Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says

You know global warming may actually affect me. I don't think it will be the biblical disaster that you people make it out to be but gang related gun violence in shit hole cities will never affect me where I live so I really don't give a shit about it.

You don't think sums it up nicely. You don't know, you think.

So, you don't seems to care about the rest of your country? You don't worry that it probably actually does impact your life at times. You seem to be extremely selfish from what I've seen of your posts. You don't care about other people, you don't care about other places. You only care about yourself.

I can't worry about every person in the country. And no, inner city gang violence does not affect me in any way. The people who run those cities are the problem. I don't live there and can't vote to change the leadership and I'm sure as shit not going to move to a city so I can.

80% of gun murders are tied to some sort of illegal activity and most of the murderers and victims have arrest and criminal records. There is nothing I can do to stop that. I sure as shit ain't giving up my ability to protect myself and my wife because I naively think that if I don't have a gun some inner city gang banger might not get shot.

80%, and that still means the other 20% impact others outside of those areas. It's also dragging your country down massively.

But then, you just have to hope no one you know or love gets caught up in the shit, or the shit doesn't end up on your doorstep at some point, because it does happen.

So you wouldn't be happy if the murder rate was cut by 80%. No country has a murder rate of ZERO.

The country is being dragged down far more by the inept politicians you people vote for than it is inner city gang gun violence. There are several concentrated areas of crime that skew the stats for the rest of the country. I understand this you seem to think all the crime and murder is evenly distributed.

No one I love will get caught up in the shit because no one I love lives in an inner city shit hole. And if that kind of violence ends up in my little town I'll move

What? How do you go from you saying that 80% of murders (you haven't shown this to be the case) are just criminals killing criminals, to me somehow not being happy (this was a statement, not a question) that the murder rate is cut by 80%.

Look, firstly, the US murder rate is FOUR TIMES HIGHER than most of the rest of the first world. That's 75% of murders. Now, places like the UK have murders which are criminal on criminal too. So, you're reduction of 80% of murders might be getting the murder rate down to levels seen in the UK.

The problem here is we're back to your selfishness and lack of empathy. There are kids being brought up in these areas with high crime, high murder. They don't stand much of a chance. They get people like you going "I'm here getting an okay education, living in a safe place, so, if I can do it, you can do it too, the fact that you grow up in a ghetto, well, I couldn't give a shit, I live here and so that's the important thing".

Come off it. You couldn't give a shit about kids growing up in ghettos, as long as you're okay, who gives a fuck, right?
Our murder rate is the same as it was in 1950.
The murder rate in the UK is the same as it was in 1950 and that's after a couple rounds of very strict gun laws
We don't have those same gun laws here so it is reasonable to assume that gun laws do not lower the murder rate

Our murder rate is higher because we have very different cultural and socioeconomic variables.

Those kids you speak of will not grow up in better neighborhoods or have better parents if I don't have a gun. No restrictions you put on law abiding citizens when it comes to buying or owning firearms will have any effect on that type of crime.

And really you don't care either because if you did you'd actually be doing something about it instead of telling law abiding people like me that somehow the fact that they own guns is the reason these kids live in violent inner city shit holes and have crappy parents
You know global warming may actually affect me. I don't think it will be the biblical disaster that you people make it out to be but gang related gun violence in shit hole cities will never affect me where I live so I really don't give a shit about it.

You don't think sums it up nicely. You don't know, you think.

So, you don't seems to care about the rest of your country? You don't worry that it probably actually does impact your life at times. You seem to be extremely selfish from what I've seen of your posts. You don't care about other people, you don't care about other places. You only care about yourself.

I can't worry about every person in the country. And no, inner city gang violence does not affect me in any way. The people who run those cities are the problem. I don't live there and can't vote to change the leadership and I'm sure as shit not going to move to a city so I can.

80% of gun murders are tied to some sort of illegal activity and most of the murderers and victims have arrest and criminal records. There is nothing I can do to stop that. I sure as shit ain't giving up my ability to protect myself and my wife because I naively think that if I don't have a gun some inner city gang banger might not get shot.

80%, and that still means the other 20% impact others outside of those areas. It's also dragging your country down massively.

But then, you just have to hope no one you know or love gets caught up in the shit, or the shit doesn't end up on your doorstep at some point, because it does happen.

So you wouldn't be happy if the murder rate was cut by 80%. No country has a murder rate of ZERO.

