Guns and Mass Murder ~ Time for Action

Of course it, SP. Guns when improperly used do threaten life, liberty, and happiness for all.

The mixture of bad people and access to such weapons threaten us all.
More blood on the hands of the NRA & every fucking gun nut that posts here.

Donald Trump: WHEN IS THE TIME!

A gun nut as you called him caught that asshole!

Was he? I don't call all gun owners, gun nuts.

I own guns. If I was next door, I could have grabbed by deer rifle & took the guy out at 500 yards.

A gun nut is one what has their head up the NRA's ass, has to tote a gun everywhere they go, & thinks we can't do things like ban assault type rifles.

Miltiary rifles are already banned dumb shit.......civilian rifles are now what you want to ban...and then you will move on to pistols...because the Virginia Tech shooter used pistols to murder 32 those will be on your list next....

Who the fuck is talking military weapons? Not me. It is you assholes who are too fucking stupid to know what assault type weapons refer to.

The Federal Assault Weapon Ban. Look it up. What did it ban?

And really, the slippery slope argument.

We should allow children to get slaughtered because you are afraid someone will take your guns?

How many did you lose after that 1994 bill? How many more gun laws were passed banning pistols or such?

Blood is on your hands. You made it possible to put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a person who killed 26 people in Texas - half of them children.

You know a,n well so quit making that stupid argument.
Assault weapons ARE military weapons you moron.

Semiautomatic rifles that LOOK LIKE assault weapons are NOT military rifles.

Get it?
I see you are still the same old asshole.

I have news, you do not own the defiition od assault type weapons.
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
The issue is removing guns from criminals while protecting the rights of lawful citizens to own guns.

How do you plan to accomplish it?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using mobile app
Since the gun bunnies will not accept common sense legislation at the state level, we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.

When you actually propose "common sense" legislation...please...let us fucking know....up till now you just throw out the words..."Common sense gun control" then dance away without stating what that is....since we have already shown how stupid your previous suggestions are....
Wow. here has been lots of common sense legislation that the NRA lobbied against & the Their lapdog Republicans shit down.

Did you get all that blood washed off your hands?
Such as?

And Like I said I have no blood on my hands neither does any other law abiding gun owner
Keep telling yourself that. You elected the Republicans that refused to renew the ban.
A gun nut as you called him caught that asshole!

Was he? I don't call all gun owners, gun nuts.

I own guns. If I was next door, I could have grabbed by deer rifle & took the guy out at 500 yards.

A gun nut is one what has their head up the NRA's ass, has to tote a gun everywhere they go, & thinks we can't do things like ban assault type rifles.

Miltiary rifles are already banned dumb shit.......civilian rifles are now what you want to ban...and then you will move on to pistols...because the Virginia Tech shooter used pistols to murder 32 those will be on your list next....

Who the fuck is talking military weapons? Not me. It is you assholes who are too fucking stupid to know what assault type weapons refer to.

The Federal Assault Weapon Ban. Look it up. What did it ban?

And really, the slippery slope argument.

We should allow children to get slaughtered because you are afraid someone will take your guns?

How many did you lose after that 1994 bill? How many more gun laws were passed banning pistols or such?

Blood is on your hands. You made it possible to put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a person who killed 26 people in Texas - half of them children.

You know a,n well so quit making that stupid argument.
Assault weapons ARE military weapons you moron.

Semiautomatic rifles that LOOK LIKE assault weapons are NOT military rifles.

Get it?
I see you are still the same old asshole.

I have news, you do not own the defiition od assault type weapons.
Pick up a Webster's you moron and look it up! We are getting damn tired of trying to educate your ignorant asx.
You understand English right idiot? We speak it here!
Too late for gun control. The gun nuts won a long time ago, and now we have over 400 million guns here. It’s easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere in the world.

Getting rid of those 400 million guns is near impossible, and would be so painful a process that nobody will ever go for it.

Arm yourselves if you can. You don’t want to live in a place where only criminals and gun nuts have guns.
No amount of frivolous gun laws will stop criminals from being criminals…
But they can be less lethal.
Exactly. The guy could have killed everybody in the church with a few dozen grenades. Buuuuut, it's too hard to get your hands on them.

The guy in Nice, France murdered 89 people....he killed 26....the guy in Nice, used a rental truck...all this guy had to do was wait till the service got out and driven over the same number of people....and he would have gotten away to do it again.......
Jesus fucking Christ will you fucking idiots quit using that stupid argument about a truck.

