Hacking the vote: computer voting is easily tampered with

Will you ever be able to accept an election loss for Obummer without claiming cheating? Or is the ONLY way he can lose is through cheating?

He is not going to lose you idiot.

your party is going to get caught cheating to try and win

So there's no way Obummer can lose without Republicans supposedly cheating? Do you ever bother to think that your candidate may lose because he SUCKS? What makes you so sure that cheating would be the reason for his loss?

You learned nothing huh?

are you going to join these other unAmerican assholes and just LIE about the republican party cheating for decades now?
GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document

She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Once again, TM 1986 article
republicans ignore facts and tell lies for poltical purposes.

your party has worked for decades to keep poor black people from voting to win elections.

THIS is one of the many reasons blacks dpont vote republican.

they never will.

your the racist party
He is not going to lose you idiot.

your party is going to get caught cheating to try and win

So there's no way Obummer can lose without Republicans supposedly cheating? Do you ever bother to think that your candidate may lose because he SUCKS? What makes you so sure that cheating would be the reason for his loss?

You learned nothing huh?

are you going to join these other unAmerican assholes and just LIE about the republican party cheating for decades now?

You just don't get it, do you. Obummer CAN lose because he SUCKS. People may be tired of his crap and vote him out in November. You just wont accept it, all you can do is blather about cheating, when he may easily suffer a legit loss. You'll just scream bloody murder that it was cheating that cost him the election. You just can't see it any other way.

I'm surprised that you are allowed to stay on this board with the way you act. You really need to grow up.

I haven't lied about anything. Care to show me where I did?
Court Rejects Voter Suppression Efforts - Ripley8's column on Newsvine

Last Thursday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit upheld a long-standing consent decree prohibiting the Republican National Committee (RNC) from engaging in underhanded campaign practices aimed at depressing voter turnout in communities of color. The consent decree, which arose out of a 1981 voting rights lawsuit against the RNC, bars the organization from using voter challengers, poll watchers, and vote caging plans to target and intimidate voters of color. It specifically precludes the RNC’s poll watchers from overstepping their role as election observers and prohibits them from asking voters for identification, filming or recording voters, and distributing literature about voter fraud penalties. After a federal district court denied the RNC’s request to dissolve the consent decree in 2009, the RNC appealed to the Third Circuit.

In unanimously rejecting the RNC’s appeal, the Third Circuit highlighted the continuing threat that voter intimidation poses to our election system. The court’s opinion described how poll watchers and poll challengers have the potential to disenfranchise lawful voters by causing delays, crowding, and confusion inside the polling place and creating a charged partisan atmosphere that can intimidate many new voters. The Brennan Center has highlighted these problems in the past and applauds the court for upholding this important safeguard against voter suppression.

whats the date on this court decision you asshole?
So there's no way Obummer can lose without Republicans supposedly cheating? Do you ever bother to think that your candidate may lose because he SUCKS? What makes you so sure that cheating would be the reason for his loss?

You learned nothing huh?

are you going to join these other unAmerican assholes and just LIE about the republican party cheating for decades now?

You just don't get it, do you. Obummer CAN lose because he SUCKS. People may be tired of his crap and vote him out in November. You just wont accept it, all you can do is blather about cheating, when he may easily suffer a legit loss. You'll just scream bloody murder that it was cheating that cost him the election. You just can't see it any other way.

I'm surprised that you are allowed to stay on this board with the way you act. You really need to grow up.

I haven't lied about anything. Care to show me where I did?

dear fucking brain dead asshole.

why are you ignoring all the court documentation that the republican party has cheated voters for decades?
Has anyone noticed just what a potty mouth TM has today? I think it's a sign of desparation on her behalf. :D
This is why your party will die.

you people believe lies to pack your party.

Bad info in bad decisions out.

the American people will smite your cheating at some point.

