Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says

Why is it every time a Muslim or a leftist kills or shoots at a bunch of people they start harping about guns when it's clear that the primary cause of the shootings is angry Muslims and leftists?

The point is clear that we need guns to protect ourselves from these hateful assholes when they go off, not that we need to give up our guns so they can kill even more.

This is why Democrats keep losing elections. They don't live on Earth with the rest of us.
I've had firearms and other hunting supplies since I was a kid, never felt the need to pay someone for that right...

That is your choice, now STFU about my choices guaranteed me by the Constitution!
The NRA is in the Constitution?

The 2nd Amendment is, and that is what that organization protects.

Schools out for summer, so why don't you go play in traffic?
Since it is already a written law, the NRA does nothing, but collect money for nothing more than rhetoric of guns with pictures..

I said, school is out. If you didn't learn your lessons, you should have studied more and listened to the teacher.

Now, go on and find busy road to cross with your eyes closed.
Did you always have that shitty disposition or did life crush you little spirit, and that's why you throw away good money to join a club that really does nothing for gun owners...Since it is a guaranteed right in the first place....I therefore call you a "sucker" and bid you,,good day..
That is your choice, now STFU about my choices guaranteed me by the Constitution!
The NRA is in the Constitution?

The 2nd Amendment is, and that is what that organization protects.

Schools out for summer, so why don't you go play in traffic?
Since it is already a written law, the NRA does nothing, but collect money for nothing more than rhetoric of guns with pictures..

I said, school is out. If you didn't learn your lessons, you should have studied more and listened to the teacher.

Now, go on and find busy road to cross with your eyes closed.
Did you always have that shitty disposition or did life crush you little spirit, and that's why you throw away good money to join a club that really does nothing for gun owners...Since it is a guaranteed right in the first place....I therefore call you a "sucker" and bid you,,good day..

My shitty disposition is caused by numbnuts like you who think it is your business how I spend my time and money. That traffic is still waiting! If you hurry, you could add to the statistics by lunch time!
The NRA is in the Constitution?

The 2nd Amendment is, and that is what that organization protects.

Schools out for summer, so why don't you go play in traffic?
Since it is already a written law, the NRA does nothing, but collect money for nothing more than rhetoric of guns with pictures..

I said, school is out. If you didn't learn your lessons, you should have studied more and listened to the teacher.

Now, go on and find busy road to cross with your eyes closed.
Did you always have that shitty disposition or did life crush you little spirit, and that's why you throw away good money to join a club that really does nothing for gun owners...Since it is a guaranteed right in the first place....I therefore call you a "sucker" and bid you,,good day..

My shitty disposition is caused by numbnuts like you who think it is your business how I spend my time and money. That traffic is still waiting! If you hurry, you could add to the statistics by lunch time!
Fine, just throw away your dough....
Deceptive headline. It should read:

Humans used guns to kill 1300 kids.

A gun alone has never killed a single person.

I have to ask liberals this. If a human makes a choice to use a gun to kill someone, why does one blame the gun?

Question is, is a human with a gun more dangerous and more likely to kill children than a person without a gun?

The answer is: no doubt.

Is a human with a car more dangerous and more likely to kill children than a person without a car?

The answer is: no doubt.
The 2nd Amendment is, and that is what that organization protects.

Schools out for summer, so why don't you go play in traffic?
Since it is already a written law, the NRA does nothing, but collect money for nothing more than rhetoric of guns with pictures..

I said, school is out. If you didn't learn your lessons, you should have studied more and listened to the teacher.

Now, go on and find busy road to cross with your eyes closed.
Did you always have that shitty disposition or did life crush you little spirit, and that's why you throw away good money to join a club that really does nothing for gun owners...Since it is a guaranteed right in the first place....I therefore call you a "sucker" and bid you,,good day..

My shitty disposition is caused by numbnuts like you who think it is your business how I spend my time and money. That traffic is still waiting! If you hurry, you could add to the statistics by lunch time!
Fine, just throw away your dough....

