Guns are to blame for the school shooting


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
To be clear, the children are dead because guns are legal and not dead because:

1. Of the media and Hollywood glorifying violence 24/7. It's not bad enough it is glorified in movies, the press then has to post the face of the shooter for the whole world to see with 24/7 coverage.
2. The music industry making billions off gang rap songs about cop banging.
3. The amoral vacuum in schools where everything is taught except a moral code of some sort to follow and making sure the "G" word is never used and no Bibles can be seen openly used in schools.
4. Mental health issues being swept under the rug pretending they don't exist.
5. Gun laws in place that fail, like the shooter in Texas.
6.. Former President Obama running guns across the border to drug cartels instead of securing the border so that gangs and guns can't make it back into the States. Apparently it is better to have Mexican gangsters have guns than law abiding citizens.
7. The posters here that support open borders and preventing illegals from being detained and sent back to their country when they break the laws.
8. The left's fight to not allow proper school security needed in this day and age. It is apparently better to have kids walk in and shoot up a school so that such events can be used to try and ban guns across the country.
9. The second amendment. Yes, the Constitution sucks.
10. The disintegration of the family unit and the morals within it.

Just to be clear.

In jails they ban guns for obvious reasons. Maybe society in the US is so far morally gone that it's time to just build a wall around us and hire a warden to oversee them.
To be clear, the children are dead because guns are legal and not dead because:

1. Of the media and Hollywood glorifying violence 24/7. It's not bad enough it is glorified in movies, the press then has to post the face of the shooter for the whole world to see with 24/7 coverage.
2. The music industry making billions off gang rap songs about cop banging.
3. The amoral vacuum in schools where everything is taught except a moral code of some sort to follow and making sure the "G" word is never used and no Bibles can be seen openly used in schools.
4. Mental health issues being swept under the rug pretending they don't exist.
5. Gun laws in place that fail, like the shooter in Texas.
6.. Former President Obama running guns across the border to drug cartels instead of securing the border so that gangs and guns can't make it back into the States. Apparently it is better to have Mexican gangsters have guns than law abiding citizens.
7. The posters here that support open borders and preventing illegals from being detained and sent back to their country when they break the laws.
8. The left's fight to not allow proper school security needed in this day and age. It is apparently better to have kids walk in and shoot up a school so that such events can be used to try and ban guns across the country.
9. The second amendment. Yes, the Constitution sucks.
10. The disintegration of the family unit and the morals within it.

Just to be clear.
Our culture is melting down. Oh well...I intend to enjoy life as best I can, and just say fuck it.
To be clear, the children are dead because guns are legal and not dead because:

1. Of the media and Hollywood glorifying violence 24/7. It's not bad enough it is glorified in movies, the press then has to post the face of the shooter for the whole world to see with 24/7 coverage.
2. The music industry making billions off gang rap songs about cop banging.
3. The amoral vacuum in schools where everything is taught except a moral code of some sort to follow and making sure the "G" word is never used and no Bibles can be seen openly used in schools.
4. Mental health issues being swept under the rug pretending they don't exist.
5. Gun laws in place that fail, like the shooter in Texas.
6.. Former President Obama running guns across the border to drug cartels instead of securing the border so that gangs and guns can't make it back into the States. Apparently it is better to have Mexican gangsters have guns than law abiding citizens.
7. The posters here that support open borders and preventing illegals from being detained and sent back to their country when they break the laws.
8. The left's fight to not allow proper school security needed in this day and age. It is apparently better to have kids walk in and shoot up a school so that such events can be used to try and ban guns across the country.
9. The second amendment. Yes, the Constitution sucks.
10. The disintegration of the family unit and the morals within it.

Just to be clear.

In jails they ban guns for obvious reasons. Maybe society in the US is so far morally gone that it's time to just build a wall around us and hire a warden to oversee them.

