Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

Day two at Gettysburg...confederates lost a battle and also won one. Toll?9,000 casualties from both sides.
Day Two the Confederates failed to dislodge the Union from Seminary Ridge
Lee should have withdrawn his forces and found a better place to fight
Instead, he attacked the center of the line and got smashed

"As the next day dawned, the Union Army had established strong positions from Culp’s Hill to Cemetery Ridge. Lee assessed his enemy’s positions and determined–against the advice of his defensively minded second-in-command, James Longstreet–to attack the Federals where they stood. He ordered Longstreet to lead an attack on the Union left, while Ewell’s corps would strike the right, near Culp’s Hill. Though his orders were to attack as early in the day as possible, Longstreet didn’t get his men into position until 4 pm, when they opened fire on the Union corps commanded by Daniel Sickles.

Over the next several hours, bloody fighting raged along Sickles’ line, which stretched from the nest of boulders known as Devil’s Den into a peach orchard, as well as in a nearby wheat field and on the slopes of Little Round Top. Thanks to fierce fighting by one Minnesota regiment, the Federals were able to hold Little Round Top, but lost the orchard, field and Devil’s Den; Sickles himself was seriously wounded."

Winning the wheat field,orchard and Devil's Den does not = " smashed". BTW
The battle moved back and forth for three days
Sickles was a moron and advanced without support. He paid a price

Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history

Your cowardice doesn't bother you?
Day two at Gettysburg...confederates lost a battle and also won one. Toll?9,000 casualties from both sides.
Day Two the Confederates failed to dislodge the Union from Seminary Ridge
Lee should have withdrawn his forces and found a better place to fight
Instead, he attacked the center of the line and got smashed

"As the next day dawned, the Union Army had established strong positions from Culp’s Hill to Cemetery Ridge. Lee assessed his enemy’s positions and determined–against the advice of his defensively minded second-in-command, James Longstreet–to attack the Federals where they stood. He ordered Longstreet to lead an attack on the Union left, while Ewell’s corps would strike the right, near Culp’s Hill. Though his orders were to attack as early in the day as possible, Longstreet didn’t get his men into position until 4 pm, when they opened fire on the Union corps commanded by Daniel Sickles.

Over the next several hours, bloody fighting raged along Sickles’ line, which stretched from the nest of boulders known as Devil’s Den into a peach orchard, as well as in a nearby wheat field and on the slopes of Little Round Top. Thanks to fierce fighting by one Minnesota regiment, the Federals were able to hold Little Round Top, but lost the orchard, field and Devil’s Den; Sickles himself was seriously wounded."

Winning the wheat field,orchard and Devil's Den does not = " smashed". BTW
The battle moved back and forth for three days
Sickles was a moron and advanced without support. He paid a price

Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.
Day Two the Confederates failed to dislodge the Union from Seminary Ridge
Lee should have withdrawn his forces and found a better place to fight
Instead, he attacked the center of the line and got smashed

"As the next day dawned, the Union Army had established strong positions from Culp’s Hill to Cemetery Ridge. Lee assessed his enemy’s positions and determined–against the advice of his defensively minded second-in-command, James Longstreet–to attack the Federals where they stood. He ordered Longstreet to lead an attack on the Union left, while Ewell’s corps would strike the right, near Culp’s Hill. Though his orders were to attack as early in the day as possible, Longstreet didn’t get his men into position until 4 pm, when they opened fire on the Union corps commanded by Daniel Sickles.

Over the next several hours, bloody fighting raged along Sickles’ line, which stretched from the nest of boulders known as Devil’s Den into a peach orchard, as well as in a nearby wheat field and on the slopes of Little Round Top. Thanks to fierce fighting by one Minnesota regiment, the Federals were able to hold Little Round Top, but lost the orchard, field and Devil’s Den; Sickles himself was seriously wounded."

Winning the wheat field,orchard and Devil's Den does not = " smashed". BTW
The battle moved back and forth for three days
Sickles was a moron and advanced without support. He paid a price

Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.

RW is exhibiting a common lefty trait.

He CANT' grant that some one who is seriously different from him, to have ANY respect or positive qualities.

He just CAN'T.

Thus admitting that Lee had good reasons for his actions, and was good at his job, even though that in NO WAY implies the slightest agreement with those reasons, or actions,

he can't do it.
Day Two the Confederates failed to dislodge the Union from Seminary Ridge
Lee should have withdrawn his forces and found a better place to fight
Instead, he attacked the center of the line and got smashed

"As the next day dawned, the Union Army had established strong positions from Culp’s Hill to Cemetery Ridge. Lee assessed his enemy’s positions and determined–against the advice of his defensively minded second-in-command, James Longstreet–to attack the Federals where they stood. He ordered Longstreet to lead an attack on the Union left, while Ewell’s corps would strike the right, near Culp’s Hill. Though his orders were to attack as early in the day as possible, Longstreet didn’t get his men into position until 4 pm, when they opened fire on the Union corps commanded by Daniel Sickles.