When will you morons understand that trucks have a purpose outside of using it as a weapon.,
You’re too naïve to understand it doesn’t matter what the so-called weapon is, people will kill one way or another… Human nature is at its core evil.
In the middle east Terrorists much prefer bombs/cars because they are more effective…
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.

Are all leftist on an email list given the same talking points? Even ones as shameful as prayer doesn’t if prayer has ever been this shield from danger that’s granted as long as you pray x amount of times a week. Just the lowest of hanging fruit...fruit that’s not even on the correct tree, but a retard tree.

NO ONE WAS ARMED INSIDE THE CHURCH SO NO SHIT JACKASS, THE GUNS NO ONE WAS CARRYING INSIDE THE CHURCH OBVIOUSLY DID NOT SAVE THEM. And it’s very much believed that this guy, who started shooting at the people from the outside of the church (and the people didn’t try to run, but tried to hide, thinking he’d stop and leave) was going back to his car for more ammo (believing they’d stay put again) and finish the job. So yes the hero who met him out front with an assault rifle (thank god he had something more than a handgun to fight back with), probably saved many lives that day. It took what, ten minutes for first responders to show up, the murderer most likely try to finish everyone else off. YOU ARE YOUR OWN FIRST RESPONDER. OBVIOUSLY POLICE DID NOT SAVE ANYONE FROM THIS SITUATION, NOR DID GOVERNMENT GUN CONTROL LAWS, THEY DONT WORK, EVEN WHEN THEY’RE SUPPOSED TOO IN THIS SITUATION.

I think the left is attacking prayer so much (how could they resist a chance to subtly mock the church) because this case flies in the face of everything they argue about guns. Government dropped the ball (like they do everytime) even though they had the rules in place to stop this guy from buying guns (you can’t blame the gun store that sold him the gun since his “federal” background check came up clean even though he was tried and convicted fractured his son in laws skull in the Air Force)...the State of Texas knew this and denied his ccw permit, but yet this guy decided to break the law and carry his guns 40 miles into this church (which if he’s willing to commit mass murder, breaking gun laws is like the weight of a lugnut compared to an entire tractor trailer). And on top of the clear government ineptitude being one half of the equation, and the obvious lack of efficacy in gun control laws as the other half of the equation...a citizen armed with an “assault rifle” stops the mass murderer (in other words it always take a good guy with guns to stop a bad guy with guns). And jake is going to sit here and act like he “cares” (he doesn’t BC the whole “prayers don’t work” bit is a definite strawman mocking of faith), and on top of that try to pretend like if anyone was armed with a gun in the church, it would not have made a difference? Spare us jake, if you were in one of those pews, your prayers would be for someone else with a gun to save you...right now. No matter how bad you want to make the ridiculous and completely bogus argument of “no I wouldn’t want that Cuz they’d probably just shoot me instead.” No one buys that stupid argument so stop pushing it.

If anyone is wondering why this post sounds more ridiculous than’s because they have nothing...absolutely nothing. So they’re Turning to mindless sound goodery, and veiled mocking of faith to kick while down who they think their enemy is.

They have nothing because gun murder has gone down 50% since the 90s while gun ownership has skyrocketed in the very same time period. Gun crime plummets, America is safer than its ever been at any time, but yet more Americans are armed. They do not deal in facts, they deal in feelings. And their feeling is they think everyone is too stupid to be armed, make their own decisions, choose their food, their healthcare, how to spend their money. I mean look at this OP, ZERO FACTS, JUST BUZZ PHRASES NOT BASED ON FACTS. Obviously the facts are not on his side, which is why he’s trying to market to you like a used car salesmen. If you see this type of BS buzz phrasing, void of facts, BUYER BEWARE:DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. And if they can’t even acknowledge another point from the other side DONT FOLLOW THESE PEOPLE ANYMORE. They’re sad people.

Have mass shootings gone up, yes absolutely. But guns have been apart of America since it’s birth. Automatic guns have been around for a century, and actual gun technology hasn’t changed all that much in 30 even 40 years. And this uptick in mass shootings has only been prevalent really in the last 10 maybe 15 ask yourself the question of what has changed...and can we move onto that that actually matters, but for some reason no one wants to talk about. Instead they want to talk about guns even though there’s more guns in the hands of more people and were a safer society than we’ve ever been in modern history. Matter of fact if we remove the 5 cities with the most gun control and gun laws in America...America is just as safe as any other 1st world country out there. So let’s talk about why there’s an uptick in mass shootings.
Was he? I don't call all gun owners, gun nuts.