You're correct.
So then if guns are legal why can't teachers arm themselves to kill the killers?
Maybe the bed wetters would be happier if he loaded a truck full of fertilizer and blown the whole school up.
I think the bottom line is that there is no magic fix for criminals, terrorists and just plain unstable crazies. Where there is the will there is way.
To be clear, the children are dead because guns are legal and not dead because:

1. Of the media and Hollywood glorifying violence 24/7. It's not bad enough it is glorified in movies, the press then has to post the face of the shooter for the whole world to see with 24/7 coverage.
2. The music industry making billions off gang rap songs about cop banging.
3. The amoral vacuum in schools where everything is taught except a moral code of some sort to follow and making sure the "G" word is never used and no Bibles can be seen openly used in schools.
4. Mental health issues being swept under the rug pretending they don't exist.
5. Gun laws in place that fail, like the shooter in Texas.
6.. Former President Obama running guns across the border to drug cartels instead of securing the border so that gangs and guns can't make it back into the States. Apparently it is better to have Mexican gangsters have guns than law abiding citizens.
7. The posters here that support open borders and preventing illegals from being detained and sent back to their country when they break the laws.
8. The left's fight to not allow proper school security needed in this day and age. It is apparently better to have kids walk in and shoot up a school so that such events can be used to try and ban guns across the country.
9. The second amendment. Yes, the Constitution sucks.
10. The disintegration of the family unit and the morals within it.

Just to be clear.
Our culture is melting down. Oh well...I intend to enjoy life as best I can, and just say fuck it.
I started noticing the melt down of our culture when the meaning of "IS" was changed. Yeah, we had free sex, rock and roll, and dope, back in the 1960's but still most of the US were for moral values.. But when the cigar went up the parts that bleed during work hours in the oval office and the liberal media did their best to cover it up, I knew then and there, it was time to start arming up...

Oh yeah, and Bill's attack on the 2nd amendment too....
I think the bottom line is that there is no magic fix for criminals, terrorists and just plain unstable crazies. Where there is the will there is way.
I think the bottom line is that there is no magic fix for criminals, terrorists and just plain unstable crazies
I have the fix, but would greatly reduce the Democrat Voting bas,e so hard to get enacted.

To be clear, the children are dead because guns are legal and not dead because:

1. Of the media and Hollywood glorifying violence 24/7. It's not bad enough it is glorified in movies, the press then has to post the face of the shooter for the whole world to see with 24/7 coverage.
2. The music industry making billions off gang rap songs about cop banging.
3. The amoral vacuum in schools where everything is taught except a moral code of some sort to follow and making sure the "G" word is never used and no Bibles can be seen openly used in schools.
4. Mental health issues being swept under the rug pretending they don't exist.
5. Gun laws in place that fail, like the shooter in Texas.
6.. Former President Obama running guns across the border to drug cartels instead of securing the border so that gangs and guns can't make it back into the States. Apparently it is better to have Mexican gangsters have guns than law abiding citizens.
7. The posters here that support open borders and preventing illegals from being detained and sent back to their country when they break the laws.
8. The left's fight to not allow proper school security needed in this day and age. It is apparently better to have kids walk in and shoot up a school so that such events can be used to try and ban guns across the country.
9. The second amendment. Yes, the Constitution sucks.
10. The disintegration of the family unit and the morals within it.

Just to be clear.
Our culture is melting down. Oh well...I intend to enjoy life as best I can, and just say fuck it.

No our culture isn't the Mainstream media is.

No, there haven’t been 18 school shootings in 2018. That number is flat wrong.
“This,” the organization (Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit group, co-founded by Michael Bloomberg,) tweeted at 4:22 p.m. Wednesday,
is the 18th school shooting in the U.S. in 2018.”
A tweet by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) including the claim had been liked more than 45,000 times by Thursday evening, and one from political analyst Jeff Greenfield had cracked 126,000. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted it, too, as did performers Cher and Alexander William and actors Misha Collins and Albert Brooks. News organizations — including MSNBC, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Time, MSN, the BBC, the New York Daily News and HuffPost — also used the number in their coverage. By Wednesday night, the top suggested search after typing “18” into Google was “18 school shootings in 2018.”

