Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

Would you support it?

I support background checks on PEOPLE....not weapons. Every background check scheme the libs have come up with has, as a component, a gun registry. Take the registry out of it and I'm all for it. The government has no business knowing what I'm buying.

Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

No registry on this planet would ever prevent a criminal from obtaining a weapon. That's why they're called criminals. Guns aren't dangerous. It's the PEOPLE using them that are. Why do you wish to penalize a 100,000,000 people, at minimum, for the illegal behavior of at most 200,000 people?

And no you can't go out and buy a gun and then sell it to someone else. You have to keep it for at least one year before you sell it and if you do that more than a very few times the ATF will make you get a FFL....if they don't arrest you first for dealing in firearms without a license.
Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

Every time in history that a gun registry has been mandated, it has led to an eventual ban.
Bans create gun grabs. The point of a registry is to grab guns.
No guns=empowered criminals.
Look to Chicago and DC!
DC has enjoyed a 26 fold increase in Gun Crime since guns were banned.

Not sure if your statement is true, but do you really think the government would need a registry to ban guns? Couldn't they just send the military door to door and get them? They couldn't get them all registry or not as some would sneak in from other countries I suppose. It seems like the crimes that could be stopped with a registry isn't worth being paranoid about a ban.

A registry makes it really easy for the government to confiscate them. I suggest you read The Nazi Seizure of Power by William Sheridan Allen.
Folks, please learn how to use quotes so we have some idea what the fuck you are responding to. The bottom line is this. THIS WAS A MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE OR THE HOMOLAND SECURITY IS SO INCOMPETENT if there were any Muslims angry for the war crimes of the USA government, they would be blowing stuff up daily.
How do we keep guns out of the hands of crazy people?
How do we keep assasins from having access to their weapons of choice?


How fucking difficult is this for liberals to understand?

Thats it?

Lock up anyone who may misuse a gun? I have alot of gun owners I would like to lock up

Certainly, if someone has a history of shooting their weapon without cause, not to mention a mental history like this guy had...he should of been locked up or at the very least getting treatment.

I'm all for increasing mental health spending.....cut from welfare first of course.
We have got to start locking up crazy people again:

"Alarmed by Alexis’s behavior--and concerned about possible “Naval Base implications”--a Newport police sergeant faxed a copy of the department’s report to naval station police. A Navy cop--whose name is redacted from the Newport Police Department report--advised that they “would follow up on this subject and determine if he is in fact, a naval contractor.”

Washington Gunman Recently Told Cops He Was Being Bombarded By Microwave Signals That Kept Him Awake At Night | The Smoking Gun

Kind of hard to do that when you Wingnuts are slashing the shit out of medical help for poor people.

Besides being unconstitutional to lock people up against their will, the money isn't there to do it, anyway.
We have got to start locking up crazy people again:

"Alarmed by Alexis’s behavior--and concerned about possible “Naval Base implications”--a Newport police sergeant faxed a copy of the department’s report to naval station police. A Navy cop--whose name is redacted from the Newport Police Department report--advised that they “would follow up on this subject and determine if he is in fact, a naval contractor.”

Washington Gunman Recently Told Cops He Was Being Bombarded By Microwave Signals That Kept Him Awake At Night | The Smoking Gun

Kind of hard to do that when you Wingnuts are slashing the shit out of medical help for poor people.

Besides being unconstitutional to lock people up against their will, the money isn't there to do it, anyway.
This guy was poor?
Poor enough to take a month off work to travel to Thailand, a paedophile favorite destination!!

Nice ad hominon attack, guy. Imply something you have no evidence for when you really don't need to.

Point was, if you locked him up, he wouldn't have the money to pay for his own incarceration. Someone else would have to do it. What, are you some kind of SOCIALIST?
We have got to start locking up crazy people again:

"Alarmed by Alexis’s behavior--and concerned about possible “Naval Base implications”--a Newport police sergeant faxed a copy of the department’s report to naval station police. A Navy cop--whose name is redacted from the Newport Police Department report--advised that they “would follow up on this subject and determine if he is in fact, a naval contractor.”

Washington Gunman Recently Told Cops He Was Being Bombarded By Microwave Signals That Kept Him Awake At Night | The Smoking Gun

Kind of hard to do that when you Wingnuts are slashing the shit out of medical help for poor people.

Besides being unconstitutional to lock people up against their will, the money isn't there to do it, anyway.

I would rather money go toward locking up criminals than to go to immigration, Obamacare, head start, welfare et al,... Oh, the money is there, it's just our priorities are screwed up

This guy was poor?
Poor enough to take a month off work to travel to Thailand, a paedophile favorite destination!!

Nice ad hominon attack, guy. Imply something you have no evidence for when you really don't need to.

Point was, if you locked him up, he wouldn't have the money to pay for his own incarceration. Someone else would have to do it. What, are you some kind of SOCIALIST?

