Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7


Dumbass! Anyone that knows much knows that the NRA is opposed to mental cases having guns!

No they aren't. They block EVERY attempt to tighten background checks.

Shit, they WANT crazy people to have guns. They want Nancy Lanza to be soooo scared she has to own 12 of them.

And if she happens to get shot by that crazy kid of hers, who goes on to shoot 26 other people.... well, gee, I guess we need to double up on the Lobbyists.

You and the truth are far apart!
There are other countries with more strict laws that have 12x the homicide rate of the US. Other countries like Switzerland and Finland have many, many more guns and less homicides.

Guns are not the problem


No country has more guns than the US. The US has 94.3 guns per hundred residents, Switzerland 45.7 and Finland 45.3.
Information in the post in part, comes from the 'Firing Line'

There are between 270-300 million guns in the USA. To put this in perspective, 4% of the worlds population owns 50% of all privately owned guns in the world. Some would think this would mean that the USA should have a homicide rate over 12x (50% divided by 4%) higher than the rest of the world.

In 2012 the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime compared intentional homicide rates for most countries in the world. USA's rate was 4.8 per 100,000 inhabitants while the worldwide average was 6.9. These figures mean you are 30% less likely to be murdered in the USA than elsewhere in the world.. The 4.8 homicide rate is not even close to 12 times higher than the rest of the world.

So much for the hypothesis that more privately owned guns cause more murders.

Now, before you start throwing out how Japan, Australia, UK, Canada where guns are banned have rankings more favorable than the USA in homicide rates, so do Switzerland and Finland which have high rates of private ownership. In fact, Switzerland's homicide rate ranks 42% lower than the UK's. And of course, the gun control movement never mentions Mexico, Brazil and South Africa where private ownership is very difficult and which have homicide rates far above those of the USA.

While the hypothesis that high gun ownership rates cause a decrease in homicide is still being debated, the inverse that high gun ownership causes high homicide rates- is most certainly dead in the water.


Dumbass! Anyone that knows much knows that the NRA is opposed to mental cases having guns!

No they aren't. They block EVERY attempt to tighten background checks.

Shit, they WANT crazy people to have guns. They want Nancy Lanza to be soooo scared she has to own 12 of them.

And if she happens to get shot by that crazy kid of hers, who goes on to shoot 26 other people.... well, gee, I guess we need to double up on the Lobbyists.

You and the truth are far apart!

Not really. When was the last time the NRA backed common sense gun control.

Not since the 1970's when Frothy LaPeirre took over..
Information in the post in part, comes from the 'Firing Line'

There are between 270-300 million guns in the USA. To put this in perspective, 4% of the worlds population owns 50% of all privately owned guns in the world. Some would think this would mean that the USA should have a homicide rate over 12x (50% divided by 4%) higher than the rest of the world.

In 2012 the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime compared intentional homicide rates for most countries in the world. USA's rate was 4.8 per 100,000 inhabitants while the worldwide average was 6.9. These figures mean you are 30% less likely to be murdered in the USA than elsewhere in the world.. The 4.8 homicide rate is not even close to 12 times higher than the rest of the world.

So much for the hypothesis that more privately owned guns cause more murders.

Now, before you start throwing out how Japan, Australia, UK, Canada where guns are banned have rankings more favorable than the USA in homicide rates, so do Switzerland and Finland which have high rates of private ownership. In fact, Switzerland's homicide rate ranks 42% lower than the UK's. And of course, the gun control movement never mentions Mexico, Brazil and South Africa where private ownership is very difficult and which have homicide rates far above those of the USA.

While the hypothesis that high gun ownership rates cause a decrease in homicide is still being debated, the inverse that high gun ownership causes high homicide rates- is most certainly dead in the water.


Your comparing the US to 2 very small countries. Finland is extremely densely populated and Switzerland is a very rich country(gdp per capita 79k, US 50k). Sorry but countries like the UK(1.2) and Germany(.8) are much fairer comparisons.

The NRA rewards irresponsible and criminal activity?
Last I saw they were supportive of responsible gun ownership and very clear laws defining who may or may not own a firearm.
Laws enacted in accordance with constitutional law, at state level of course.

And when someone puts in a law that is a sensible restriction, like "Crazy people can't buy 100 round clips", they throw the kitchen sink at them.

I told you "Jokers" that the next major gun slaughter would be on you when it happened.

And here it is.
Information in the post in part, comes from the 'Firing Line'

There are between 270-300 million guns in the USA. To put this in perspective, 4% of the worlds population owns 50% of all privately owned guns in the world. Some would think this would mean that the USA should have a homicide rate over 12x (50% divided by 4%) higher than the rest of the world.