The country is being dragged down far more by the inept politicians you people vote for than it is inner city gang gun violence. There are several concentrated areas of crime that skew the stats for the rest of the country. I understand this you seem to think all the crime and murder is evenly distributed.

No one I love will get caught up in the shit because no one I love lives in an inner city shit hole. And if that kind of violence ends up in my little town I'll move

What? How do you go from you saying that 80% of murders (you haven't shown this to be the case) are just criminals killing criminals, to me somehow not being happy (this was a statement, not a question) that the murder rate is cut by 80%.

Look, firstly, the US murder rate is FOUR TIMES HIGHER than most of the rest of the first world. That's 75% of murders. Now, places like the UK have murders which are criminal on criminal too. So, you're reduction of 80% of murders might be getting the murder rate down to levels seen in the UK.

The problem here is we're back to your selfishness and lack of empathy. There are kids being brought up in these areas with high crime, high murder. They don't stand much of a chance. They get people like you going "I'm here getting an okay education, living in a safe place, so, if I can do it, you can do it too, the fact that you grow up in a ghetto, well, I couldn't give a shit, I live here and so that's the important thing".

Come off it. You couldn't give a shit about kids growing up in ghettos, as long as you're okay, who gives a fuck, right?

We actually are the ones who guys only care every two years when you need the adults in their neighborhoods to vote for democrats....
You don't think sums it up nicely. You don't know, you think.

So, you don't seems to care about the rest of your country? You don't worry that it probably actually does impact your life at times. You seem to be extremely selfish from what I've seen of your posts. You don't care about other people, you don't care about other places. You only care about yourself.

I can't worry about every person in the country. And no, inner city gang violence does not affect me in any way. The people who run those cities are the problem. I don't live there and can't vote to change the leadership and I'm sure as shit not going to move to a city so I can.

80% of gun murders are tied to some sort of illegal activity and most of the murderers and victims have arrest and criminal records. There is nothing I can do to stop that. I sure as shit ain't giving up my ability to protect myself and my wife because I naively think that if I don't have a gun some inner city gang banger might not get shot.

80%, and that still means the other 20% impact others outside of those areas. It's also dragging your country down massively.

But then, you just have to hope no one you know or love gets caught up in the shit, or the shit doesn't end up on your doorstep at some point, because it does happen.

So you wouldn't be happy if the murder rate was cut by 80%. No country has a murder rate of ZERO.

The country is being dragged down far more by the inept politicians you people vote for than it is inner city gang gun violence. There are several concentrated areas of crime that skew the stats for the rest of the country. I understand this you seem to think all the crime and murder is evenly distributed.

No one I love will get caught up in the shit because no one I love lives in an inner city shit hole. And if that kind of violence ends up in my little town I'll move

What? How do you go from you saying that 80% of murders (you haven't shown this to be the case) are just criminals killing criminals, to me somehow not being happy (this was a statement, not a question) that the murder rate is cut by 80%.

Look, firstly, the US murder rate is FOUR TIMES HIGHER than most of the rest of the first world. That's 75% of murders. Now, places like the UK have murders which are criminal on criminal too. So, you're reduction of 80% of murders might be getting the murder rate down to levels seen in the UK.

The problem here is we're back to your selfishness and lack of empathy. There are kids being brought up in these areas with high crime, high murder. They don't stand much of a chance. They get people like you going "I'm here getting an okay education, living in a safe place, so, if I can do it, you can do it too, the fact that you grow up in a ghetto, well, I couldn't give a shit, I live here and so that's the important thing".

Come off it. You couldn't give a shit about kids growing up in ghettos, as long as you're okay, who gives a fuck, right?
Our murder rate is the same as it was in 1950.
The murder rate in the UK is the same as it was in 1950 and that's after a couple rounds of very strict gun laws
We don't have those same gun laws here so it is reasonable to assume that gun laws do not lower the murder rate

Our murder rate is higher because we have very different cultural and socioeconomic variables.

Those kids you speak of will not grow up in better neighborhoods or have better parents if I don't have a gun. No restrictions you put on law abiding citizens when it comes to buying or owning firearms will have any effect on that type of crime.

