Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.


Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(
Guns are alive? :eek-52:
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

You really need to put the shiny side outward.
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

Isn't there a tin foil hat forum for all you wild conspiracy whackos?
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

OH NO! Commies putting fluoride in our water, polluting our precious bodily fluids!!!!!!!!!!!

And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

Isn't there a tin foil hat forum for all you wild conspiracy whackos?

Nope, he is "right on" and throw in the vaccines as well that has pushed autism through the roof.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

You really need to put the shiny side outward.
Actually you need to get an education on the dangers of chemicals and the damages that are affecting our children through greed and the desire to have control over others. Either that or be realistic and read the studies for yourself. Or would that affect your money train too much?
Fluoride is a known neurotoxin, it is a poison just as Mercury is also a neurotoxin and who in their right mind would add viruses to a healthy new born child other than some fascist s.o.b. who believes that they have the rights to other human beings and the right to control their minds. I know do you? It is those with the same spirit as the men of Sodom and Gomorrah whom God does destroy. Maybe you do not mind having that type of spirit but I want no part of it for myself or my children. Benzalkonium in any amount causes Asthma and it was a main ingredient in inhalers and still is; at least most doctors will not give these deadly health destroying inhalers to children now. I hope one day the Northern Trust has the piss literally sued out of them for keeping that shit covered up and exposing people to it one day. Hopefully that happens sooner than later. Or possibly you would try to deny that too? See being stripped, poisoned and left to die has had its advantages as I have had and have taken the time to search for absolute truth, you may want to try looking for truth as it is very enlightening and it actually quenches the spirit of God in those who truly believe and have walked in faith.
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

I love when people of ignorance harp on GMOs like they are deadly, when in fact no has ever proven harm from any GMOs,

BTW, bad news for you who hate GMOs. They have already cross-pollinated just about every crop in the world so every one of the crops are now GMOs.
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

I love when people of ignorance harp on GMOs like they are deadly, when in fact no has ever proven harm from any GMOs,

BTW, bad news for you who hate GMOs. They have already cross-pollinated just about every crop in the world so every one of the crops are now GMOs.
Wrong the studies are already out there you just haven't seen them or haven't looked. Cross pollination and forcing a totally opposite DNA into another species is not one and the same. Growing chemicals into foods is not healthy by any means. Maybe you like GMO oranges that rot black from the inside from fracking water but I don't and if people know that the food is laden with chemicals that EPA gave exemptions for going over the limits on time and time again they won't and don't buy it. Altering something from its original state is not substantially equivalent. Glyphosate is a mineral chelator. It takes the minerals/heme right out of the plants and it (the chemical) grows into the plants that have been genetically altered. That does the same thing to whomever or whatever eats those plants. It is called the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse. In case you are unaware of that. Carnally speaking it is starvation through lack of sustenance, that can happen both carnally and spiritually when food is altered whether it be spiritual food or carnal food that sustains these human forms we reside in.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

You really need to put the shiny side outward.
Actually you need to get an education on the dangers of chemicals and the damages that are affecting our children through greed and the desire to have control over others. Either that or be realistic and read the studies for yourself. Or would that affect your money train too much?
Fluoride is a known neurotoxin, it is a poison just as Mercury is also a neurotoxin and who in their right mind would add viruses to a healthy new born child other than some fascist s.o.b. who believes that they have the rights to other human beings and the right to control their minds. I know do you? It is those with the same spirit as the men of Sodom and Gomorrah whom God does destroy. Maybe you do not mind having that type of spirit but I want no part of it for myself or my children. Benzalkonium in any amount causes Asthma and it was a main ingredient in inhalers and still is; at least most doctors will not give these deadly health destroying inhalers to children now. I hope one day the Northern Trust has the piss literally sued out of them for keeping that shit covered up and exposing people to it one day. Hopefully that happens sooner than later. Or possibly you would try to deny that too? See being stripped, poisoned and left to die has had its advantages as I have had and have taken the time to search for absolute truth, you may want to try looking for truth as it is very enlightening and it actually quenches the spirit of God in those who truly believe and have walked in faith.

