Hacking the vote: computer voting is easily tampered with


Read the thread and see for yourselves what a liar Truthdoesn'tmatter really is.


gee you really dont have much faith in the evidence you claim is in tht thread.

You cant even bring your slf to read it again you got your ass kicked so bad.

you cant even remember what this claimed evidence is enough to point it out.

which any person would realise you would do if it exsisted.

man you are one pathetic poster

I already pointed it out at least three times right here in this very thread, and you've once again ignored it. Here it is for the last time Truthdoesn'tmatter.

There is no admission nor finding of guilt in the "court documentation" that you've posted.

Get it? No guilt was either admitted or assigned as a result of your "proof."

Now, you'll just ignore it once again, and I'm done with your ignorance.


Read the thread and see for yourselves what a liar Truthdoesn'tmatter really is.


gee you really dont have much faith in the evidence you claim is in tht thread.

You cant even bring your slf to read it again you got your ass kicked so bad.

you cant even remember what this claimed evidence is enough to point it out.

which any person would realise you would do if it exsisted.

man you are one pathetic poster

I already pointed it out at least three times right here in this very thread, and you've once again ignored it. Here it is for the last time Truthdoesn'tmatter.

There is no admission nor finding of guilt in the "court documentation" that you've posted.

Get it? No guilt was either admitted or assigned as a result of your "proof."

Now, you'll just ignore it once again, and I'm done with your ignorance.


dear fucking idiot, if they had not entered into the consent decree they would have been sued by the dems and lost.

The consent decree doesnt require them to admitt guilt.

It does however reguire they quit cheating which they have not and that is why judeges refuse to lift it every time they rtry to get it lifted.

Now how does that comport with the claims of some here that these court documents dont exsist?
Well, it's official. The paint chips and peppermint schnapps have killed off the last brain cell Truthie had, and now she's running on animal instinct.

The meltdown we have been expecting has arrived.
gee you really dont have much faith in the evidence you claim is in tht thread.

You cant even bring your slf to read it again you got your ass kicked so bad.

you cant even remember what this claimed evidence is enough to point it out.

which any person would realise you would do if it exsisted.

man you are one pathetic poster

I already pointed it out at least three times right here in this very thread, and you've once again ignored it. Here it is for the last time Truthdoesn'tmatter.

There is no admission nor finding of guilt in the "court documentation" that you've posted.

Get it? No guilt was either admitted or assigned as a result of your "proof."

Now, you'll just ignore it once again, and I'm done with your ignorance.


dear fucking idiot, if they had not entered into the consent decree they would have been sued by the dems and lost.

The consent decree doesnt require them to admitt guilt.

It does however reguire they quit cheating which they have not and that is why judeges refuse to lift it every time they rtry to get it lifted.

Now how does that comport with the claims of some here that these court documents dont exsist?


Again.. your assertion is systematically debunked... but it seemingly does not keep you from trying to assert your bullshit as 'truth'
I linked directly to one of the posts that she was thoroughly destroyed.. and the cuntwaffle just keeps plugging her fingers in her ears and spouting "lalalalalalalalala"

Of course she does. She doesn't even understand her own links most of the time. If she'd read them and understand them she'd find that they don't prove her claims. But that's our little liar.

I linked directly to one of the posts that she was thoroughly destroyed.. and the cuntwaffle just keeps plugging her fingers in her ears and spouting "lalalalalalalalala"

Of course she does. She doesn't even understand her own links most of the time. If she'd read them and understand them she'd find that they don't prove her claims. But that's our little liar.


If it were not so pathetic, it would be funny
07-08-2010, 10:27 AM
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Member #20217 Join Date: Jul 2009
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Seriously,pay closer attention next time you observe someone screeching hysterically about racism. It really is a good bet that they're racists themselves. Fellow racists are completely obsessed with the whole race issue. Those who make everything about race are very likely racists themselves. This has been my experience over many years. Pay close attention to race-baiters. You'll see them for what they really are.

this is the post your link goes to asshole
dear fucking idiot, if they had not entered into the consent decree they would have been sued by the dems and lost.

Your crystal ball tell you this? Please prove it. (here's a hint: you can't prove something that never happened.)

Once again, proof posted and ignored by Truthdoesn'tmatter. Like I said before, why even bother.

