Guns and Ammo

The good thing is this will start to end the ridiculousness of the calling for more frivolous control laws...

All of our rights are in danger, not just the Second. More and more power is moving away from "We, the People" and into the hands of an elite few.

Right. The sky is falling --------again.

Yep. Right wingers get a nut watching that clip. They think that is what a tough guy is, and wish they could do the same thing. In reality, that type behavior has nothing to do with being tough. It's just being an ass hole.

Snowflakes are offended by such reality...

And RWNJs jerk off to it.

Again… The snowflake speaks
The percentage of Americans who own guns has plummeted. And crime went down...Fact
More firearms have been sold in the last eight years then in almost all of history… And crime went down. Fact
Those firearms were sold to the shrinking number of gun owners. One person with 100 guns is not the same thing as 100 people with one gun each. Fact.

The number of people who own guns has plummeted. And crime has gone down. Fact.
Only in urban areas, in rural areas it's only gone up… Fact

And where does most crime happen, dipshit? In urban areas.

More guns less crime
Less people own guns, less crime. Fact.
firearm ownership has only went up in rural areas

Bullshit. A much smaller percentage hunts today than in the past. Fact.

See page 5: Reports/GSS_Trends in Gun Ownership_US_1972-2014.pdf

What kind of special retard thinks more guns in rural areas is the cause of lower crime? Jesus!

Most crime happens in urban areas, not rural areas.

A much smaller percentage of people own guns. And there is less crime. Fact. Get over it.
With Trump as President, I expect a plunge in prices for guns and ammo.

So that's TWO silver linings behind Trump's win. One, we won't have to deal with the Clintons ever again. Two, cheaper guns.

But I bet within two years, Trump will enact an AWB. He will get more gun control enacted than Hillary ever would have been able to get done. Just because he has an (R) after his name now.

All those guns and ammo stocked up for the great Obama/Hillary confiscation

Gun nuts paid top dollar and will receive pennies on the dollar
Firearms and ammo are always a great investment, and as American as apple pie… LOL
Especially when you pay top dollar due to the upcoming Obama/Hillary confiscation.
Buy high...sell low
It is a bad thing I lost my…

But I have no doubt the snowflakes will come up with something else…:lmao:
Yep. Just as I said. The rube herd was lied to. They were told OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ, BUY MOAR!

They totally fell for it.

They also fell for the lie that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, causing the retards to create a rush on ammo, thus creating a shortage. Which led the dumbasses to bleev the shortage THEY caused was caused by DHS!

Oh, man, that was beautiful. :lol:

And they ended up overpaying for their guns and ammo because of their own stupidity. Justice!
More firearms have been sold in the last eight years then in almost all of history… And crime went down. Fact
Those firearms were sold to the shrinking number of gun owners. One person with 100 guns is not the same thing as 100 people with one gun each. Fact.

The number of people who own guns has plummeted. And crime has gone down. Fact.
Only in urban areas, in rural areas it's only gone up… Fact

And where does most crime happen, dipshit? In urban areas.

More guns less crime
Less people own guns, less crime. Fact.
firearm ownership has only went up in rural areas

Bullshit. A much smaller percentage hunts today than in the past. Fact.

See page 5: Reports/GSS_Trends in Gun Ownership_US_1972-2014.pdf

What kind of special retard thinks more guns in rural areas is the cause of lower crime? Jesus!

Most crime happens in urban areas, not rural areas.

A much smaller percentage of people own guns. And there is less crime. Fact. Get over it.
The fact remains, in the areas of the country were firearms outnumber the people many, many times over have less crime… Get over it bed wetter.
Yep. Just as I said. The rube herd was lied to. They were told OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ, BUY MOAR!

They totally fell for it.

They also fell for the lie that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, causing the retards to create a rush on ammo, thus creating a shortage. Which led the dumbasses to bleev the shortage THEY caused was caused by DHS!

Oh, man, that was beautiful. :lol:

And they ended up overpaying for their guns and ammo because of their own stupidity. Justice!
But yet they still keep on making firearms and the producing the ammo...
Yep. Just as I said. The rube herd was lied to. They were told OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ, BUY MOAR!

They totally fell for it.

They also fell for the lie that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, causing the retards to create a rush on ammo, thus creating a shortage. Which led the dumbasses to bleev the shortage THEY caused was caused by DHS!

Oh, man, that was beautiful. :lol:

And they ended up overpaying for their guns and ammo because of their own stupidity. Justice!
But yet they still keep on making firearms and the producing the ammo...
Of course! There's money to be made off the rubes!

It's a great formula. Make up a fearmongering lie to stir up the rube herd. Sell more guns. Profits!
The anti-gun nutters should realize their ideas and laws have no good effect on anybody. More guns less crime is a fact of life…
Yep. Just as I said. The rube herd was lied to. They were told OBAMAZ CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ, BUY MOAR!

They totally fell for it.

They also fell for the lie that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, causing the retards to create a rush on ammo, thus creating a shortage. Which led the dumbasses to bleev the shortage THEY caused was caused by DHS!

Oh, man, that was beautiful. :lol:

And they ended up overpaying for their guns and ammo because of their own stupidity. Justice!
But yet they still keep on making firearms and the producing the ammo...
Of course! There's money to be made off the rubes!

It's a great formula. Make up a fearmongering lie to stir up the rube herd. Sell more guns. Profits!
The more firearms/ammo sold the better off for the country, it's not hurting anybody/anything by selling more and more and more… Fact
Those firearms were sold to the shrinking number of gun owners. One person with 100 guns is not the same thing as 100 people with one gun each. Fact.

