HAHA. Court forces black baker to bake cake for KKK party

Affirmative action is the government policy of discriminating against white males. The same goes for "protected classes."

Oh, I see what you're saying, I just don't understand why you're saying it. You're loaded description is false. AA is the government policy of having quotas of certain minorities that must be fulfilled. It isn't a policy that tells employers, "You can't hire any white males." You act as if these are White Jim Crow laws.

Now, do I agree with AA? No, I do not. I feel that the "fill a quota" is to 'one size fits all'. It doesn't actually work.

You're splitting hairs. It discriminates against white males. If you have a quota to hire a certain number of blacks, the only way to do it is to discriminate against more qualified white candidates. White Jim Crow laws is exactly what they are.

The bottom line is that you're totally full of shit.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

That is a sick and lame argument, promoted by those who support the ridiculous and idiotic notion that the makeup of an organization/workplace must reflect the makeup of the nation as a whole.

Very few, very old blacks living TODAY have suffered for "hundreds of years" because of discrimination.
It was not installed for the sole purpose of making it up to those whom directly suffered but to their children as well. And it was not designed to reflect the nation as a whole but to level a playing field which was severely tilted for hundreds of years; and to completely stamp out systematic discrimination which permitted white America from denying black America access to jobs and education.
White Jim Crow laws is exactly what they are.

Up above is the claim I was disputing. Not whether AA is discriminatory or not. I myself am actually not a fan of AA. It's ineffectual, overall. America is not based on 'quotas'. Regardless, I was disputing the fact that he (and you, apparently) don't see that AA is in no way, shape, or form, an exact Jim Crow equivalent.

First above, he says they are 'exactly' Jim Crow law equivalents, then the genius goes on to say:

Affirmative action forces business to favor blacks and Hispanics over White males, so its actually worse than Jim Crow..

His claim that AA is 'exactly' equivalent to Jim Crow laws is the claim I called false.
Fact can prove this, and when I woke up today I was planning to provide links to evidence, but he already conceded that they were in fact not the same thing:

"...so its actually worse than Jim Crow.."

I, quite literally, won that debate in my sleep.

The lack of consistency is what I am fighting against.

Debating you guys would be more fun if you you would use some occasional intelligence and provide some sort of challenge.
(Also, in the future, try not to prove me right by contradicting yourself. Seriously, that's like going on a hunt where the deer shoots himself. Where's the sport in that? :wink_2:)
Affirmative action is the government policy of discriminating against white males. The same goes for "protected classes."

Oh, I see what you're saying, I just don't understand why you're saying it. You're loaded description is false. AA is the government policy of having quotas of certain minorities that must be fulfilled. It isn't a policy that tells employers, "You can't hire any white males." You act as if these are White Jim Crow laws.

Now, do I agree with AA? No, I do not. I feel that the "fill a quota" is to 'one size fits all'. It doesn't actually work.

You're splitting hairs. It discriminates against white males. If you have a quota to hire a certain number of blacks, the only way to do it is to discriminate against more qualified white candidates. White Jim Crow laws is exactly what they are.

The bottom line is that you're totally full of shit.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

That is a sick and lame argument, promoted by those who support the ridiculous and idiotic notion that the makeup of an organization/workplace must reflect the makeup of the nation as a whole.

Very few, very old blacks living TODAY have suffered for "hundreds of years" because of discrimination.
It was not installed for the sole purpose of making it up to those whom directly suffered but to their children as well. And it was not designed to reflect the nation as a whole but to level a playing field which was severely tilted for hundreds of years; and to completely stamp out systematic discrimination which permitted white America from denying black America access to jobs and education.

How does deliberate discrimination "level the playing field?" It does precisely the opposite. The intention is to get equality of results regardless of the quality of the input. White Americans living today have done nothing to justify being the victims of government enforced discrimination. Furthermore, it violates the 14th Amendment. Affirmative Action is the ultimate liberal hypocrisy.
Affirmative action is the government policy of discriminating against white males. The same goes for "protected classes."

Oh, I see what you're saying, I just don't understand why you're saying it. You're loaded description is false. AA is the government policy of having quotas of certain minorities that must be fulfilled. It isn't a policy that tells employers, "You can't hire any white males." You act as if these are White Jim Crow laws.

Now, do I agree with AA? No, I do not. I feel that the "fill a quota" is to 'one size fits all'. It doesn't actually work.

You're splitting hairs. It discriminates against white males. If you have a quota to hire a certain number of blacks, the only way to do it is to discriminate against more qualified white candidates. White Jim Crow laws is exactly what they are.

The bottom line is that you're totally full of shit.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.
Oh, I see what you're saying, I just don't understand why you're saying it. You're loaded description is false. AA is the government policy of having quotas of certain minorities that must be fulfilled. It isn't a policy that tells employers, "You can't hire any white males." You act as if these are White Jim Crow laws.

Now, do I agree with AA? No, I do not. I feel that the "fill a quota" is to 'one size fits all'. It doesn't actually work.

You're splitting hairs. It discriminates against white males. If you have a quota to hire a certain number of blacks, the only way to do it is to discriminate against more qualified white candidates. White Jim Crow laws is exactly what they are.

The bottom line is that you're totally full of shit.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

That is a sick and lame argument, promoted by those who support the ridiculous and idiotic notion that the makeup of an organization/workplace must reflect the makeup of the nation as a whole.

Very few, very old blacks living TODAY have suffered for "hundreds of years" because of discrimination.
It was not installed for the sole purpose of making it up to those whom directly suffered but to their children as well. And it was not designed to reflect the nation as a whole but to level a playing field which was severely tilted for hundreds of years; and to completely stamp out systematic discrimination which permitted white America from denying black America access to jobs and education.