It is a horrifying statistic. And it is wrong.
Everytown has long inflated its total by including incidents of gunfire that are not really school shootings. Take, for example, what it counted as the year’s first: On the afternoon of Jan. 3, a 31-year-old man who had parked outside a Michigan elementary school called police to say he was armed and suicidal. Several hours later, he killed himself. The school, however, had been closed for seven months. There were no teachers.
Also listed on the organization’s site is an incident from Jan. 20, when at 1 a.m. a man was shot at a sorority event on the campus of Wake Forest University.
A week later, as a basketball game was being played at a Michigan high school, someone fired several rounds from a gun in the parking lot. No one was injured, and it was past 8 p.m., well after classes had ended for the day, but Everytown still labeled it a school shooting.

Everytown explains on its website that it defines a school shooting as “any time a firearm discharges a live round inside a school building or on a school campus or grounds.”

THINK folks...THINK!
More importantly consider that what sells advertising that funds the MSM? BAD news! Even though it is exceptional doesn't happen every day YET incidents like Florida are
made to sound like it has happened every day!

Meanwhile during the same period of time the Florida 15 kids died, i.e. less then 4 hours ---
Nearly 8,000 people are killed in crashes involving drivers ages 16-20 or an average of 21 kids every day 365 days per year!
Road Safety Facts

Again folks where is the same angst over the 21 kids killed in car accidents.

AGAIN folks consider these deaths while totally unforgivable are the EXCEPTION and totally blown out of proportion to reality!
15 kids died in one shooting. SAD but blown out of proportion!

AND what did this shooter do before the killings? BRAG about it on the INTERNET because HE needed attention!!! Well we are giving 1,000s of kids LIKE him the incentive to do more killings...i.e. all the attention!
Shocked that they would not blame the brown hispanic. Just shocked. Instead it is all about white people. All of the Trump voters committed the crime.

To be clear, the children are dead because guns are legal and not dead because:

1. Of the media and Hollywood glorifying violence 24/7. It's not bad enough it is glorified in movies, the press then has to post the face of the shooter for the whole world to see with 24/7 coverage.
2. The music industry making billions off gang rap songs about cop banging.
3. The amoral vacuum in schools where everything is taught except a moral code of some sort to follow and making sure the "G" word is never used and no Bibles can be seen openly used in schools.
4. Mental health issues being swept under the rug pretending they don't exist.
5. Gun laws in place that fail, like the shooter in Texas.
6.. Former President Obama running guns across the border to drug cartels instead of securing the border so that gangs and guns can't make it back into the States. Apparently it is better to have Mexican gangsters have guns than law abiding citizens.
7. The posters here that support open borders and preventing illegals from being detained and sent back to their country when they break the laws.
8. The left's fight to not allow proper school security needed in this day and age. It is apparently better to have kids walk in and shoot up a school so that such events can be used to try and ban guns across the country.
9. The second amendment. Yes, the Constitution sucks.
10. The disintegration of the family unit and the morals within it.

Just to be clear.

In jails they ban guns for obvious reasons. Maybe society in the US is so far morally gone that it's time to just build a wall around us and hire a warden to oversee them.

To be fair, it is hard to have a shooting without a gun! :21:
To be clear, the children are dead because guns are legal and not dead because:

1. Of the media and Hollywood glorifying violence 24/7. It's not bad enough it is glorified in movies, the press then has to post the face of the shooter for the whole world to see with 24/7 coverage.
2. The music industry making billions off gang rap songs about cop banging.
3. The amoral vacuum in schools where everything is taught except a moral code of some sort to follow and making sure the "G" word is never used and no Bibles can be seen openly used in schools.
4. Mental health issues being swept under the rug pretending they don't exist.
5. Gun laws in place that fail, like the shooter in Texas.
6.. Former President Obama running guns across the border to drug cartels instead of securing the border so that gangs and guns can't make it back into the States. Apparently it is better to have Mexican gangsters have guns than law abiding citizens.
7. The posters here that support open borders and preventing illegals from being detained and sent back to their country when they break the laws.
8. The left's fight to not allow proper school security needed in this day and age. It is apparently better to have kids walk in and shoot up a school so that such events can be used to try and ban guns across the country.
9. The second amendment. Yes, the Constitution sucks.
10. The disintegration of the family unit and the morals within it.

