Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

There are so few shootings and so few dead as to be insignificant when compared to the law abiding firearms owners. Bills get defeated because they try to tack on illegal, unconstitutional amendments and paragraphs.

Claiming I support shootings is not only ignorant it is retarded. It is already illegal for crazy people to own firearms. If law enforcement and the justice system had done their job correctly the naval yard shooter would not have had a clearance and could not have purchased the shotgun.

What keeps a crazy person from buying a firearm?

In regards the law anyone adjudged to be incompetent is barred from purchasing a firearm. That requires a Judge to so rule. In the case of this shooter he admitted to firing a weapon in a blind rage at a vehicle. More then enough to convict him of a felony. He had mental problems that were well known, more then enough coupled with his firearms violations to bring him before a Judge for a competence hearing.

failing those he has a legal right to own and possess firearms. There are HUNDREDS of Millions of legal firearm owners. And you would use emotion to deny them their protected rights.

So can a psychologist bring a person to the judge, or does this person have to commit a crime to get before the judge?

I suggested that crazy people shouldn't be allowed to buy guns. How does that deny legal owners in any way?
You lie

AR-15 are the gun of choice of our crazed assassins. When you engage in a massacre, you need a bad ass looking gun and nothing beats an SR-15. And why have to stop to reload? You got people to kill, reloading slows you down
But at least our loyal gun owners can still buy their AR-15s when they want to look bad ass at he shooting range

Well except he used a shotgun.......

Yea that sucks for him. If he had bought a decent gun and magazine, he could have killed a lot more people

[ame=]AA-12 Fully Automatic Shotgun!!! - YouTube[/ame]
What keeps a crazy person from buying a firearm?

In regards the law anyone adjudged to be incompetent is barred from purchasing a firearm. That requires a Judge to so rule. In the case of this shooter he admitted to firing a weapon in a blind rage at a vehicle. More then enough to convict him of a felony. He had mental problems that were well known, more then enough coupled with his firearms violations to bring him before a Judge for a competence hearing.

failing those he has a legal right to own and possess firearms. There are HUNDREDS of Millions of legal firearm owners. And you would use emotion to deny them their protected rights.

So can a psychologist bring a person to the judge, or does this person have to commit a crime to get before the judge?

I suggested that crazy people shouldn't be allowed to buy guns. How does that deny legal owners in any way?

If the cops had followed through, and the naval base security had pulled his file as they said they were going to do when advised by the cops that he was a fruit loop, this wouldnt' have happened.
I see the lies are already starting. Nobody said he tried to get an AR15. The lying press initially said he used an AR15, and that he was a naval officer. They were lying, and I see that now rw is doing the same.

nothing but lies come from the left. They are still lying about newton. They don't bother waiting for verified facts. it's jump on the latest lie. even that idiot Feinstein is jumping on the lies. What kind of leader is that?
Our second amendment doesn't cover the UK

You don't like the second? Get an amendment made and passed. Pretty simple concept.

I love the second amendment

It allows Americans to go out and buy any weapon they choose when they feel like shooting up a Navy Base, school, movie theater or mall
Look, massacres are not need the proper weapons

And yet the largest mass murder in US history was accomplished with a gallon of gasoline. I say we ban all fuels, let's go back to the bronze age! Who's with me! don't.

They want a stand alone bill that tightens requirements on mental illness reporting.

The gun grabbers DON'T want a stand alone bill...they want to cram a gun bill with their laundry list of gun control wet dreams.

If they introduce and pass a stand alone bill, they fear they won't get their other bullshit pushed through.

So every time a crazy person commits a mass shooting, blame a gun grabber.

I think keeping the guns out of the hands of crazies is most important. I hope some bill can be crafted and passed that would do that. Clearly many of these shooters seek mental help, then buy guns and do something crazy. I don't think everyone would agree to the type of background checks needed however. I would say all gun purchases need to have a background check. Including if I were to buy a gun from you. And people deemed a bit crazy should be put on a no gun list. Now even if we passed this I guess I'd be worried that fewer people would seek help knowing they couldn't get a gun? I sort of hope they seek help when they are still fairly sane, so not being able to buy a gun would be second to actually getting help. But who knows?

NRA will not stand for it

Totally untrue but a lefty hack like you will spew your BS no matter what...we know.
Depends when he got his security clearance. It is good for ten years. Unless someone reports him, it will stay in effect

seems like even reporting him caused no cause for alarm. lets not blame a total breakdown of the system and out government. lets take the cowards way out and blame the gun, an inanimate object. gun grabbers get more ridiculous by the day

U.S. Navy was warned that Washington shooter 'heard voices'

Pulling his clearance would not have stopped him from buying a gun. He just would have had to choose a different group of people to shoot up

Wrong. He would have failed an NCIC check.
I think keeping the guns out of the hands of crazies is most important. I hope some bill can be crafted and passed that would do that. Clearly many of these shooters seek mental help, then buy guns and do something crazy. I don't think everyone would agree to the type of background checks needed however. I would say all gun purchases need to have a background check. Including if I were to buy a gun from you. And people deemed a bit crazy should be put on a no gun list. Now even if we passed this I guess I'd be worried that fewer people would seek help knowing they couldn't get a gun? I sort of hope they seek help when they are still fairly sane, so not being able to buy a gun would be second to actually getting help. But who knows?

