Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

We don't have a gun problem......we have a nut problem.

And anyway......philosophy about gun bans/laws = gay.

Harvard University just completed a study, published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. Here is the complete research paper >>>

What did they conclude?

more guns = less crimes

Here is a summary of their conclusions >>>>

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

Gun grabber limpwristers like to tell tall stories.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I gave 104 years of history.
In 88 of those years there were 10 mass shootings.
In the 16 since the 1997 firearms act there have been 14 mass shootings.
You bead to learn to count.

One more time, Double Wide.

14 mass shooting in 16 years is a HELL of a lot better than 14 mass shootings a YEAR, which is what we tend to have.

You didn't provide supporting evidence if your claim , prove I live in a doublewide, or cease with the vile lies.

You are arguing a false premise.

The 10 fold increase in mass shootings in the UK after the gun ban.

Could I make it any easier?
It's not comparison.
It's showing what happens after a gun ban!!

Want a glimpse into how nutty these gun grabber people are?

"The FBI statistics are biased toward pro-gun!"

Check out this interview of a radical gun grabber >>>>

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

These people want bans on knives.......and I mean all knives, even kitchen knives. He even says he would like to see nails banned!!! These gun grabbing people were dropped on their heads multiple times as children.
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Odd how Joe Always disappears when challenged on his lies and bullshit!!
That fear of facts that the fanatics all suffer from!!

Well, it's called "Going to WOrk".

It's kind of like collecting your check from the gummit, but you actually have to go somewhere and do something constructive to get it.

You should try it some time, Double-Wide, It's really kind of fun.

I have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that those claims by you are lies.
For starters I'm a non citizen.
Not eligible for any welfare.
But you have shown your inability to debate by repeating lies in order to avoid arguing facts.
It's a fanatic thing.

I gave 104 years of history.
In 88 of those years there were 10 mass shootings.
In the 16 since the 1997 firearms act there have been 14 mass shootings.
You bead to learn to count.

One more time, Double Wide.

14 mass shooting in 16 years is a HELL of a lot better than 14 mass shootings a YEAR, which is what we tend to have.

You didn't provide supporting evidence if your claim , prove I live in a doublewide, or cease with the vile lies.

You are arguing a false premise.

The 10 fold increase in mass shootings in the UK after the gun ban.

Could I make it any easier?
It's not comparison.
It's showing what happens after a gun ban!!


No, it's showing how saying "Ten Fold" instead of "Doubled" sounds more sinster, even if it means the same thing.

Fact is, the British banned guns, and they have VERY FEW gun deaths and mass shootings (which have become more common because guns have gotten more deadly).

We let crazy people, criminals and even the fuckin' BLIND get guns without background checks, and we have 32,000 gun deaths a YEAR.
Does Owning Guns Reduce Crime?

Apr 09, 2013

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

Does Owning Guns Reduce Crime?

Just checking to see if SpamBot is adding anything to the conversation.

He isn't.

Hey.....what can I say s0n? Some USMessage Board members are in here for conversation. Im in here to educate those who are looking for facts. Gun control is simply another liberal ruse and I am very astute about exposing that. Reasonable people can plainly see which is more credible? Statistical facts or emotional rants.:D

Later s0n.....Im off to the range!!! ( really)
Just checking to see if SpamBot is adding anything to the conversation.

He isn't.

Hey.....what can I say s0n? Some USMessage Board members are in here for conversation. Im in here to educate those who are looking for facts. Gun control is simply another liberal ruse and I am very astute about exposing that. Reasonable people can plainly see which is more credible? Statistical facts or emotional rants.:D

Later s0n.....Im off to the range!!! ( really)

But your penis will still be tiny.

Repeating the same discredited NRA propaganda is not exposing facts.
One more time, Double Wide.

14 mass shooting in 16 years is a HELL of a lot better than 14 mass shootings a YEAR, which is what we tend to have.

You didn't provide supporting evidence if your claim , prove I live in a doublewide, or cease with the vile lies.

You are arguing a false premise.

The 10 fold increase in mass shootings in the UK after the gun ban.

Could I make it any easier?
It's not comparison.
It's showing what happens after a gun ban!!


No, it's showing how saying "Ten Fold" instead of "Doubled" sounds more sinster, even if it means the same thing.

Fact is, the British banned guns, and they have VERY FEW gun deaths and mass shootings (which have become more common because guns have gotten more deadly).

We let crazy people, criminals and even the fuckin' BLIND get guns without background checks, and we have 32,000 gun deaths a YEAR.

If I told you a banana was yellow would you say it wasn't true because your apple is green?

The UK had very few shootings BEFORE they banned guns.

There are more shootings in the UK SINCE guns were banned.

Gun bans CAUSED more crime, more mass shootings , more robbery in the UK since the gun ban.
Ten fold is not doubled it is ten times more.
10 in 88 years.
One every 8.8 years.
14 in 16 years, almost ten times more!!
Ten fold.

Your dishonesty is becoming legend!!

Soon time for you to dissapear, to "work"!!???
Every time your dishonesty and stupidity is shown........

If I told you a banana was yellow would you say it wasn't true because your apple is green?

The UK had very few shootings BEFORE they banned guns.