The number of people who own guns has plummeted. And crime has gone down. Fact.
Only in urban areas, in rural areas it's only gone up… Fact

And where does most crime happen, dipshit? In urban areas.

More guns less crime
Less people own guns, less crime. Fact.
firearm ownership has only went up in rural areas

Bullshit. A much smaller percentage hunts today than in the past. Fact.

See page 5: Reports/GSS_Trends in Gun Ownership_US_1972-2014.pdf

What kind of special retard thinks more guns in rural areas is the cause of lower crime? Jesus!

Most crime happens in urban areas, not rural areas.

A much smaller percentage of people own guns. And there is less crime. Fact. Get over it.
The fact remains, in the areas of the country were firearms outnumber the people many, many times over have less crime… Get over it bed wetter.
Rural areas have always had less crime retard. That's the nature of crime, retard. It happens more often where there are more people crammed together, retard. That's where all the stuff is, retard.

One person with 100 guns is not the same as 100 people with one gun, retard.

A smaller percentage of people own guns, fact. Crime has gone down. Fact.
Only in urban areas, in rural areas it's only gone up… Fact

And where does most crime happen, dipshit? In urban areas.

More guns less crime
Less people own guns, less crime. Fact.
firearm ownership has only went up in rural areas

Bullshit. A much smaller percentage hunts today than in the past. Fact.

See page 5: Reports/GSS_Trends in Gun Ownership_US_1972-2014.pdf

What kind of special retard thinks more guns in rural areas is the cause of lower crime? Jesus!

Most crime happens in urban areas, not rural areas.

A much smaller percentage of people own guns. And there is less crime. Fact. Get over it.
The fact remains, in the areas of the country were firearms outnumber the people many, many times over have less crime… Get over it bed wetter.
Rural areas have always had less crime retard. That's the nature of crime, retard. It happens more often where there are more people crammed together, retard. That's where all the stuff is, retard.

One person with 100 guns is not the same as 100 people with one gun, retard.

A smaller percentage of people own guns, fact. Crime has gone down. Fact.
Yes people kill people not firearms…
When background checks were instituted, the homicide rate began to go down and has stayed down.

Only in urban areas, in rural areas it's only gone up… Fact

And where does most crime happen, dipshit? In urban areas.

More guns less crime
Less people own guns, less crime. Fact.
firearm ownership has only went up in rural areas

Bullshit. A much smaller percentage hunts today than in the past. Fact.

See page 5: Reports/GSS_Trends in Gun Ownership_US_1972-2014.pdf

What kind of special retard thinks more guns in rural areas is the cause of lower crime? Jesus!

Most crime happens in urban areas, not rural areas.

A much smaller percentage of people own guns. And there is less crime. Fact. Get over it.
The fact remains, in the areas of the country were firearms outnumber the people many, many times over have less crime… Get over it bed wetter.
Rural areas have always had less crime retard. That's the nature of crime, retard. It happens more often where there are more people crammed together, retard. That's where all the stuff is, retard.

One person with 100 guns is not the same as 100 people with one gun, retard.

A smaller percentage of people own guns, fact. Crime has gone down. Fact.
It cures what ails the country... more firearms and ammo… Fact
When background checks were instituted, the homicide rate began to go down and has stayed down.

Yes, enforce the current laws. Making new frivolous laws helps nobody in anyway… fact
When background checks were instituted, the homicide rate began to go down and has stayed down.

Yes, enforce the current laws. Making new frivolous laws helps nobody in anyway… fact
"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." - Donald Trump, The America We Deserve

When background checks were instituted, the homicide rate began to go down and has stayed down.

Yes, enforce the current laws. Making new frivolous laws helps nobody in anyway… fact
"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." - Donald Trump, The America We Deserve

He has seen the light now though, more gun control laws mean more crime... fact
He's not gonna push through any of these fucked up pussy whipped frivolous gun control laws that progressives want... :lmao:

There's absolutely no mandate to do such a thing, as only fucked up candy ass snowflakes think that gun control laws work.
When background checks were instituted, the homicide rate began to go down and has stayed down.

Yes, enforce the current laws. Making new frivolous laws helps nobody in anyway… fact
"I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." - Donald Trump, The America We Deserve

He has seen the light now though, more gun control laws mean more crime... fact
He's not gonna push through any of these fucked up pussy whipped frivolous gun control laws that progressives want... :lmao:

There's absolutely no mandate to do such a thing, as only fucked up candy ass snowflakes think that gun control laws work.

The only light he's seen is the light in right winger's eyes when he spouts their favorite rhetoric. He doesn't actually believe all the crap he says. He just knows what it takes to keep that group stirred up. I'm not sure it makes any difference, though. He's shown that he will change what he says immediately when it gets more support to say something else. When he finally realizes that more people believed in what Hillary said than what he said, he will change again.
Like bonds, right?

The rubes said that about houses, too.
Real estate always appreciates, but, yes, speculators can artificially drive up a market until it "right sizes". Still are you saying buying beach property is a bad investment given it is a good market price?

Bonds are good, junk bonds bad. Do you understand the difference?

The stock market, despite ups and downs, always goes up. Are you an End-of-the-Worlder who thinks the entire global economy is going to collapse and we're all going to be trading ammo and toilet paper for food?
He has seen the light now though, more gun control laws mean more crime... fact
He's not gonna push through any of these fucked up pussy whipped frivolous gun control laws that progressives want... :lmao:

There's absolutely no mandate to do such a thing, as only fucked up candy ass snowflakes think that gun control laws work.
Even if he wanted to do so, he couldn't. Presidents sign bills, they don't create them. Imagining that a Republican House and a Republican Senate would reenact Bill Clinton's gun control bill would take smoking some mighty fine weed!

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