Guy is 27, still single and never dated.....

.... would you make the assumption he is gay?
if not, what would you speculate?

Not necessarily...20 years ago or more...most likely. But today? No.

More than twenty years ago, I was very much like the guy described in the OP. If you were to assume my lack of success at dating meant that I was a homosexual, then you would have been very mistaken. I knew plenty of other guys, much like myself, about which a similar assumption would be equally mistaken.

Not necessarily...20 years ago or more...most likely. But today? No.
There are a whooole lot of 20 something young males who still live like teenagers playing video games 15 hours a day and still working part-time jobs. Young men stuck in teenagery.
This is why there has been such a large increase in young girls dating/marrying MUCH older men. It is getting to be common place to see 20 something girls with men in their 40's.
My 25 year old daughter is really frustrated trying to find a mature man her age. She is very pretty, not just saying that as her is very attractive, gets plenty of offers but they usually pass by pretty fast. She does not want today's typical millennial man-child...immature, video game junkie, still lives at home or with the same roommate since college, pays DUTCH on dates and prefers the girl ti pick them up. I could go on.
Young people cant [sic] afford a house you f•••n idiot. Your poor daughter has to slut hersef [sic] to old buggers because GOP. Corrupt, bank loving, 1% ass sniffing GOP.

F••• you and the horse you rode in on you piece of shit.
F••• daughter don't know me or my daughter you peon miserable low life.
You are obviously some low life unintelligent know nothing who would call a man's daughter a slut.
Go to hell

Scumbags like that aren't worth getting that upset over. He's just a bit farther down the scale of those who've already sounded off in this thread, who think that all the guy described in the OP needs is to “get laid”, and who suggest the services of a prostitute—all probably prime examples of the sort of guys her own age your daughter is wisely rejecting. In that last case, there's rather obviously a bit of “sour grapes” going on, a worse loser than most, looking to cast aspersions on the character of women who wisely reject him, and looking for every excuse other than his own moral and developmental inferiority to explain his lack of success.
Not necessarily...20 years ago or more...most likely. But today? No.
There are a whooole lot of 20 something young males who still live like teenagers playing video games 15 hours a day and still working part-time jobs. Young men stuck in teenagery.
This is why there has been such a large increase in young girls dating/marrying MUCH older men. It is getting to be common place to see 20 something girls with men in their 40's.
My 25 year old daughter is really frustrated trying to find a mature man her age. She is very pretty, not just saying that as her is very attractive, gets plenty of offers but they usually pass by pretty fast. She does not want today's typical millennial man-child...immature, video game junkie, still lives at home or with the same roommate since college, pays DUTCH on dates and prefers the girl ti pick them up. I could go on.
Young people cant [sic] afford a house you f•••n idiot. Your poor daughter has to slut hersef [sic] to old buggers because GOP. Corrupt, bank loving, 1% ass sniffing GOP.

F••• you and the horse you rode in on you piece of shit.
F••• daughter don't know me or my daughter you peon miserable low life.
You are obviously some low life unintelligent know nothing who would call a man's daughter a slut.
Go to hell

Scumbags like that aren't worth getting that upset over. He's just a bit farther down the scale of those who've already sounded off in this thread, who think that all the guy described in the OP needs is to “get laid”, and who suggest the services of a prostitute—all probably prime examples of the sort of guys her own age your daughter is wisely rejecting. In that last case, there's rather obviously a bit of “sour grapes” going on, a worse loser than most, looking to cast aspersions on the character of women who wisely reject him, and looking for every excuse other than his own moral and developmental inferiority to explain his lack of success.
I was actually turning the discussion to economics. Young people today ar tremendously oppressed by the boomers.

my sister is very beautiful but she had to go out with a much older man simply becaus younger people simply cant afford a house.

yeah Im bitter about it. Sure I am. Im a woman too you fucken c*nt.
.... would you make the assumption he is gay?
if not, what would you speculate?

