HAHA. Court forces black baker to bake cake for KKK party

You're a legend in your own mind.

It's nice of you to refer to me as a 'legend' in any sense, but I assure you, I've done nothing anyone else couldn't do. You literally won the debate for me. It was just a freak occurrence that could have happened to anyone you were debating at the time.

(Well, for your sake, I hope it was just a freak occurrence :wink_2:)
Wow, the liberals support forcing blacks to cater to the KKK, literally.

Looks like those long repressed racist Dem KKK types are finally coming out of the woodworks.
Well if you're in support of a black owner from doing business with white clients ... if that were to be allowed, what would prevent white business owners from doing business with blacks? Why not just return to the era where blacks had to use their own water fountains?

So not forcing someone to do 'A' is the same as forcing them to do 'B'.

You're the world's biggest dumbass.
What a fucking idiot you are. I didn't say that. I said they could do that, not that they're forced to do that.

And rather than answer the question -- what's to prevent them ... you misconstrued my post and then hurled invective over your own mistake. :rolleyes:
You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.

Of course, by changing definition of "private" to "you didn't build that", utopia of total government control seems much closer.
Makes up for the hundreds of years blacks were systematically discriminated against.

What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.
What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

Unlike people who think others should cater to them, I don't care if a black owned business didn't serve me because I'm white. I'd go elsewhere and move along. They, much like the faggots, think people should tell them yes no matter what they ask.
What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

(shrugs) Nobody wants to.

However the Homosexuals better be careful or they'll push too hard and too far and when the pendulum swings back the other way they'll be fucked, and not in a good way.
That is a sick and lame argument, promoted by those who support the ridiculous and idiotic notion that the makeup of an organization/workplace must reflect the makeup of the nation as a whole.

Very few, very old blacks living TODAY have suffered for "hundreds of years" because of discrimination.
It was not installed for the sole purpose of making it up to those whom directly suffered but to their children as well. And it was not designed to reflect the nation as a whole but to level a playing field which was severely tilted for hundreds of years; and to completely stamp out systematic discrimination which permitted white America from denying black America access to jobs and education.

How does deliberate discrimination "level the playing field?" It does precisely the opposite. The intention is to get equality of results regardless of the quality of the input. White Americans living today have done nothing to justify being the victims of government enforced discrimination. Furthermore, it violates the 14th Amendment. Affirmative Action is the ultimate liberal hypocrisy.
For hundreds of years, blacks were denied access to the same jobs and education as whites. Meaning that when the day came the law demanded they be treated as equals, they wouldn't qualify for most jobs because they didn't have as much work experience or as good an education.

The government rectified that uneven playing field with affirmative action. Should it still be around today after some 50 years of leveling? Probably not. But it was most certainly a necessity when it was passed.

Only a despicable Nazi dumbass liberal like you would admit that "levelling the playing field" means discrimination. My ancestors never owned a slave. They weren't even in the country before the Civil War. Why should the government discriminate against them?

Calling it "necessary" is just another despicable libturd rationalization. Who determines what is "necessary?" It's only "necessary" from the point of view of Marxist ideologues who believe government exists to make life fair. One thing that can't be denied is that it's a violation of the 14th Amendment, which hypocrites like you claim to worship, and it's unjust. There is no right to "equal opportunity" mentioned in the Constitution. The very notion is nonsensical. The bottom line is that Affirmative Action is a rejection of everything turds like you claim to believe in.
Who determined that? Our government. Who's our government?It's us -- we the people. As a society we determined the playing field was so drastically tilted in favor of whites following hundreds of years of suppression of blacks, that whites could no longer continue their inbred discrimination.

Wrong. WE are not the government.

"The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods."

- H. L. Mencken -
Your belief that majority rule justifies everything is also obvious horseshit. A lynch mob is the essence of majority rule. Yet, I doubt even a liberals have advanced to the point of condoning that.

When anyone says "society decided" this or that, what they mean is that some mob decided it - no better in character or wisdom than a lynch mob. There is no pool of illimitable wisdom to be found in a mob, or "society" as you choose to call it. Clearly, the mob is not infallible, so your claim that society (a mob) made the decision isn't the trump card you believe it to be.
You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.

Of course, by changing definition of "private" to "you didn't build that", utopia of total government control seems much closer.

