Hacking the vote: computer voting is easily tampered with

Has anyone noticed just what a potty mouth TM has today? I think it's a sign of desparation on her behalf. :D

fuck you tiny dick.

you cant get your hands on the boobies you really want and cant win elections without cheating.

I think the Dear Leader/Democrats are going to tamper with these machines, and rig this Election bigtime. See how that works? If one Party can tamper and rig Elections, so can the other. It's common sense. There is no need for this OP to be so hysterical.

The difference is I gave you decades of court documentation of the republican abuse.

you gave nothing
Has anyone noticed just what a potty mouth TM has today? I think it's a sign of desparation on her behalf. :D

Looks that way. Kind of amusing, actually. She's having a meltdown...

you are just going to ignore the decades of court documents and judges decisions on this consent decree?

Do you really believe that your Dear Leader/Democrats can't or won't tamper with these machines? Do you really believe it's only Republicans that can or will do it? Just checking.
You learned nothing huh?

are you going to join these other unAmerican assholes and just LIE about the republican party cheating for decades now?

You just don't get it, do you. Obummer CAN lose because he SUCKS. People may be tired of his crap and vote him out in November. You just wont accept it, all you can do is blather about cheating, when he may easily suffer a legit loss. You'll just scream bloody murder that it was cheating that cost him the election. You just can't see it any other way.

I'm surprised that you are allowed to stay on this board with the way you act. You really need to grow up.

I haven't lied about anything. Care to show me where I did?

Truthdoesn'tmatter doesn't believe in proving her claims.

She's called me a liar numerous times in this thread and has not once pointed out where I have lied. She won't do it with you either, because that's her only defense, calling names and going back to the same OLD links that have been proven wrong to her countless times in the past.

The problem (or I should say the biggest problem) with Truthdoesn'tmatter is that she ignores any post that proves her wrong and goes forward as if it was never posted.


I've seen plenty of that by her on these boards. She likes to claim "facts", but when confronted with facts she doesn't like, she sticks her fingers in her ears and says "La la la la, I can't hear you!". She just will not be able to accept an Obummer loss in November without it being claimed as cheating. I hope the Obummer truthiness squad pays her well.
You just don't get it, do you. Obummer CAN lose because he SUCKS. People may be tired of his crap and vote him out in November. You just wont accept it, all you can do is blather about cheating, when he may easily suffer a legit loss. You'll just scream bloody murder that it was cheating that cost him the election. You just can't see it any other way.

I'm surprised that you are allowed to stay on this board with the way you act. You really need to grow up.

I haven't lied about anything. Care to show me where I did?

Truthdoesn'tmatter doesn't believe in proving her claims.

She's called me a liar numerous times in this thread and has not once pointed out where I have lied. She won't do it with you either, because that's her only defense, calling names and going back to the same OLD links that have been proven wrong to her countless times in the past.

The problem (or I should say the biggest problem) with Truthdoesn'tmatter is that she ignores any post that proves her wrong and goes forward as if it was never posted.


what did you give to prove the decades of court documents are somehow faked ?

The proof was posted on this very thread with a link to the thread you started two years ago on the very same "court documentation." There is a 38 page thread with plenty or proof that your "court documentation" has no admission nor findings of guilt. It is baseless accusations meant to keep the courts tied up.

It's been proven to you time and time again. I can't help it if you can't understand your own links enough to see that.

Looks that way. Kind of amusing, actually. She's having a meltdown...

you are just going to ignore the decades of court documents and judges decisions on this consent decree?

Do you really believe that your Dear Leader/Democrats can't or won't tamper with these machines? Do you really believe it's only Republicans that can or will do it? Just checking.

Go get the post wehre I said that you lying fucking hack of a phoney Paul supporter.
Truthdoesn'tmatter doesn't believe in proving her claims.

She's called me a liar numerous times in this thread and has not once pointed out where I have lied. She won't do it with you either, because that's her only defense, calling names and going back to the same OLD links that have been proven wrong to her countless times in the past.

The problem (or I should say the biggest problem) with Truthdoesn'tmatter is that she ignores any post that proves her wrong and goes forward as if it was never posted.


what did you give to prove the decades of court documents are somehow faked ?

The proof was posted on this very thread with a link to the thread you started two years ago on the very same "court documentation." There is a 38 page thread with plenty or proof that your "court documentation" has no admission nor findings of guilt. It is baseless accusations meant to keep the courts tied up.

It's been proven to you time and time again. I can't help it if you can't understand your own links enough to see that.


Then you should relish getting the evidence you claim exists and reposting it huh?

your problem is no such post exsists
Truthdoesn'tmatter doesn't believe in proving her claims.