I own guns. If I was next door, I could have grabbed by deer rifle & took the guy out at 500 yards.

A gun nut is one what has their head up the NRA's ass, has to tote a gun everywhere they go, & thinks we can't do things like ban assault type rifles.

Miltiary rifles are already banned dumb shit.......civilian rifles are now what you want to ban...and then you will move on to pistols...because the Virginia Tech shooter used pistols to murder 32 those will be on your list next....

Who the fuck is talking military weapons? Not me. It is you assholes who are too fucking stupid to know what assault type weapons refer to.

The Federal Assault Weapon Ban. Look it up. What did it ban?

And really, the slippery slope argument.

We should allow children to get slaughtered because you are afraid someone will take your guns?

How many did you lose after that 1994 bill? How many more gun laws were passed banning pistols or such?

Blood is on your hands. You made it possible to put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a person who killed 26 people in Texas - half of them children.

You know a,n well so quit making that stupid argument.
Assault weapons ARE military weapons you moron.

Semiautomatic rifles that LOOK LIKE assault weapons are NOT military rifles.

Get it?
I see you are still the same old asshole.

I have news, you do not own the defiition od assault type weapons.
Pick up a Webster's you moron and look it up! We are getting damn tired of trying to educate your ignorant asx.
You understand English right idiot? We speak it here!
You certainly don't, and you don't get your own definitions, guy.
All the gun bunnies are on the same email list for their far right gunhugger talking points.
All the gun bunnies are on the same email list for their far right gunhugger talking points.
^^^name calling...that’s what the argument comes down too for the left. Que applause. DO NOT FOLLOW THESE PEOPLE. I could name you probably 20 prominent members on the left in politics or media who have used the very same line “prayers don’t work,” or “prayers aren’t enough.” Yea id say you guys are very very very unaimaginative. You get the buzz phrase, and then go forth and use the buzz phrase. Didn’t hear this in Vegas, only heard it when it was in a church. “Prayers don’t work...”

In other words, where is your god? We’ll protect you better than god.
Guns and Mass Murder ~ Time for Action

You leftards had your chance in 2009 when you controlled House, Senate and had progressive communist president, yet you did absolutely nothing about guns. Now when you control nothing, you're screaming that "we" must do something.

Oh, shut up.
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
The issue is removing guns from criminals while protecting the rights of lawful citizens to own guns.

How do you plan to accomplish it?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using mobile app
Since the gun bunnies will not accept common sense legislation at the state level, we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.

When you actually propose "common sense" legislation...please...let us fucking know....up till now you just throw out the words..."Common sense gun control" then dance away without stating what that is....since we have already shown how stupid your previous suggestions are....
Wow. here has been lots of common sense legislation that the NRA lobbied against & the Their lapdog Republicans shit down.

Did you get all that blood washed off your hands?

Wrong.....legislation that doesn't do shit to criminals or mass shooters and only attacks law abiding gun owners gets voted down....your phobia about normal people owning guns doesn't trump the 2nd Amendment....
What is an 'assault-type weapon'? How do you distinguish it from a non-assault-type weapon? Color? Shape?


Not this stupid argument again. They were banned at one time, There was/is a definition.

Are you people sofa king ignorant. People are dying & you dickhead of talking semantics.

You know damn well what is being disaussed
Assault is not a weapon idiot! Assault is an action.
Now we had one of you gun nuts post a video of someone firing a standard AR 15 like a machine gun without the use of a bump stock. So, they are machine guns. And should be regulated as such. They are assault weapons, don't play semantics with me, asshole.

Nope.....a millitary rifle has select fire capability...civilian rifles don't.....and they cant be fired automatically...moron.
Unless they buy that cheap conversion kit or a bump stock.

BTW where is that bump stick ban? Blocked by assholes like you?

The bump stock ban is guy used it while thousands of the things never hurt anyone........ another feel good piece of crap push by morons like you....
Damn, well join the ranks of fucking liar, fellow. First, any gun that you can fire 30 or more shots with in under 10 seconds is an assault rifle. And with the bump stocks, of which their are plenty in civilian hands. they are full machine guns. Don't play semantics with me. 85 dead in just over a month. 500 wounded. Aren't you proud of your semantics?