And really you don't care either because if you did you'd actually be doing something about it instead of telling law abiding people like me that somehow the fact that they own guns is the reason these kids live in violent inner city shit holes and have crappy parents

Excellent post...........thank you.
I thought the US army left them with the Iraq army who left them for ISIS when the ran like the fucking pussies they are?
Under CiC Obama, yes. Also, when attempting to resupply Syrian rebels, airdropped caches fell into the hands of ISIS.
The US army should surrender. They're way too incompetent.
Which army do you support? ISIS? the People's Army?
I support peace.
You don't act like it. Your posts frequently support hate.
I hate sharia loving muslims, they are anti-peace.
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.


Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(
Dear, when guns are used to gun down 23 babies in a school and nobody gave a shit, this bit of news is hardly a blimp on the your breath, we live in gun country, 2nd amendment nutsville!!
Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says
Source: CNN
(CNN)Rambunctious third-graders filled a classroom in Seattle on a crisp autumn day. One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.

That student had brought a parent's gun to school and was carrying it in his backpack. When the bag fell to the floor, the impact caused the gun to fire, sending a bullet straight into another student's abdomen, said Dr. Thomas Weiser, a trauma surgeon at Stanford University Medical Center.

Weiser treated that third-grader's gunshot wound while completing a fellowship at Harborview Medical Center in Washington in 2011.

When the student arrived at the hospital, awake and alert with a bullet hole oozing blood just below her heart, she had a jarring expression of confusion in her brown eyes, Weiser said.


Read more: Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Sad :(
Dear, when guns are used to gun down 23 babies in a school and nobody gave a shit, this bit of news is hardly a blimp on the your breath, we live in gun country, 2nd amendment nutsville!!
So tell me how would have any gun law that doesn't already exist stopped the retard Lanza from killing his mother and stealing her guns?

One thing that would have stopped him : A set of solid steel doors on the school
You don't think sums it up nicely. You don't know, you think.

So, you don't seems to care about the rest of your country? You don't worry that it probably actually does impact your life at times. You seem to be extremely selfish from what I've seen of your posts. You don't care about other people, you don't care about other places. You only care about yourself.

I can't worry about every person in the country. And no, inner city gang violence does not affect me in any way. The people who run those cities are the problem. I don't live there and can't vote to change the leadership and I'm sure as shit not going to move to a city so I can.

80% of gun murders are tied to some sort of illegal activity and most of the murderers and victims have arrest and criminal records. There is nothing I can do to stop that. I sure as shit ain't giving up my ability to protect myself and my wife because I naively think that if I don't have a gun some inner city gang banger might not get shot.

80%, and that still means the other 20% impact others outside of those areas. It's also dragging your country down massively.

But then, you just have to hope no one you know or love gets caught up in the shit, or the shit doesn't end up on your doorstep at some point, because it does happen.

So you wouldn't be happy if the murder rate was cut by 80%. No country has a murder rate of ZERO.

The country is being dragged down far more by the inept politicians you people vote for than it is inner city gang gun violence. There are several concentrated areas of crime that skew the stats for the rest of the country. I understand this you seem to think all the crime and murder is evenly distributed.

No one I love will get caught up in the shit because no one I love lives in an inner city shit hole. And if that kind of violence ends up in my little town I'll move

What? How do you go from you saying that 80% of murders (you haven't shown this to be the case) are just criminals killing criminals, to me somehow not being happy (this was a statement, not a question) that the murder rate is cut by 80%.

Look, firstly, the US murder rate is FOUR TIMES HIGHER than most of the rest of the first world. That's 75% of murders. Now, places like the UK have murders which are criminal on criminal too. So, you're reduction of 80% of murders might be getting the murder rate down to levels seen in the UK.

The problem here is we're back to your selfishness and lack of empathy. There are kids being brought up in these areas with high crime, high murder. They don't stand much of a chance. They get people like you going "I'm here getting an okay education, living in a safe place, so, if I can do it, you can do it too, the fact that you grow up in a ghetto, well, I couldn't give a shit, I live here and so that's the important thing".

Come off it. You couldn't give a shit about kids growing up in ghettos, as long as you're okay, who gives a fuck, right?
Our murder rate is the same as it was in 1950.
The murder rate in the UK is the same as it was in 1950 and that's after a couple rounds of very strict gun laws
We don't have those same gun laws here so it is reasonable to assume that gun laws do not lower the murder rate

Our murder rate is higher because we have very different cultural and socioeconomic variables.

Those kids you speak of will not grow up in better neighborhoods or have better parents if I don't have a gun. No restrictions you put on law abiding citizens when it comes to buying or owning firearms will have any effect on that type of crime.