Over the next several hours, bloody fighting raged along Sickles’ line, which stretched from the nest of boulders known as Devil’s Den into a peach orchard, as well as in a nearby wheat field and on the slopes of Little Round Top. Thanks to fierce fighting by one Minnesota regiment, the Federals were able to hold Little Round Top, but lost the orchard, field and Devil’s Den; Sickles himself was seriously wounded."

Winning the wheat field,orchard and Devil's Den does not = " smashed". BTW
The battle moved back and forth for three days
Sickles was a moron and advanced without support. He paid a price

Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.
Two different armies
The Army of Northern Virginia had nothing to do with defending the Mississippi

The Union had armies on both fronts
"As the next day dawned, the Union Army had established strong positions from Culp’s Hill to Cemetery Ridge. Lee assessed his enemy’s positions and determined–against the advice of his defensively minded second-in-command, James Longstreet–to attack the Federals where they stood. He ordered Longstreet to lead an attack on the Union left, while Ewell’s corps would strike the right, near Culp’s Hill. Though his orders were to attack as early in the day as possible, Longstreet didn’t get his men into position until 4 pm, when they opened fire on the Union corps commanded by Daniel Sickles.

Over the next several hours, bloody fighting raged along Sickles’ line, which stretched from the nest of boulders known as Devil’s Den into a peach orchard, as well as in a nearby wheat field and on the slopes of Little Round Top. Thanks to fierce fighting by one Minnesota regiment, the Federals were able to hold Little Round Top, but lost the orchard, field and Devil’s Den; Sickles himself was seriously wounded."

Winning the wheat field,orchard and Devil's Den does not = " smashed". BTW
The battle moved back and forth for three days
Sickles was a moron and advanced without support. He paid a price

Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.

RW is exhibiting a common lefty trait.

He CANT' grant that some one who is seriously different from him, to have ANY respect or positive qualities.

He just CAN'T.

Thus admitting that Lee had good reasons for his actions, and was good at his job, even though that in NO WAY implies the slightest agreement with those reasons, or actions,

he can't do it.
Lee blundered horribly and he should have listened to Longstreet that Gettysburg was not the fight they wanted

Lee at Gettysburg ......What have I done?
The battle moved back and forth for three days
Sickles was a moron and advanced without support. He paid a price

Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.

RW is exhibiting a common lefty trait.

He CANT' grant that some one who is seriously different from him, to have ANY respect or positive qualities.

He just CAN'T.

Thus admitting that Lee had good reasons for his actions, and was good at his job, even though that in NO WAY implies the slightest agreement with those reasons, or actions,

he can't do it.
Lee blundered horribly and he should have listened to Longstreet that Gettysburg was not the fight they wanted

Lee at Gettysburg ......What have I done?

Calling it a blunder suggests that you have considered his options.

Please share with us what you think he should have done, that would have led to a better outcome for his army and the Confederacy.
"As the next day dawned, the Union Army had established strong positions from Culp’s Hill to Cemetery Ridge. Lee assessed his enemy’s positions and determined–against the advice of his defensively minded second-in-command, James Longstreet–to attack the Federals where they stood. He ordered Longstreet to lead an attack on the Union left, while Ewell’s corps would strike the right, near Culp’s Hill. Though his orders were to attack as early in the day as possible, Longstreet didn’t get his men into position until 4 pm, when they opened fire on the Union corps commanded by Daniel Sickles.

Over the next several hours, bloody fighting raged along Sickles’ line, which stretched from the nest of boulders known as Devil’s Den into a peach orchard, as well as in a nearby wheat field and on the slopes of Little Round Top. Thanks to fierce fighting by one Minnesota regiment, the Federals were able to hold Little Round Top, but lost the orchard, field and Devil’s Den; Sickles himself was seriously wounded."

Winning the wheat field,orchard and Devil's Den does not = " smashed". BTW
The battle moved back and forth for three days
Sickles was a moron and advanced without support. He paid a price

Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.
Two different armies
The Army of Northern Virginia had nothing to do with defending the Mississippi

The Union had armies on both fronts

"In addition to bringing the conflict out of Virginia and diverting northern troops from Vicksburg, where the Confederates were under siege, Lee hoped to gain recognition of the Confederacy by Britain and France and strengthen the cause of northern “Copperheads” who favored peace."
Lefties never have a good day without whining and complaining. Interesting that the first thing lefties think about when they view a 4th of July parade is fighting. The left committed more violence at Trump's inauguration than a hundred Gettysburg parades. The first thing they do at left wing rallies is shove an ISIS flag in your face while they are burning Old Glory. Let it go lefties, the Civil War ended 150 years ago.
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Isn't it funny that Trump's Chumps are defending the Confederates they like to point out at LEAST once a month were racist Democrats? :lol:

These people are positively schizophrenic.
Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.

