Guns and Mass Murder ~ Time for Action

Sak, read all of the SCOTUS commentary on the 2dA. Your opinion does not mean what you think it means.

The gun bunnies' cognitive dissonance is amazing.
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When you actually propose "common sense" legislation...please...let us fucking know....up till now you just throw out the words..."Common sense gun control" then dance away without stating what that is....since we have already shown how stupid your previous suggestions are....
Wow. here has been lots of common sense legislation that the NRA lobbied against & the Their lapdog Republicans shit down.

Did you get all that blood washed off your hands?
Such as?

And Like I said I have no blood on my hands neither does any other law abiding gun owner
Keep telling yourself that. You elected the Republicans that refused to renew the ban.

How do you know I voted for any republicans?
FYI I do not vote for republicans or democrats. The only time I vote is when I have the choice of a third party candidate that I think is actually worth voting for. You see I don't vote party lines like some mindless idiot like you.

Yea right. Sounds to me you are just another Trump voter denier who wants to stand on the sidelines & throw stones instead of taking meaningful action on voting.

Well we all know what I think your opinion is worth.

But I sat out the last 2 elections completely since every single candidate was a complete waste of oxygen.

And I vote only when I think it will be meaningful. I can't in good conscience vote for a piece of shit candidate but you don't give a shit who you vote for as long as it's a democrat.
Too late for gun control. The gun nuts won a long time ago ...

Yeah ... The American Revolution worked out pretty well, all things considered ... :thup:

The idea that all gun owners are gun nuts is a fallacy.

I own guns. I don't need an assault type rifle & I don't need to tote a loaded firearm everywhere I go. I recognize the need for an assault rifle ban & better background checks. I believe crazy people should not be armed.

Don't be such an ass to confuse that with military & law enforcement needs.
You don't own any firearms and no one here believes you do especially since you don't know the difference between a semiautomatic rifle and a fully automatic rifle.
The issue is removing guns from criminals while protecting the rights of lawful citizens to own guns.

How do you plan to accomplish it?

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Since the gun bunnies will not accept common sense legislation at the state level, we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.

When you actually propose "common sense" legislation...please...let us fucking know....up till now you just throw out the words..."Common sense gun control" then dance away without stating what that is....since we have already shown how stupid your previous suggestions are....
Wow. here has been lots of common sense legislation that the NRA lobbied against & the Their lapdog Republicans shit down.

Did you get all that blood washed off your hands?

Wrong.....legislation that doesn't do shit to criminals or mass shooters and only attacks law abiding gun owners gets voted down....your phobia about normal people owning guns doesn't trump the 2nd Amendment....

So, making assault type rifles illegal does not get a criminal arrested if he is discovered with one? The exact same thing that would happen top a law abiding citizen if he was caught.

You have no logic. You make the dumbest arguments ever.

When you support policies & put legislators in office that refuse to ban these weapons, blood is indeed on your hands.

which one of these is an "assault type" rifle

this one

or this one

Since the gun bunnies will not accept common sense legislation at the state level, we will have to begin with SCOTUS when the new case on what is 'weapons of war' gets there.

When you actually propose "common sense" legislation...please...let us fucking know....up till now you just throw out the words..."Common sense gun control" then dance away without stating what that is....since we have already shown how stupid your previous suggestions are....
Wow. here has been lots of common sense legislation that the NRA lobbied against & the Their lapdog Republicans shit down.

Did you get all that blood washed off your hands?

Wrong.....legislation that doesn't do shit to criminals or mass shooters and only attacks law abiding gun owners gets voted down....your phobia about normal people owning guns doesn't trump the 2nd Amendment....

So, making assault type rifles illegal does not get a criminal arrested if he is discovered with one? The exact same thing that would happen top a law abiding citizen if he was caught.

You have no logic. You make the dumbest arguments ever.

When you support policies & put legislators in office that refuse to ban these weapons, blood is indeed on your hands.

which one of these is an "assault type" rifle

this one

or this one

Which one is a semi? Form doesn't matter.
Too late for gun control. The gun nuts won a long time ago, and now we have over 400 million guns here. It’s easier for a criminal to get a gun here than anywhere in the world.

Getting rid of those 400 million guns is near impossible, and would be so painful a process that nobody will ever go for it.

Arm yourselves if you can. You don’t want to live in a place where only criminals and gun nuts have guns.
No amount of frivolous gun laws will stop criminals from being criminals…
But they can be less lethal.
You clearly have no idea what the relationship between laws and criminals is.