And really you don't care either because if you did you'd actually be doing something about it instead of telling law abiding people like me that somehow the fact that they own guns is the reason these kids live in violent inner city shit holes and have crappy parents

Yes, you've used this argument before. But your logic is off.

What's happened in both the UK, the US and western European countries is that things have changed. Crime is going down in the modern era for reasons such as better entertainment, perhaps policing is easier with modern technology, there are many possibilities out there.

The US had more guns in the 1950s than the UK. The police in the UK still don't carry guns, except for specialist teams, and they certainly didn't carry them way back when because for the most part people didn't have guns. But they did in the US. So, more guns in the US in the 1950s and a higher murder rate. More guns in modern day USA and a higher murder rate, suggests that GUNS ARE A PROBLEM.

Yes, the US has a different culture. One of the biggest differences I've seen between the US and the UK are the guns. Now, I've lived in quite a few countries and when I went to Spain I noticed that Spain is far more different than the US and UK are. And Spain doesn't have massive amounts of murders.

You look at murder rates compared to GDP and you'd see quite a variety of things, poor countries don't necessarily mean more crime. However in the western world crime rates are pretty similar.

Western Europe goes from 0.00 (small places like Monaco and Lichtenstein, with 0.51 being the lowest in Western Europe of proper countries, up to 1.95 for Belgium.
Southern Europe is 0.66 as a low for proper sized countries up to 2.72 for Montenegro which isn't a Western country.
Northern Europe has a low of 0.56 and a high of 5.98, but again Lithuania was formerly part of the USSR, Finland at 1.6 is the highest of the "western" countries.

So, throughout the countries that weren't Communist, you have a range of about 0.5-2.0 for murder rates. The US is at 4.0. Canada is 1.68, Australia is 0.98 and New Zealand is 0.91.

So, even outside of Europe it's the same, lower crime rates, lower gun rates.

But there are other factors at play. Switzerland does have a high rate of guns, but not as high as Norway, which has 31.3 per 100 residents. And yet they both have lower murder rates. But the US 112 per 100 people. Obviously there are people with multiple guns and others without guns so such statistics are misleading. Canada also has higher rates than many places in Europe with 30.8, slightly less than Norway.

So what are those factors? Number one seems to be that the US has large cities and many guns in those cities, whereas Norway only has one largish city, Switzerland has a few smaller cities. London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, larger European cities don't have as many guns. Guns in rural areas are a different proposition.

So what about attitude. Certainly the US has a different attitude to other countries. Generally I'd say China and the US are two of the most selfish countries in the world. The US's selfishness is causing a lot of problems. The reality is people aren't willing to solve the problems and are, like you, becoming internal.

Why did JFK say ''ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.''?? Probably because the US was becoming more and more selfish. And, many of the empires that have been destroyed have been destroyed because of selfishness. The US is eating itself alive with an unwillingness to deal with such problems.
Under CiC Obama, yes. Also, when attempting to resupply Syrian rebels, airdropped caches fell into the hands of ISIS.
The US army should surrender. They're way too incompetent.
Which army do you support? ISIS? the People's Army?
I support peace.
You don't act like it. Your posts frequently support hate.
I hate sharia loving muslims, they are anti-peace.
You seem to hate a lot of people. How miserable your life must be.
The US army should surrender. They're way too incompetent.
Which army do you support? ISIS? the People's Army?
I support peace.
You don't act like it. Your posts frequently support hate.
I hate sharia loving muslims, they are anti-peace.
You seem to hate a lot of people. How miserable your life must be.
Stop projecting. :biggrin:
I can't worry about every person in the country. And no, inner city gang violence does not affect me in any way. The people who run those cities are the problem. I don't live there and can't vote to change the leadership and I'm sure as shit not going to move to a city so I can.

80% of gun murders are tied to some sort of illegal activity and most of the murderers and victims have arrest and criminal records. There is nothing I can do to stop that. I sure as shit ain't giving up my ability to protect myself and my wife because I naively think that if I don't have a gun some inner city gang banger might not get shot.

80%, and that still means the other 20% impact others outside of those areas. It's also dragging your country down massively.

But then, you just have to hope no one you know or love gets caught up in the shit, or the shit doesn't end up on your doorstep at some point, because it does happen.

So you wouldn't be happy if the murder rate was cut by 80%. No country has a murder rate of ZERO.

