Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

We don't need gun control. We need crazy people control. We don't need more background checks, the ones we have don't work. We need to take political correctness out of background checks.
We don't need gun control. We need crazy people control. We don't need more background checks, the ones we have don't work. We need to take political correctness out of background checks.

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?
How do we keep assasins from having access to their weapons of choice?
We don't need gun control. We need crazy people control. We don't need more background checks, the ones we have don't work. We need to take political correctness out of background checks.

Yup, apparently this guy was "hearing voices"....

Why the fuck isn't he locked up in a looney bin?
We don't need gun control. We need crazy people control. We don't need more background checks, the ones we have don't work. We need to take political correctness out of background checks.

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?
How do we keep assasins from having access to their weapons of choice?


How fucking difficult is this for liberals to understand?
Why do libs only call for action in the rare instances but not the common ones? 10 people had been shot in dc since last Wednesday before this attack and did you hear a peep?

How did Heller work out?
We don't need gun control. We need crazy people control. We don't need more background checks, the ones we have don't work. We need to take political correctness out of background checks.

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?
How do we keep assasins from having access to their weapons of choice?


How fucking difficult is this for liberals to understand?

Thats it?

Lock up anyone who may misuse a gun? I have alot of gun owners I would like to lock up
We don't need gun control. We need crazy people control. We don't need more background checks, the ones we have don't work. We need to take political correctness out of background checks.

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?
How do we keep assasins from having access to their weapons of choice?


How fucking difficult is this for liberals to understand?

Can we even afford to do that? Under what conditions do you want to just lock people up under? Any crime? Any mental condition? Any gun owner who seems a little unstable?
Here is where we would be if liberal gun grabbers had their way. Read it and weep.

News from The Associated Press

Outrage is growing in France over the decision to bring manslaughter charges against a jeweler who shot and killed an escaping robber, but the country's top security official on Tuesday urged fearful storekeepers to let justice take its course........

.......In a country where gun violence is rare but thefts are increasingly common, the shooting has placed the government in a difficult position........

........Jewelers in southern France say they're being targeted as never before and lack the resources to protect themselves........

.........A single gunman in the southern city of Cannes made off with a $136 million cache this summer. That was followed by another armed robbery days later in the same city.......

.......The number of jewelry store robberies has been climbing for years. There's one robbery a day in France...........

..........This creates enormous stress for the merchants. They live with this fear and insecurity every day.........

And now that a jewelry store owner used his "illegal" firearm to protect himself and his property from criminals......the government wants to put him on trial. That my friends is fucked up.
Here is where we would be if liberal gun grabbers had their way. Read it and weep.

News from The Associated Press

Outrage is growing in France over the decision to bring manslaughter charges against a jeweler who shot and killed an escaping robber, but the country's top security official on Tuesday urged fearful storekeepers to let justice take its course........

.......In a country where gun violence is rare but thefts are increasingly common, the shooting has placed the government in a difficult position........

........Jewelers in southern France say they're being targeted as never before and lack the resources to protect themselves........

.........A single gunman in the southern city of Cannes made off with a $136 million cache this summer. That was followed by another armed robbery days later in the same city.......

.......The number of jewelry store robberies has been climbing for years. There's one robbery a day in France...........

..........This creates enormous stress for the merchants. They live with this fear and insecurity every day.........

And now that a jewelry store owner used his "illegal" firearm to protect himself and his property from criminals......the government wants to put him on trial. That my friends is fucked up.

Tony Martin comes to mind.
A man terrorized, robbed, tortured and repeatedly raped by gypsies in the UK.
The police did nothing, didn't want to be called racist for investigating crimes committed by a protected minority.
Tony Martin removed all access to the upper floors of his home and deployed barbed wire entanglements inside his home.

One day the pikeys returned, he shot twice with his shotgun.
Killing one and crippling the other.

He was jailed.
For self defense!!
You want to see the future the liberals envisage?
Look at the UK!!

Look at yesterday to see where the NRA has gotten us.
We don't need gun control. We need crazy people control. We don't need more background checks, the ones we have don't work. We need to take political correctness out of background checks.

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?
How do we keep assasins from having access to their weapons of choice?


How fucking difficult is this for liberals to understand?

Progressives honor diversity by forcing the rest of us to *mainstream* criminals and deranged individuals, and by *locking up* anyone who dares to protect themselves from them. .
Tony Martin comes to mind.
A man terrorized, robbed, tortured and repeatedly raped by gypsies in the UK.
The police did nothing, didn't want to be called racist for investigating crimes committed by a protected minority.
Tony Martin removed all access to the upper floors of his home and deployed barbed wire entanglements inside his home.