That's the whole point or "you didn't build that," so the government can take over and make all your business decisions for you - also so it can loot you into bankruptcy.
What have whites born in the last 50 years done to deserve government discrimination? There's nothing just about having government persecute innocent people because of something that happened 50 or 150 years ago. Only a barbarian would entertain such a notion.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

That's how it was for everyone prior to 1964. Saying "we're not going back to those days" is meaningless since no one has invented the time machine yet. However, we can easily repeal those laws. I realize that will produce stubborn resistance from the likes of you and the queers, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Thousands of things deemed impossible by libturds happen every day.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

Unlike people who think others should cater to them, I don't care if a black owned business didn't serve me because I'm white. I'd go elsewhere and move along. They, much like the faggots, think people should tell them yes no matter what they ask.
That's much easier to say when you're white and make up almost 3/4ths of the nation's population. Not so easy when you're black, making up only about 12½%. That severely limits one's options.

But you do expose the reason why the government had to step in. Left to their own accord, the racist south would still be denying blacks opportunities to this day if they could.
Be born in a country which sanctified slavery.

Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

That's how it was for everyone prior to 1964. Saying "we're not going back to those days" is meaningless since no one has invented the time machine yet. However, we can easily repeal those laws. I realize that will produce stubborn resistance from the likes of you and the queers, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Thousands of things deemed impossible by libturds happen every day.
Damn, you're fucking stupid. A time machine is not required to return to the policies of pre-1964.
Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

Unlike people who think others should cater to them, I don't care if a black owned business didn't serve me because I'm white. I'd go elsewhere and move along. They, much like the faggots, think people should tell them yes no matter what they ask.
That's much easier to say when you're white and make up almost 3/4ths of the nation's population. Not so easy when you're black, making up only about 12½%. That severely limits one's options.

But you do expose the reason why the government had to step in. Left to their own accord, the racist south would still be denying blacks opportunities to this day if they could.

What it does is gives people like you more excuses.

So only the south is racist? Interesting. I have family that moved from Pennsylvania. Last time we visited before they moved I asked about why I didn't see many blacks where they lived. The response was astonishing. A family member said that a few black families used to live in town but a group of whites ran them out. I don't know about you, but Pennsylvania isn't in the south.

I have no problem with anyone having an opportunity as long as that opportunity is based on merit not skin color. Left up to the bleeding heart Liberals, a black would get hired because they're black despite having less qualifications. Wait, they already support that through affirmative action.
It was not installed for the sole purpose of making it up to those whom directly suffered but to their children as well. And it was not designed to reflect the nation as a whole but to level a playing field which was severely tilted for hundreds of years; and to completely stamp out systematic discrimination which permitted white America from denying black America access to jobs and education.

How does deliberate discrimination "level the playing field?" It does precisely the opposite. The intention is to get equality of results regardless of the quality of the input. White Americans living today have done nothing to justify being the victims of government enforced discrimination. Furthermore, it violates the 14th Amendment. Affirmative Action is the ultimate liberal hypocrisy.
For hundreds of years, blacks were denied access to the same jobs and education as whites. Meaning that when the day came the law demanded they be treated as equals, they wouldn't qualify for most jobs because they didn't have as much work experience or as good an education.

The government rectified that uneven playing field with affirmative action. Should it still be around today after some 50 years of leveling? Probably not. But it was most certainly a necessity when it was passed.

Only a despicable Nazi dumbass liberal like you would admit that "levelling the playing field" means discrimination. My ancestors never owned a slave. They weren't even in the country before the Civil War. Why should the government discriminate against them?

Calling it "necessary" is just another despicable libturd rationalization. Who determines what is "necessary?" It's only "necessary" from the point of view of Marxist ideologues who believe government exists to make life fair. One thing that can't be denied is that it's a violation of the 14th Amendment, which hypocrites like you claim to worship, and it's unjust. There is no right to "equal opportunity" mentioned in the Constitution. The very notion is nonsensical. The bottom line is that Affirmative Action is a rejection of everything turds like you claim to believe in.
Who determined that? Our government. Who's our government?It's us -- we the people. As a society we determined the playing field was so drastically tilted in favor of whites following hundreds of years of suppression of blacks, that whites could no longer continue their inbred discrimination.

Wrong. WE are not the government.

"The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods."

- H. L. Mencken -
Your belief that majority rule justifies everything is also obvious horseshit. A lynch mob is the essence of majority rule. Yet, I doubt even a liberals have advanced to the point of condoning that.

When anyone says "society decided" this or that, what they mean is that some mob decided it - no better in character or wisdom than a lynch mob. There is no pool of illimitable wisdom to be found in a mob, or "society" as you choose to call it. Clearly, the mob is not infallible, so your claim that society (a mob) made the decision isn't the trump card you believe it to be.
Dayam, you're ignorant. I trump your satirist with the Declaration of Independence.... "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

... and the U.S. Constitution ... "We the People of the United States...."
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

Unlike people who think others should cater to them, I don't care if a black owned business didn't serve me because I'm white. I'd go elsewhere and move along. They, much like the faggots, think people should tell them yes no matter what they ask.
That's much easier to say when you're white and make up almost 3/4ths of the nation's population. Not so easy when you're black, making up only about 12½%. That severely limits one's options.

