GUNS must GO

I just wonder how it jibes with the whole "eliminate guns" thing that the cities with the highest murder rates have the toughest gun laws?

We're Americans. We will keep our guns. The first act of a tyrant is to disarm the citizenry, and we won't be going down that road ever.

oh no Ali.....if Chris sees what you posted he will come in here and start posting about how those stats are bull......:eusa_shhh:

chrissy lewinsky is a moron.

El.....dont let Chrissy know.....he thinks all of us are.....
Even at this early phase Im not surprised. Not a single one of you has been able to lodge a logical protest to my post. Sarcasm is the best you can do.

My brother, I see both sides of this argument. But... people kill people, the guns dont. If amercica were to repeal the 2nd amendment, those criminals would move on to using knives. Then what are we going to do, illegalize knives? Plus, its like drugs... people still have access to them if they are illegal or not.
Im sorry I like My rights. We need to keep as may as we can. They seem to be disappearing to fast. From not even being able to smoke in my own bar(if I had a bar and if I smoked) to not being able to hold my phone to my ear and talk while driving. Yes these are prob. Mostly Cali laws but those rights of mine are gone.
Im sorry I like My rights. We need to keep as may as we can. They seem to be disappearing to fast. From not even being able to smoke in my own bar(if I had a bar and if I smoked) to not being able to hold my phone to my ear and talk while driving. Yes these are prob. Mostly Cali laws but those rights of mine are gone.

According to Transport Canada's report The Alcohol-Crash Problem in Canada: 2000, a total of 981 people died in alcohol-related crashes in 2000. This includes off-road vehicles, as well as pedestrians with alcohol in their blood.

Statistics Canada says that 816 people — 767 males and 49 females — died of firearms-related injuries in Canada in 2002.

I'm thinking Yukon's next campaign will be to ban alcohol throughout Canada.

Well that would be a reasonable assumption... but you're missing the key element in the equation Burp... Yukon is not trying to save lives... Her intent is to disarm the innocent, law abiding citizen, in order to promote the means of the left to gain sufficient power to implement future leftist policy failures and otherwise destroy the culture. I will stipulate the she doesn't believe that the leftist policy will result in culturual calamity, but, she's a fool and what value can really be placed on the opinion of fools?

I mean hey, if she believed with every fiber of her foolish being that pouring gasoline over the extent of her body and lighting it would lead her to a new enlightenment... could we really disagree? Such an opinion IS subjective and while we know that the enlightenment will be the result of calamity to her physical well being and that the enlightenment would be little more than a function of hindsight, it would fall to those within her physical presence to do the best we could to prevent her from doing so based upon our own certain knowledge that such an action would produce catastrophic results... meaning simply that we know what we're talking about and we don't need to lend credence to the subjective opinions of fools for our certain knowledge to be validated; we know what will result and that they believe otherwise is IRRELEVANT.
Im sorry I like My rights. We need to keep as may as we can. They seem to be disappearing to fast. From not even being able to smoke in my own bar(if I had a bar and if I smoked) to not being able to hold my phone to my ear and talk while driving. Yes these are prob. Mostly Cali laws but those rights of mine are gone.

No Zook... the right is not gone... The only 'Rights' you have are those which are inherent in your being... The rights endowed upon you by your creator. The 'Civil Rights' and other such notions are simple privilege which are sponsored by a popular majority and enforced by a given human power which provides for such... Inalienable Rights are inlaienable... human beings can neither provide nor remove such rights, as those rights are not within their means to provide... the authority on which endowed rights rest is stationed beyond human means and as such are untouchable.

What you're watching erode and are correct in your noted observations, are the protections which the US Constitution was designed to provide... which serve to limit the power of government, particularly the Federal government... Power that the founders understood would inevitably be used to prevent the individual from exercising their rights.

This is essentially, the result of an ever increasing 'secularization' of the population... people simply are losing their belief in the Creator and as a result are placing more and more of the responsibility which is inherent in their inalienable rights; a responsibility which secures the viability of their means to exercise their rights, upon the government; it is a foolish notion which transfer the authority for the defense of their rights onto the government, thus transferring by default, the very means to exercise their rights; in effect conceding the individual responsibility concedes the individuals means to determine how, when and where they will be able to rightfully engage in a given activity which would otherwise been pursued towards the fulfillment of their individual life.
The way I see it, there are three groups of people who think they benefit from the Second Amendment - hunters, self-defendants, and crazy people who think that they're going to stave off tyranny with their deer rifles.