In 2012 the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime compared intentional homicide rates for most countries in the world. USA's rate was 4.8 per 100,000 inhabitants while the worldwide average was 6.9. These figures mean you are 30% less likely to be murdered in the USA than elsewhere in the world.. The 4.8 homicide rate is not even close to 12 times higher than the rest of the world.

So much for the hypothesis that more privately owned guns cause more murders.

Now, before you start throwing out how Japan, Australia, UK, Canada where guns are banned have rankings more favorable than the USA in homicide rates, so do Switzerland and Finland which have high rates of private ownership. In fact, Switzerland's homicide rate ranks 42% lower than the UK's. And of course, the gun control movement never mentions Mexico, Brazil and South Africa where private ownership is very difficult and which have homicide rates far above those of the USA.

While the hypothesis that high gun ownership rates cause a decrease in homicide is still being debated, the inverse that high gun ownership causes high homicide rates- is most certainly dead in the water.


Your comparing the US to 2 very small countries. Finland is extremely densely populated and Switzerland is a very rich country(gdp per capita 79k, US 50k). Sorry but countries like the UK(1.2) and Germany(.8) are much fairer comparisons.

I am comparing the USA to rest of the world...Why are density and wealth not a factor? And why is the rest of the worlds rate , 6.9 per 100,00 and the USA is 4.8? This, while the USA owns 50% of all guns in the world?

Information in the post in part, comes from the 'Firing Line'

There are between 270-300 million guns in the USA. To put this in perspective, 4% of the worlds population owns 50% of all privately owned guns in the world. Some would think this would mean that the USA should have a homicide rate over 12x (50% divided by 4%) higher than the rest of the world.

In 2012 the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime compared intentional homicide rates for most countries in the world. USA's rate was 4.8 per 100,000 inhabitants while the worldwide average was 6.9. These figures mean you are 30% less likely to be murdered in the USA than elsewhere in the world.. The 4.8 homicide rate is not even close to 12 times higher than the rest of the world.

So much for the hypothesis that more privately owned guns cause more murders.

Now, before you start throwing out how Japan, Australia, UK, Canada where guns are banned have rankings more favorable than the USA in homicide rates, so do Switzerland and Finland which have high rates of private ownership. In fact, Switzerland's homicide rate ranks 42% lower than the UK's. And of course, the gun control movement never mentions Mexico, Brazil and South Africa where private ownership is very difficult and which have homicide rates far above those of the USA.

While the hypothesis that high gun ownership rates cause a decrease in homicide is still being debated, the inverse that high gun ownership causes high homicide rates- is most certainly dead in the water.


Your comparing the US to 2 very small countries. Finland is extremely densely populated and Switzerland is a very rich country(gdp per capita 79k, US 50k). Sorry but countries like the UK(1.2) and Germany(.8) are much fairer comparisons.

I am comparing the USA to rest of the world...Why are density and wealth not a factor? And why is the rest of the worlds rate , 6.9 per 100,00 and the USA is 4.8? This, while the USA owns 50% of all guns in the world?


Comparing to the world includes countries that are very economically and politically unstable. Compare us to Canada, they are very similar right? They are a 1.6. We don't look so good. But according to the NRA more guns are safer? Well we have the most of anyone and are far from the safest.

Lets talk Finland. Very similar to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Those 3 have strict gun laws and much lower homicide rates than Finland. Go figure.
Washington Navy Yard shooting: Active shooter sought in Southeast D.C. |

Police search for active shooter on grounds of Washington Navy Yard in Southeast D.C. - The Washington Post

Once again, a nut case with a gun has shot people and is now at large. As with Boston, people are being advised to "shelter in place" and schools are on shut down.

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

I heard this morning that 13 people are dead.

How many fucking innocent people have to be murdered by nutcases before something is done????

Oh wait. Nothing will be done. Nothing is ever done.

13 deaths?
Who cares? Lets start to talk about it once it goes over a thousand deaths

America loves it guns and is willing to put up with occasional massacres so that gun owners can continue their fantasies that they are keeping us safe

Personally, I no longer care. People get what?

The NRA rewards irresponsible and criminal activity?
Last I saw they were supportive of responsible gun ownership and very clear laws defining who may or may not own a firearm.
Laws enacted in accordance with constitutional law, at state level of course.

And when someone puts in a law that is a sensible restriction, like "Crazy people can't buy 100 round clips", they throw the kitchen sink at them.

I told you "Jokers" that the next major gun slaughter would be on you when it happened.

And here it is.

You, as a veteran should know that there is no such thing as a 100 round clip.

Unless of course you can post a photograph of a 100 round clip I'm calling you a vile, lying, savage scummer.
A toilet licking sleaze bag and a frequenter of red light districts.