The country is being dragged down far more by the inept politicians you people vote for than it is inner city gang gun violence. There are several concentrated areas of crime that skew the stats for the rest of the country. I understand this you seem to think all the crime and murder is evenly distributed.

No one I love will get caught up in the shit because no one I love lives in an inner city shit hole. And if that kind of violence ends up in my little town I'll move

What? How do you go from you saying that 80% of murders (you haven't shown this to be the case) are just criminals killing criminals, to me somehow not being happy (this was a statement, not a question) that the murder rate is cut by 80%.

Look, firstly, the US murder rate is FOUR TIMES HIGHER than most of the rest of the first world. That's 75% of murders. Now, places like the UK have murders which are criminal on criminal too. So, you're reduction of 80% of murders might be getting the murder rate down to levels seen in the UK.

The problem here is we're back to your selfishness and lack of empathy. There are kids being brought up in these areas with high crime, high murder. They don't stand much of a chance. They get people like you going "I'm here getting an okay education, living in a safe place, so, if I can do it, you can do it too, the fact that you grow up in a ghetto, well, I couldn't give a shit, I live here and so that's the important thing".

Come off it. You couldn't give a shit about kids growing up in ghettos, as long as you're okay, who gives a fuck, right?
Our murder rate is the same as it was in 1950.
The murder rate in the UK is the same as it was in 1950 and that's after a couple rounds of very strict gun laws
We don't have those same gun laws here so it is reasonable to assume that gun laws do not lower the murder rate

Our murder rate is higher because we have very different cultural and socioeconomic variables.

Those kids you speak of will not grow up in better neighborhoods or have better parents if I don't have a gun. No restrictions you put on law abiding citizens when it comes to buying or owning firearms will have any effect on that type of crime.

And really you don't care either because if you did you'd actually be doing something about it instead of telling law abiding people like me that somehow the fact that they own guns is the reason these kids live in violent inner city shit holes and have crappy parents

Yes, you've used this argument before. But your logic is off.

What's happened in both the UK, the US and western European countries is that things have changed. Crime is going down in the modern era for reasons such as better entertainment, perhaps policing is easier with modern technology, there are many possibilities out there.

The US had more guns in the 1950s than the UK. The police in the UK still don't carry guns, except for specialist teams, and they certainly didn't carry them way back when because for the most part people didn't have guns. But they did in the US. So, more guns in the US in the 1950s and a higher murder rate. More guns in modern day USA and a higher murder rate, suggests that GUNS ARE A PROBLEM.

Yes, the US has a different culture. One of the biggest differences I've seen between the US and the UK are the guns. Now, I've lived in quite a few countries and when I went to Spain I noticed that Spain is far more different than the US and UK are. And Spain doesn't have massive amounts of murders.

You look at murder rates compared to GDP and you'd see quite a variety of things, poor countries don't necessarily mean more crime. However in the western world crime rates are pretty similar.

Western Europe goes from 0.00 (small places like Monaco and Lichtenstein, with 0.51 being the lowest in Western Europe of proper countries, up to 1.95 for Belgium.
Southern Europe is 0.66 as a low for proper sized countries up to 2.72 for Montenegro which isn't a Western country.
Northern Europe has a low of 0.56 and a high of 5.98, but again Lithuania was formerly part of the USSR, Finland at 1.6 is the highest of the "western" countries.

So, throughout the countries that weren't Communist, you have a range of about 0.5-2.0 for murder rates. The US is at 4.0. Canada is 1.68, Australia is 0.98 and New Zealand is 0.91.

So, even outside of Europe it's the same, lower crime rates, lower gun rates.

But there are other factors at play. Switzerland does have a high rate of guns, but not as high as Norway, which has 31.3 per 100 residents. And yet they both have lower murder rates. But the US 112 per 100 people. Obviously there are people with multiple guns and others without guns so such statistics are misleading. Canada also has higher rates than many places in Europe with 30.8, slightly less than Norway.

So what are those factors? Number one seems to be that the US has large cities and many guns in those cities, whereas Norway only has one largish city, Switzerland has a few smaller cities. London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, larger European cities don't have as many guns. Guns in rural areas are a different proposition.

So what about attitude. Certainly the US has a different attitude to other countries. Generally I'd say China and the US are two of the most selfish countries in the world. The US's selfishness is causing a lot of problems. The reality is people aren't willing to solve the problems and are, like you, becoming internal.

