Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

You know these debates are always fun because half the folks don't
know anything about history.

Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery because he didn't believe America
would ever be accepted on the world stage as long as the country had
slavery. But, he had zero use for the AA's. Is his initial plan to free the
slaves and then shp all 4 million to Central America. He didn't want
them staying here.

The Emancipation Proclamation didn't free all the slaves. Actuality
it didn't free any of them. It was written that it only freed the slaves
in the States that had seceded from the Union. The slave holders
in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Missouri got to keep theirs.

Also the 48 western most counties of Virginia were also allowed
to keep their slaves. As a matter of fact...thos 48 counties united
to become West Virginia and when they were admitted to the Union
10 months after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, they
entered the Union as a Slave State.

The North fought to preserve the Union, the South fought for States
Rights and none of them cared about the Slaves. Well, John Brown
cared, but when Brown was cornered at Harper's Ferry, Pres Buchannan
sent 60 US Marines there to bring him in. They did and then a month
later we hung him.

Go back to your invented'll feel better.

Lincoln was a very religious man. He knew that slavery was wrong, that he felt that the Almighty will one day destroy them for their iniquities.Making this nation to fall. He had asked his best friend advice, which it were Frederick Douglas, should he send the slaves to inhabited the islands . Frederick responded to him that they are Americans, and that they are here to stay. Abraham Lincoln did not get along with the politicians in those days. They had thought that he did not fit in with them, since he had no political experience. But at the political parties, that Abe always waiting for his best friend Frederick Douglas to come to hang with him at those parties. His plans were to give all of the Ex-slaves their forty acres and a mule, but he had died before he had that chance to do what he wanted to do with the slave problem.

"Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope--fervently do we pray--that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether" Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Matthew 18:7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!

Mark 3:25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
Was it here that the idiot shot himself in the thigh?

I know, I know - its just about a daily occurrence with these wannabe shoot-em-up-bang-bangs but I'm pretty sure there was just one in Pennsylvania.

Yep, this is the one.

From the OP:

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.
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The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

These poor souls, all triggered up with their hatred and no one to scream at. The winning side went home to their families 150 years ago.


The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

These poor souls, all triggered up with their hatred and no one to scream at. The winning side went home to their families 150 years ago.

And the winning side, the Republicans, forced the losers, the democrats, to free their black slaves.....
Confederates got their asses kicked at Gettsburg

They did? Pick up a history book, troll.

Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
The great Robert E Lee was fighting bumbling George Meade who had command of his army for a full two days before Gettysburg

Meade beat him at Little Round Top, Culps Hill and crushed Picketts Charge

Lee went scampering back to Virginia as fast as he could and never dared invade the north again

Say shitflinger, what was the death toll on each side?

What was that? I didn't hear your answer, fucktard...
That is not how battles are won or lost
Today is the day of Picketts Charge. A major strategic blunder that turned the battle into a romp.

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

These poor souls, all triggered up with their hatred and no one to scream at. The winning side went home to their families 150 years ago.

A statement that could ONLY come from some one who is ignorant of all US history since the Civil War.

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?
Freedom is for everyone, or for no one.

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

I see no KKK? It looks like HuffingGlue is flat out lying to slander the opposition - yet again.

Can't you Nazis EVER fucking tell the truth?
And the mods haven't moved the blatant troll thread from politics...go figure.

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

These poor souls, all triggered up with their hatred and no one to scream at. The winning side went home to their families 150 years ago.

And the winning side, the Republicans, forced the losers, the democrats, to free their black slaves.....

So your heroes are US Grant, Sherman, Benjamin Butler, et al.

And Robert E Lee, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Stonewall Jackson, Jefferson Davis, et al, those DEMOCRATS,

they are the villains?
Confederates got their asses kicked at Gettsburg

They did? Pick up a history book, troll.

Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
Day one the confederates sent the union army to retreat into the hills. It was a multi day battle with thousands of casualties on both sides. Liberals do like to lie don't they?
Confederates got their asses kicked at Gettsburg

They did? Pick up a history book, troll.

Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
Day one the confederates sent the union army to retreat into the hills. It was a multi day battle with thousands of casualties on both sides. Liberals do like to lie don't they?

What? Try reading your history with the book rightside up.
Confederates got their asses kicked at Gettsburg

They did? Pick up a history book, troll.

Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
Day one the confederates sent the union army to retreat into the hills. It was a multi day battle with thousands of casualties on both sides. Liberals do like to lie don't they?

What? Try reading your history with the book rightside up.
"Elements of the two armies initially collided at Gettysburg on July 1, 1863, as Lee urgently concentrated his forces there, his objective being to engage the Union army and destroy it. Low ridges to the northwest of town were defended initially by a Union cavalry division under Brig. Gen. John Buford, and soon reinforced with two corps of Union infantry. However, two large Confederate corps assaulted them from the northwest and north, collapsing the hastily developed Union lines, sending the defenders retreating through the streets of the town to the hills just to the south.[14]"
Confederates got their asses kicked at Gettsburg

They did? Pick up a history book, troll.

Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
Day one the confederates sent the union army to retreat into the hills. It was a multi day battle with thousands of casualties on both sides. Liberals do like to lie don't they?
Day one the Confederates had overwhelming forces and drove the Union forces through town and up into the "hills"
The high ground that made the battle unwinnable for the south

Gettysburg was a disaster for the south, using up troop strength that couldn't be replaced
Confederates got their asses kicked at Gettsburg

They did? Pick up a history book, troll.

Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
Day one the confederates sent the union army to retreat into the hills. It was a multi day battle with thousands of casualties on both sides. Liberals do like to lie don't they?
Day one the Confederates had overwhelming forces and drove the Union forces through town and up into the "hills"
The high ground that made the battle unwinnable for the south

Gettysburg was a disaster for the south, using up troop strength that couldn't be replaced
Point being Gettysburg also took a toll on the union army.

"Between 46,000 and 51,000 soldiers from both armies were casualties in the three-day battle, the most costly in US history."
Confederates got their asses kicked at Gettsburg

They did? Pick up a history book, troll.

Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
Day one the confederates sent the union army to retreat into the hills. It was a multi day battle with thousands of casualties on both sides. Liberals do like to lie don't they?
Day one the Confederates had overwhelming forces and drove the Union forces through town and up into the "hills"
The high ground that made the battle unwinnable for the south

Gettysburg was a disaster for the south, using up troop strength that couldn't be replaced

Do you understand the strategic thinking behind the battle?

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