Just to be clear.
Our culture is melting down. Oh well...I intend to enjoy life as best I can, and just say fuck it.

No our culture isn't the Mainstream media is.

No, there haven’t been 18 school shootings in 2018. That number is flat wrong.
“This,” the organization (Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit group, co-founded by Michael Bloomberg,) tweeted at 4:22 p.m. Wednesday,
is the 18th school shooting in the U.S. in 2018.”
A tweet by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) including the claim had been liked more than 45,000 times by Thursday evening, and one from political analyst Jeff Greenfield had cracked 126,000. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted it, too, as did performers Cher and Alexander William and actors Misha Collins and Albert Brooks. News organizations — including MSNBC, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Time, MSN, the BBC, the New York Daily News and HuffPost — also used the number in their coverage. By Wednesday night, the top suggested search after typing “18” into Google was “18 school shootings in 2018.”

It is a horrifying statistic. And it is wrong.
Everytown has long inflated its total by including incidents of gunfire that are not really school shootings. Take, for example, what it counted as the year’s first: On the afternoon of Jan. 3, a 31-year-old man who had parked outside a Michigan elementary school called police to say he was armed and suicidal. Several hours later, he killed himself. The school, however, had been closed for seven months. There were no teachers.
Also listed on the organization’s site is an incident from Jan. 20, when at 1 a.m. a man was shot at a sorority event on the campus of Wake Forest University.
A week later, as a basketball game was being played at a Michigan high school, someone fired several rounds from a gun in the parking lot. No one was injured, and it was past 8 p.m., well after classes had ended for the day, but Everytown still labeled it a school shooting.

Everytown explains on its website that it defines a school shooting as “any time a firearm discharges a live round inside a school building or on a school campus or grounds.”

THINK folks...THINK!
More importantly consider that what sells advertising that funds the MSM? BAD news! Even though it is exceptional doesn't happen every day YET incidents like Florida are
made to sound like it has happened every day!

Meanwhile during the same period of time the Florida 15 kids died, i.e. less then 4 hours ---
Nearly 8,000 people are killed in crashes involving drivers ages 16-20 or an average of 21 kids every day 365 days per year!
Road Safety Facts

Again folks where is the same angst over the 21 kids killed in car accidents.

AGAIN folks consider these deaths while totally unforgivable are the EXCEPTION and totally blown out of proportion to reality!
15 kids died in one shooting. SAD but blown out of proportion!

AND what did this shooter do before the killings? BRAG about it on the INTERNET because HE needed attention!!! Well we are giving 1,000s of kids LIKE him the incentive to do more killings...i.e. all the attention!
Oh I know there are lies promoted by the DNCMSM in their quest to make Americans defenseless, so the ruling class can do even more heinous shit.

That said, there is still a problem with our culture.
So then if guns are legal why can't teachers arm themselves to kill the killers?
Why not arm all the kids as well? What if the teacher is in the bathroom when the shooting erupts? You liberals, sheesh. :biggrin:
So then if guns are legal why can't teachers arm themselves to kill the killers?
Why not arm all the kids as well? What if the teacher is in the bathroom when the shooting erupts? You liberals, sheesh. :biggrin:
Only an imbecile would arm kids. Are you applying for the job?
You mean like these people?
Other countries listen to music, watch violent movies and play violent video games. They don't have mass shootings using military style assault weapons in their schools. Hmmmm, what could be the difference?

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