NRA will not stand for it

Totally untrue but a lefty hack like you will spew your BS no matter what...we know.

Would you support it?
Totally untrue but a lefty hack like you will spew your BS no matter what...we know.

Would you support it?

I support background checks on PEOPLE....not weapons. Every background check scheme the libs have come up with has, as a component, a gun registry. Take the registry out of it and I'm all for it. The government has no business knowing what I'm buying.

Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.
Would you support it?

I support background checks on PEOPLE....not weapons. Every background check scheme the libs have come up with has, as a component, a gun registry. Take the registry out of it and I'm all for it. The government has no business knowing what I'm buying.

Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

because registering makes for easy confiscation. gun grabbers are not trustworthy
I support background checks on PEOPLE....not weapons. Every background check scheme the libs have come up with has, as a component, a gun registry. Take the registry out of it and I'm all for it. The government has no business knowing what I'm buying.

Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

Every time in history that a gun registry has been mandated, it has led to an eventual ban.
Bans create gun grabs. The point of a registry is to grab guns.
No guns=empowered criminals.
Look to Chicago and DC!
DC has enjoyed a 26 fold increase in Gun Crime since guns were banned.

Not sure if your statement is true, but do you really think the government would need a registry to ban guns? Couldn't they just send the military door to door and get them? They couldn't get them all registry or not as some would sneak in from other countries I suppose. It seems like the crimes that could be stopped with a registry isn't worth being paranoid about a ban.
Who in hell gave this Washington shooter security clearance? I really want to know.

It's as crazy as the situation with Major Hassan where everyone and their mother knew Hassan was a crazed radical for years and he kept getting promoted for crying out loud.

Then turned around and proved that he was that crazy little radical guy that the powers that be ignored and he killed and wounded so many.

What's wrong with the system?

Security clearances are easy to get, they hand secret and below out without any real background check. If you can vote, you can get one.
Depends when he got his security clearance. It is good for ten years. Unless someone reports him, it will stay in effect

Ten years is a long time. Are there any intermittent reviews?

His discharge from the service should have resulted in a review. Wanna bet it did not happen? If the police had properly reported his legal problems instead of sweeping them under the rug that too would have caused a review.

I know I had my clearance pulled when medically discharged from the service.

He probably got another one when he got his job installing computers.
NRA will not stand for it

Keep right on lying it fits you so well. What we won't stand for is the Government violating the Constitution. You don't like it change it. But you won't try cause you know a majority would have a shit fit if you admitted what you really want.

Calm down

You won

Nobody can do a fucking thing about murders and massacres in this country. We will not stand for gun owners to be inconvenienced. If they want an AR-15 with a hundred round magazine, it is their right. Same goes for the fucking crazy who wants to shoot up a school
We have our sacred second amendment and are willing to put up with an occasional is a small price to pay for our second amendment

He didn't have an AR-15, all he had was a shotgun that he had to reload every few shots, yet he still managed to shot almost 30 people. Want to tell me again how dangerous AR-15s are compared to shotguns?
This guy is a classic example of gangstalking/organized stalking.
Read up on directed energy weapons and their effects.
Guy wasnt nuts. He was harassed until he snapped.

This shits going on all over the world.
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Calm down

You won

Nobody can do a fucking thing about murders and massacres in this country. We will not stand for gun owners to be inconvenienced. If they want an AR-15 with a hundred round magazine, it is their right. Same goes for the fucking crazy who wants to shoot up a school
We have our sacred second amendment and are willing to put up with an occasional is a small price to pay for our second amendment

Keep on lying those things are already illegal. To afraid your open support would be shot down in flames I see. Keep on lying it suits your ignorant name.

You lie

AR-15 are the gun of choice of our crazed assassins. When you engage in a massacre, you need a bad ass looking gun and nothing beats an SR-15. And why have to stop to reload? You got people to kill, reloading slows you down
But at least our loyal gun owners can still buy their AR-15s when they want to look bad ass at he shooting range

Actually, the AR-15 is the least used gun of mass murderers, they usually use pistols.
Would you support it?

I support background checks on PEOPLE....not weapons. Every background check scheme the libs have come up with has, as a component, a gun registry. Take the registry out of it and I'm all for it. The government has no business knowing what I'm buying.

Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

It doesn't keep them from criminals, you loon. That's the point. :cuckoo:

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