Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

Yes. Red states need to get their blue cities under control.

Higher gun violence in Republican led states and cities.

Mississippi, Louisiana, KY, Alabama and Missouri highest per capita murder rate. all voted for Trump

Murder rate in the 25 states Trump carried, 40% higher overall.

You guys love to point to Chicago and Detroit because they are blue states but you left all this out.
That's horseshit propaganda only a weak-minded sheeple believes that.
Other common sense gun laws might have stopped him.

Michel, who owns Dixie GunWorx, tells NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro that he remembers Paddock coming into his store on three occasions earlier this year. Michel says he spends a lot of time talking with his customers, so he can screen them. To him, Paddock didn't seem suspicious or off in any way. So Michel sold him a gun.

Now in the aftermath of the mass shooting, Michel is doing some soul-searching. He discusses with Lulu all that has been going through his mind since he heard the identity of the shooter.

The biggest thing ... for me, specifically because I was the one that ended up doing the final sale to him is: Did I miss anything? Did I miss a red flag? Is there some way that I could have prevented this? Was the firearm that we sold him used? Could I have stopped this? ... All those kinds of questions kind of go through your head and in the end, the answer is no. He was a perfectly legitimate customer that asked not the perfect questions, but the right questions to get rid of red flags.

....I am also somebody that doesn't believe the average everyday citizen should own a machine gun.

I'm not saying that I can understand it because my point of view is a little different. I definitely get where they're coming from and the fear that it can bring. And so I definitely can see that side of it. I don't believe we need more regulation in the United States. I think that there's thousands upon thousands of firearm laws that are on the books right now. I do believe though 100 percent that we should have more enforcement of these laws. ... The enforcement side of it, I think, in my opinion, would be a way of ruining or stopping some of these plans that are made by bad people.

You can't claim something with you don't have any.
This is an example of a psychopath ^^^; you're one sick piece of shit.
Thanks, Dr. Phil.

You're one fine example of why Texas needs to separate from your San Fransicko ass.

It's funny how little of a single shit you give about all the OTHER deaths. As if they don't matter. Only "gun" deaths.
Thanks, Dr. Phil.

You're one fine example of why Texas needs to separate from your San Fransicko ass.

It's funny how little of a single shit you give about all the OTHER deaths. As if they don't matter. Only "gun" deaths.
Statement: It's funny how little of a single shit you give about all the OTHER deaths. As if they don't matter. Only "gun" deaths."

Response: It's not funny nor is it that I don't care about other deaths. I do, and the difference between me and you is I have empathy and you don't.
Statement: It's funny how little of a single shit you give about all the OTHER deaths. As if they don't matter. Only "gun" deaths."

Response: It's not funny nor is it that I don't care about other deaths. I do, and the difference between me and you is I have empathy and you don't.
Where are all your other threads bitching about all the other, more frequent causes of death?

You're not fooling anyone.

You want "gun control" (aka banning and confiscation) for political reasons only, and you fucking know it. You couldn't be any more transparent.
Response: It's not funny nor is it that I don't care about other deaths. I do, and the difference between me and you is I have empathy and you don't.
You don't -really- have empathy - like the rest of the anti-gun loons, you see the deaths of innocents as a means to push your mindless agenda, and you're willing to make it -look- like you care so others might have a greater emotional response.
You don't -really- have empathy - like the rest of the anti-gun loons, you see the deaths of innocents as a means to push your mindless agenda, and you're willing to make it -look- like you care so others might have a greater emotional response.

Dude gives not a single fuck. He's just mad because I have no problem being honest about my apathy.
Statement: It's funny how little of a single shit you give about all the OTHER deaths. As if they don't matter. Only "gun" deaths."

Response: It's not funny nor is it that I don't care about other deaths. I do, and the difference between me and you is I have empathy and you don't.
Nope you're post a narrative on false information. What you want will not stop murder.

Dude gives not a single fuck. He's just mad because I have no problem being honest about my apathy.
We care he and other antiguners don't. If they really cared they would be more supportive of workable solution. It's either their way or no way at all. Instead of outrage over guns how about when a harden violent criminal is release early from Prison. Where is the outrage?
You know the Media, which includes fox, was hoping this was a MAGA hat wearing racist. SURPRISE Again. THIS fellow is perfect example of how the left has whipped its base into a killing frenzy. Seems to me it would be safer if the left were banned from gun ownership.
You know the Media, which includes fox, was hoping this was a MAGA hat wearing racist. SURPRISE Again. THIS fellow is perfect example of how the left has whipped its base into a killing frenzy. Seems to me it would be safer if the left were banned from gun ownership.
But you guys said Trump did more for blacks than even Lincoln. And you said you had lots of black support that Republicans never got before. So you said a lot of blacks supported Trump. Are you taking that back now?

Donald Trump promised that if elected president, he will win 95 percent of the African-American vote in his reelection bid. And you guys claimed you were getting a lot of black support.

This guy was saying racist things, shot at Asians, went from another state to NYC, a state Trump often trashes nationally. Why would he go to NY? He was mad at the NYC mayor, a black Democrat.

He's one of yours. Trump riled him up just like he riled up the insurrectionists. Duh.
Republicans will now tell us that no black radicals fell for Trump's anti gay, anti muslim or anti immigrant rhetoric. Wuhan flu. The China flu. So a Trump nut shot up a bunch of Asians in NYC. Color me shocked.

Next Republicans will defend the shooter. If he has a MAGA hat on hung jury just like the kidnapping my governor trial. Put one MAGA ass on the jury it's hung.
That's horseshit propaganda only a weak-minded sheeple believes that.
This is what the shooter in NYC said on social media. Sounds like a conservative to me.

“This nation was born in violence, it’s kept alive by violence or the threat thereof and it’s going to die a violent death. There’s nothing going to stop that,” James said in one video.

Rambling, profanity-filled YouTube videos apparently posted by James, who is Black, are replete with violent language and bigoted comments, some against other Black people.

I find it hard to believe that so many of the criminals are getting their weapons via someone broke into someone's house and stole their guns and sold them on the black market. I know it happens, but a part of me wonders if the gun manufacturers are a part of flooding the market with their products.

I think some shady white mother fuckers, like with the indians, are taking guns into the cities and selling them illegally. Where are the people selling illegal guns getting them from? I'm sure a gun salesman.

I keep telling you, you can buy a brand new Chinese pea shooter, untraceable, no questions asked, for 100 bucks.

In Los Angeles, all you have to do is walk down to MacArthur Park and hang out for a while. You don't have to find nobody, they'll find you.
This is what the shooter in NYC said on social media. Sounds like a conservative to me.

“This nation was born in violence, it’s kept alive by violence or the threat thereof and it’s going to die a violent death. There’s nothing going to stop that,” James said in one video.

Rambling, profanity-filled YouTube videos apparently posted by James, who is Black, are replete with violent language and bigoted comments, some against other Black people.

Sounds like a radical leftist
Yes. Red states need to get their blue cities under control.

Higher gun violence in Republican led states and cities.

Mississippi, Louisiana, KY, Alabama and Missouri highest per capita murder rate. all voted for Trump

Murder rate in the 25 states Trump carried, 40% higher overall.

You guys love to point to Chicago and Detroit because they are blue states but you left all this out.

You are confused Moon Bat

Lots of Democrat voting Negroes in MS, LA, AL and KY who are the ones that commit most the gun crimes in those states as they do in the rest of the US. Then you have St Louis in Missiouri, a Democrat bastion with some of the highest crime in the nation.

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