Not necessarily...20 years ago or more...most likely. But today? No.
There are a whooole lot of 20 something young males who still live like teenagers playing video games 15 hours a day and still working part-time jobs. Young men stuck in teenagery.
This is why there has been such a large increase in young girls dating/marrying MUCH older men. It is getting to be common place to see 20 something girls with men in their 40's.
My 25 year old daughter is really frustrated trying to find a mature man her age. She is very pretty, not just saying that as her is very attractive, gets plenty of offers but they usually pass by pretty fast. She does not want today's typical millennial man-child...immature, video game junkie, still lives at home or with the same roommate since college, pays DUTCH on dates and prefers the girl ti pick them up. I could go on.
Young people cant afford a house you fucken idiot. Your poor daughter has to slut hersef to old buggers because GOP. Corrupt, bank loving, 1% ass sniffing GOP.
You went full retard. Didn't know you had it in you.
Not necessarily...20 years ago or more...most likely. But today? No.
There are a whooole lot of 20 something young males who still live like teenagers playing video games 15 hours a day and still working part-time jobs. Young men stuck in teenagery.
This is why there has been such a large increase in young girls dating/marrying MUCH older men. It is getting to be common place to see 20 something girls with men in their 40's.
My 25 year old daughter is really frustrated trying to find a mature man her age. She is very pretty, not just saying that as her is very attractive, gets plenty of offers but they usually pass by pretty fast. She does not want today's typical millennial man-child...immature, video game junkie, still lives at home or with the same roommate since college, pays DUTCH on dates and prefers the girl ti pick them up. I could go on.
Young people cant [sic] afford a house you f•••n idiot. Your poor daughter has to slut hersef [sic] to old buggers because GOP. Corrupt, bank loving, 1% ass sniffing GOP.

F••• you and the horse you rode in on you piece of shit.
F••• daughter don't know me or my daughter you peon miserable low life.
You are obviously some low life unintelligent know nothing who would call a man's daughter a slut.
Go to hell

Scumbags like that aren't worth getting that upset over. He's just a bit farther down the scale of those who've already sounded off in this thread, who think that all the guy described in the OP needs is to “get laid”, and who suggest the services of a prostitute—all probably prime examples of the sort of guys her own age your daughter is wisely rejecting. In that last case, there's rather obviously a bit of “sour grapes” going on, a worse loser than most, looking to cast aspersions on the character of women who wisely reject him, and looking for every excuse other than his own moral and developmental inferiority to explain his lack of success.
I was actually turning the discussion to economics. Young people today ar tremendously oppressed by the boomers.

my sister is very beautiful but she had to go out with a much older man simply becaus younger people simply cant afford a house.

yeah Im bitter about it. Sure I am. Im a woman too you fucken c*nt.
Yeah, because slutting around is all about the money. Younger people can't afford a house? No fucking shit. Those that can are MARRIED.
.... would you make the assumption he is gay?
if not, what would you speculate?

I actually read an article about a year ago about people who are "asexual" meaning they don't have the sexual desires that 99% of us have and don't seek it out. Some of them like companionship without the sexual component and some of them have no desire for a partner at all. They prefer to live alone and not be in intimate relationships with anyone.

Just because someone chooses to live their life single doesn't mean there is something wrong with them. Some people simply don't desire a relationship. They may actually be the smart ones among us :rofl:
Not necessarily...20 years ago or more...most likely. But today? No.
There are a whooole lot of 20 something young males who still live like teenagers playing video games 15 hours a day and still working part-time jobs. Young men stuck in teenagery.
This is why there has been such a large increase in young girls dating/marrying MUCH older men. It is getting to be common place to see 20 something girls with men in their 40's.
My 25 year old daughter is really frustrated trying to find a mature man her age. She is very pretty, not just saying that as her is very attractive, gets plenty of offers but they usually pass by pretty fast. She does not want today's typical millennial man-child...immature, video game junkie, still lives at home or with the same roommate since college, pays DUTCH on dates and prefers the girl ti pick them up. I could go on.
Young people cant [sic] afford a house you f•••n idiot. Your poor daughter has to slut hersef [sic] to old buggers because GOP. Corrupt, bank loving, 1% ass sniffing GOP.

F••• you and the horse you rode in on you piece of shit.
F••• daughter don't know me or my daughter you peon miserable low life.
You are obviously some low life unintelligent know nothing who would call a man's daughter a slut.
Go to hell

Scumbags like that aren't worth getting that upset over. He's just a bit farther down the scale of those who've already sounded off in this thread, who think that all the guy described in the OP needs is to “get laid”, and who suggest the services of a prostitute—all probably prime examples of the sort of guys her own age your daughter is wisely rejecting. In that last case, there's rather obviously a bit of “sour grapes” going on, a worse loser than most, looking to cast aspersions on the character of women who wisely reject him, and looking for every excuse other than his own moral and developmental inferiority to explain his lack of success.
I was actually turning the discussion to economics. Young people today ar tremendously oppressed by the boomers.

my sister is very beautiful but she had to go out with a much older man simply becaus younger people simply cant afford a house.

yeah Im bitter about it. Sure I am. Im a woman too you fucken c*nt.
Yeah, because slutting around is all about the money. Younger people can't afford a house? No fucking shit. Those that can are MARRIED.
Will they pay it off before they die you dingbat?

because of feminazism it takes two wages to get a home loan. Why defend the ridiculous cost of living? Why, because you were born in an affordable time.