But you do expose the reason why the government had to step in. Left to their own accord, the racist south would still be denying blacks opportunities to this day if they could.

What it does is gives people like you more excuses.

So only the south is racist? Interesting. I have family that moved from Pennsylvania. Last time we visited before they moved I asked about why I didn't see many blacks where they lived. The response was astonishing. A family member said that a few black families used to live in town but a group of whites ran them out. I don't know about you, but Pennsylvania isn't in the south.

I have no problem with anyone having an opportunity as long as that opportunity is based on merit not skin color. Left up to the bleeding heart Liberals, a black would get hired because they're black despite having less qualifications. Wait, they already support that through affirmative action.
No, it's the south which is most racist. It was the south which attempted to secede from the union to maintain slavery.
You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

Unlike people who think others should cater to them, I don't care if a black owned business didn't serve me because I'm white. I'd go elsewhere and move along. They, much like the faggots, think people should tell them yes no matter what they ask.
That's much easier to say when you're white and make up almost 3/4ths of the nation's population. Not so easy when you're black, making up only about 12½%. That severely limits one's options.

But you do expose the reason why the government had to step in. Left to their own accord, the racist south would still be denying blacks opportunities to this day if they could.

What it does is gives people like you more excuses.

So only the south is racist? Interesting. I have family that moved from Pennsylvania. Last time we visited before they moved I asked about why I didn't see many blacks where they lived. The response was astonishing. A family member said that a few black families used to live in town but a group of whites ran them out. I don't know about you, but Pennsylvania isn't in the south.

I have no problem with anyone having an opportunity as long as that opportunity is based on merit not skin color. Left up to the bleeding heart Liberals, a black would get hired because they're black despite having less qualifications. Wait, they already support that through affirmative action.
No, it's the south which is most racist. It was the south which attempted to secede from the union to maintain slavery.
So sad you believe it was about slavery and not the real reason of an overbearing federal government. Just another brainwashed Liberal.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

Unlike people who think others should cater to them, I don't care if a black owned business didn't serve me because I'm white. I'd go elsewhere and move along. They, much like the faggots, think people should tell them yes no matter what they ask.
That's much easier to say when you're white and make up almost 3/4ths of the nation's population. Not so easy when you're black, making up only about 12½%. That severely limits one's options.

But you do expose the reason why the government had to step in. Left to their own accord, the racist south would still be denying blacks opportunities to this day if they could.

What it does is gives people like you more excuses.

So only the south is racist? Interesting. I have family that moved from Pennsylvania. Last time we visited before they moved I asked about why I didn't see many blacks where they lived. The response was astonishing. A family member said that a few black families used to live in town but a group of whites ran them out. I don't know about you, but Pennsylvania isn't in the south.

I have no problem with anyone having an opportunity as long as that opportunity is based on merit not skin color. Left up to the bleeding heart Liberals, a black would get hired because they're black despite having less qualifications. Wait, they already support that through affirmative action.
No, it's the south which is most racist. It was the south which attempted to secede from the union to maintain slavery.
So sad you believe it was about slavery and not the real reason of an overbearing federal government. Just another brainwashed Liberal.
Yeah, how foolish of me to learn from an encyclopedia and not newsmax? :lmao:

American Civil War

The secession of the Southern states (in chronological order, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina) in 1860–61 and the ensuing outbreak of armed hostilities were the culmination of decades of growing sectional friction over slavery.
I've been trying to confirm that this is a real story, and I'm having my doubts. Not a single legitimate news source is carrying it. I found a reference to it in the Herald Times, and the story is dated 2013.

The Klansman purportedly claim he was discriminated against on the grounds of his religion. The baker purportedly claimed a defense of religious grounds. It just doesn't seem real or reasonable. Of course conservatives never bother to fact check, believing anything they read on the internet, especially if it bolsters their preconceived notions.

I'm calling shenanigans.
But you do expose the reason why the government had to step in. Left to their own accord, the racist south would still be denying blacks opportunities to this day if they could.

Blacks have had equal opportunity for 150 years. In fact the last 45 years they've had AA and thus more opportunity than whites. And yet they're still failures. Fact the fact that blacks are mentally inferior. That's why africa has always been in the stone age except when whites take over. And then they go back to the stone age when whites leave. THINK

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