Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

2 people still dead. That means nothing to you eh?

Again this place had a lot of security and it didn't matter.

I'm glad you enjoy innocent people dying.

2 people is better than 12, 20, 50!!!
Gun free zones empower criminals.
Hence mass killings ALWAYS happen in GUN FREE ZONES!!!!

Armed citizens PREVENT the death of innocents.
Hence NO mass shootings on shooting ranges.

You retarded shit eating douche nozzle!!

There have been mass shootings with concealed carry people there. Unfortunately you can't always tell who the good and bad guys are. Here is a quote from the Tucson shooting:
"Zamudio later stated that he initially mistook the identity of the shooter and had considered drawing his weapon before realizing that individual was not the shooter."
Clearly the location of the Tucson shooting was not a gun free zone. Shootings happen everywhere. Military bases and shooting ranges.

And, if he had pulled his gun and shot the wrong person, you would have a point.
Fail. This has nothing to do with his broadcasts.

You didn't say anything about broadcasts, did you?

Remember when he said he had a lot of stuff about Christine O'Donnel and that he would show a video every week until she came on his show? Remember how what he actually had was the same clips recycled multiple times? Does that count as a lie?

No. Did he claim they were different clips? Did he claim he would show different clips until she came on? Again, no.

No, I don't remember that, and I've seen every one of his shows.

And in case of a Senate tie, the Veep DOES hold the tiebreaker.

That's how the Bush Tax Cuts were inflicted upon America.

Remember when he said that the people that flew airplanes into buildings were the opposite of cowardly Americans, and then said he didn't? Was that lying?
No, that's you lying right now. He never said that.

Or are you just full of shit?
So, what was the purpose of the Constitution?

Or are you going to punk out again?

I get it, it doesn't count as a lie because he never lies, even when he does.
NBC News correspondent Pete Williams is reporting Alexis purchased a shotgun in Lorton, Va. during the past week or so.

The suspected gunman appeared to have seized firearms from two of his victims as he moved through the building along the Anacostia River in southeast Washington, where 3,000 Navy employees go to work each day, many of them carrying authorized firearms.

13 Dead, 14 Wounded in Shooting at D.C. Navy Yard, Suspected Gunman Dead | NBC4 Washington

I heard that earlier, but never found a solid source.

I guess that means Biden is going to go after shotguns now.
There have been mass shootings with concealed carry people there. Unfortunately you can't always tell who the good and bad guys are. Here is a quote from the Tucson shooting:
"Zamudio later stated that he initially mistook the identity of the shooter and had considered drawing his weapon before realizing that individual was not the shooter."
Clearly the location of the Tucson shooting was not a gun free zone. Shootings happen everywhere. Military bases and shooting ranges.

Thankfully he stopped after 2. But nobody at the range stopped him. He just left. Why should I believe a range is some safe place?

There were no other shooters at the range.

Sometimes crimes happen in low crime areas.
A military base is not a gun free zone, retard.

Did Maher tell you that? If he did, you can count this as a lie too.
I'm giving them enough time to start unwinding this guy's past.

Usually takes about three days to find all his friends to tell us he was nuts, and the gun store admitting they sold him a small arsenal despite that quirky look in his eye.

Fox news is reporting he told friends he was going to thailand and stayed for more than a month...

My guess is he didn't go to thailand...but instead headed to a training camp.

Just a guess, no proof...a gut feeling.

He claimed to be a Buddhist, did he go to a Tamir Tigers camp?

My first thought is Buddhism is a ruse.

The guy was an aircraft electrician...that means he was no dummy.

I make good money and have very few bills, and I couldn't afford to take off work and go to thailand for a month, and this guy worked at a a low level job at a restaurant after a misconduct separation from the Navy.

Seems hinky to me.

I could be wrong, I have no evidence whatsoever...just a feeling.
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So 4 dead and wounding 7 isn't a mass shooting? Clearly there are worse shootings, look at today. But your actually going to say that's not a mass shooting?

Well, the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi didn't really bother you that much, so no, I don't believe for a liberal this is a mass shooting.

Listen to how hypocritical you sound.

I'm an independent. Please show me where I ever said Benghazi didn't really bother me?

I was asking you. Is that a mass shooting? How many deaths does it take for you?

Independents lean both ways. Don't give me that nonsense.
2 people is better than 12, 20, 50!!!
Gun free zones empower criminals.
Hence mass killings ALWAYS happen in GUN FREE ZONES!!!!