She's called me a liar numerous times in this thread and has not once pointed out where I have lied. She won't do it with you either, because that's her only defense, calling names and going back to the same OLD links that have been proven wrong to her countless times in the past.

The problem (or I should say the biggest problem) with Truthdoesn'tmatter is that she ignores any post that proves her wrong and goes forward as if it was never posted.


what did you give to prove the decades of court documents are somehow faked ?

The proof was posted on this very thread with a link to the thread you started two years ago on the very same "court documentation." There is a 38 page thread with plenty or proof that your "court documentation" has no admission nor findings of guilt. It is baseless accusations meant to keep the courts tied up.

It's been proven to you time and time again. I can't help it if you can't understand your own links enough to see that.


Now i'm beginning to think this OP suffers from a serious disconnect from reality. Does he or she really believe that his or her Democrats don't rig Elections? Does he or she really believe it's only Republicans who do? That would seem pretty ludicrous to me.
Why do you continue to ignore all the evidence posted about DEM voter fraud and then clamor for people to show some, TM? Your not doing well to represent your argument or your party and your credibility is becoming zilch.
you are just going to ignore the decades of court documents and judges decisions on this consent decree?

Do you really believe that your Dear Leader/Democrats can't or won't tamper with these machines? Do you really believe it's only Republicans that can or will do it? Just checking.

Go get the post wehre I said that you lying fucking hack of a phoney Paul supporter.

So you really do think it's only Republicans who can or will tamper & hack these Machines? Why can't your Dear Leader/Democrats do it? What's stopping them if it's so easy?
Do you really believe that your Dear Leader/Democrats can't or won't tamper with these machines? Do you really believe it's only Republicans that can or will do it? Just checking.

Go get the post wehre I said that you lying fucking hack of a phoney Paul supporter.

So you really do think it's only Republicans who can or will tamper & hack these Machines? Why can't your Dear Leader/Democrats do it? What's stopping them if it's so easy?

Go get the post where I said what you claimed you lying piece if fuck
Why do you continue to ignore all the evidence posted about DEM voter fraud and then clamor for people to show some, TM? Your not doing well to represent your argument or your party and your credibility is becoming zilch.

why are you fucking lying about me?
what did you give to prove the decades of court documents are somehow faked ?

The proof was posted on this very thread with a link to the thread you started two years ago on the very same "court documentation." There is a 38 page thread with plenty or proof that your "court documentation" has no admission nor findings of guilt. It is baseless accusations meant to keep the courts tied up.

It's been proven to you time and time again. I can't help it if you can't understand your own links enough to see that.


Then you should relish getting the evidence you claim exists and reposting it huh?

your problem is no such post exsists

Sorry, but you're a liar. All the proof I need is right here.


It's in that thread. It was pointed out to you over and over and over in that thread. You ignored it, but it is right there.

Now you'll just ignore it again and claim that it has not been proven wrong, but you're a liar, and we all know it.

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got any evidence they are cheating?

USATODAY.com - Lawmaker's son, 4 others charged in tire slashing

I'm sure you'll try to spin this one away, but here you have it. Read up.

spin it what way?

those kids got in big time trouble didnt they?

They did a stupid evil fucking thing and were punished.

what happened to to top R officials who worked to keep blacks from voting?

did they go to jail?

How about the fucks who phone jambed the dems getting people to the polls?

you lied about me ignoring huh?
Go get the post wehre I said that you lying fucking hack of a phoney Paul supporter.

So you really do think it's only Republicans who can or will tamper & hack these Machines? Why can't your Dear Leader/Democrats do it? What's stopping them if it's so easy?

Go get the post where I said what you claimed you lying piece if fuck

You have claimed it's very easy to tamper & hack these Voting Machines. So why is it only Republicans who can or will do it? Why can't your Dear Leader/Democrats do it as well? You just don't sound very rational. You assume these machines will be hacked to only favor Republicans. And that's just absurd. Think about that a bit more before you reply.
The proof was posted on this very thread with a link to the thread you started two years ago on the very same "court documentation." There is a 38 page thread with plenty or proof that your "court documentation" has no admission nor findings of guilt. It is baseless accusations meant to keep the courts tied up.

It's been proven to you time and time again. I can't help it if you can't understand your own links enough to see that.


Then you should relish getting the evidence you claim exists and reposting it huh?

your problem is no such post exsists

Sorry, but you're a liar. All the proof I need is right here.


It's in that thread. It was pointed out to you over and over and over in that thread. You ignored it, but it is right there.

Now you'll just ignore it again and claim that it has not be proven wrong, but you're a liar, and we all know it.


what is the post number.

if iut was so damning like you claim you would be EAGER to repost it.

it doesnt exsist is why you wont repost it.

fucking lair

U.S. Judge Opposes Republicans On Elections - NYTimes.com

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