Where was the ad hom?
Where did I say he needed to be locked up?
Jeez, all you do is lie.
Do you fanatics go to class to learn to lie so often

It think it happens when their parents don't force a blue or pink stocking cap at birth. They are taught not to step on bugs or eat anything that has eyes.

Then they register as democrats and the assimilation is complete

I support background checks on PEOPLE....not weapons. Every background check scheme the libs have come up with has, as a component, a gun registry. Take the registry out of it and I'm all for it. The government has no business knowing what I'm buying.

Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

No registry on this planet would ever prevent a criminal from obtaining a weapon. That's why they're called criminals. Guns aren't dangerous. It's the PEOPLE using them that are. Why do you wish to penalize a 100,000,000 people, at minimum, for the illegal behavior of at most 200,000 people?

And no you can't go out and buy a gun and then sell it to someone else. You have to keep it for at least one year before you sell it and if you do that more than a very few times the ATF will make you get a FFL....if they don't arrest you first for dealing in firearms without a license.

How is it really penalizing anyone? Don't people have guns to protect themselves? Wouldn't they better protect themselves if fewer criminals have guns?

Since guns aren't registered, how does anyone know how long you have a gun?
We have got to start locking up crazy people again:

"Alarmed by Alexis’s behavior--and concerned about possible “Naval Base implications”--a Newport police sergeant faxed a copy of the department’s report to naval station police. A Navy cop--whose name is redacted from the Newport Police Department report--advised that they “would follow up on this subject and determine if he is in fact, a naval contractor.”

Washington Gunman Recently Told Cops He Was Being Bombarded By Microwave Signals That Kept Him Awake At Night | The Smoking Gun

Kind of hard to do that when you Wingnuts are slashing the shit out of medical help for poor people.

Besides being unconstitutional to lock people up against their will, the money isn't there to do it, anyway.

So all prisoners are being held unconsitutionally? You really are an idiot.

How fucking difficult is this for liberals to understand?

Thats it?

Lock up anyone who may misuse a gun? I have alot of gun owners I would like to lock up

Certainly, if someone has a history of shooting their weapon without cause, not to mention a mental history like this guy had...he should of been locked up or at the very least getting treatment.

I'm all for increasing mental health spending.....cut from welfare first of course.

How long can you really lock someone up if nobody was injured?
Thats it?

Lock up anyone who may misuse a gun? I have alot of gun owners I would like to lock up

Certainly, if someone has a history of shooting their weapon without cause, not to mention a mental history like this guy had...he should of been locked up or at the very least getting treatment.

I'm all for increasing mental health spending.....cut from welfare first of course.

How long can you really lock someone up if nobody was injured?

As long as a revised law would allow. It needs to be long enough to be a real punishment creating a deterrent

I support background checks on PEOPLE....not weapons. Every background check scheme the libs have come up with has, as a component, a gun registry. Take the registry out of it and I'm all for it. The government has no business knowing what I'm buying.

Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

It doesn't keep them from criminals, you loon. That's the point. :cuckoo:

Not registering them makes it about as easy as can be for them to get them.
Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

It doesn't keep them from criminals, you loon. That's the point. :cuckoo:

Not registering them makes it about as easy as can be for them to get them.

Registration accomplishes nothing

Every time in history that a gun registry has been mandated, it has led to an eventual ban.
Bans create gun grabs. The point of a registry is to grab guns.
No guns=empowered criminals.
Look to Chicago and DC!
DC has enjoyed a 26 fold increase in Gun Crime since guns were banned.

Not sure if your statement is true, but do you really think the government would need a registry to ban guns? Couldn't they just send the military door to door and get them? They couldn't get them all registry or not as some would sneak in from other countries I suppose. It seems like the crimes that could be stopped with a registry isn't worth being paranoid about a ban.

A registry makes it really easy for the government to confiscate them. I suggest you read The Nazi Seizure of Power by William Sheridan Allen.

I think the threat of being shot by a crazy or some criminal greatly outweighs any ban.
Not sure if your statement is true, but do you really think the government would need a registry to ban guns? Couldn't they just send the military door to door and get them? They couldn't get them all registry or not as some would sneak in from other countries I suppose. It seems like the crimes that could be stopped with a registry isn't worth being paranoid about a ban.

A registry makes it really easy for the government to confiscate them. I suggest you read The Nazi Seizure of Power by William Sheridan Allen.

I think the threat of being shot by a crazy or some criminal greatly outweighs any ban.

I disagree- Acceptable risk to live in a free country backed by Bill of Rights

A registry makes it really easy for the government to confiscate them. I suggest you read The Nazi Seizure of Power by William Sheridan Allen.

I think the threat of being shot by a crazy or some criminal greatly outweighs any ban.

I disagree- Acceptable risk to live in a free country backed by Bill of Rights


You think your more likely to have your gun taken by a Nazi than be shot by a criminal? I don't think either are that likely, but the nazi thing definitely less likely.

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