Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says

You will lose bigly....
Getting killed by a terrorist is 1 in 3 billion , getting shot is 1 in 300 ;).

I've lived in LA for years no one got killed by a terrorist, but hundreds got shot and killed.
Guns make it easier to commit crimes and harm others and it empowers people to do harm, their absence in other countries contribute to the low level of gun violence ;).
I've lived in countries that are gun free, it's awesome the US should try it... less people injured and dead for sure.

The United States of America has a thing called the Constitution and it provides the citizens of this country the right to purchase and own fire arms. It is a right that no other country offers and it is a right that men have died to protect. If you don't like it, you can either a) attempt to change the Constitution or b) move to a country that is gun free.
You will lose bigly....
Getting killed by a terrorist is 1 in 3 billion , getting shot is 1 in 300 ;).

I've lived in LA for years no one got killed by a terrorist, but hundreds got shot and killed.
Guns make it easier to commit crimes and harm others and it empowers people to do harm, their absence in other countries contribute to the low level of gun violence ;).
I've lived in countries that are gun free, it's awesome the US should try it... less people injured and dead for sure.

You might get shot by your kids your wife, or a road rage, or a fired co-worker, might shoot you for one reason or another it doesn't have to be a gang member.
Last shootings in my area:
Work violence, son killed his dad, man killed his wife.
In other countries they fist fight it at worst. Get the picture?

Or you might get shot by a Muslim terrorist. You don't even need a gun, they use cars, knives, chop of people's heads off.

Last week in my area three people were killed in an auto accident

You don't need a gun. Get the picture?
You might get shot by your kids your wife, or a road rage, or a fired co-worker, might shoot you for one reason or another it doesn't have to be a gang member.
Last shootings in my area:
Work violence, son killed his dad, man killed his wife.
In other countries they fist fight it at worst. Get the picture?

Or you might get shot by a Muslim terrorist. You don't even need a gun, they use cars, knives, chop of people's heads off.

Last week in my area three people were killed in an auto accident

You don't need a gun. Get the picture?
And yet Britain banned firearms and has seen a 42 percent INCREASE in crimes by firearms. And their non firearm violence is out the roof.
You will lose bigly....
Getting killed by a terrorist is 1 in 3 billion , getting shot is 1 in 300 ;).

I've lived in LA for years no one got killed by a terrorist, but hundreds got shot and killed.
Guns make it easier to commit crimes and harm others and it empowers people to do harm, their absence in other countries contribute to the low level of gun violence ;).
I've lived in countries that are gun free, it's awesome the US should try it... less people injured and dead for sure.

The United States of America has a thing called the Constitution and it provides the citizens of this country the right to purchase and own fire arms. It is a right that no other country offers and it is a right that men have died to protect. If you don't like it, you can either a) attempt to change the Constitution or b) move to a country that is gun free.
Pretty sure the turd is just afraid of his shadow and so uses this as an excuse to whine.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.
I hate guns, but the glaring truth is automobiles kill far more people than guns.I have sold my car, I bike to work

Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(
Cars kill far more people than guns. Truth be known. I bike to work every day. I see the crosses and the teddy bears on the roads.
How many are 17 year old gang bangers?

That 17 year olds end up as "gang bangers" is pretty sad, and a pretty damning indictment of the US, don't you think?
No just the shithole cities they live in

There are no gangs in my county

Back to the "it's not hot in my county, therefore there's no global warming?" sort of shitty argument?

You know global warming may actually affect me. I don't think it will be the biblical disaster that you people make it out to be but gang related gun violence in shit hole cities will never affect me where I live so I really don't give a shit about it.

You don't think sums it up nicely. You don't know, you think.

So, you don't seems to care about the rest of your country? You don't worry that it probably actually does impact your life at times. You seem to be extremely selfish from what I've seen of your posts. You don't care about other people, you don't care about other places. You only care about yourself.
You might get shot by your kids your wife, or a road rage, or a fired co-worker, might shoot you for one reason or another it doesn't have to be a gang member.
Last shootings in my area:
Work violence, son killed his dad, man killed his wife.
In other countries they fist fight it at worst. Get the picture?
How many are 17 year old gang bangers?

That 17 year olds end up as "gang bangers" is pretty sad, and a pretty damning indictment of the US, don't you think?
No just the shithole cities they live in

There are no gangs in my county

Back to the "it's not hot in my county, therefore there's no global warming?" sort of shitty argument?

You know global warming may actually affect me. I don't think it will be the biblical disaster that you people make it out to be but gang related gun violence in shit hole cities will never affect me where I live so I really don't give a shit about it.

Or they kill each other with baseball bats, machetes, knives, or anything else they can get their hands on, but mostly people kill each other with their fists!
You might get shot by your kids your wife, or a road rage, or a fired co-worker, might shoot you for one reason or another it doesn't have to be a gang member.
Last shootings in my area:
Work violence, son killed his dad, man killed his wife.
In other countries they fist fight it at worst. Get the picture?
That 17 year olds end up as "gang bangers" is pretty sad, and a pretty damning indictment of the US, don't you think?
No just the shithole cities they live in

There are no gangs in my county

Back to the "it's not hot in my county, therefore there's no global warming?" sort of shitty argument?