How does deliberate discrimination "level the playing field?" It does precisely the opposite. The intention is to get equality of results regardless of the quality of the input. White Americans living today have done nothing to justify being the victims of government enforced discrimination. Furthermore, it violates the 14th Amendment. Affirmative Action is the ultimate liberal hypocrisy.
For hundreds of years, blacks were denied access to the same jobs and education as whites. Meaning that when the day came the law demanded they be treated as equals, they wouldn't qualify for most jobs because they didn't have as much work experience or as good an education.

The government rectified that uneven playing field with affirmative action. Should it still be around today after some 50 years of leveling? Probably not. But it was most certainly a necessity when it was passed.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

But they weren't. Blacks failure is due to black inferiority. Why is africa stuck in the stone age? It's not due to racism because all of black africa is controlled by blacks and has been for decades.

And before that, controlled, revamped and turned culturally upside down by Spain, Portugal, France, Holland, England, Germany and Italy, for centuries.

-- most of which also visited the same kind of uh, civilization on Native Americans. How'd that work out?

Racist asshole.
Affirmative action is the government policy of discriminating against white males. The same goes for "protected classes."

Oh, I see what you're saying, I just don't understand why you're saying it. You're loaded description is false. AA is the government policy of having quotas of certain minorities that must be fulfilled. It isn't a policy that tells employers, "You can't hire any white males." You act as if these are White Jim Crow laws.

Now, do I agree with AA? No, I do not. I feel that the "fill a quota" is to 'one size fits all'. It doesn't actually work.

You're splitting hairs. It discriminates against white males. If you have a quota to hire a certain number of blacks, the only way to do it is to discriminate against more qualified white candidates. White Jim Crow laws is exactly what they are.

The bottom line is that you're totally full of shit.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Oh, I see what you're saying, I just don't understand why you're saying it. You're loaded description is false. AA is the government policy of having quotas of certain minorities that must be fulfilled. It isn't a policy that tells employers, "You can't hire any white males." You act as if these are White Jim Crow laws.

Now, do I agree with AA? No, I do not. I feel that the "fill a quota" is to 'one size fits all'. It doesn't actually work.

You're splitting hairs. It discriminates against white males. If you have a quota to hire a certain number of blacks, the only way to do it is to discriminate against more qualified white candidates. White Jim Crow laws is exactly what they are.

The bottom line is that you're totally full of shit.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
"Nazi liberal" is an oxymoron, moron.
You're splitting hairs. It discriminates against white males. If you have a quota to hire a certain number of blacks, the only way to do it is to discriminate against more qualified white candidates. White Jim Crow laws is exactly what they are.

The bottom line is that you're totally full of shit.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

That is a sick and lame argument, promoted by those who support the ridiculous and idiotic notion that the makeup of an organization/workplace must reflect the makeup of the nation as a whole.

Very few, very old blacks living TODAY have suffered for "hundreds of years" because of discrimination.
It was not installed for the sole purpose of making it up to those whom directly suffered but to their children as well. And it was not designed to reflect the nation as a whole but to level a playing field which was severely tilted for hundreds of years; and to completely stamp out systematic discrimination which permitted white America from denying black America access to jobs and education.

How does deliberate discrimination "level the playing field?" It does precisely the opposite. The intention is to get equality of results regardless of the quality of the input. White Americans living today have done nothing to justify being the victims of government enforced discrimination. Furthermore, it violates the 14th Amendment. Affirmative Action is the ultimate liberal hypocrisy.
For hundreds of years, blacks were denied access to the same jobs and education as whites. Meaning that when the day came the law demanded they be treated as equals, they wouldn't qualify for most jobs because they didn't have as much work experience or as good an education.

The government rectified that uneven playing field with affirmative action. Should it still be around today after some 50 years of leveling? Probably not. But it was most certainly a necessity when it was passed.

Only a despicable Nazi dumbass liberal like you would admit that "levelling the playing field" means discrimination. My ancestors never owned a slave. They weren't even in the country before the Civil War. Why should the government discriminate against them?

Calling it "necessary" is just another despicable libturd rationalization. Who determines what is "necessary?" It's only "necessary" from the point of view of Marxist ideologues who believe government exists to make life fair. One thing that can't be denied is that it's a violation of the 14th Amendment, which hypocrites like you claim to worship, and it's unjust. There is no right to "equal opportunity" mentioned in the Constitution. The very notion is nonsensical. The bottom line is that Affirmative Action is a rejection of everything turds like you claim to believe in.
You're splitting hairs. It discriminates against white males. If you have a quota to hire a certain number of blacks, the only way to do it is to discriminate against more qualified white candidates. White Jim Crow laws is exactly what they are.

The bottom line is that you're totally full of shit.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
"Nazi liberal" is an oxymoron, moron.

Actually, it's redundant.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
"Nazi liberal" is an oxymoron, moron.

Actually, it's redundant.
Everyone knows that Nazism is a fascist right wing ideology, and you can't change that fact, no matter how much you try. You are exposed.
What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
"Nazi liberal" is an oxymoron, moron.

Actually, it's redundant.
Everyone knows that Nazism is a fascist right wing ideology, and you can't change that fact, no matter how much you try. You are exposed.

Whenever some numskull like you says "everyone knows," that means what follows is total bullshit that only numskulls "know."
You're a jackass. That's a compliment.

How did I know an insult was coming? :wink_2:

You're one of my favorite posters here. I feel we have a nice dynamic going on.

Kind of a Sherlock/Watson thing, if Watson was the rude one.

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