Hacking the vote: computer voting is easily tampered with

Then you should relish getting the evidence you claim exists and reposting it huh?

your problem is no such post exsists

Sorry, but you're a liar. All the proof I need is right here.


It's in that thread. It was pointed out to you over and over and over in that thread. You ignored it, but it is right there.

Now you'll just ignore it again and claim that it has not be proven wrong, but you're a liar, and we all know it.


what is the post number.

if iut was so damning like you claim you would be EAGER to repost it.

it doesnt exsist is why you wont repost it.

fucking lair

U.S. Judge Opposes Republicans On Elections - NYTimes.com

READ THE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not going to post it again when you've proven time and again that all you do is ignore it. It is right there in front of your nose in that thread, I don't know how much easier I can make it for you.

There was no admission or finding of guilt in that "court document."

If you ignored it the first 50 times it was posted for you what makes you think I want to wade through 38 pages just so you can ignore it again?

because we have a corporate media.

tell me steph are computors hackable?

Corporate Media?? Since when is the LSM corporate?

Most media in this country leans left there sparky.

As for hackabable voting machines? Seems to me that if they are hackable a Dem could hack a machine just as easily as a Rep.

Nope you idiot.

corporations OWN the media.

all of them.

Yes dems could hack them.

right now its the right wing who own the companies that make our voting machines.

they are corporate too.

Every computor is hackable you silly git.

what if some party you dont like gets ahold of these companies?

post number 55
USATODAY.com - Lawmaker's son, 4 others charged in tire slashing

I'm sure you'll try to spin this one away, but here you have it. Read up.

spin it what way?

those kids got in big time trouble didnt they?

They did a stupid evil fucking thing and were punished.

what happened to to top R officials who worked to keep blacks from voting?

did they go to jail?

How about the fucks who phone jambed the dems getting people to the polls?

you lied about me ignoring huh?

I offered an opinion, that is not a lie.
Truthdoesn'tmatter doesn't believe in proving her claims.

She's called me a liar numerous times in this thread and has not once pointed out where I have lied. She won't do it with you either, because that's her only defense, calling names and going back to the same OLD links that have been proven wrong to her countless times in the past.

The problem (or I should say the biggest problem) with Truthdoesn'tmatter is that she ignores any post that proves her wrong and goes forward as if it was never posted.


what did you give to prove the decades of court documents are somehow faked ?

The proof was posted on this very thread with a link to the thread you started two years ago on the very same "court documentation." There is a 38 page thread with plenty or proof that your "court documentation" has no admission nor findings of guilt. It is baseless accusations meant to keep the courts tied up.

It's been proven to you time and time again. I can't help it if you can't understand your own links enough to see that.


Sorry, but you're a liar. All the proof I need is right here.


It's in that thread. It was pointed out to you over and over and over in that thread. You ignored it, but it is right there.

Now you'll just ignore it again and claim that it has not be proven wrong, but you're a liar, and we all know it.


what is the post number.

if iut was so damning like you claim you would be EAGER to repost it.

it doesnt exsist is why you wont repost it.

fucking lair

U.S. Judge Opposes Republicans On Elections - NYTimes.com

READ THE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not going to post it again when you've proven time and again that all you do is ignore it. It is right there in front of your nose in that thread, I don't know how much easier I can make it for you.

There was no admission or finding of guilt in that "court document."

If you ignored it the first 50 times it was posted for you what makes you think I want to wade through 38 pages just so you can ignore it again?


dear fucking hack asshole.

If what you claimed was in that thread you would post it here repetedly wouldnt you.

You dont because the claimed "evidence" does not exist.

these court documents run 30 + years.

its judges decisions and court inforcement and is fully documented.

only an evil unAmerican piece of shit would vote republican after knowing the full facts on this issue.

This is why the black voters hate you sooo much
why dont you at least give us some post numbers out of that thread??

because no such proof you claim exsists
If hacking these Voting Machines is so easy, i'm pretty sure the Dear Leader/Democrats will be in on it too. There is no reason to believe they would all be hacked in favor of the Republicans. That just makes no sense. The OP who started this thread, is completely unhinged if he or she believes only Republicans cheat & rig Elections.
what is the post number.

if iut was so damning like you claim you would be EAGER to repost it.

it doesnt exsist is why you wont repost it.

fucking lair

U.S. Judge Opposes Republicans On Elections - NYTimes.com

READ THE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not going to post it again when you've proven time and again that all you do is ignore it. It is right there in front of your nose in that thread, I don't know how much easier I can make it for you.