Why did JFK say ''ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.''?? Probably because the US was becoming more and more selfish. And, many of the empires that have been destroyed have been destroyed because of selfishness. The US is eating itself alive with an unwillingness to deal with such problems.
You claim firearms ownership causes crime, yet the FACT is that INCREASED ownership has seen drastic reduction in crime. And you want to claim that while firearms ownership went up some how crime going down had nothing to do with it while insisting the opposite that increased firearms increases crime, the FACTS do not support your claim.
Which army do you support? ISIS? the People's Army?
I support peace.
You don't act like it. Your posts frequently support hate.
I hate sharia loving muslims, they are anti-peace.
You seem to hate a lot of people. How miserable your life must be.
Stop projecting. :biggrin:
No projection since I don't hate. You, sir, have admitted you do. Hate is a very strong emotion. Anger is a natural emotion, but hatred is not. You are not alone here as many USMB threads prove, especially when the topic is gays or Muslims.

Still, regardless of political alignment, hatred is such a powerful emotion, it blinds the hater's ability to reason logically which is why hate is wrong; it puts emotion before logic.
Under CiC Obama, yes. Also, when attempting to resupply Syrian rebels, airdropped caches fell into the hands of ISIS.
The US army should surrender. They're way too incompetent.
Which army do you support? ISIS? the People's Army?
I support peace.
You don't act like it. Your posts frequently support hate.
I hate sharia loving muslims, they are anti-peace.
I can't worry about every person in the country. And no, inner city gang violence does not affect me in any way. The people who run those cities are the problem. I don't live there and can't vote to change the leadership and I'm sure as shit not going to move to a city so I can.

80% of gun murders are tied to some sort of illegal activity and most of the murderers and victims have arrest and criminal records. There is nothing I can do to stop that. I sure as shit ain't giving up my ability to protect myself and my wife because I naively think that if I don't have a gun some inner city gang banger might not get shot.

80%, and that still means the other 20% impact others outside of those areas. It's also dragging your country down massively.

But then, you just have to hope no one you know or love gets caught up in the shit, or the shit doesn't end up on your doorstep at some point, because it does happen.

So you wouldn't be happy if the murder rate was cut by 80%. No country has a murder rate of ZERO.

The country is being dragged down far more by the inept politicians you people vote for than it is inner city gang gun violence. There are several concentrated areas of crime that skew the stats for the rest of the country. I understand this you seem to think all the crime and murder is evenly distributed.

No one I love will get caught up in the shit because no one I love lives in an inner city shit hole. And if that kind of violence ends up in my little town I'll move

What? How do you go from you saying that 80% of murders (you haven't shown this to be the case) are just criminals killing criminals, to me somehow not being happy (this was a statement, not a question) that the murder rate is cut by 80%.

Look, firstly, the US murder rate is FOUR TIMES HIGHER than most of the rest of the first world. That's 75% of murders. Now, places like the UK have murders which are criminal on criminal too. So, you're reduction of 80% of murders might be getting the murder rate down to levels seen in the UK.

The problem here is we're back to your selfishness and lack of empathy. There are kids being brought up in these areas with high crime, high murder. They don't stand much of a chance. They get people like you going "I'm here getting an okay education, living in a safe place, so, if I can do it, you can do it too, the fact that you grow up in a ghetto, well, I couldn't give a shit, I live here and so that's the important thing".

Come off it. You couldn't give a shit about kids growing up in ghettos, as long as you're okay, who gives a fuck, right?
Our murder rate is the same as it was in 1950.
The murder rate in the UK is the same as it was in 1950 and that's after a couple rounds of very strict gun laws
We don't have those same gun laws here so it is reasonable to assume that gun laws do not lower the murder rate

Our murder rate is higher because we have very different cultural and socioeconomic variables.

Those kids you speak of will not grow up in better neighborhoods or have better parents if I don't have a gun. No restrictions you put on law abiding citizens when it comes to buying or owning firearms will have any effect on that type of crime.

And really you don't care either because if you did you'd actually be doing something about it instead of telling law abiding people like me that somehow the fact that they own guns is the reason these kids live in violent inner city shit holes and have crappy parents

Yes, you've used this argument before. But your logic is off.

What's happened in both the UK, the US and western European countries is that things have changed. Crime is going down in the modern era for reasons such as better entertainment, perhaps policing is easier with modern technology, there are many possibilities out there.

