GW Bush releases statement on Afghanistan

trump was anxious to tell the electorate...."LOOK WHAT I DID!"

If he had been re-elected, the pull out would have been no different. The culture of this country cannot be understood by Americans. The existing puppet government was corrupt. But the Taliban is far worse.

Your post trips all over itself.
LOL. So, you're trying to say that if there was no agreement then Biden would be totally fine with keeping that long "war" going on? Are you saying that Biden was lying when he said we need to end America's longest war and that we don't need to be there?
what jimmy cant say is.....this withdrawal is biden and companies call.....and they knew all this shit going in.....this disaster is on biden....he is president....thats were that buck stops.....
Nope....but he would not have negotiated with the Taliban and reached an agreement with them leaving country's government out in the cold. Biden wanted to get out, but trump left him with a deal that favored the Taliban.

Lol, Biden didn't follow Trump's plan. If he did we would've been out in May. This is Biden's 100%. I guarantee you if it had succeeded you wouldn't be giving Trump any credit, like you're trying to blame him.
“The Afghans now at greatest risk are the same ones who have been on the forefront of progress inside their nation...."

If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does.

Now you know why those C-17s were so full of adult males rather than women, children and the elderly. Now you know who was running to those planes. Duh.

The fact that the Taliban didn't have to fire weapons to take over the country, negotiating their way through, and given the fact that Afghans didn't lift a finger to fight the Taliban after twenty years of military training and arming them to the teeth and that the Afghans clearly just chose the Taliban over Bush's installed regime rather than fighting them, paints a stark reality of what is going on.

Pft. Progress. Who does this cat think he's fooling anyway?

His words amount to, please take in my stalking horses of regime change, because the Afghans just chose the Taliban over my installed regime and there's no way they'll remain welcomed there.
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I'm waiting on them to start spinning this into some fear porn relevant to a border narrative in order to put the screws on American civil liberties even more than they did when they first went in there.

At the rate they're going, they may as well just start tagging us and leading us around by a leash.
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Biden had no choice but to follow trump's agreement with the Taliban. Pompeo negotiated with the Taliban and left the government on the sidelines. This is what we get.....chaos....
Biden did NOT follow Trump's agreement with the Taliban.
Bush thought we could change historic cultures by was a stupid idea then and its still stupid now....bush should be ashamed and very quiet today....but he just can't help himself....every time I see him bike riding with service men and women with missing limbs I want to scream in anger at the TV...
His entire family are messed up out of touch fools from Maine....not Texas....
Their mission was to topple the Iraqi government and they did. Also, most of you ignorant leftwing scrubs who never served in the Navy, or military period, dont realize that aircraft carriers have used a "mission accomplished" banner on many occasions. We were using them in the 90's.

Youre dumb.
Note he did not criticize Biden. Three Presidents and one Idiot named trump oversaw this mess and not one of them had a solution.

trump is always the outlier looking to slam someone else for his screw ups.
Biden screwed it up. Please explain how he didn’t
Their mission was to topple the Iraqi government and they did. Also, most of you ignorant leftwing scrubs who never served in the Navy, or military period, dont realize that aircraft carriers have used a "mission accomplished" banner on many occasions. We were using them in the 90's.

Youre dumb.
Yeah, when I was in the army Reagan never did wave a Mission Accomplished banner on any ship. You're even dumber for being a squid.
Yeah, when I was in the army Reagan never did wave a Mission Accomplished banner on any ship. You're even dumber for being a squid.
Really? They did after the first Gulf war when i was in the Navy.

Youre dumb.
Biden had no choice but to follow trump's agreement with the Taliban. Pompeo negotiated with the Taliban and left the government on the sidelines. This is what we get.....chaos....
Biden scrapped everything else Trump did....why couldn't he scrap this deal?
Because this is what Biden and his globalist cabal wanted......another war in the Middle-East.
Biden had no choice
No one is buying what you're selling.

Biden chose to delay the withdrawal to the end of September...he could have chosen to delay it further...or amend it...or scrap it completely like Trump did the Iran Deal and the Paris Climate Accord.

The only point you are making here is Biden isn't simply incompetent...he is weak AND incompetent.

And I find myself in total agreement...not because he couldn't and didn't change Trump's plan...but because he would cower behind that excuse.

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