There was no admission or finding of guilt in that "court document."

If you ignored it the first 50 times it was posted for you what makes you think I want to wade through 38 pages just so you can ignore it again?


dear fucking hack asshole.

If what you claimed was in that thread you would post it here repetedly wouldnt you.

You dont because the claimed "evidence" does not exist.

these court documents run 30 + years.

its judges decisions and court inforcement and is fully documented.

only an evil unAmerican piece of shit would vote republican after knowing the full facts on this issue.

This is why the black voters hate you sooo much

You are nothing but a liar. You know damned well that there is proof that your "court documentation" is bogus, and you know it's in that very thread.

As I said before, I'm not going to take the time to find something that has been posted more times than I can count in a 38 page thread when you have a well documented history of just ignoring it anyway. Why would I do that? Read the thread, it's all right there in front of you. The fact that two of us have now taken the time to dig up a thread that is 2 years old should be enough evidence for you to actually take the time to read it.

On what baiss do you refusse to accept the 30 + years of court documentation of the republican party cheating in elections?
Cheating & rigging Elections is the 'Chicago Way.' I'm surprised the OP who started this thread doesn't know that.
READ THE THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not going to post it again when you've proven time and again that all you do is ignore it. It is right there in front of your nose in that thread, I don't know how much easier I can make it for you.

There was no admission or finding of guilt in that "court document."

If you ignored it the first 50 times it was posted for you what makes you think I want to wade through 38 pages just so you can ignore it again?


dear fucking hack asshole.

If what you claimed was in that thread you would post it here repetedly wouldnt you.

You dont because the claimed "evidence" does not exist.

these court documents run 30 + years.

its judges decisions and court inforcement and is fully documented.

only an evil unAmerican piece of shit would vote republican after knowing the full facts on this issue.

This is why the black voters hate you sooo much

You are nothing but a liar. You know damned well that there is proof that your "court documentation" is bogus, and you know it's in that very thread.

As I said before, I'm not going to take the time to find something that has been posted more times than I can count in a 38 page thread when you have a well documented history of just ignoring it anyway. Why would I do that? Read the thread, it's all right there in front of you. The fact that two of us have now taken the time to dig up a thread that is 2 years old should be enough evidence for you to actually take the time to read it.


so not only can you not give a post number but you cant even remember the facts that you claim exsist?

dude if you cant remember the evidence that you claim exsists and refuse to give any post number then you are proven wrong.

If it exsists as you claim it does its your burden to go get it.

I can not find what you claim in that thread is soososoo important it counteracts 30+ years of court documentation.

if it was real you would be repeteing it from off the top of you head
with the internet in place you will NEVER be able to keep these court documents under the table like you have for so many years.

the gig is up and you will have to face your partys real history

Read the thread and see for yourselves what a liar Truthdoesn'tmatter really is.


gee you really dont have much faith in the evidence you claim is in tht thread.

You cant even bring your slf to read it again you got your ass kicked so bad.

you cant even remember what this claimed evidence is enough to point it out.

which any person would realise you would do if it exsisted.

man you are one pathetic poster
This bill comes largely as a revolt against the presumption by the Republican National Committee that Romney has collected the 1144 delegates needed to cinch the GOP Nomination.

The truth is Romney only has 1107 delegates, as per the latest counts listed at thereal2012delegatecount.com. However, if delegates cannot be bound to a candidate, and under law have the right to vote their conscience at the National Convention, then it cannot be known by anybody, with certainty, who the nominee will be until after the delegates have, via the convention process, chosen a nominee.

The reality is that for nearly six months now, the Republican National Committee has in fact broken it’s own rule. Rule 11 from the Rules of the Republican Party states:

Candidate Support
(a) The Republican National Committee shall not, without the prior written and filed approval of all members of the Republican National Committee from the state involved, contribute money or in-kind aid to any candidate for any public or party office except the nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing
deadline for that office…

The law suit states:

The RNC and it’s Chairman, Defendant Rince Priebus, have combined with a particular candidate with all of the aid the RNC can possible, but improperly give in violation of Rule 11 to obstruct, intimidate and harass Delegates from voting their conscience.

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