The US had more guns in the 1950s than the UK. The police in the UK still don't carry guns, except for specialist teams, and they certainly didn't carry them way back when because for the most part people didn't have guns. But they did in the US. So, more guns in the US in the 1950s and a higher murder rate. More guns in modern day USA and a higher murder rate, suggests that GUNS ARE A PROBLEM.

Yes, the US has a different culture. One of the biggest differences I've seen between the US and the UK are the guns. Now, I've lived in quite a few countries and when I went to Spain I noticed that Spain is far more different than the US and UK are. And Spain doesn't have massive amounts of murders.

You look at murder rates compared to GDP and you'd see quite a variety of things, poor countries don't necessarily mean more crime. However in the western world crime rates are pretty similar.

Western Europe goes from 0.00 (small places like Monaco and Lichtenstein, with 0.51 being the lowest in Western Europe of proper countries, up to 1.95 for Belgium.
Southern Europe is 0.66 as a low for proper sized countries up to 2.72 for Montenegro which isn't a Western country.
Northern Europe has a low of 0.56 and a high of 5.98, but again Lithuania was formerly part of the USSR, Finland at 1.6 is the highest of the "western" countries.

So, throughout the countries that weren't Communist, you have a range of about 0.5-2.0 for murder rates. The US is at 4.0. Canada is 1.68, Australia is 0.98 and New Zealand is 0.91.

So, even outside of Europe it's the same, lower crime rates, lower gun rates.

But there are other factors at play. Switzerland does have a high rate of guns, but not as high as Norway, which has 31.3 per 100 residents. And yet they both have lower murder rates. But the US 112 per 100 people. Obviously there are people with multiple guns and others without guns so such statistics are misleading. Canada also has higher rates than many places in Europe with 30.8, slightly less than Norway.

So what are those factors? Number one seems to be that the US has large cities and many guns in those cities, whereas Norway only has one largish city, Switzerland has a few smaller cities. London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, larger European cities don't have as many guns. Guns in rural areas are a different proposition.

So what about attitude. Certainly the US has a different attitude to other countries. Generally I'd say China and the US are two of the most selfish countries in the world. The US's selfishness is causing a lot of problems. The reality is people aren't willing to solve the problems and are, like you, becoming internal.

Why did JFK say ''ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.''?? Probably because the US was becoming more and more selfish. And, many of the empires that have been destroyed have been destroyed because of selfishness. The US is eating itself alive with an unwillingness to deal with such problems.

Crime is going down here too
if the trend continues our murder rate will dip below that of 1950 and it's happening without additional restriction on the rights of law abiding people to own guns.

And it's not just large cities it's the poor underclass in those large cities where gun violence is the worst and in case you didn't know this most if not all of those guns are not legally possessed.

So tell me again how restricting a law abiding person's right to own firearms will stop people from using illegally obtained firearms to commit violent crimes?

We do not need to restrict law abiding people's actions with the naive hope that those restrictions will curb the actions of those willing to break the law.

We need to get those violent criminals off the streets and we do that by making mandatory and severe jail sentences to be served without parole for any and all crimes committed while in possession of a firearm

You know something that actually targets those committing the crimes and not the people who obey the law
I support peace.
You don't act like it. Your posts frequently support hate.
I hate sharia loving muslims, they are anti-peace.
You seem to hate a lot of people. How miserable your life must be.
Stop projecting. :biggrin:
No projection since I don't hate. You, sir, have admitted you do. Hate is a very strong emotion. Anger is a natural emotion, but hatred is not. You are not alone here as many USMB threads prove, especially when the topic is gays or Muslims.

Still, regardless of political alignment, hatred is such a powerful emotion, it blinds the hater's ability to reason logically which is why hate is wrong; it puts emotion before logic.
It's logical to hate sharia. Give me one good reason not to.
You don't act like it. Your posts frequently support hate.
I hate sharia loving muslims, they are anti-peace.
You seem to hate a lot of people. How miserable your life must be.
Stop projecting. :biggrin:
No projection since I don't hate. You, sir, have admitted you do. Hate is a very strong emotion. Anger is a natural emotion, but hatred is not. You are not alone here as many USMB threads prove, especially when the topic is gays or Muslims.