Baby boomers who have no sympathy for whats happenee to their children through their greed and cowardice shit me no end.
.... would you make the assumption he is gay?
if not, what would you speculate?

I actually read an article about a year ago about people who are "asexual" meaning they don't have the sexual desires that 99% of us have and don't seek it out. Some of them like companionship without the sexual component and some of them have no desire for a partner at all. They prefer to live alone and not be in intimate relationships with anyone.

Just because someone chooses to live their life single doesn't mean there is something wrong with them. Some people simply don't desire a relationship. They may actually be the smart ones among us :rofl:
I think they are lying.
.... would you make the assumption he is gay?
if not, what would you speculate?

I actually read an article about a year ago about people who are "asexual" meaning they don't have the sexual desires that 99% of us have and don't seek it out. Some of them like companionship without the sexual component and some of them have no desire for a partner at all. They prefer to live alone and not be in intimate relationships with anyone.

Just because someone chooses to live their life single doesn't mean there is something wrong with them. Some people simply don't desire a relationship. They may actually be the smart ones among us :rofl:
I think they are lying.

You can think that, but I would think it's more likely that you are ignorant than they are lying. There are people born homosexual, people born as pedophiles, people who are attracted to bondage and S&M. Why is it so hard to imagine there are people with no desire at all?

The article I read was about a man who started an online forum for asexual people to meet. He is actually married to a woman, but they don't have intercourse. They have two children they have adopted.

It is what it is.
I was actually turning the discussion to economics. Young people today ar [sic] tremendously oppressed by the boomers.

my sister is very beautiful but she had to go out with a much older man simply becaus [sic] younger people simply cant afford a house.

yeah Im [sic] bitter about it. Sure I am. Im [sic] a woman too you f•••en c*nt.

So far, nothing you've written has done anything but support by estimation of your character, other than my error about your sex.

So, your sister had to date older men in order to find one who owns a house? Nothing about their moral character, personal compatibility, common interests, or anything that would be relevant to forming a meaningful, successful relationship. Back in my day, the common term for such a woman was “gold digger”. The same slur that you misdirected at iamwhatiseem's daughter might be more fitting in this application today.

Are you any better than your sister? I'm now getting a sense of you as a female version of the losers that iamwhatiseem spoke of his daughter rejecting.
Last edited:
Young people cant [sic] afford a house you f•••n idiot. Your poor daughter has to slut hersef [sic] to old buggers because GOP. Corrupt, bank loving, 1% ass sniffing GOP.

F••• you and the horse you rode in on you piece of shit.
F••• daughter don't know me or my daughter you peon miserable low life.
You are obviously some low life unintelligent know nothing who would call a man's daughter a slut.
Go to hell

Scumbags like that aren't worth getting that upset over. He's just a bit farther down the scale of those who've already sounded off in this thread, who think that all the guy described in the OP needs is to “get laid”, and who suggest the services of a prostitute—all probably prime examples of the sort of guys her own age your daughter is wisely rejecting. In that last case, there's rather obviously a bit of “sour grapes” going on, a worse loser than most, looking to cast aspersions on the character of women who wisely reject him, and looking for every excuse other than his own moral and developmental inferiority to explain his lack of success.
I was actually turning the discussion to economics. Young people today ar tremendously oppressed by the boomers.

my sister is very beautiful but she had to go out with a much older man simply becaus younger people simply cant afford a house.

yeah Im bitter about it. Sure I am. Im a woman too you fucken c*nt.
Yeah, because slutting around is all about the money. Younger people can't afford a house? No fucking shit. Those that can are MARRIED.
Will they pay it off before they die you dingbat?

because of feminazism it takes two wages to get a home loan. Why defend the ridiculous cost of living? Why, because you were born in an affordable time.

Baby boomers who have no sympathy for whats happenee to their children through their greed and cowardice shit me no end.
Greed and cowardice? You think they didn't have it rough in previous generations? Nobody gave me anything, I busted my ass and payed for everything I have, with no mate chipping in. What's stopping anyone? Lots of young people make way more than I do.

It doesn't take two incomes, that's a myth. But if you want a big spread and nice new cars that's what most people do.
.... would you make the assumption he is gay?
if not, what would you speculate?

Incredibly shy, Aspergers. There are other possibilities but based on so little info this is where I would start.
.... would you make the assumption he is gay?
if not, what would you speculate?

Incredibly shy, Aspergers. There are other possibilities but based on so little info this is where I would start.

Not so much shy and maybe not confident? However, he will try anything - meaning, he'll do things like give a presentation at work, do something daring/dangerous - he's awkward in his speech, but, only when it comes to stuff he's not familiar with - it's hard to explain... like he's either filtering what he is saying before he says it, or he's slow to gather his thoughts. But extremely smart otherwise.

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