Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says

Ok, but what does that have to do with the gun? It's the human making the choice. A human with a knife is more likely to kill children than a human without a knife. Should we ban all knives?

A gun is nothing more than a tool. Whether I choose to kill a child with a hammer, screwdriver, gun, knife, ax, irrelevant. It's all misusing a tool to do harm. What tool you use is irrelevant.

The fact is far more kids die in swimming pools and bathtubs than by guns. So if you REALLY cared about kids, you'd fill all the pools with cement tomorrow.

But you don't give a damn about kids, you want to push a political agenda, you're just so scummy you're willing to use dead kids to do it.

Grenades are nothing but tool, too. Why aren't civilians allowed to buy them?
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.


Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(

I already posted about this in the Clean Debate Zone but showing this study is dumb never gets old....they include 14-17 year olds as children, even when they are gang members carrying guns to murder gang rivals.....I don't believe anyone would class these poor children the same as children from normal homes who have guns in them....

Another point as a all those anti gunners who keep telling us that the CDC can't do gun research.....looks like this is gun research...right?

And I also posted in another thread that the black children are 10 times more likely to be the victim of gun deaths...even though the black community has the smallest number of legally owned guns......which means that they are getting killed and wounded not because of guns...but because of criminal activity where they live....
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.


Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(

And here is the truth.....also from the CDC on gun deaths of children in 2015.....children 14 and under......notice that gun murder is lower than other forms of murder for these children...and notice how many are killed in gun accidents...with the knowledge that there are 74.2 million kids in this country from the 2010 census...
Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12
age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703
Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69
Total accidental gun death for kids in 2014...50

It is important to remember that these kids gladly gave their lives to protect our Second Amendment rights!!!!!!!!!!

No...these kids died because democrats refuse to lock up repeat gun offenders......that is the truth.....
Ok, but what does that have to do with the gun? It's the human making the choice. A human with a knife is more likely to kill children than a human without a knife. Should we ban all knives?

A gun is nothing more than a tool. Whether I choose to kill a child with a hammer, screwdriver, gun, knife, ax, irrelevant. It's all misusing a tool to do harm. What tool you use is irrelevant.

The fact is far more kids die in swimming pools and bathtubs than by guns. So if you REALLY cared about kids, you'd fill all the pools with cement tomorrow.

But you don't give a damn about kids, you want to push a political agenda, you're just so scummy you're willing to use dead kids to do it.

Grenades are nothing but tool, too. Why aren't civilians allowed to buy them?

They are dangerous in that they are area effect weapons.....that's why.....
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.


Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(

"CNN Article Admits Gun Accidents Among Children Are Literally 1 in a Million

APRIL 12 2013

Despite incidents such as the recent death of a 6-year-old New Jersey boy shot in the head by a 4-year-old playmate, as well as the accidental shooting of a Tennessee sheriff’s deputy’s wife by a 4-year-old boy, accidental firearms deaths are rare among children.

According to the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 703 children under the age of 15 died in accidental firearms deaths between 2001 and 2010, the latest year for which the agency’s statistics on fatalities are available. During the same period, 7,766 children under the age of 14 suffered accidental firearms injuries — about one injury for every million children."

Injuries (note, that is injuries, not deaths) occur at a rate of around 1 in 1,000,000.

This is interesting because we keep hearing that stricter gun control is needed to protect our children.

In fact, firearms are one of the lowest causes of death in young children even when accidents, homicides and suicides are all taken into account.

The leading causes of death in young children are natural causes, drowning, auto accidents, suffocation, and other accidents (not firearms related). (Sources: Here, Here and Here

CNN Article Admits Gun Accidents Among Children Are Literally 1 in a Million

Believing CNN or you seems to require the same level of insight.
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.

And that is wrong...not based in facts, truth or reality......the kids killed with guns....are majority criminals, just like adults....or living in an area where gangs rule.....

The majority of the deaths in this study.....are among the 16 and 17 year olds....

MEDIA MALPRACTICE: No, Guns Aren't Killing Massive Numbers Of Small Kids

Here's the problem: the CDC defines "children" as those 17 or younger, which is disingenuous because, as National Review's Charles Cooke points out, "most of us don’t see 16- or 17-year-olds as 'children,' and that's where the deaths are overwhelmingly concentrated." Cooke also produced of the CDC data that proves his point, with the death rates being measured in per 100,000 people:


As seen above, the death rate for small children are actually relatively low compared those who are 16 and 17 years old. In fact, according to Cooke, "Kids ten and under are more than three times as likely to drown as to die from a gunshot (accidental or otherwise), for example, and more than four times as likely to die in a car accident." The real problem then appears to be violence among those who are 16 and 17 years old, as Dana Loesch pointed out:

It is research crap like this that shows that we can't trust the anti-gunners at the CDC...
Ok, but what does that have to do with the gun? It's the human making the choice. A human with a knife is more likely to kill children than a human without a knife. Should we ban all knives?

A gun is nothing more than a tool. Whether I choose to kill a child with a hammer, screwdriver, gun, knife, ax, irrelevant. It's all misusing a tool to do harm. What tool you use is irrelevant.

The fact is far more kids die in swimming pools and bathtubs than by guns. So if you REALLY cared about kids, you'd fill all the pools with cement tomorrow.

But you don't give a damn about kids, you want to push a political agenda, you're just so scummy you're willing to use dead kids to do it.

Grenades are nothing but tool, too. Why aren't civilians allowed to buy them?
You can buy grenade shells. You just can not arm them with it the proper license.
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
And we have laws about how children ride in cars. All too often, when the child is killed, their parents have ignored those laws. And most of us need an automobile on a daily basis. Most of us do not need a gun, and all too many of the children killed with guns are killed because their parents were negligent in handling and storage of their guns.
Liar less then 50 a year are accidents dumb ass.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.


Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(
I've spent an inordinate amount of time attempting to train my firearms to self load and fire themselves.

Maybe I'm purchasing the wrong firearms.

They just won't obey my commands.

Is there something you know that the rest of us don't?


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