You cant hide it forever.

you either have to stop cheating or get caught.

either way your party will never win another national election
If DA BOOOOSH and Cheney can tamper with them, why can't the Dear Leader/Democrats tamper wth them? Looks like a wash to me. They'll all cheat, and the chips will fall where they may. Why is this OP so hysterical? Does he or she really believe the Democrats don't rig Elections? Because if he or she believes they don't, then there really is no point having further discussions with the OP. There's clearly a disconnect with reality going on.
Has anyone noticed just what a potty mouth TM has today? I think it's a sign of desparation on her behalf. :D

fuck you tiny dick.

you cant get your hands on the boobies you really want and cant win elections without cheating.
So there's no way Obummer can lose without Republicans supposedly cheating? Do you ever bother to think that your candidate may lose because he SUCKS? What makes you so sure that cheating would be the reason for his loss?

You learned nothing huh?

are you going to join these other unAmerican assholes and just LIE about the republican party cheating for decades now?

You just don't get it, do you. Obummer CAN lose because he SUCKS. People may be tired of his crap and vote him out in November. You just wont accept it, all you can do is blather about cheating, when he may easily suffer a legit loss. You'll just scream bloody murder that it was cheating that cost him the election. You just can't see it any other way.

I'm surprised that you are allowed to stay on this board with the way you act. You really need to grow up.

I haven't lied about anything. Care to show me where I did?

Truthdoesn'tmatter doesn't believe in proving her claims.

She's called me a liar numerous times in this thread and has not once pointed out where I have lied. She won't do it with you either, because that's her only defense, calling names and going back to the same OLD links that have been proven wrong to her countless times in the past.

The problem (or I should say the biggest problem) with Truthdoesn'tmatter is that she ignores any post that proves her wrong and goes forward as if it was never posted.

If DA BOOOOSH and Cheney can tamper with them, why can't the Dear Leader/Democrats tamper wth them? Looks like a wash to me. They'll all cheat, and the chips will fall where they may. Why is this OP so hysterical? Does he or she really believe the Democrats don't rig Elections? Because if he or she believes they don't, then there really is no point having further discussions with the OP. There's clearly a disconnect with reality going on.

Never said they couldnt you lying sack of fucking pig shit.

why are you denying decades of court documented charges and punishment on the republican side and then in the same breath claiming some documentation that the left cheats from the top too without one single shred of evidence for such claims?
You learned nothing huh?

are you going to join these other unAmerican assholes and just LIE about the republican party cheating for decades now?

You just don't get it, do you. Obummer CAN lose because he SUCKS. People may be tired of his crap and vote him out in November. You just wont accept it, all you can do is blather about cheating, when he may easily suffer a legit loss. You'll just scream bloody murder that it was cheating that cost him the election. You just can't see it any other way.

I'm surprised that you are allowed to stay on this board with the way you act. You really need to grow up.

I haven't lied about anything. Care to show me where I did?

dear fucking brain dead asshole.

why are you ignoring all the court documentation that the republican party has cheated voters for decades?

We ignore it because as has been pointed out to you MANY times in the past your "court documentation" has no findings of guilt.

Has anyone noticed just what a potty mouth TM has today? I think it's a sign of desparation on her behalf. :D

fuck you tiny dick.

you cant get your hands on the boobies you really want and cant win elections without cheating.

I think the Dear Leader/Democrats are going to tamper with these machines, and rig this Election bigtime. See how that works? If one Party can tamper and rig Elections, so can the other. It's common sense. There is no need for this OP to be so hysterical.
You learned nothing huh?

are you going to join these other unAmerican assholes and just LIE about the republican party cheating for decades now?

You just don't get it, do you. Obummer CAN lose because he SUCKS. People may be tired of his crap and vote him out in November. You just wont accept it, all you can do is blather about cheating, when he may easily suffer a legit loss. You'll just scream bloody murder that it was cheating that cost him the election. You just can't see it any other way.

I'm surprised that you are allowed to stay on this board with the way you act. You really need to grow up.

I haven't lied about anything. Care to show me where I did?

Truthdoesn'tmatter doesn't believe in proving her claims.

She's called me a liar numerous times in this thread and has not once pointed out where I have lied. She won't do it with you either, because that's her only defense, calling names and going back to the same OLD links that have been proven wrong to her countless times in the past.

The problem (or I should say the biggest problem) with Truthdoesn'tmatter is that she ignores any post that proves her wrong and goes forward as if it was never posted.


what did you give to prove the decades of court documents are somehow faked ?

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