Most conservatives fall into the category of the crazy-people who will save us from tyranny. They blew their chance when then allowed the government to take away their authority to own machine guns and nuclear weapons. These people, the crazy-people, had a point a long time ago but now that technology has made muskets an ineffective choice for governmental overthrow, let's not let them kid us. Private gun ownership is not going to prevent governmental tyranny, no matter how many times you've watched the movie Red Dawn.

This is just plain incorrect. The fact is most gun owners, not just conservatives, fall into the first two categories, and simply can't fathom why something they would never use to hurt anybody unless absolutely neccessary should be taken away from them.

Again I ask where is the logic in YOUR argument? Posting statistics about gun deaths is a fairly weak argument considering other inanimate objects cause even more deaths (i.e. cars or cholesterol) and that it doesn't focus on the real problem. Even then it is not fair to say guns (or guns or cholestorl) 'cause' death. All of those things require human input of some type. Irresponsible diet, innatentiveness at the wheel, irresponsible firearm use it is the human variable that is the source of the problem.
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Comparing deaths resulting from the use of a gun to those resulting from car accidents is the last refuge of the gold-tooth, beer-belly, pick up truck driving, baseball cap wearing, member of the right wing conservative lunatic fringe groups that are destroying the USA. If that's the best you can do sonny than I suggest you continue to support the NRA because thay are the only wack-jobs who will tolerate your insane points of view.
Comparing deaths resulting from the use of a gun to those resulting from car accidents is the last refuge of the gold-tooth, beer-belly, pick up truck driving, baseball cap wearing, member of the right wing conservative lunatic fringe groups that are destroying the USA. If that's the best you can do sonny than I suggest you continue to support the NRA because thay are the only wack-jobs who will tolerate your insane points of view. do realize i hope,that there are MANY left leaning people who would blow your fucking head off with THEIR guns if you tried to take them......many of them would stand with the right on this.....and besides,why are you trying to disarm the US?....should you not be trying to disarm Canada.....or is it that facing REAL gun owners frightens the shit out of you,so doing it from a distance is safer?.....just like i was thinking earlier......CHICKEN.......
Comparing deaths resulting from the use of a gun to those resulting from car accidents is the last refuge of the gold-tooth, beer-belly, pick up truck driving, baseball cap wearing, member of the right wing conservative lunatic fringe groups that are destroying the USA. If that's the best you can do sonny than I suggest you continue to support the NRA because thay are the only wack-jobs who will tolerate your insane points of view.

Yes, name calling is always a logical argument. Since you're such a logical guy, perhaps you can explain why guns deserve some special distinction over other things involved in violence and death.
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Hey Yukon.. we still have the 2nd amendment. If you don't like it then stay your ass up in the snowy north or we'll start trucking millions of mexicans to your border.
I always wonder how a thinking person could or would trust a powerful, centralized government and then want that coupled with guns being banned to the citizens.

Don't forget to check under your trailer for commies before you go to bed.

On behalf of Canadians everywhere I'd like to offer an apology to the United States of America. We haven't been getting along very well recently and for that, I am truly sorry. I'm sorry we called George Bush a moron. He is a moron but it wasn't nice of us to point it out. If it's any consolation, the fact that he's a moron shouldn't reflect poorly on the people of America. After all it's not like you actually elected him.

I'm sorry about our softwood lumber. Just because we have more trees than you doesn't give us the right to sell you lumber that's cheaper and better than your own. I'm sorry we beat you in Olympic hockey. In our defense I guess our excuse would be that our team was much, much, much, much better than yours. I'm sorry we burnt down your white house during the war of 1812. I notice you've rebuilt it! It's Very Nice.

I'm sorry about your beer. I know we had nothing to do with your beer but, we Feel your Pain.

I'm sorry about our waffling on Iraq. I mean, when you're going up against a crazed dictator, you wanna have your friends by your side. I realize it took more than two years before you guys pitched in against Hitler, but that was different. Everyone knew he had weapons.

And finally on behalf of all Canadians, I'm sorry that we're constantly apologizing for things in a passive-aggressive way, which is really a thinly veiled criticism. I sincerely hope that you're not upset over this. We've seen what you do to countries you get upset with.

All the Best,
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I always wonder how a thinking person could or would trust a powerful, centralized government and then want that coupled with guns being banned to the citizens.

Don't forget to check under your trailer for commies before you go to bed.

I'm not worried about commies , I worried about people like you who put more faith in government than they do in individuals,freedom and Capitalism. I don't live in a trailer, I live in a regular home and if you think insults will get me to go uncivil, it won't, I'll continue to let posters see who has taken the high ground here.
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Will you shoot me if I visit your country?

No. I take it back. you should visit Flint. without a gun, you should be fine. the police will protect you. :lol:

edit: I don't live in Flint and never go there.
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