Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

Guess what? the leftist way is not working
Neither is the right way. Have you seen the debt? So how can we give tax breaks to rich people and corporations? Have you seen CEO pay? Looks like the people you argue for are doing great. Who are you saying our way isn't working for? And what is it you want to do? I mean besides vote in more Republicans like Majorie Taylor Greene.
Neither is the right way. Have you seen the debt? So how can we give tax breaks to rich people and corporations? Have you seen CEO pay? Looks like the people you argue for are doing great. Who are you saying our way isn't working for? And what is it you want to do? I mean besides vote in more Republicans like Majorie Taylor Greene.
The right is working better than the leftist way.
Depends on how many move to what cities and the degree to which the Democrats currently outnumber Republicans in those cities.
It also assumes the people are moving into the actual cities and not the (typically red) suburbs that surround them.
When you can present that data, I can answer your question.
I'm just saying I'm glad here you admit that you can't just say "the reason cities in red states are doing bad is because they are controlled by Democrats"

What you are admitting is we have to deal with Republicans, even in red cities. For example, Detroit is a shit hole because white metro Detroit treats it like shit. And who owns the best parts of Detroit? It's rich white dudes. And I can assure you they aint Democrats. In fact, very few blacks who live in Detroit are enjoying the success that Detroit is having.

So you should blame the rich white Republicans who own the best parts of Detroit for the rest of it being a shit hole. Why is there high crime in Detroit? Because those rich white Republicans aren't sharing the wealth with the citizens. In fact, they hire whites who live in Metro Detroit to drive in and work for them, rather than hire the black residents.

This is why "Democratically controlled cities" are shitholes.
The right is working better than the leftist way.
How so? Obama gave us something like 80 straight months of job gains. How did Bush or Trump do better than that? Hell, both men handed us great recessions.

And yes Trump is responsible because of the way he handled the pandemic. All you right wingers are. You filled our ER rooms because you weren't vaccinated. You caused the mutations. You told people not to wear masks. You went to rallies.

I don't care if we were in charge. We couldn't fix stupid.
How so? Obama gave us something like 80 straight months of job gains. How did Bush or Trump do better than that? Hell, both men handed us great recessions.

And yes Trump is responsible because of the way he handled the pandemic. All you right wingers are. You filled our ER rooms because you weren't vaccinated. You caused the mutations. You told people not to wear masks. You went to rallies.

I don't care if we were in charge. We couldn't fix stupid.
Crime criminal infested and leftists judges. High taxes
I'm just saying I'm glad here you admit that you can't just say "the reason cities in red states are doing bad is because they are controlled by Democrats"
What you are admitting is we have to deal with Republicans, even in red cities.
Yes. The small minority of them.
So you should blame the rich white Republicans who own the best parts of Detroit for the rest of it being a shit hole.
These people don't run the city government, so... why?
Why is there high crime in Detroit? Because those rich white Republicans aren't sharing the wealth with the citizens.
Demonstrate this to be true.
This is why "Democratically controlled cities" are shitholes.
And yes Trump is responsible because of the way he handled the pandemic. All you right wingers are. You filled our ER rooms because you weren't vaccinated. You caused the mutations. You told people not to wear masks. You went to rallies.
The Ministry of Truth has tagged your post as disinformation.

Yes. The small minority of them.

These people don't run the city government, so... why?

Demonstrate this to be true.

As you are unable to meaningfully reply to my post, I accept your concession of the points made.
How does making it as hard as possible for some guy to get a gun in Idaho help NYC fight its gun crime?
So...when you type title's to the thread's you start?
Do you smash your head on the keyboard and just hope it makes sense?

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