Very impressive. So many posts and not once have you gotten close to an intelligent thought.

The NRA rewards irresponsible and criminal activity?
Last I saw they were supportive of responsible gun ownership and very clear laws defining who may or may not own a firearm.
Laws enacted in accordance with constitutional law, at state level of course.

And when someone puts in a law that is a sensible restriction, like "Crazy people can't buy 100 round clips", they throw the kitchen sink at them.

I told you "Jokers" that the next major gun slaughter would be on you when it happened.

And here it is.

You, as a veteran should know that there is no such thing as a 100 round clip.

Unless of course you can post a photograph of a 100 round clip I'm calling you a vile, lying, savage scummer.
A toilet licking sleaze bag and a frequenter of red light districts.

GSG5 110 Round Drum Magazine
And when someone puts in a law that is a sensible restriction, like "Crazy people can't buy 100 round clips", they throw the kitchen sink at them.

I told you "Jokers" that the next major gun slaughter would be on you when it happened.

And here it is.

You, as a veteran should know that there is no such thing as a 100 round clip.

Unless of course you can post a photograph of a 100 round clip I'm calling you a vile, lying, savage scummer.
A toilet licking sleaze bag and a frequenter of red light districts.

GSG5 110 Round Drum Magazine

a magazine is not a clip. Its a quibbling point, I admit, but gun grabbers need to get the lingo and the technology down if they want to even be considered a tiny bit.
Apparently, the fact that it clearly states "militia" actually means "civilians".

Obviously, our language has changed quite a lot in a relatively short period of time.

Wait until you find out that militia was just another word for slave patrols and the only reason the 2nd amendment is a state right instead of an federal right is because the southerners forced this in order to make sure they had the right to kill slaves in the event of an uprising.

This has to be one of the most uninformed and ignorant posts I have witnessed on any board at any time.

And I am talking ignorant in the true sense of the word.

Wow, just wow.

It's standard assclapias fare.

Dumbass! Anyone that knows much knows that the NRA is opposed to mental cases having guns!

No they aren't. They block EVERY attempt to tighten background checks.

Shit, they WANT crazy people to have guns. They want Nancy Lanza to be soooo scared she has to own 12 of them.

And if she happens to get shot by that crazy kid of hers, who goes on to shoot 26 other people.... well, gee, I guess we need to double up on the Lobbyists.

How about keeping "crazy" people locked up? Then there is no need for any background checks.
Washington Navy Yard shooting: Active shooter sought in Southeast D.C. |

Police search for active shooter on grounds of Washington Navy Yard in Southeast D.C. - The Washington Post

Once again, a nut case with a gun has shot people and is now at large. As with Boston, people are being advised to "shelter in place" and schools are on shut down.

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

I heard this morning that 13 people are dead.

How many fucking innocent people have to be murdered by nutcases before something is done????

Oh wait. Nothing will be done. Nothing is ever done.

What would you suggest? Taking away guns from law abiding citizens or rounding up crazy acting people? Hey, wait.....that would clean out the majority of liberals here. Hmmmm...........:eusa_think:
You, as a veteran should know that there is no such thing as a 100 round clip.

Unless of course you can post a photograph of a 100 round clip I'm calling you a vile, lying, savage scummer.
A toilet licking sleaze bag and a frequenter of red light districts.

GSG5 110 Round Drum Magazine

a magazine is not a clip. Its a quibbling point, I admit, but gun grabbers need to get the lingo and the technology down if they want to even be considered a tiny bit.

Typical gun nut Bull Shit

We will deny there are 100 round "clips" knowing full well there are 100 round "magazines"

Guess we fooled you
Why do libs only call for action in the rare instances but not the common ones? 10 people had been shot in dc since last Wednesday before this attack and did you hear a peep?

a magazine is not a clip. Its a quibbling point, I admit, but gun grabbers need to get the lingo and the technology down if they want to even be considered a tiny bit.

Typical gun nut Bull Shit

We will deny there are 100 round "clips" knowing full well there are 100 round "magazines"

Guess we fooled you

If you want to discuss a topic, get the nomenclature right. If someone cares enough about a topic they should be knowledgeable about it. The overall lack of gun technology know how seen in the gun grabber side would be comical if thier efforts weren't so dangerous to our rights.
Why do libs only call for action in the rare instances but not the common ones? 10 people had been shot in dc since last Wednesday before this attack and did you hear a peep?

Because even though everyday black on black crime accounts for a disproportionate amount of gun violence, they don't want to address the issue of black criminals running wild in America, and they would rather use the rare "white man on a rampage" to further their anti-gun agenda. Only this time the "gun nut" shooter was a negro.

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