You lose more money than that in the laundry. Go worry about yourself and donate an equal amount to fatherless children if that makes you feel crunchy!
People need to march with posters showing the images of these children after they've been murdered by guns. Surely the pro-birth movement would approve of using their macabre tactic to show how terrible it is for innocent children.
People need to march with posters showing the images of these children after they've been murdered by guns. Surely the pro-birth movement would approve of using their macabre tactic to show how terrible it is for innocent children.

Why not just show pictures of those evil guns? That way maybe if some are still on the loose, people could identify those guns and lock them up to end their murderous spree of killing children.
People need to march with posters showing the images of these children after they've been murdered by guns. Surely the pro-birth movement would approve of using their macabre tactic to show how terrible it is for innocent children.

Yes...sadly, the 1,500,000 times guns are used to stop violent criminal attack can't march.....they used their guns and people it doesn't have the same impact as when a bernie sanders supporter starts shooting people...or when a muslim terrorist kills 49 gay people....

It would be nice if they included the criminal record of the "Children" that were killed....but those are usually under seal thru the courts.....
Most of them are black or Hispanic so no one cares.

In your case we know that's literally true.
Sadly you are correct; many Americans vote for people who will do nothing to make their country safer.
President Donald Trump received the endorsement of the National Rifle Association.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and House majority leader Paul Ryan both have NRA ratings of A+.

Good. That means they realize that gun laws only affect the law abiding and morons who think that gun control will keep people "safe" are incredibly wrong.
People need to march with posters showing the images of these children after they've been murdered by guns. Surely the pro-birth movement would approve of using their macabre tactic to show how terrible it is for innocent children.

Why not just show pictures of those evil guns? That way maybe if some are still on the loose, people could identify those guns and lock them up to end their murderous spree of killing children.

Nah, pro-birth folks love to show the gruesome bloody images, they get some weird perverted satisfaction from it. So best to give them what they want.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.


Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(
Yes, sad. :(
.....but so is this:

Statistics |
The Not-in-Traffic Surveillance (NiTS) data show that during the four-year period, 2008 to 2011, nontraffic motor vehicle crashes killed an estimated 1,043 children 14 and younger. Additionally, an estimated 30,000 children of this age group were injured in these crashes. About 85 percent of the killed and 60 percent of the injured children were nonoccupants such as pedestrians and bicyclists. Among the nonoccupant children killed, a vast majority (84%) were younger children (4 and younger).

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center
  • From 2005-2014, there were an average of 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day.1 An additional 332 people died each year from drowning in boating-related incidents.2
  • About one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger.1 For every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency department care for nonfatal submersion injuries.1
  • More than 50% of drowning victims treated in emergency departments (EDs) require hospitalization or transfer for further care (compared with a hospitalization rate of about 6% for all unintentional injuries).1,2 These nonfatal drowning injuries can cause severe brain damage that may result in long-term disabilities such as memory problems, learning disabilities, and permanent loss of basic functioning (e.g., permanent vegetative state).3,4
Guns and cars are not analogous. Faulty logic. Cannot be compared.Not water accidents either. You people are astoundingly illogical.



How many people have been killed by motor vehicle ISIS types in the last year? Yes esmerelda, they are analogous.
How many abortions are there a year? When Democrats get serious about that, then I'll take them seriously in other ways. You can't have your cake and eat it to.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN

(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.
Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(

Even though this is Socialist, Liberal Communist Bullshit .....what's really sad is that morons STILL go to CNN for "news" or "facts"

But let's play YOUR game.....

  • CARS KILL 15,000 US Children EVERY YEAR Statistics Reveal
  • Bicycles Kill 3,700 US Children Every Year
  • Roller Skates Kill 350 US Children Every Year
  • Democrat PARENTS Kill 11,900 US Children EVERY YEAR
  • Abortion kills 500,000 US children Each Year
Now, what was that you were trying to say about guns? Like these liberal leftist bastards give a flying Fuck about children!
Communist agenda - Communist agenda - Communist agenda - Communist agenda
Last edited:
And cars killed how many kids? 3000? 4000? But libs say hell with that.
You cannot correlate cars with guns. Cars have a purpose completely unrelated to violence. Guns have only one purpose, to wound, maim or kill.