You know global warming may actually affect me. I don't think it will be the biblical disaster that you people make it out to be but gang related gun violence in shit hole cities will never affect me where I live so I really don't give a shit about it.

Or they kill each other with baseball bats, machetes, knives, or anything else they can get their hands on, but mostly people kill each other with their fists!

Except that mostly people in the US kill each other with guns, in fact 3/4 of all murders are with guns.
You might get shot by your kids your wife, or a road rage, or a fired co-worker, might shoot you for one reason or another it doesn't have to be a gang member.
Last shootings in my area:
Work violence, son killed his dad, man killed his wife.
In other countries they fist fight it at worst. Get the picture?
No just the shithole cities they live in

There are no gangs in my county

Back to the "it's not hot in my county, therefore there's no global warming?" sort of shitty argument?

You know global warming may actually affect me. I don't think it will be the biblical disaster that you people make it out to be but gang related gun violence in shit hole cities will never affect me where I live so I really don't give a shit about it.

Or they kill each other with baseball bats, machetes, knives, or anything else they can get their hands on, but mostly people kill each other with their fists!

Except that mostly people in the US kill each other with guns, in fact 3/4 of all murders are with guns.
2/3rds not 3/4ths. Quandl and do the math 8100 killed out of 320000000.The chance of being murdered is minuscule unless you are career criminal.
I hope one day Americans realise how bad is the 2nd amendment and how safe and sound most countries live in gun free environment.
Cause the death and massacres from guns and gun culture is an American signature and it's sad for a so called advanced nation.

You will lose bigly....
Getting killed by a terrorist is 1 in 3 billion , getting shot is 1 in 300 ;).

I've lived in LA for years no one got killed by a terrorist, but hundreds got shot and killed.
Guns make it easier to commit crimes and harm others and it empowers people to do harm, their absence in other countries contribute to the low level of gun violence ;).
I've lived in countries that are gun free, it's awesome the US should try it... less people injured and dead for sure.

The United States of America has a thing called the Constitution and it provides the citizens of this country the right to purchase and own fire arms. It is a right that no other country offers and it is a right that men have died to protect. If you don't like it, you can either a) attempt to change the Constitution or b) move to a country that is gun free.
Nothing like taking a number out of context and then using its lack of context to try to support a false position.

Maybe you should look at the actual figures ----
How many are 17 year old gang bangers?

I've heard of such studies defining “children” to include violent gang members up to 24 years old, in order to pad the numbers.

You are exactly correct.
You might get shot by your kids your wife, or a road rage, or a fired co-worker, might shoot you for one reason or another it doesn't have to be a gang member.
Last shootings in my area:
Work violence, son killed his dad, man killed his wife.
In other countries they fist fight it at worst. Get the picture?
How many are 17 year old gang bangers?

That 17 year olds end up as "gang bangers" is pretty sad, and a pretty damning indictment of the US, don't you think?
No just the shithole cities they live in

There are no gangs in my county

Back to the "it's not hot in my county, therefore there's no global warming?" sort of shitty argument?

You know global warming may actually affect me. I don't think it will be the biblical disaster that you people make it out to be but gang related gun violence in shit hole cities will never affect me where I live so I really don't give a shit about it.

I have never seen a road rage incident in over 30 years of driving.
I have never seen a disgruntled employee or coworker threaten to shoot anyone in over 30 years of work and business experience
My wife would never shoot me just as I would never shoot her

And FYI fists and feet kill more people every year than all rifles and shotguns combined
Knives even more

A gun is NOT going to make a person who would not kill suddenly become a killer
You will lose bigly....
Getting killed by a terrorist is 1 in 3 billion , getting shot is 1 in 300 ;).

I've lived in LA for years no one got killed by a terrorist, but hundreds got shot and killed.
Guns make it easier to commit crimes and harm others and it empowers people to do harm, their absence in other countries contribute to the low level of gun violence ;).
I've lived in countries that are gun free, it's awesome the US should try it... less people injured and dead for sure.

You might get shot by your kids your wife, or a road rage, or a fired co-worker, might shoot you for one reason or another it doesn't have to be a gang member.
Last shootings in my area:
Work violence, son killed his dad, man killed his wife.
In other countries they fist fight it at worst. Get the picture?

Or you might get shot by a Muslim terrorist. You don't even need a gun, they use cars, knives, chop of people's heads off.

Last week in my area three people were killed in an auto accident

You don't need a gun. Get the picture?
You might get shot by your kids your wife, or a road rage, or a fired co-worker, might shoot you for one reason or another it doesn't have to be a gang member.
Last shootings in my area:
Work violence, son killed his dad, man killed his wife.
In other countries they fist fight it at worst. Get the picture?

