........if you used a gun for self defense....and had a government agent sniffing around...would you admit it if you didn't have to?
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

I read a study a few years ago where people who has used guns to defend themselves told their stories of what had happened which were transcribed and read by court judges. The judges based their findings solely on the words of the gun owner and did not interview the anyone else involved. In the vast majority of cases, the judges found that the gun owner was the "aggressor" in these encounters, illegally so, and not the person they were purported defending themselves against.

Gun Threats and Self-Defense Gun Use Harvard Injury Control Research Center Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

If guns were keeping people safe, the US wouldn't have the highest rate of gun deaths in the first world. It's just that simple.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

I read a study a few years ago where people who has used guns to defend themselves told their stories of what had happened which were transcribed and read by court judges. The judges based their findings solely on the words of the gun owner and did not interview the anyone else involved. In the vast majority of cases, the judges found that the gun owner was the "aggressor" in these encounters, illegally so, and not the person they were purported defending themselves against.

Gun Threats and Self-Defense Gun Use Harvard Injury Control Research Center Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

If guns were keeping people safe, the US wouldn't have the highest rate of gun deaths in the first world. It's just that simple.

You don't realize that that isn't a real study...right? That those are just cases that make it to court, and those guys are often actual criminals versus people defending themselves....? Actual cases of obvious self defense don't alway go to court because the prosecutor won't prosecute an obvious self defense case.....waste of time and that automatically skews the type of "defendant" those judges see in their courts.....

The studies I have posted, and that you can track down if you want, are done by actual researchers, economists and criminologists, and they were done over a period of 40 years by both public and private reserchers many of whom were anti gun researchers.....
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

I read a study a few years ago where people who has used guns to defend themselves told their stories of what had happened which were transcribed and read by court judges. The judges based their findings solely on the words of the gun owner and did not interview the anyone else involved. In the vast majority of cases, the judges found that the gun owner was the "aggressor" in these encounters, illegally so, and not the person they were purported defending themselves against.

Gun Threats and Self-Defense Gun Use Harvard Injury Control Research Center Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

If guns were keeping people safe, the US wouldn't have the highest rate of gun deaths in the first world. It's just that simple.
You read no such study. You are a liar and a fraud.
If they only interviewed the gun owner, it's because he was the only one at the scene who could testify.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

I read a study a few years ago where people who has used guns to defend themselves told their stories of what had happened which were transcribed and read by court judges. The judges based their findings solely on the words of the gun owner and did not interview the anyone else involved. In the vast majority of cases, the judges found that the gun owner was the "aggressor" in these encounters, illegally so, and not the person they were purported defending themselves against.

Gun Threats and Self-Defense Gun Use Harvard Injury Control Research Center Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

If guns were keeping people safe, the US wouldn't have the highest rate of gun deaths in the first world. It's just that simple.

Ah...the first world.....but you guys say that gun laws will keep people safe, that banning all guns would keep people safe....if they do both of those things in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th world....why do they have such high gun murder rates...far more than we do....after all is you guys who say that gun laws and bans make guns harder to get....

Yet.......why isn't the 3rd world safer because they have no guns....since those countries have extreme gun control laws that keep them out of the hands of Mexico and the countries of latin america.....

Keep in claim gun laws and bans will get rid of guns...right?

Explain why these countries with stricter gun laws have higher gun murder rates........

And again, each year on average Americans use guns 2 million times to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives...........far more than they take...

Gun murder in 2013......8,454....

crimes stopped with guns......2,000,000 ( on average)

Accidental gun deaths 2013...505
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

I read a study a few years ago where people who has used guns to defend themselves told their stories of what had happened which were transcribed and read by court judges. The judges based their findings solely on the words of the gun owner and did not interview the anyone else involved. In the vast majority of cases, the judges found that the gun owner was the "aggressor" in these encounters, illegally so, and not the person they were purported defending themselves against.