You should look into that.
When you actually propose "common sense" legislation...please...let us fucking know....up till now you just throw out the words..."Common sense gun control" then dance away without stating what that is....since we have already shown how stupid your previous suggestions are....
Wow. here has been lots of common sense legislation that the NRA lobbied against & the Their lapdog Republicans shit down.

Did you get all that blood washed off your hands?

Wrong.....legislation that doesn't do shit to criminals or mass shooters and only attacks law abiding gun owners gets voted down....your phobia about normal people owning guns doesn't trump the 2nd Amendment....

So, making assault type rifles illegal does not get a criminal arrested if he is discovered with one? The exact same thing that would happen top a law abiding citizen if he was caught.

You have no logic. You make the dumbest arguments ever.

When you support policies & put legislators in office that refuse to ban these weapons, blood is indeed on your hands.

which one of these is an "assault type" rifle

this one

or this one

Which one is a semi? Form doesn't matter.
You tell me you think you know so much.
Governor Abbott's prayers and mine have not worked.

NRA = Never Really Apologetic, Never Really Accountable.

2nd commandment > 2nd amendment.

This can't go on. I own weapons, I am CCW, and I am not the problem.

The problem is that crazy people and those who can't get on airlines because of lists can own weapons.

This guy was shot by a civilian AFTER he fled the church, so more guns in the hands of civilians is not the answer.

This has to be addressed, and Wild West Approach ain't working.

Start with open carry, locking trigger guards and very high coverage liability insurance.

I posted this earlier. There are so many gun threads, makes sense to c/p rather than type it all out again.

I recently read that one of the Columbine shooters said they wanted to set a record. Many of the mass shooters want the same thing. That attitude evolved over a period of time. Until we are able to evolve, mass shooters will continue.

There's also the belief that a gun is the preferred way to settle even the most minor of disagreements. Its utterly stupid and self-defeating but the gun nuts brag that 'if he tried that with me, I'd blow him away'.

Third is the very strong desire to be Mighty Mouse. Read the posts here. There are many who believe that they will have the opportunity to prove they are real men, prove that carrying a gun is not as completely idiotic as we all know it is.

There are actually people who join the military because they really want to kill and they hope their military career gives them that opportunity.

Because its now so easy to get any gun you want, I believe mass shootings and individual shootings are here to stay.

What we need to do is mitigate the harm that they do.

The things that seem very obvious to me are locking trigger guards, requiring substantial insurance for all gun owners, end assault type rifles and huge capacity magazines (the Texass shooter was able to expend 800 rounds per second) and

It would take time but its doable.

Problem is, the NRA lobby works for gun makers. All they care about is selling their product and the gun buyers don't care about gun deaths.

As with everything, follow the money.
When? When was gun legislation passed?

Gun ownership is a right therefore we can't do anything about nutjobs grabbing semi-automatic rifles with large capacity clips & killing children?

Really. You use the "It's a right" excuse?

The 2nd Amendment says you can be armed. Here's a single shot 22 rifle. You are now armed. STFU.

Are you suggesting there are no gun laws ... :dunno:

The constitution doesn't ask you for your opinion on what you think is acceptable nor what you think I might use it for.
There are already laws that prohibit any negligent behavior I might try to engage in.

What you are asking for is the ability to punish me in regards to a law that doesn't exist and I haven't broken.

Nope. Where is the legislation that has been passed in the past 25 years. Since the use of these weapons for mass killings.

The 2nd amendment says you have the right to bear arms. It does not say which arms.

Here is a single shot 22 rifle. You are now armed.
The idea that all gun owners are gun nuts is a fallacy.

I own guns. I don't need an assault type rifle & I don't need to tote a loaded firearm everywhere I go. I recognize the need for an assault rifle ban & better background checks. I believe crazy people should not be armed.

Don't be such an ass to confuse that with military & law enforcement needs.

I am not required to be concerned with what you feel you do or don't need.
My right to own firearms is not predicated on your desires.

I already have the right to own the firearms I do ... And didn't need your permission to get them.
You have nothing to offer me except giving up what you have no right to ask for.

At the least understand that you have nothing to offer me that I don't already have .. Or don't want.
We cannot come to a compromise if you have nothing to bargain with.

I'm not looking for any compromise. I'll "compromise" with my vote. No more RA bought & paid for Congressmen or Senators. If they have a top NRA rating, they aren't getting my vote.
The idea that all gun owners are gun nuts is a fallacy.

I own guns. I don't need an assault type rifle & I don't need to tote a loaded firearm everywhere I go. I recognize the need for an assault rifle ban & better background checks. I believe crazy people should not be armed.

Don't be such an ass to confuse that with military & law enforcement needs.