RW is exhibiting a common lefty trait.

He CANT' grant that some one who is seriously different from him, to have ANY respect or positive qualities.

He just CAN'T.

Thus admitting that Lee had good reasons for his actions, and was good at his job, even though that in NO WAY implies the slightest agreement with those reasons, or actions,

he can't do it.
Lee blundered horribly and he should have listened to Longstreet that Gettysburg was not the fight they wanted

Lee at Gettysburg ......What have I done?

Calling it a blunder suggests that you have considered his options.

Please share with us what you think he should have done, that would have led to a better outcome for his army and the Confederacy.
He should have listened to Longstreet and withdrawn. A suicidal charge uphill at a fortified line was pure arrogance
He should have saved his troops to fight another day at a better position
The racist Democratic Confederates got their asses whupped at Gettysburg. And rightly so. May they all burn in hell forever.

Along with their modern day worshipers like this dipshit:

The battle moved back and forth for three days
Sickles was a moron and advanced without support. He paid a price

Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.
Two different armies
The Army of Northern Virginia had nothing to do with defending the Mississippi

The Union had armies on both fronts

"In addition to bringing the conflict out of Virginia and diverting northern troops from Vicksburg, where the Confederates were under siege, Lee hoped to gain recognition of the Confederacy by Britain and France and strengthen the cause of northern “Copperheads” who favored peace."
Didn't work did it?

Vicksburg fell the same day
Says the man who claims that shoes was the basis for the strategy.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.
Two different armies
The Army of Northern Virginia had nothing to do with defending the Mississippi

The Union had armies on both fronts

"In addition to bringing the conflict out of Virginia and diverting northern troops from Vicksburg, where the Confederates were under siege, Lee hoped to gain recognition of the Confederacy by Britain and France and strengthen the cause of northern “Copperheads” who favored peace."
Didn't work did it?

Vicksburg fell the same day
The confederates were out numbered by sbout 30,000 soldiers in Vicksburg...which is why Lee Initiated fighting in Gettysburg hoping to divert troops. Hence the battle was not about "shoes". Vicksburg fell on July 4th...not the 3rd BTW.

Also the war continued for two more years. With other southern victories....and more losses on both sides of the fight.
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.
Two different armies
The Army of Northern Virginia had nothing to do with defending the Mississippi

The Union had armies on both fronts

"In addition to bringing the conflict out of Virginia and diverting northern troops from Vicksburg, where the Confederates were under siege, Lee hoped to gain recognition of the Confederacy by Britain and France and strengthen the cause of northern “Copperheads” who favored peace."
Didn't work did it?

Vicksburg fell the same day
The confederates were out numbered by sbout 30,000 soldiers in Vicksburg...which is why Lee Initiated fighting in Gettysburg hoping to divert troops. Hence the battle was not about "shoes". Vicksburg fell on July 4th...not the 3rd BTW.

Also the war continued for two more years. With other southern victories....and more losses on both sides of the fight.

Some historians theorize Lee had suffered a heart attack just prior to Gettysburg, his judgement was clouded and he made decisions that betrayed what a brilliant General he really was. The south had outstanding generals...they just didn't have the manpower nor the war industry behind them like the north did.
That is not how battles are won or lost
Today is the day of Picketts Charge. A major strategic blunder that turned the battle into a romp.

No one said that the Confederates won, but your retarded lie that they "ran with their tail between their legs" is the same sort of moronic bullshit you spew on behalf of your Fuhrer against Trump and decent people.

It was the most brutal battle America had ever fought, and the cost to both sides was severe.
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.
Two different armies
The Army of Northern Virginia had nothing to do with defending the Mississippi

The Union had armies on both fronts

"In addition to bringing the conflict out of Virginia and diverting northern troops from Vicksburg, where the Confederates were under siege, Lee hoped to gain recognition of the Confederacy by Britain and France and strengthen the cause of northern “Copperheads” who favored peace."
Didn't work did it?

Vicksburg fell the same day
The confederates were out numbered by sbout 30,000 soldiers in Vicksburg...which is why Lee Initiated fighting in Gettysburg hoping to divert troops. Hence the battle was not about "shoes". Vicksburg fell on July 4th...not the 3rd BTW.

Also the war continued for two more years. With other southern victories....and more losses on both sides of the fight.

Some historians theorize Lee had suffered a heart attack just prior to Gettysburg, his judgement was clouded and he made decisions that betrayed what a brilliant General he really was. The south had outstanding generals...they just didn't have the manpower nor the war industry behind them like the north did.
They didn't have the industry because they were lazy.

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