Now how do you claim all these decades of court documentation dont exisst?

where is that proof of that which you lciamed?
USATODAY.com - Lawmaker's son, 4 others charged in tire slashing

I'm sure you'll try to spin this one away, but here you have it. Read up.

spin it what way?

those kids got in big time trouble didnt they?

They did a stupid evil fucking thing and were punished.

what happened to to top R officials who worked to keep blacks from voting?

did they go to jail?

How about the fucks who phone jambed the dems getting people to the polls?

You wanted evidence, I just GAVE IT TO YOU! Little miss "Dimwits never cheat". You asked for it, you got it. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I never said what you claimed you fucking liar.

where is my post claiming what you said I said?
Now how do you claim all these decades of court documentation dont exisst?

where is that proof of that which you lciamed?

What does "exisst" mean?

What does "lcaimed" mean?

Why do you hate apostrophes?

Why do you hate our Republic?

Do you ever stop drinking schnapps?
07-08-2010, 10:27 AM
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Member #20217 Join Date: Jul 2009
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Seriously,pay closer attention next time you observe someone screeching hysterically about racism. It really is a good bet that they're racists themselves. Fellow racists are completely obsessed with the whole race issue. Those who make everything about race are very likely racists themselves. This has been my experience over many years. Pay close attention to race-baiters. You'll see them for what they really are.

this is the post your link goes to asshole

Funny, but for me and I'm sure every other person on this thread his link goes to Post #382. There it is for you since you claim the link doesn't work, read post #382.

One more time READ POST # 382!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think it'll sink in now? I kinda doubt it.

You just don't get it, do you. Obummer CAN lose because he SUCKS. People may be tired of his crap and vote him out in November. You just wont accept it, all you can do is blather about cheating, when he may easily suffer a legit loss. You'll just scream bloody murder that it was cheating that cost him the election. You just can't see it any other way.

I'm surprised that you are allowed to stay on this board with the way you act. You really need to grow up.

I haven't lied about anything. Care to show me where I did?

dear fucking brain dead asshole.

why are you ignoring all the court documentation that the republican party has cheated voters for decades?

We ignore it because as has been pointed out to you MANY times in the past your "court documentation" has no findings of guilt.


so you do just claim that there is no court trail of the republican cheating in elections evern in the face of years of documentation of the courts ordering the cease actions which the court determined to cheat voters?
I already pointed it out at least three times right here in this very thread, and you've once again ignored it. Here it is for the last time Truthdoesn'tmatter.

There is no admission nor finding of guilt in the "court documentation" that you've posted.

Get it? No guilt was either admitted or assigned as a result of your "proof."

Now, you'll just ignore it once again, and I'm done with your ignorance.


dear fucking idiot, if they had not entered into the consent decree they would have been sued by the dems and lost.

The consent decree doesnt require them to admitt guilt.

It does however reguire they quit cheating which they have not and that is why judeges refuse to lift it every time they rtry to get it lifted.

Now how does that comport with the claims of some here that these court documents dont exsist?


Again.. your assertion is systematically debunked... but it seemingly does not keep you from trying to assert your bullshit as 'truth'

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Republicans repetedly keep blacks from voting
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#561 (permalink) 07-08-2010, 10:27 AM
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Seriously,pay closer attention next time you observe someone screeching hysterically about racism. It really is a good bet that they're racists themselves. Fellow racists are completely obsessed with the whole race issue. Those who make everything about race are very likely racists themselves. This has been my experience over many years. Pay close attention to race-baiters. You'll see them for what they really are.
07-08-2010, 10:27 AM
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Member #20217 Join Date: Jul 2009
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Seriously,pay closer attention next time you observe someone screeching hysterically about racism. It really is a good bet that they're racists themselves. Fellow racists are completely obsessed with the whole race issue. Those who make everything about race are very likely racists themselves. This has been my experience over many years. Pay close attention to race-baiters. You'll see them for what they really are.

this is the post your link goes to asshole

Funny, but for me and I'm sure every other person on this thread his link goes to Post #382. There it is for you since you claim the link doesn't work, read post #382.

One more time READ POST # 382!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think it'll sink in now? I kinda doubt it.


Just as predicted, Truthdoesn'tmatter ignores this post.


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