Gun Threats and Self-Defense Gun Use Harvard Injury Control Research Center Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

If guns were keeping people safe, the US wouldn't have the highest rate of gun deaths in the first world. It's just that simple.
"Gun death" is the foundation of a meaningless tautology.
Americans have been fed the lie that gun ownership keeps them safe for so long that they refuse to believe otherwise despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

You folks are scared to death of terrorists but fail to recognize that you are in more danger of being shot by a friend, neighbour or family member with a gun than being killed by a terrorist.
We're more in danger of dying in a car accident. But I dont see anyone rushing to ban cars.

If you cause mayhem in your car...your insurance pays your victims. We should require gun owners to have the same liability insurance.

OK argue with this:

Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary, depending on the study's population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Higher end estimates by Kleck and Gertz show between 1 to 2.5 million DGUs in the United States each year.[1]:64–65[2][3] Low end estimates cited by Hemenway show approximately 55,000-80,000 such uses each year.[4][5] Middle estimates have estimated approximately 1 million DGU incidents in the United States

Defensive gun use - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even if you accept the mid range estimates 1 million DGU's per year are significant, hell even the low end estimates (55,000-80,000) are significant.

I read a study a few years ago where people who has used guns to defend themselves told their stories of what had happened which were transcribed and read by court judges. The judges based their findings solely on the words of the gun owner and did not interview the anyone else involved. In the vast majority of cases, the judges found that the gun owner was the "aggressor" in these encounters, illegally so, and not the person they were purported defending themselves against.

Gun Threats and Self-Defense Gun Use Harvard Injury Control Research Center Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

If guns were keeping people safe, the US wouldn't have the highest rate of gun deaths in the first world. It's just that simple.

You're right, it would be much higher.
There were 316,500,000 Americans in 2013

33,636 of which died when killed with a gun.

United States Total Number of Gun Deaths

--Now, when you factor in actual math--

Those 33,636 deaths were all of 0.01% of the entire 2013 US population.

If that exact number died of each year, it would take 9400 years for the entire 2013 population to die from that rate of gun violence.

316,500,000 / 33,636 gun deaths per year = 9,409 years

This fear mongering is laughable. And useless. Liberals consistently exaggerate the severity of gun violence to push for gun control.

Now, take medical malpractice. From 2008 to 2011, an estimated 210,000 to 440,000 people died each year from medical malpractice. That makes it the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer. Guess where deaths caused by guns are ranked?


John James a New Evidence Based Estimate of Patient Harms 2013 1
If gun violence is SO BAD in the USA to justify banning good people from owning guns, it means there is so much crime all good Americans should be packing M4 full auto assault rifles, ceramic body armor and Fragmentation grenades
You obviously didn't read the link on the Harvard study. These were not court cases or crime scene interviews. These were interviews with people who said that they had used their guns to defend themselves - some of the 1 to 2 million of the lives you right wingers claim to have been saved by their guns.

Their interviews were given to judges who read the gun owners accounts. The judges had no testimony from other witnesses, only the gun owner. The judges said that in the vast majority of cases there was no self defence. There was criminal aggression on the part of the gun owner.

This was not a court of law, there were no cops and no charges. This was simply a case study in which judges participated.
You obviously didn't read the link on the Harvard study. These were not court cases or crime scene interviews. These were interviews with people who said that they had used their guns to defend themselves - some of the 1 to 2 million of the lives you right wingers claim to have been saved by their guns.

Their interviews were given to judges who read the gun owners accounts. The judges had no testimony from other witnesses, only the gun owner. The judges said that in the vast majority of cases there was no self defence. There was criminal aggression on the part of the gun owner.

This was not a court of law, there were no cops and no charges. This was simply a case study in which judges participated.

BFD-that is what we call Dicta. and who were the judges-Democrat tools? I have shot a criminal and I appeared before three judges. all of them COMMENDED my actions

we get it that guns cause you to soil your panties. My professional advice (not only am I an attorney, I am what one major league ammunition maker in this area calls a "person of great influence" when it comes to shooting issues) is for you not to own a gun lest you continue to crap your panties over them

leave gun ownership for people who know how to use them
Well aren't you the cat's ass!!!

