Guns and Mass Murder ~ Time for Action

The issue is removing guns from criminals while protecting the rights of lawful citizens to own guns.

How do you plan to accomplish it?

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Since the gun bunnies will not accept common sense legislation at the state level, we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.

When you actually propose "common sense" legislation...please...let us fucking know....up till now you just throw out the words..."Common sense gun control" then dance away without stating what that is....since we have already shown how stupid your previous suggestions are....
Wow. here has been lots of common sense legislation that the NRA lobbied against & the Their lapdog Republicans shit down.

Did you get all that blood washed off your hands?
Such as?

And Like I said I have no blood on my hands neither does any other law abiding gun owner
Keep telling yourself that. You elected the Republicans that refused to renew the ban.

How do you know I voted for any republicans?
FYI I do not vote for republicans or democrats. The only time I vote is when I have the choice of a third party candidate that I think is actually worth voting for. You see I don't vote party lines like some mindless idiot like you.
Was he? I don't call all gun owners, gun nuts.

I own guns. If I was next door, I could have grabbed by deer rifle & took the guy out at 500 yards.

A gun nut is one what has their head up the NRA's ass, has to tote a gun everywhere they go, & thinks we can't do things like ban assault type rifles.

Miltiary rifles are already banned dumb shit.......civilian rifles are now what you want to ban...and then you will move on to pistols...because the Virginia Tech shooter used pistols to murder 32 those will be on your list next....

Who the fuck is talking military weapons? Not me. It is you assholes who are too fucking stupid to know what assault type weapons refer to.

The Federal Assault Weapon Ban. Look it up. What did it ban?

And really, the slippery slope argument.

We should allow children to get slaughtered because you are afraid someone will take your guns?

How many did you lose after that 1994 bill? How many more gun laws were passed banning pistols or such?

Blood is on your hands. You made it possible to put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a person who killed 26 people in Texas - half of them children.

You know a,n well so quit making that stupid argument.
Assault weapons ARE military weapons you moron.

Semiautomatic rifles that LOOK LIKE assault weapons are NOT military rifles.

Get it?
I see you are still the same old asshole.

I have news, you do not own the defiition od assault type weapons.

It's not my definition it's the military's definition.

And you do not have the power to change it
Congress and SCOTUS do.
Miltiary rifles are already banned dumb shit.......civilian rifles are now what you want to ban...and then you will move on to pistols...because the Virginia Tech shooter used pistols to murder 32 those will be on your list next....

Who the fuck is talking military weapons? Not me. It is you assholes who are too fucking stupid to know what assault type weapons refer to.

The Federal Assault Weapon Ban. Look it up. What did it ban?

And really, the slippery slope argument.

We should allow children to get slaughtered because you are afraid someone will take your guns?

How many did you lose after that 1994 bill? How many more gun laws were passed banning pistols or such?

Blood is on your hands. You made it possible to put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a person who killed 26 people in Texas - half of them children.

You know a,n well so quit making that stupid argument.
Assault weapons ARE military weapons you moron.

Semiautomatic rifles that LOOK LIKE assault weapons are NOT military rifles.

Get it?
I see you are still the same old asshole.

I have news, you do not own the defiition od assault type weapons.

It's not my definition it's the military's definition.

And you do not have the power to change it
Congress and SCOTUS do.

Yeah because Congress gets everything right?

This is not complicated.

An actual military assault weapon is capable of fully automatic fire.

A commonplace semiautomatic that LOOKS like a military assault rifle is not capable of fully automatic fire

Let me use pictures as well

This AR 15


Is absolutely equivalent to this Ruger Mini 14


in every way but cosmetics. The Ruger fires the exact same round at the exact same rate of one round per trigger pull.

Now this M4 Carbine, an actual military assault rifle, is capable of fully automatic fire and is not available to any civilian today even if that civilian has a class 3 license.

And a hundred killed on the highways today by the car loons and pedalphiles. Happens every day and the media censors it while shootings are headlines.

We are doing things to reduce car fatalities

Why can't we pass gun legislation?
We are doing things to reduce car fatalities
Why can't we pass gun legislation?

We can pass gun legislation ... And we have on many occasions.
When will you accept that we are no more willing to stop owning the firearms we are allowed to under the Constitution ... Than we are to stop driving ... :dunno:

When you add the fact driving is a privilege and not a right ... Well, that addresses an entirely different set of circumstances.

Since the gun bunnies will not accept common sense legislation at the state level, we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.

When you actually propose "common sense" legislation...please...let us fucking know....up till now you just throw out the words..."Common sense gun control" then dance away without stating what that is....since we have already shown how stupid your previous suggestions are....
Wow. here has been lots of common sense legislation that the NRA lobbied against & the Their lapdog Republicans shit down.

Did you get all that blood washed off your hands?
Such as?

And Like I said I have no blood on my hands neither does any other law abiding gun owner
Keep telling yourself that. You elected the Republicans that refused to renew the ban.

How do you know I voted for any republicans?
FYI I do not vote for republicans or democrats. The only time I vote is when I have the choice of a third party candidate that I think is actually worth voting for. You see I don't vote party lines like some mindless idiot like you.

Yea right. Sounds to me you are just another Trump voter denier who wants to stand on the sidelines & throw stones instead of taking meaningful action on voting.
We are doing things to reduce car fatalities
Why can't we pass gun legislation?