One day the pikeys returned, he shot twice with his shotgun.
Killing one and crippling the other.

He was jailed.
For self defense!!
You want to see the future the liberals envisage?
Look at the UK!!

Look at yesterday to see where the NRA has gotten us.
The NRA shot up the navy yard?
With a shotgun?
The weapon joe Biden wants everyone to own?

There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the weapons used. Can't comment till we have facts.
You, as a veteran should know that there is no such thing as a 100 round clip.

Unless of course you can post a photograph of a 100 round clip I'm calling you a vile, lying, savage scummer.
A toilet licking sleaze bag and a frequenter of red light districts.

GSG5 110 Round Drum Magazine
So where is the 100 round clip?
None existent!
Thank you for helping me to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Joe is a liar.

A veteran would know that a 100 round clip does not exist.

I guess hat settles it....ban 100 round MAGAZINES and allow 100 round clips because they don't exist
And the guy has been in trouble a couple of time for discharging weapons.

Thank progressives for lax sentencing guidelines, too. He shot up the tires of a supervisor once, and he shot into his ceiling by way of protesting a loud upstairs neighbor.
Why do libs only call for action in the rare instances but not the common ones? 10 people had been shot in dc since last Wednesday before this attack and did you hear a peep?

There were?
DC needs to enforce some gun control!!

No one was shot in the last 5 years in Skowhegan Maine!!
Almost everyone in Skowhegan owns a gun!!!
Interesting hey?

God...are you guys dumb
So where is the 100 round clip?
None existent!
Thank you for helping me to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Joe is a liar.

A veteran would know that a 100 round clip does not exist.

I guess hat settles it....ban 100 round MAGAZINES and allow 100 round clips because they don't exist

It is impossible for a 100 round clip to work.
Wouldn't even fit in the speed loader.

It's not about clips or mags, it's about Joe and his credibility.
A veteran of 11 years would not call a magazine a clip.
He is a proven liar.


Ban the suckers regardless of what you call them
I guess hat settles it....ban 100 round MAGAZINES and allow 100 round clips because they don't exist

It is impossible for a 100 round clip to work.
Wouldn't even fit in the speed loader.

It's not about clips or mags, it's about Joe and his credibility.
A veteran of 11 years would not call a magazine a clip.
He is a proven liar.


Ban the suckers regardless of what you call them

This sums up the gun grabber mentality perfectly. "We dont really know what they are, or if banning them will somehow be beneficial, but I'm scare of it so BAN BAN BAN"

Ignorance may be bliss, but it makes you a piss poor debater.
While I felt anguish at the shooting, I couldn't help but notice the way the 24 hour news channels were so desperate to cover it.

The slightest hint was reported with disgusting excitement.

Each wanted to "scoop" the other and none could patiently wait to find out what was really going on.

And then, the Politician-in-Chief didn't have to class to stop or delay his photo op. :puke3:
The NRA shot up the navy yard?
With a shotgun?
The weapon joe Biden wants everyone to own?

There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the weapons used. Can't comment till we have facts.

The facts.
DC, extreme gun control.
Navy yard. Gun free zone!

Liberals deliver another mass shooting by empowering criminals.
Liberal love for the criminal is well documented!!

So a high security navy yard is now an easy target? Unbelievable.
We don't need gun control. We need crazy people control. We don't need more background checks, the ones we have don't work. We need to take political correctness out of background checks.

How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?
How do we keep assasins from having access to their weapons of choice?

Don't you find it odd that every time one of these crazy people commits this kind of crime we find out that everyone knew? Aaron Alexis had a long history of verified and documented mental illness. He heard voices, he had brushes with the law based on being crazy. He had trouble when he was in the Navy and when he got out. Yet he passed a background check for a secret clearance. This doesn't bother you? If everyone knew, how come no one rang the bell? Or did they ring the bell and no one cared. Make a complaint and the excuses are racist, anti poor, anti mental health, discrimination, and all the rest.

Assassins are different. You will never prevent an assassin from having access to weapons. They aren't crazy, they are working. Assassins also don't often make mistakes.
There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the weapons used. Can't comment till we have facts.

The facts.
DC, extreme gun control.
Navy yard. Gun free zone!

Liberals deliver another mass shooting by empowering criminals.
Liberal love for the criminal is well documented!!

So a high security navy yard is now an easy target? Unbelievable.

Of course high security areas are easy targets. People rely on the security to keep someone dangerous from getting in. Once they are in, it's shooting fish in a barrel. Now the gunman can rely on that security to make sure no one else is armed that could stop him.

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