There are more shootings in the UK SINCE guns were banned.

Gun bans CAUSED more crime, more mass shootings , more robbery in the UK since the gun ban.
Ten fold is not doubled it is ten times more.
10 in 88 years.
One every 8.8 years.
14 in 16 years, almost ten times more!!
Ten fold.

Your dishonesty is becoming legend!!

Soon time for you to dissapear, to "work"!!???
Every time your dishonesty and stupidity is shown........

Not true and you know it.

And, yeah, I have to go to my second job at nine today.

But I can make fun you you for a little while longer.

The problem with your "logic" here is that you use the term "mass shooting" as a standard, when that could mean as few as two people being killed.

When we are talking about REAL mass murders like Columbine or Aurora or Sandy Hook, (See, just saying the NAMES tells folks what I'm talking about with no further explanation) then the UK has had very, very few of those.

Only three "Mass shootings" in the double digits in the last 16 years.

We've had that many in the last year or so.

The fact is, the UK only has about 600 murders a year, and they only lock up about 78,000 people.

We have 16,000 murders a year and have to lock up 2 million people.

Real, raw numbers. And we're doing it wrong.

If I told you a banana was yellow would you say it wasn't true because your apple is green?

The UK had very few shootings BEFORE they banned guns.

There are more shootings in the UK SINCE guns were banned.

Gun bans CAUSED more crime, more mass shootings , more robbery in the UK since the gun ban.
Ten fold is not doubled it is ten times more.
10 in 88 years.
One every 8.8 years.
14 in 16 years, almost ten times more!!
Ten fold.

Your dishonesty is becoming legend!!

Soon time for you to dissapear, to "work"!!???
Every time your dishonesty and stupidity is shown........

Not true and you know it.

And, yeah, I have to go to my second job at nine today.

But I can make fun you you for a little while longer.

The problem with your "logic" here is that you use the term "mass shooting" as a standard, when that could mean as few as two people being killed.

When we are talking about REAL mass murders like Columbine or Aurora or Sandy Hook, (See, just saying the NAMES tells folks what I'm talking about with no further explanation) then the UK has had very, very few of those.

Only three "Mass shootings" in the double digits in the last 16 years.

We've had that many in the last year or so.

The fact is, the UK only has about 600 murders a year, and they only lock up about 78,000 people.

We have 16,000 murders a year and have to lock up 2 million people.

Real, raw numbers. And we're doing it wrong.

Before gun ban , 1 mass shooting in the uk( according to UK interpretation ) every 8.8 years for an 88 year period .
After the gun ban 14 mass shootings in 16 years.( mass shooting using the same criteria).
10 times more mass shootings since the gun ban was enacted.

Keep arguing apples and bananas but those numbers are there for all to see .
You refuse to touch them because they are in convienient to your fanatical dogma.

Before gun ban , 1 mass shooting in the uk( according to UK interpretation ) every 8.8 years for an 88 year period .
After the gun ban 14 mass shootings in 16 years.( mass shooting using the same criteria).
10 times more mass shootings since the gun ban was enacted.

Keep arguing apples and bananas but those numbers are there for all to see .
You refuse to touch them because they are in convienient to your fanatical dogma.

No, I just go by PROBABILITIES.

The probabilities are that I am much more likely to die from gun violence in the US than the UK.

This is ESTABLISHED by the fact that we have 25 times the number of murders that they have.

to try to come up with an artificial standard of "mass shooting" to try to make your point is kind of silly, and you look desperate doing it.

If I told you a banana was yellow would you say it wasn't true because your apple is green?

The UK had very few shootings BEFORE they banned guns.

There are more shootings in the UK SINCE guns were banned.

Gun bans CAUSED more crime, more mass shootings , more robbery in the UK since the gun ban.
Ten fold is not doubled it is ten times more.
10 in 88 years.
One every 8.8 years.
14 in 16 years, almost ten times more!!
Ten fold.

Your dishonesty is becoming legend!!

Soon time for you to dissapear, to "work"!!???
Every time your dishonesty and stupidity is shown........

Not true and you know it.

And, yeah, I have to go to my second job at nine today.

But I can make fun you you for a little while longer.

The problem with your "logic" here is that you use the term "mass shooting" as a standard, when that could mean as few as two people being killed.

When we are talking about REAL mass murders like Columbine or Aurora or Sandy Hook, (See, just saying the NAMES tells folks what I'm talking about with no further explanation) then the UK has had very, very few of those.

Only three "Mass shootings" in the double digits in the last 16 years.

We've had that many in the last year or so.

The fact is, the UK only has about 600 murders a year, and they only lock up about 78,000 people.

We have 16,000 murders a year and have to lock up 2 million people.

Real, raw numbers. And we're doing it wrong.

Before gun ban , 1 mass shooting in the uk( according to UK interpretation ) every 8.8 years for an 88 year period .
After the gun ban 14 mass shootings in 16 years.( mass shooting using the same criteria).
10 times more mass shootings since the gun ban was enacted.

Keep arguing apples and bananas but those numbers are there for all to see .
You refuse to touch them because they are in convienient to your fanatical dogma.

thanks Paul

that is a startling set of statistics on the UK gun ban

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