Or you might get shot by a Muslim terrorist. You don't even need a gun, they use cars, knives, chop of people's heads off.

Last week in my area three people were killed in an auto accident

You don't need a gun. Get the picture?

yeah that 1 in 300 is misleading because it it skewed by all the shootings in inner city shit holes like Chicago and Oakland

My chances of getting shot where I live and work are way less than one in 3oo
I hope one day Americans realise how bad is the 2nd amendment and how safe and sound most countries live in gun free environment.
Cause the death and massacres from guns and gun culture is an American signature and it's sad for a so called advanced nation.

You will lose bigly....
Getting killed by a terrorist is 1 in 3 billion , getting shot is 1 in 300 ;).

I've lived in LA for years no one got killed by a terrorist, but hundreds got shot and killed.
Guns make it easier to commit crimes and harm others and it empowers people to do harm, their absence in other countries contribute to the low level of gun violence ;).
I've lived in countries that are gun free, it's awesome the US should try it... less people injured and dead for sure.

The United States of America has a thing called the Constitution and it provides the citizens of this country the right to purchase and own fire arms. It is a right that no other country offers and it is a right that men have died to protect. If you don't like it, you can either a) attempt to change the Constitution or b) move to a country that is gun free.

Wish in one hand and shit in the other then see which one fills up first

People have the absolute right to protect themselves with the best tool possible and that just happens to be a firearm
You will lose bigly....
Getting killed by a terrorist is 1 in 3 billion , getting shot is 1 in 300 ;).

I've lived in LA for years no one got killed by a terrorist, but hundreds got shot and killed.
Guns make it easier to commit crimes and harm others and it empowers people to do harm, their absence in other countries contribute to the low level of gun violence ;).
I've lived in countries that are gun free, it's awesome the US should try it... less people injured and dead for sure.

The United States of America has a thing called the Constitution and it provides the citizens of this country the right to purchase and own fire arms. It is a right that no other country offers and it is a right that men have died to protect. If you don't like it, you can either a) attempt to change the Constitution or b) move to a country that is gun free.
Or don't buy a gun and stop telling other people what to do
How many are 17 year old gang bangers?

That 17 year olds end up as "gang bangers" is pretty sad, and a pretty damning indictment of the US, don't you think?
No just the shithole cities they live in

There are no gangs in my county

Back to the "it's not hot in my county, therefore there's no global warming?" sort of shitty argument?

You know global warming may actually affect me. I don't think it will be the biblical disaster that you people make it out to be but gang related gun violence in shit hole cities will never affect me where I live so I really don't give a shit about it.

You don't think sums it up nicely. You don't know, you think.

So, you don't seems to care about the rest of your country? You don't worry that it probably actually does impact your life at times. You seem to be extremely selfish from what I've seen of your posts. You don't care about other people, you don't care about other places. You only care about yourself.

I can't worry about every person in the country. And no, inner city gang violence does not affect me in any way. The people who run those cities are the problem. I don't live there and can't vote to change the leadership and I'm sure as shit not going to move to a city so I can.

80% of gun murders are tied to some sort of illegal activity and most of the murderers and victims have arrest and criminal records. There is nothing I can do to stop that. I sure as shit ain't giving up my ability to protect myself and my wife because I naively think that if I don't have a gun some inner city gang banger might not get shot.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.
I hate guns, but the glaring truth is automobiles kill far more people than guns.I have sold my car, I bike to work

Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(
Cars kill far more people than guns. Truth be known. I bike to work every day. I see the crosses and the teddy bears on the roads.
so do swimming pools
That 17 year olds end up as "gang bangers" is pretty sad, and a pretty damning indictment of the US, don't you think?
No just the shithole cities they live in

There are no gangs in my county

Back to the "it's not hot in my county, therefore there's no global warming?" sort of shitty argument?

You know global warming may actually affect me. I don't think it will be the biblical disaster that you people make it out to be but gang related gun violence in shit hole cities will never affect me where I live so I really don't give a shit about it.

You don't think sums it up nicely. You don't know, you think.

So, you don't seems to care about the rest of your country? You don't worry that it probably actually does impact your life at times. You seem to be extremely selfish from what I've seen of your posts. You don't care about other people, you don't care about other places. You only care about yourself.

I can't worry about every person in the country. And no, inner city gang violence does not affect me in any way. The people who run those cities are the problem. I don't live there and can't vote to change the leadership and I'm sure as shit not going to move to a city so I can.

80% of gun murders are tied to some sort of illegal activity and most of the murderers and victims have arrest and criminal records. There is nothing I can do to stop that. I sure as shit ain't giving up my ability to protect myself and my wife because I naively think that if I don't have a gun some inner city gang banger might not get shot.

80%, and that still means the other 20% impact others outside of those areas. It's also dragging your country down massively.

But then, you just have to hope no one you know or love gets caught up in the shit, or the shit doesn't end up on your doorstep at some point, because it does happen.

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