Armed citizens PREVENT the death of innocents.
Hence NO mass shootings on shooting ranges.

You retarded shit eating douche nozzle!!

There have been mass shootings with concealed carry people there. Unfortunately you can't always tell who the good and bad guys are. Here is a quote from the Tucson shooting:
"Zamudio later stated that he initially mistook the identity of the shooter and had considered drawing his weapon before realizing that individual was not the shooter."
Clearly the location of the Tucson shooting was not a gun free zone. Shootings happen everywhere. Military bases and shooting ranges.

And, if he had pulled his gun and shot the wrong person, you would have a point.

That would have been another tragedy. My point was that it wasn't a gun free zone. Point was made.
Well, the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi didn't really bother you that much, so no, I don't believe for a liberal this is a mass shooting.

Listen to how hypocritical you sound.

I'm an independent. Please show me where I ever said Benghazi didn't really bother me?

I was asking you. Is that a mass shooting? How many deaths does it take for you?

Independents lean both ways. Don't give me that nonsense.

Way to not answer.
A military base is not a gun free zone, retard.


In 1993, under Clinton's leadership, the military ordered all military bases gun free zones. Only MPs are allowed to be armed, just like only police and security guards are allowed to be armed at the all the other gun free zones in which mass shootings have occurred.

Among President Clinton’s first acts upon taking office in 1993 was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases.

Read more: EDITORIAL: End Clinton-era military base gun ban - Washington Times
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More here:

and here:

Time to Put An End to Army Bases as Gun-Free Zones | Fox News

Does it hurt to always be so damn wrong?

Now, you were saying something about being retarded???

Please guys, stop quoting Synthaholic in your responses. It's not necessary and the ignore feature is such a nice filter. Thanks.

Military bases being gun free zones were in place long before 1993. When I reported to my first AFB in 1977, I could not enter the base with a firearm or a large knife. I knew this beforehand and didn't bring them. After I settled in, I brought down my target rifle and pistol. The restrictions, regulations, storage and handling were strict and the punishments were severe. As in 'you're done' severe.

State-Side Military bases were the original gun free zones. Overseas non-combat areas were even more strict. The ignorance of this that I witnessed today while surfing the talking heads was amazing. Just goes to show how few people still serve our country anymore.

That was a matter of discretion. Of all the Navy bases I was stationed on only 3 were categorically no guns allowed, the rest allowed you to keep it locked in your POV.

In 1993, under Clinton's leadership, the military ordered all military bases gun free zones. Only MPs are allowed to be armed, just like only police and security guards are allowed to be armed at the all the other gun free zones in which mass shootings have occurred.

More here:

and here:

Time to Put An End to Army Bases as Gun-Free Zones | Fox News

Does it hurt to always be so damn wrong?

Now, you were saying something about being retarded???

Please guys, stop quoting Synthaholic in your responses. It's not necessary and the ignore feature is such a nice filter. Thanks.

Military bases being gun free zones were in place long before 1993. When I reported to my first AFB in 1977, I could not enter the base with a firearm or a large knife. I knew this beforehand and didn't bring them. After I settled in, I brought down my target rifle and pistol. The restrictions, regulations, storage and handling were strict and the punishments were severe. As in 'you're done' severe.

State-Side Military bases were the original gun free zones. Overseas non-combat areas were even more strict. The ignorance of this that I witnessed today while surfing the talking heads was amazing. Just goes to show how few people still serve our country anymore.

That was a matter of discretion. Of all the Navy bases I was stationed on only 3 were categorically no guns allowed, the rest allowed you to keep it locked in your POV.

The Army posts where I was stationed didn't allow personal firearms to be stored in. the barracks or pov's...personal firearms were secured in the company armory.

I'm not sure what the regulations were for on-post housing.
That was a matter of discretion. Of all the Navy bases I was stationed on only 3 were categorically no guns allowed, the rest allowed you to keep it locked in your POV.

Thank you. Good point. I should have made my point more clear. This was just my experience on Air Force Bases during my time in service.

I like working a tough crowd. They keep you honest!:beer:
You clearly don't have a clue, and your glenn beck books are nothing but propaganda.

Take a look back at who made the strictest gun rights and attacks on the 2nd amendment, and it came from the southern right wingers. They made it illegal for blacks to own guns and banned concealed carry as well because they were afraid all the now free slaves were going to go on a rampage killing all the white people, which never happened.

The right winger's view was that they would go after the 2nd amendment like never before, just as long as blackie can't have guns.
It was Democrats that wanted the restrictions, don't let facts trip you up.

