Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

"Like" doesn't have anything to do with it - your response does not address my post.
As such, it is meaningless - and your concession is accepted.
You're an idiot. If blacks were sharing in the wealth, they wouldn't be committing crimes. I showed you that blacks who make up the vast majority of citizens in Detroit, aren't sharing in the wealth. So you see all that resurgence in Detroit. You wouldn't believe it. It's so nice. They are rebuilding. But 75% of Detroit is still a shit hole. And black people aren't getting jobs where that resurgence is happening. If they are, they're getting the minimum wage jobs.

It's all over your head I know. That's why I just cut and pasted an article. But you don't want to know the details.

Now this is a guy who should not have access to any guns!

There is room for disagreement, but the way he sees it is that he is willing to fight for a democratic republic, and he has a point in that gun control by the government is incredibly against a democratic republic.
Took the family out to the gun club today. Shot 22 and 9 pistols, AK. No shotgun work today. Had a blast.

Carry on.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,....."

No longer the case, and the Amendment now protects every unhinged radical, including fascist Neo-GOP thugs, arming themselves to the teeth.
Why not?

The cops won't protect anyone anymore.
Get this straight in your fucked up brain RIGHT FUCKING NOW..

We will use these gun to kill you if you try to take them or otherwise ban or restrict them IN ANY FUCKING WAY!!!

You are the poster child for tough background checks. There is no way in hell you should be sold a gun. You've already threatened to murder anyone that would ban you or restrict you from having a gun.
P#1: I have a clear picture of the Bay Area having served for 32 years in law enforcement.

I'm sorry.

P#2: This is clear picture of foolishness. Penal codes, vehicle codes, health and welfare codes, and dozens of more codes are in effect and most of the people obey them.


"Most" of the people in San Francisco are very far from obeying the law.

Municipal codes, rules and regulations as well as State and Federal laws exist do to problems, and when these problems require a solution, then new laws are promulgated.

The United States has a serious problem, and that problem is the use of firearms everyday causing the death and wounding of innocent people.

No. The problem is they're not being used on the people who matter.

Mistargeting, is the biggest problem.

What they call 'gun control'.
Ban all "assault" rifles. There is no need for them to be owned by the public. A regular rifle or handgun is plenty to "defend yourself"

Toughen up on background checks. Include psychological exams. Search social media comments and sites scrolled.
Ban all "assault" rifles. There is no need for them to be owned by the public. A regular rifle or handgun is plenty to "defend yourself"

Toughen up on background checks. Include psychological exams. Search social media comments and sites scrolled.

And now you're going to explain what you think the difference is between an "assault rifle" and a "regular rifle".
And now you're going to explain what you think the difference is between an "assault rifle" and a "regular rifle".
Wasting your breath arguing this point. The problem is that weak Republicans over the years have allowed the argument to be framed by "gun friendly" lefties as one of hunting rights. Such a typical misidentification of the issue, so common of libs, and so frustrating that it has been allowed to stand unchallenged. Once the actual intent of the SA is acknowledged, the idea of banning effective combat arms is ridiculous.

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