If there are plenty of bump stocks in civilian hands...they sure aren't used for crime or mass shootings...except for 1.

And again.....there are no military rifles in civilian hands after the 1986 ban.......AR-15s are civilian rifles...also used by police...

So why do these people have bump stocks?
For fun & jollies? Yep, that is worth the deaths at Las Vegas.

I bet throwing grenades would be fun too.

Thousands of the things never used to hurt anyone........I've thrown is boring.
What is an 'assault-type weapon'? How do you distinguish it from a non-assault-type weapon? Color? Shape?


Not this stupid argument again. They were banned at one time, There was/is a definition.

Are you people sofa king ignorant. People are dying & you dickhead of talking semantics.

You know damn well what is being disaussed

And the ban did nothing to stop crime or mass shootings...moron...

How many mass killings were there in the ten years of the ban & the ten years after the ban?

Here...look at the numbers...from Mother Jones...

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0







So they did increase after the Republicans & the NRA let the ban expire.

Moron...those are all mass shootings, not just AR-15 mass shootings....dip shit....
Of course it, SP. Guns when improperly used do threaten life, liberty, and happiness for all.

The mixture of bad people and access to such weapons threaten us all.

No.....Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to save lives...and to stop violent criminals...vs. the 9,616 gun murders by criminals in 2015....and of those 70-80% of the victims were other which number is bigger.....?
Miltiary rifles are already banned dumb shit.......civilian rifles are now what you want to ban...and then you will move on to pistols...because the Virginia Tech shooter used pistols to murder 32 those will be on your list next....

Who the fuck is talking military weapons? Not me. It is you assholes who are too fucking stupid to know what assault type weapons refer to.

The Federal Assault Weapon Ban. Look it up. What did it ban?

And really, the slippery slope argument.

We should allow children to get slaughtered because you are afraid someone will take your guns?

How many did you lose after that 1994 bill? How many more gun laws were passed banning pistols or such?

Blood is on your hands. You made it possible to put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a person who killed 26 people in Texas - half of them children.

You know a,n well so quit making that stupid argument.
Assault weapons ARE military weapons you moron.

Semiautomatic rifles that LOOK LIKE assault weapons are NOT military rifles.

Get it?
I see you are still the same old asshole.

I have news, you do not own the defiition od assault type weapons.
Pick up a Webster's you moron and look it up! We are getting damn tired of trying to educate your ignorant asx.
You understand English right idiot? We speak it here!
You certainly don't, and you don't get your own definitions, guy.

The AR-15 civilian rifle never has been and still is not a military has never been used by the military, and has never been used in war...if it had, according to the Miller decision in the Supreme would have it's own protection under the 2nd Amendment on top of being a bearable arm, under the Heller decision......
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.
You changed my mind. We should ban guns. Just like society used to be plagued by heroin and meth before they were outlawed, so to should guns be outlawed.

BTW - it was a check your weapons at the door church.
A gun nut as you called him caught that asshole!

Was he? I don't call all gun owners, gun nuts.

I own guns. If I was next door, I could have grabbed by deer rifle & took the guy out at 500 yards.

A gun nut is one what has their head up the NRA's ass, has to tote a gun everywhere they go, & thinks we can't do things like ban assault type rifles.

Miltiary rifles are already banned dumb shit.......civilian rifles are now what you want to ban...and then you will move on to pistols...because the Virginia Tech shooter used pistols to murder 32 those will be on your list next....

Who the fuck is talking military weapons? Not me. It is you assholes who are too fucking stupid to know what assault type weapons refer to.

The Federal Assault Weapon Ban. Look it up. What did it ban?

And really, the slippery slope argument.

We should allow children to get slaughtered because you are afraid someone will take your guns?

How many did you lose after that 1994 bill? How many more gun laws were passed banning pistols or such?

Blood is on your hands. You made it possible to put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a person who killed 26 people in Texas - half of them children.

You know a,n well so quit making that stupid argument.
Assault weapons ARE military weapons you moron.

Semiautomatic rifles that LOOK LIKE assault weapons are NOT military rifles.

Get it?
I see you are still the same old asshole.

I have news, you do not own the defiition od assault type weapons.

It's not my definition it's the military's definition.

And you do not have the power to change it

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