I am not required to be concerned with what you feel you do or don't need.
My right to own firearms is not predicated on your desires.

I already have the right to own the firearms I do ... And didn't need your permission to get them.
You have nothing to offer me except giving up what you have no right to ask for.

At the least understand that you have nothing to offer me that I don't already have .. Or don't want.
We cannot come to a compromise if you have nothing to bargain with.

I'm not looking for any compromise. I'll "compromise" with my vote. No more RA bought & paid for Congressmen or Senators. If they have a top NRA rating, they aren't getting my vote.
I'm sure they're losing sleep over that
You make no sense.

Congress and SCOTUS will define sensible, not you.

That's what I am talking about ... :thup:

Your unyielding faith in the government to do anything correctly is precisely due to your lack of sensibility.
But ... I won't mock your desire to worship your master ... That would be insensible of me.

The 2nd amendment says you have the right to bear arms. It does not say which arms.

Absolutely correct ... Everything else you mentioned was just your opinion on the matter ... :thup:

To wit ... I say ... So what?
It certainly doesn't give you carte blanche to start picking and choosing.

I'm not looking for any compromise. I'll "compromise" with my vote. No more RA bought & paid for Congressmen or Senators. If they have a top NRA rating, they aren't getting my vote.

You do that chief ... I have no intention to deny you the right to vote ... I respect your rights.

I really don't think the NRA is trying to get your vote.
I personally throw the NRA mail in the garbage ... They just ask me for money they can bribe some crooked Representative with.

If your desire is to get corruption out of Congress ... Good luck with that ... Disarming the People isn't going to help you any.

I'm not looking for any compromise. I'll "compromise" with my vote. No more RA bought & paid for Congressmen or Senators. If they have a top NRA rating, they aren't getting my vote.

You do that chief ... I have no intention to deny you the right to vote ... I respect your rights.

I really don't think the NRA is trying to get your vote.
I personally throw the NRA mail in the garbage ... They just ask me for money they can bribe some crooked Representative with.

If your desire is to get corruption out of Congress ... Good luck with that ... Disarming the People isn't going to help you any.

So, you made the leap from banning assault type rifles top disarming everyone. That is being part of the problem. I am talking about taking these weapons of mass killing off the market. I am talking about lowering the number killed.
The 2nd amendment says you have the right to bear arms. It does not say which arms.

Absolutely correct ... Everything else you mentioned was just your opinion on the matter ... :thup:

To wit ... I say ... So what?
It certainly doesn't give you carte blanche to start picking and choosing.

I am entitled to my own interptetation. The USSC sided with me.
You make no sense.

Congress and SCOTUS will define sensible, not you.

That's what I am talking about ... :thup:

Your unyielding faith in the government to do anything correctly is precisely due to your lack of sensibility.
But ... I won't mock your desire to worship your master ... That would be insensible of me..
Unlike many on the alt and libertarian wings, you are not stupid: you are able to learn. You are silly in jabbering "unyielding faith" in the government. But when it comes to sensible gun regulation, SCOTUS and Congress have the authority and ability to rule, as they have done in the past. You can not like it, that's your right. But don't be a fool and pretend that it is not so.
When? When was gun legislation passed?

Gun ownership is a right therefore we can't do anything about nutjobs grabbing semi-automatic rifles with large capacity clips & killing children?

Really. You use the "It's a right" excuse?

The 2nd Amendment says you can be armed. Here's a single shot 22 rifle. You are now armed. STFU.

Are you suggesting there are no gun laws ... :dunno:

The constitution doesn't ask you for your opinion on what you think is acceptable nor what you think I might use it for.
There are already laws that prohibit any negligent behavior I might try to engage in.

What you are asking for is the ability to punish me in regards to a law that doesn't exist and I haven't broken.

Nope. Where is the legislation that has been passed in the past 25 years. Since the use of these weapons for mass killings.

The 2nd amendment says you have the right to bear arms. It does not say which arms.

Here is a single shot 22 rifle. You are now armed.

Virginia Tech, 2 pistols.....32 murdered....17 wounded

Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia

Luby's Cafe, 2 pistols....23 murdered...27 wounded...

Luby's shooting - Wikipedia

Two pistols each incident of mass killing.....

An AR-15 civilian rifle stopped the church shooter from murdering more people.....

The 2nd amendment says you have the right to bear arms. It does not say which arms.

Yes...actually, it does......from the Heller vs. United States ruling from the Supreme Court....

Page 21...

Thus, the right secured in 1689 as a result of the Stuarts’ abuses was by the time of the founding understood to be an individual right protecting against both public and private violence.


We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997), and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001), the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.

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