Some of us manage to go our whole lives without putting ourselves in a position where we might need to pull a gun and you, Mr. Earp, seem to go out of your way to use yours.

I do hope that you're not compensating for shortfalls in other areas.
Well aren't you the cat's ass!!!

Some of us manage to go our whole lives without putting ourselves in a position where we might need to pull a gun and you, Mr. Earp, seem to go out of your way to use yours.

I do hope that you're not compensating for shortfalls in other areas.

yeah like those poor folks who just got wasted in a church. bet they never figured that would happen in a church

and why do leftwing retards always pretend gun ownership is about some sort of compensation

actually you are right. I compensate for the fact that I am but one and cowardly criminals often attack in pairs.

so I compensate by having weapons so I can kill criminals quickly and efficiently if I have to

now go back to dreaming about some well hung liberal gun hating man giving you a big stiffy
Well aren't you the cat's ass!!!

Some of us manage to go our whole lives without putting ourselves in a position where we might need to pull a gun and you, Mr. Earp, seem to go out of your way to use yours.

I do hope that you're not compensating for shortfalls in other areas.

Bingo...the anti gun extremist goes for the penis attack....thank you for playing "I am an anti gun extremist nut job and I can't actually refute the truth, and reality so I will make a crude attack on the winners sex organ"

why are you anti gun extremist nut jobs so infatuated with penises......or is it peni........
Well aren't you the cat's ass!!!

Some of us manage to go our whole lives without putting ourselves in a position where we might need to pull a gun and you, Mr. Earp, seem to go out of your way to use yours.

I do hope that you're not compensating for shortfalls in other areas.

yeah like those poor folks who just got wasted in a church. bet they never figured that would happen in a church

and why do leftwing retards always pretend gun ownership is about some sort of compensation

actually you are right. I compensate for the fact that I am but one and cowardly criminals often attack in pairs.

so I compensate by having weapons so I can kill criminals quickly and efficiently if I have to

now go back to dreaming about some well hung liberal gun hating man giving you a big stiffy

I get it now.....lefty, anti gun extremist men are.....lacking in that anti gun extremist chicks dream about real men....even as they try to deny the desire....classical bad boy fixation of an immature woman....
Dragon lady.....could you give us a link to that judges study? I'm sure that I can find someone who ripped it apart better than I can....since it is dumb from the get go.....

I get it now.....lefty, anti gun extremist men are.....lacking in that anti gun extremist chicks dream about real men....even as they try to deny the desire....classical bad boy fixation of an immature woman....

men wanting to ban guns are generally criminals or cowardly fairies

I get it now.....lefty, anti gun extremist men are.....lacking in that anti gun extremist chicks dream about real men....even as they try to deny the desire....classical bad boy fixation of an immature woman....

men wanting to ban guns are generally criminals or cowardly fairies just insulted actual fairies.....they do no harm as they flit hither and yon in our forests and glades and comparing them to anti gun extremist males is beyond the pale...for shame Sir.....
You really are a stupid cooze

You really are the quintessential dirt bag. Only unsocialized punks, post vulgar misogynist idiot-grams. You have never to my knowledge posted anything substantive, but never miss posting pathological hate typical of misanthropic curmudgeons

That was meant for me, right? Or do you just post the EXACT SAME THING ALL THE TIME?

No CF, I don't think you're a dirt bag, though you are the archetype for the idiot-gram (I suspect you think you're clever, you're not). You're simply a run of the mill partisan hack with very little of interest to write about, and yet do so ubiquitously.

Pot, meet Kettle

You're entitled to your opinion, as insipid as it may be. Are you proud of this post, does it give you a sense of accomplishment?

Only Sheep like you take pride in posting on an anonymous message board

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