Still, regardless of political alignment, hatred is such a powerful emotion, it blinds the hater's ability to reason logically which is why hate is wrong; it puts emotion before logic.
It's logical to hate sharia. Give me one good reason not to.
Feel free to hate on. Many people do.
I hate sharia loving muslims, they are anti-peace.
You seem to hate a lot of people. How miserable your life must be.
Stop projecting. :biggrin:
No projection since I don't hate. You, sir, have admitted you do. Hate is a very strong emotion. Anger is a natural emotion, but hatred is not. You are not alone here as many USMB threads prove, especially when the topic is gays or Muslims.

Still, regardless of political alignment, hatred is such a powerful emotion, it blinds the hater's ability to reason logically which is why hate is wrong; it puts emotion before logic.
It's logical to hate sharia. Give me one good reason not to.
Feel free to hate on. Many people do.
Why don't YOU hate sharia? You a carpet kisser?
You seem to hate a lot of people. How miserable your life must be.
Stop projecting. :biggrin:
No projection since I don't hate. You, sir, have admitted you do. Hate is a very strong emotion. Anger is a natural emotion, but hatred is not. You are not alone here as many USMB threads prove, especially when the topic is gays or Muslims.

Still, regardless of political alignment, hatred is such a powerful emotion, it blinds the hater's ability to reason logically which is why hate is wrong; it puts emotion before logic.
It's logical to hate sharia. Give me one good reason not to.
Feel free to hate on. Many people do.
Why don't YOU hate sharia? You a carpet kisser?
Why would I hate anything? Are you one of those assholes who says "If you don't hate blacks, are you a n**ger-lover?"

Why do you hate Muslims? Or is it that a young person like you just hates all religions because you gotta hate something other than yourself?
Stop projecting. :biggrin:
No projection since I don't hate. You, sir, have admitted you do. Hate is a very strong emotion. Anger is a natural emotion, but hatred is not. You are not alone here as many USMB threads prove, especially when the topic is gays or Muslims.

Still, regardless of political alignment, hatred is such a powerful emotion, it blinds the hater's ability to reason logically which is why hate is wrong; it puts emotion before logic.
It's logical to hate sharia. Give me one good reason not to.
Feel free to hate on. Many people do.
Why don't YOU hate sharia? You a carpet kisser?
Why would I hate anything? Are you one of those assholes who says "If you don't hate blacks, are you a n**ger-lover?"

Why do you hate Muslims? Or is it that a young person like you just hates all religions because you gotta hate something other than yourself?
If you knew anything about sharia you'd hate it as well. It's totally evil. Like Hitler, it's ok to hate some things.
No projection since I don't hate. You, sir, have admitted you do. Hate is a very strong emotion. Anger is a natural emotion, but hatred is not. You are not alone here as many USMB threads prove, especially when the topic is gays or Muslims.

Still, regardless of political alignment, hatred is such a powerful emotion, it blinds the hater's ability to reason logically which is why hate is wrong; it puts emotion before logic.
It's logical to hate sharia. Give me one good reason not to.
Feel free to hate on. Many people do.
Why don't YOU hate sharia? You a carpet kisser?
Why would I hate anything? Are you one of those assholes who says "If you don't hate blacks, are you a n**ger-lover?"

Why do you hate Muslims? Or is it that a young person like you just hates all religions because you gotta hate something other than yourself?
If you knew anything about sharia you'd hate it as well. It's totally evil. Like Hitler, it's ok to hate some things.
You are obviously either young or simply immature. It's okay to kill something without hating it. A rabid dog must be put down, but I don't hate the dog. In fact, I pity it. Killing Nazis and radical Islamics is necessary, but I don't hate them. I simply understand they must be neutralized for the good of humanity.
It's logical to hate sharia. Give me one good reason not to.
Feel free to hate on. Many people do.
Why don't YOU hate sharia? You a carpet kisser?
Why would I hate anything? Are you one of those assholes who says "If you don't hate blacks, are you a n**ger-lover?"

Why do you hate Muslims? Or is it that a young person like you just hates all religions because you gotta hate something other than yourself?
If you knew anything about sharia you'd hate it as well. It's totally evil. Like Hitler, it's ok to hate some things.
You are obviously either young or simply immature. It's okay to kill something without hating it. A rabid dog must be put down, but I don't hate the dog. In fact, I pity it. Killing Nazis and radical Islamics is necessary, but I don't hate them. I simply understand they must be neutralized for the good of humanity.
So you have no feelings about sharia?

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