Well, it is good to see that you are still on top of the conspiracy to do us all in. I thought that we had seen the last of Michele Bachmann, but here you are!
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.


Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(

More people are killed by impaired driver , like 8 times as many. Let's get of alcohol to save lives.

Impaired Driving: Get the Facts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center
  • In 2015, 10,265 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (29%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.1
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

I love when people of ignorance harp on GMOs like they are deadly, when in fact no has ever proven harm from any GMOs,

BTW, bad news for you who hate GMOs. They have already cross-pollinated just about every crop in the world so every one of the crops are now GMOs.
Wrong the studies are already out there you just haven't seen them or haven't looked. Cross pollination and forcing a totally opposite DNA into another species is not one and the same. Growing chemicals into foods is not healthy by any means. Maybe you like GMO oranges that rot black from the inside from fracking water but I don't and if people know that the food is laden with chemicals that EPA gave exemptions for going over the limits on time and time again they won't and don't buy it. Altering something from its original state is not substantially equivalent. Glyphosate is a mineral chelator. It takes the minerals/heme right out of the plants and it (the chemical) grows into the plants that have been genetically altered. That does the same thing to whomever or whatever eats those plants. It is called the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse. In case you are unaware of that. Carnally speaking it is starvation through lack of sustenance, that can happen both carnally and spiritually when food is altered whether it be spiritual food or carnal food that sustains these human forms we reside in.

Sorry dude! Your incomprehensible gibberish might make you sound like a chemist, but "fracking water" in oranges?

Let's see the studies and the list of people who died from eating GMOs. You brought up the bullshit, I am calling you on it, so let's see your hand!

You conspiracy theorists always run and hide when you get backed into a corner. I am betting you won't answer.
A lot of people think that JFK was shot, but I know for a fact that he died from fracking tainted orange juice!
You cannot nor should you try regulate ignorance or stupidity. If the government actually cared about the children they wouldn't have let GMO's and the associated toxins get so far, they would not have let pharmaceutical companies sell whatever in the way of vaccines for the sake of their commerce either, BPA's would have been banned years ago, they sure would not be fluoridating the water supply and Benzalkonium would have never been allowed onto the market or in children's asthma inhalers. We could make a list a mile long of the shit that would have been banned if the government truly gave a shit about the children. You are full of shit as usual.

You really need to put the shiny side outward.
Actually you need to get an education on the dangers of chemicals and the damages that are affecting our children through greed and the desire to have control over others. Either that or be realistic and read the studies for yourself. Or would that affect your money train too much?
Fluoride is a known neurotoxin, it is a poison just as Mercury is also a neurotoxin and who in their right mind would add viruses to a healthy new born child other than some fascist s.o.b. who believes that they have the rights to other human beings and the right to control their minds. I know do you? It is those with the same spirit as the men of Sodom and Gomorrah whom God does destroy. Maybe you do not mind having that type of spirit but I want no part of it for myself or my children. Benzalkonium in any amount causes Asthma and it was a main ingredient in inhalers and still is; at least most doctors will not give these deadly health destroying inhalers to children now. I hope one day the Northern Trust has the piss literally sued out of them for keeping that shit covered up and exposing people to it one day. Hopefully that happens sooner than later. Or possibly you would try to deny that too? See being stripped, poisoned and left to die has had its advantages as I have had and have taken the time to search for absolute truth, you may want to try looking for truth as it is very enlightening and it actually quenches the spirit of God in those who truly believe and have walked in faith.

Well, it is good to see that you are still on top of the conspiracy to do us all in. I thought that we had seen the last of Michele Bachmann, but here you are!
Truth is not a conspiracy even if you attempt to call it that it doesn't make it true.

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