It is faulty logic to compare cars and guns.
Disagreed. Cars can be replaced by mass transit and professional drivers/transportation services. What you are really saying is that a certain amount of children car deaths is acceptable for convenience.

Of course, this totally ignores certain Constitutional facts.
Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Get a life.
No it is not suicide accounts for 2/3rds of all firearms deaths.
Turn in the news in any local news channel , shootings other parts of the world rarely, and it's clearly an American problem and the world still can't get it.

These are law abiding gun owners citizens in America :
His girlfriend or wife broke up with him, pick a gun kill her and her family and kill himself.
Road rage pick a gun and shoot the asshole.
Got fired go on a shooting spree.
Bullied at school pick your dad's gun and shoot the assholes.
Likes the joker pick a machine gun and play the jokers role, killing dozens.
Don't like black people pick a gun go to their church and shoot them.

In other countries they fist fight because guns are hard to come by, worst case scenario they use an object that's not as lethal as guns.

If you don't get this picture, I don't know what to say.
Turn in the news in any local news channel , shootings other parts of the world rarely, and it's clearly an American problem and the world still can't get it.

These are law abiding gun owners citizens in America :
His girlfriend or wife broke up with him, pick a gun kill her and her family and kill himself.
Road rage pick a gun and shoot the asshole.
Got fired go on a shooting spree.
Bullied at school pick your dad's gun and shoot the assholes.
Likes the joker pick a machine gun and play the jokers role, killing dozens.
Don't like black people pick a gun go to their church and shoot them.

In other countries they fist fight because guns are hard to come by, worst case scenario they use an object that's not as lethal as guns.

If you don't get this picture, I don't know what to say.

Yes, you might read about one or two of those a day in a country of 320 million people where everything that happens makes the evening news because of the Internet.

We just don't throw away a Constitutional right because someone commits a crime with a gun.

In Europe they seem to be getting great results killing people by running over people with trucks and vans! Are you advocating that we ban those too?

In Africa, the favorite terrorism weapon seems to be a machete? Should we ban them too?
You should the faces of people when they watch the news coming out of the US about gun crimes and shootings.

In every country I visited i get asked....

Why Americans like guns and have lot of shootings at schools, work places, roads, homes...why so much violence.
My only answer is: most American don't know that most countries live safer with less guns around.

Actually, that isn't true. Britain had low violence rates before they got banned guns for law abiding fact, their gun murder rate is the same now, after they banned guns, as it was when they had guns....their gun laws had nothing to do with their violence rate. It was their culture, not their gun laws......

Also......their gun laws don't work....gun crime in London increased 42% last year....and is up all around the country. Their culture can no longer civilize young males after decades of single teenage girls having multiple children from multiple fathers....and they are importing violent people from the 3rd world who are now using guns for their crimes......

So....gun crime is going up in Britain, and Australia, countries that banned and confiscated guns.....and what happened in the U.S. when more Americans bought guns....and actually started carrying them?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

So, essentially, you really don't understand the gun issue....
Do the Euros look like this?:


You know that most of us or our ancestors left your continent for a reason, right?
I find it fascinating how every time someone mentions "gun control", the RW, having been conditioned by the NRA, like Pavlov's dog, hears, "ban the guns". Yet, I have never heard any serious suggestion from anyone in my life from anybody, advocating banning guns.
I find it fascinating how every time someone mentions "gun control", the RW, having been conditioned by the NRA, like Pavlov's dog, hears, "ban the guns". Yet, I have never heard any serious suggestion from anyone in my life from anybody, advocating banning guns.
Dude, scroll up. Banning guns is exactly the message some have been advocating. The fucking Democrats dance around that message, but it's clearly the intention:


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