We can pass gun legislation ... And we have on many occasions.
When will you accept that we are no more willing to stop owning the firearms we are allowed to under the Constitution ... Than we are to stop driving ... :dunno:

When you add the fact driving is a privilege and not a right ... Well, that addresses an entirely different set of circumstances.

When? When was gun legislation passed?

Gun ownership is a right therefore we can't do anything about nutjobs grabbing semi-automatic rifles with large capacity clips & killing children?

Really. You use the "It's a right" excuse?

The 2nd Amendment says you can be armed. Here's a single shot 22 rifle. You are now armed. STFU.
Too late for gun control. The gun nuts won a long time ago ...

Yeah ... The American Revolution worked out pretty well, all things considered ... :thup:

The idea that all gun owners are gun nuts is a fallacy.

I own guns. I don't need an assault type rifle & I don't need to tote a loaded firearm everywhere I go. I recognize the need for an assault rifle ban & better background checks. I believe crazy people should not be armed.

Don't be such an ass to confuse that with military & law enforcement needs.
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
The issue is removing guns from criminals while protecting the rights of lawful citizens to own guns.

How do you plan to accomplish it?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using mobile app
Since the gun bunnies will not accept common sense legislation at the state level, we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.

When you actually propose "common sense" legislation...please...let us fucking know....up till now you just throw out the words..."Common sense gun control" then dance away without stating what that is....since we have already shown how stupid your previous suggestions are....
Wow. here has been lots of common sense legislation that the NRA lobbied against & the Their lapdog Republicans shit down.

Did you get all that blood washed off your hands?

Wrong.....legislation that doesn't do shit to criminals or mass shooters and only attacks law abiding gun owners gets voted down....your phobia about normal people owning guns doesn't trump the 2nd Amendment....

So, making assault type rifles illegal does not get a criminal arrested if he is discovered with one? The exact same thing that would happen top a law abiding citizen if he was caught.

You have no logic. You make the dumbest arguments ever.

When you support policies & put legislators in office that refuse to ban these weapons, blood is indeed on your hands.
When? When was gun legislation passed?

Gun ownership is a right therefore we can't do anything about nutjobs grabbing semi-automatic rifles with large capacity clips & killing children?

Really. You use the "It's a right" excuse?

The 2nd Amendment says you can be armed. Here's a single shot 22 rifle. You are now armed. STFU.

Are you suggesting there are no gun laws ... :dunno:

The constitution doesn't ask you for your opinion on what you think is acceptable nor what you think I might use it for.
There are already laws that prohibit any negligent behavior I might try to engage in.

What you are asking for is the ability to punish me in regards to a law that doesn't exist and I haven't broken.

The idea that all gun owners are gun nuts is a fallacy.

I own guns. I don't need an assault type rifle & I don't need to tote a loaded firearm everywhere I go. I recognize the need for an assault rifle ban & better background checks. I believe crazy people should not be armed.

Don't be such an ass to confuse that with military & law enforcement needs.

I am not required to be concerned with what you feel you do or don't need.
My right to own firearms is not predicated on your desires.

I already have the right to own the firearms I do ... And didn't need your permission to get them.
You have nothing to offer me except giving up what you have no right to ask for.

At the least understand that you have nothing to offer me that I don't already have .. Or don't want.
We cannot come to a compromise if you have nothing to bargain with.

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Jesus fucking Chist. Cars have a purpose you stupid asshole. What useful purpose does a AR-15 have?

RealDave doesn't get the fact his Freedom of Speech threatens our ability to protect and defend the Constitution and this country from all enemies foreign and domestic.
Probably because he has no fear we will limit his Freedom of Speech just to suit our desires ... But would use our right own firearms to protect it if needs be.

Perhaps he is more worried about a herd of deer threatening his Constitutionally protected rights ... :dunno:

No one's freedom of speech is actionable because snowflakes are afraid of sensible gun regulation.
No one's freedom of speech is actionable because snowflakes are afraid of sensible gun regulation.

If you think your desire to define sensible is all that is needed ... Well, you have simply overstated your position.

We are doing things to reduce car fatalities
Why can't we pass gun legislation?

We can pass gun legislation ... And we have on many occasions.
When will you accept that we are no more willing to stop owning the firearms we are allowed to under the Constitution ... Than we are to stop driving ... :dunno:

When you add the fact driving is a privilege and not a right ... Well, that addresses an entirely different set of circumstances.

When? When was gun legislation passed?

Gun ownership is a right therefore we can't do anything about nutjobs grabbing semi-automatic rifles with large capacity clips & killing children?

Really. You use the "It's a right" excuse?

The 2nd Amendment says you can be armed. Here's a single shot 22 rifle. You are now armed. STFU.

It’s says “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”....maybe you should actually read the bill of rights, and understand why they were put into place. Clearly you’d fail a 4th grade history test from 30 years ago. And the 2nd wasn’t about hunting, or just about self defense, it was about the natural right of self defense, especially when the greatest enemy of humanity has been their own governments, so in a free society, the populace needs to be armed to keep the government in check, as well as be a deterrent to other invading governments. It’s incredibly hard to control and insert rule of an armed population, since the power lies in the many, not the few. Our government (or any government in a free society) was never intended to have a monopoly of force.

It’s funny The left hates monopolies, except when it comes to the government, then they’re all for monopolies...
If gun-control advocates didn't have arguments that rely upon disinformation and logical fallacy, they'd have no arguments at all.
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
Frivolous gun laws do not help anybody but the criminals. Shit for brains

Making these assault type rifles illegal would have greatly reduced the death toll. It could have had this guy arrested before he had the chance.

Fuck you

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