You did prove our point though. The reason to take gun rights away was to suppress people. No different than it would be today if we allow people like you to take our rights away. Crazy how that works isn't it?

It was the southern right wingers. Just like today, they hate the constitution and want big government restrictions over everyone.

You need to get off the Walter White meth and pay a bit more attention to what is going on here.
End Clinton-era military base gun ban

Among President Clinton’s first acts upon taking office in 1993 was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases. In March 1993, the Army imposed regulations forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms and making it almost impossible for commanders to issue firearms to soldiers in the U.S. for personal protection. For the most part, only military police regularly carry firearms on base, and their presence is stretched thin by high demand for MPs in war zones."


You're (again) full of crap. Weapons have NEVER been allowed anywhere on a military installation in anything other than (a) the unit Armory - the SM could check his personal weapon out during regular hours (for hunting or range firing) but had to return it to the Armory or (b) the weapon could be in post housing AFTER have been registered at the MP office. The weapon could be transported in a POV as long as it was unloaded and in plain view. These regulations are STILL in effect.

That was SOP from the time I joined the Army in 1965 and has been in effect since that time. I carried a weapon in a shoulder rig from 1968 through 1987. Everday, 7 days a week, 365 days a year - because it was my job.

I flew on military aircraft, civilian aircraft and never once (upon identifying myself) had to relinquish my weapon.

I was allowed to bring a weapon onto my ship and store it in the small arms locker. I didn't need to clear it with the base first, so I have no idea what planet you were on when you served.

If I'm not mistaken, a small arms locker is an Armory. In the Army, sparky. you needed permission from your company commander to store a private weapon in the Armory.

Apparently the Navy does it differently. And, just for the record, that applied at Fort Knox, Fort Hood, Fort Campbell, Fort Devens, Fort Huachuca, Berlin, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Heidleberg, Fort Reily, Bolling AFB, and the Kennedy Center at Fort Bragg.

So you might want to check what the hell planet YOU were on.
Let the assault on the second Amendment begin....
On a military base?!

Yes, it doesn't matter where it happens, liberals will go wild and start screaming for more gun control. And that's exactly what they are doing now:

Washington (CNN) - Hours after the Washington Navy Yard shooting, some of Washington's most vocal advocates for gun control started to renew their calls for further restrictions on firearms.

Sen. Diane Feinstein, one of the strongest proponents of a ban on assault weapons like the AR-15 that suspected shooter and military contractor Aaron Alexis is believed to have used, issued a statement Monday asking "When will enough be enough?"

"Congress must stop shirking its responsibility and resume a thoughtful debate on gun violence in this country. We must do more to stop this endless loss of life," the California Democrat said in the statement. (Read Feinstein's statement below.)

It remains unclear exactly what happened at the Navy Yard Monday, with no indication of where the weapons used came from.

Don't even wait for the facts to come in, just start the gun-grabbing campaign!!!
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Seriously you've turned this into a gun debate? You Leftytoons are disgusting human filth
Why was his criminal record overlooked?

So did luddly come back and insist again that military bases are not gun free zones?
What a complete and utter retard.

These mass shootings never happen on a shooting range!!
Gun free zones assure the liberals beloved criminals the unarmed victims they prefer!!

Thanks liberals on behalf of all crazy criminals who shoot up schools, theaters and military bases!!

This sounds like there was a lot of security. Still didn't make much of a difference. Do you really think we will ever have more security at schools and theaters?

Chris Kyle and friend were gunned down at a shooting range and the shooter got away.

Innocent people died today. Why don't you stop your idiot political rant until the facts are out at least.
Fuck off you HYPERPARTISAN twat.
2 people is not a mass shooting.

You retarded pile of liberal shit.

Gun free zones are the facts.

You are a liberal shit stain.
Go away.
You make decent human beings sick.
Vile, savage scum!!

Are you kidding me? When you talk to other people like that, YOU are the one who makes decent human beings sick.

You sound like you're about to go over the edge.
Washington Navy Yard shooting: Active shooter sought in Southeast D.C. |

Police search for active shooter on grounds of Washington Navy Yard in Southeast D.C. - The Washington Post

Once again, a nut case with a gun has shot people and is now at large. As with Boston, people are being advised to "shelter in place" and schools are on shut down.

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

I heard this morning that 13 people are dead.

How many fucking innocent people have to be murdered by nutcases before something is done????

Oh wait. Nothing will be done. Nothing is ever done.

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